Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 52 Buying Chicken

Daya, who was struggling to read, took a moment to glance at it and asked, "Little aunt, what are you doing?"

Man Bao waved his hand and said, "You guys continue, I'll walk outside."

Da Ya subconsciously wanted to keep up, but Man Bao glared at her, "Hurry up and write, if you can't remember, you will be fined a hundred times."

Although not very dignified, Daya still squatted down to the ground subconsciously, but she was not afraid, she looked up at the little aunt, and when she saw her, she was hovering at the door, mumbling words, not knowing what to say, so she didn't care and then lowered his head to write.

Man Bao was muttering, "Should I go to Brother Hu's house at the end of the village, or to the village chief's house in the middle of the village?"

The system watched silently and did not make a decision for her.

In the end, Man Bao went to the village head's house. She felt that if the village head's house didn't want to sell chickens, then she would go to Brother Hu's house.

Why did she choose these two families to buy chickens, because other than theirs, these two families raised the most chickens in the village.

It was when the dinner was started, and there were basically people in every family. As soon as Man Bao appeared in the yard, Sanzhu's daughter-in-law saw her.

She curled her lips, not very happy. It's true that she doesn't have a good sense of Man Bao. The last time she said what she said by the river reached her home, she was scolded by her in-laws.

What they didn't expect was that the Manbao family went to the county seat the next day, and they returned the money on the third day.

There was a faint voice in the village saying that their family forced Manbao's family to pay back the money, and their family carried food to the county to exchange money.

This is not a good word. On the spot, her father-in-law took the money to go to Lao Zhoutou's house. Although Man Bao's father explained it, the two were clarified.

But she was still scolded by her mother-in-law. She did the heavy work of feeding pigs at home these days, and the elder sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law were all idle.

Sanzhu's daughter-in-law felt that all this was Manbao's fault.

Sanzhu's daughter-in-law doesn't have a good face towards Man Bao, and Manbao is not a fool, so she walked past her and shouted, "Dazhu's daughter-in-law, Dazhu's daughter-in-law, are you at home?"

Dazhu's daughter-in-law, who was cooking in the kitchen, ran out and stared blankly at Manbao, who was not as big as her daughter.

Man Bao smiled at her, milky voice, but said in an old-fashioned manner: "Dazhu's daughter-in-law, where is your mother-in-law?"

Dazhu's daughter-in-law only thought that the other party was cute, so she held back her smile and said, "It's Aunt Manbao. My mother-in-law went to the vegetable garden. What are you looking for from her?"

"It's okay, I just want to buy a chicken with your family to eat."

Dazhu's wife stayed for a while, "Buy chickens? Don't you have chickens in your house?"

Man Bao said confidently: "My chickens still lay eggs, so I don't want to eat them."

Sanzhu's daughter-in-law couldn't bear it any longer, and said, "Your chicken is not willing to eat it, but mine is willing to eat it."

Man Bao said: "If your chickens don't lay eggs, maybe they are willing to sell them?"

She gave Sanzhu's daughter-in-law a strange look and said, "If you want to sell it, just say it, I didn't force it."

"You!" Before Sanzhu's daughter-in-law could speak, Dazhu's daughter-in-law looked at Man Bao suspiciously, "Aunt Manbao, did your family ask you to buy it?"

Man Bao nodded, "My mother wants to replenish her body, so she has to eat chicken. Dazhu's daughter-in-law, do you have any chickens that don't lay eggs to sell?"

Dazhu's daughter-in-law hesitated to shake her head. She was still very suspicious. How could Lao Zhou's family let Man Bao come out to buy chickens. There are brothers-in-law and so many children in the family. Even if they bought chickens, they should be the ones who came?

It's just that before she could say it, Sanzhu's daughter-in-law said, "Yes, do you want a big cock?"

Man Bao's eyes lit up, and he nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, three-pillar daughter-in-law, go and catch the big cock to me and see, I will give you the market price."

Sanzhu's daughter-in-law doubted, "You really want it, do you have money?"

Man Bao took out a large amount of copper plates from his pocket and said with a smile, "Well, I have money."

Sanzhu's daughter-in-law's eyes were straightened, and Dazhu's daughter-in-law was also stunned, thinking unanimously, the old Zhou family is really big-hearted, so much money is given to a little baby, and he is not afraid of being robbed.

However, this is in the village, and it is estimated that no one dares to rob it.

Since Man Bao brought the money, Sanzhu's daughter-in-law rolled her eyes and went to the chicken coop to touch a rooster and show it to Man Bao, saying, "Well, this is the only one, there are two roosters in my family, one rooster. Save this one for ancestor worship, I will sell this one to you, according to the market price, I will weigh it for you."

Dazhu's daughter-in-law frowned, and Sanzhu's daughter-in-law whispered: "Sister-in-law, my mother has long wanted my elder brother to take this chicken and sell it at the market to pay back the money, but we rural people, who are willing to spend dozens of dollars Wen money to buy a chicken to go back to eat? It will definitely be sent to the county at that time, it will take a lot of time to go back and forth, if you don’t want to sell it, go back and let the eldest brother take it, my third child will not go.”

Dazhu's daughter-in-law closed her mouth when she heard the words.

But she didn't let the third daughter-in-law come so foolishly. She took the initiative to go back to the house to get the scale, and said to Man Bao while weighing it, "How can people from the village come at the market price? We will give you a penny cheaper per pound."

After weighing it out, Dazhu's daughter-in-law clumsily calculated and said, "It's fifty-three in total."

Man Bao happily counted the coins in his pocket to her, but when it was not enough, he put his hand into his pocket, but asked Keke to put the money in his pocket and gave her the money. After going back and forth two or three times, he finally counted fifty-three coins.

Dazhu's daughter-in-law carefully tied the cock's legs, and then tied all the wings to her, and then let her hold it back.

Seeing that she was still struggling to hold such a big cock, she asked, "How about I send it back to you?"

Man Bao shook his head and said confidently, "It's okay, I can hold it."

Man Bao went home with the rooster in her arms. Halfway through, she couldn't hold it, so she simply threw the rooster on the ground, found the rope on the wings, and dragged it away.

The rooster clucked and clucked while flapping its wings tenaciously, or jumping its legs.

Nai He's legs and wings were tied, and it was dragged home by Man Bao.

Just found out that the little aunt was missing, and the big head and the others who were about to go out to look for them opened their mouths and looked at the little aunt who was dragging a chicken and ran towards them...

Erya was the first to return to her senses, and ran up to ask, "Little aunt, where did you get the chicken?"

Datou and the others also ran up, picked up the poor rooster, and touched it pitifully. Although he coveted it, he still said, "Little aunt, it's wrong to steal."

Thursday Lang and the others also ran out.

Man Bao was unhappy and said, "Who said I stole it, I bought it!"

Man Bao proudly patted his pocket and said, "I bought it with money!"

Wu Lang, who had just returned from the county town, couldn't help exclaiming, "Who did you buy it from and how much did you buy it for? Wasn't it a scam?"

The Zhou family was also in a state of amazement when Man Bao took back a cock. After listening to her narration, the old Zhoutou couldn't help but touched his waist again, and felt empty. Then he remembered that he put the raw cigarettes out this morning. All of them were brought to the county seat for the fifth to sell, and the rest were put on the shelf by him, and he planned to wait until the Chinese New Year.

The old man looked at his old wife.

The editor said that there will be three shifts tomorrow, so I will try my best to save the manuscript today, and there will be another chapter to add at night. I feel that spring is in good spirits.

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