Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 45 Soul Painter

Liu asked what he had learned today.

Bai Shanbao is very experienced in dealing with grandmothers. He only told his grandmother what Mr. Zhuang talked to them in class, and did not say that he and Manbao planned to catch bugs to scare the second cousin.

Liu Shi knew with his toes that his grandson couldn't be so honest in the school, not to mention that Mr. Zhuang brought up the responsibility of the county magistrate for the first time.

This is certainly not without reason, but she did not ask too much, but beckoned to call her grandson and told him what the magistrate was and what the magistrate was going to do.

Bai Shanbao listened carefully, and decided to tell Man Bao the next day, hum, he knew a lot more than she did.

Seeing that his grandson listened carefully and that he was not rebellious in the past, Mr. Liu could not help but speak in more detail, and his attitude became more gentle.

Bai Shanbao asked when he didn't understand, and also told Man Bao that their county magistrate was a bad person and that he overcharged the city entry fee.

It was only then that Mrs. Liu understood why Mr. Zhuang was taking them to see the ants, the autumn rain, and tell stories.

Liu said: "The county needs money to build roads, repair dams, and build water conservancy projects. If magistrate Fu has these benefits, there is nothing wrong with increasing the entrance fee."

Bai Shanbao understood this, and he needed money for everything.

Mother said that the reason why they moved to the mountains was because the clan bullied their orphans and widows and wanted to swallow up their family's property.

Mother said, those industries all need to make money. In the future, he will need money to study and study, to marry a wife, and to be an official. All that money will be left to him.

It was also from that time that Bai Shanbao knew that money was a very important thing, and someone as powerful as the patriarch's grandfather would shamelessly steal their family's money.

However, Liu Shi felt that this time they came to Qili Village.

Although there are many clan scholars, Longzhou has more resources than here, but Sun Tzu is always isolated in clan, and family affairs affect him to some extent.

Although he is smart, he refuses to listen to the class seriously. He is mischievous and fights in the school. Most importantly, it is not difficult for the gentleman in the clan to treat him fairly.

For a long time, he was either brought down by them to become a playboy, or he became a cynical layman, neither of which was what Liu wanted to see.

She was able to raise her son alone after the young man lost her husband, and naturally she could raise her grandson again.

Liu's eyes were firm, and they made the right move. The best thing is that there is such a Mr. Zhuang in this mountain col, perhaps, this is the fortune of their Bai family.

Mrs. Liu recruited her daughter-in-law and said, "Although we are close to Lao Qi's family, since we decided to live here for a long time, it is not good to always live in his house. I mean, we buy a piece of land in the village and build a Move the small courtyard, so that the two families are close enough to take care of each other, and they are separate families, wouldn’t they feel comfortable?”

Zheng shi has no opinion, she is used to listening to her mother-in-law in everything.

On the other hand, Bai Shanbao had a lot of ideas. While playing, he heard what his grandmother said, so he ran up and said, "If you choose to go to the river, bring the water into the house and dig a big pond. I want to raise turtles."

"Why are you still thinking about raising turtles?" When you were in your hometown before, just to grab a turtle, the child broke the head of the grandson of the second uncle's family. For this, the mother-in-law paid a lot of gifts, until now Zheng Zheng It still hurts to think about it.

Bai Shanbao insisted, "I have to raise turtles and make soup for my grandmother."

Zheng's expression was quite indescribable, but Liu's knew what his grandson meant, touched his head and smiled: "Okay, I'll dig a pond for you to raise turtles, what else do you want, I'll say it together. , then plan well."

Bai Shanbao thought for a while and said, "I have to think about this."

"Think about it, think about it and tell me."

The matter of buying land and building a house is not easy for Mr. Liu to come forward, and he must discuss it with Mr. Bai.

Bai Shanbao didn't worry about this, he reviewed today's homework and began to draw out the yard in his imagination.

It's just that he belongs to the soul painter at present. Except himself, I am afraid that no one can understand what he painted.

But Shanbao didn't know this, so the next day he happily took his masterpiece to Manbao and told her that this would be his new home.

Man Bao looked up and down for a long time, grabbed his face and asked, "Where is the front?"

Shan Bao straightened the picture for it and asked, "Look at it this way, you see, this is my room, I want to make a swing here, so that I can swing when I wake up, and a pond is dug here, There are turtles in it, so that I can watch the turtles while swinging, well, this is the turtle."

Man Bao had never seen a turtle and asked, "Can a turtle eat it?"

"Yes, tortoises can live a long, long life. I plan to fatten it up and make soup for my grandmother, so that my grandmother will live a hundred years."

Man Bao's eyes lit up, "Really?"

Shan Bao nodded, "Of course it's true. When I was in my hometown, they all said that the turtle represents longevity!"

"Then how many do you have, can you sell me one, and I will also raise turtles."

Shan Bao asked, "Why do you keep turtles?"

"Give it to my mother. My mother is always sick. When she eats a turtle, she can live a hundred years, so she won't always get sick."

Bai Shanbao thinks that turtles are very rare, otherwise he wouldn't have grabbed that one from his cousin, but he has just made friends with Manbao, so he can't refuse her, so he hesitated and said, "I let my mother Buy one more, if you can buy it, I will give it to you, if you can't buy it, then wait for my tortoise to give birth to a baby, and I will raise its baby for you."

Man Bao felt wrong, "It takes two turtles to have a baby, one male and one female."

"who said it?"

"Chickens and pigs are like this, and so are people." Despite Man Bao's young age, she actually knew a lot, and listed them one by one: "My mother has to check my hens to hatch chicks. Eggs, it is said that only eggs laid with roosters can give birth to chicks. In the spring, in order to let their sows give birth to piglets, Dazhu's nephew went to the next village to invite a pig male to marry the sow. You have to marry a daughter-in-law to have a baby."

So, "You have to buy two turtles, one male and one female, so that you can have babies, one in a year, ten in ten years, and then we will eat the two that grow up, and the others. Continue to raise and regenerate babies..." Man Bao counted, and he was stunned, "Wow, then we will have a lot of turtles."

Bai Shanbao felt that what she said was reasonable, so he decided to go back in the evening and talk to his mother.

Seeing that he was willing to listen to her advice, Man Bao became more active, pointed to his blueprint and said, "In addition to raising turtles in the pond, you can also grow lotus roots. Do you know that there are many lotus roots along the river bank downstream of our village. The flowers that bloom at that time are beautiful, the lotus seeds are delicious, and the lotus roots are also delicious.”

Man Bao was excited, "I'll take you to dig lotus roots. I went to see it last year, and I already know how to dig."

Bai Shanbao asked, "Didn't we agree to catch cabbage caterpillars today?"

Man Bao said indifferently: "I'll catch it later, let's dig lotus roots first, lotus roots are much prettier than bugs."

Bai Shanbao didn't really want to catch bugs either, so he nodded in agreement.

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