Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 84

Man Bao became curious. Although she had never planted anything, she had watched her brothers and sisters grow things, and knew that to plant something was to dig a hole and drop the seeds.

I never knew there were so many ways to deal with it.

Being so curious, Man Bao spent his points to buy several books about planting from the encyclopedia. Keke didn't expect this unexpected gain. He was happy and suggested Man Bao: "Host, you can let you Brothers, go find the leftovers that were ripped off before, as long as they don't rot, they should still be kept as seeds."

Man Bao happily agreed.

Yams are not so easy to find. Except for the twenty or so rhizomes and spare sons that Wu and the others dug back from the ground, Tuesday Lang did not find any yams in the mountains.

Therefore, Man Bao and the others attached great importance to the remaining tubers and surplus children. Although she still wanted to eat yam, she held back.

Seeing that her daughter could drool over a yam, Mrs Qian thought about it and said to Mrs Qian: "Tomorrow, let Erlang buy a piece of meat when he goes to the market, and the third child is going to serve, so he should make up for it. After a while, everyone was tired too."

Mr. Qian responded.

The Bai family's mansion has been under construction for more than 20 days, and now it has a prototype, but Liu's requirements are strict, and some pillars even have to be carved, and special craftsmen are invited to do the construction, so the speed is slower.

But being slow also has the advantage of being slow, because their wages are billed daily.

Zhou Dalang and Thursday Lang work sixty papers a day.

The wages are settled every ten days, and by now, they have gotten back 1,200 yuan.

Zhou Dalang only handed over 60% of the money, but Thursday Lang's money was all handed in to pay off his gambling debts.

Thursday Lang felt that it was much faster to make money than to open up wasteland. For this reason, he resisted Manbao for a while, thinking that it was useless to open up wasteland, so he wanted to throw the land into wasteland again.

In the end, she was ruthlessly suppressed by Man Bao who had already planned. Of course, she couldn't suppress the fourth brother, so she borrowed her father's power.

As soon as the old Zhoutou heard that the fourth child had to do things without regard for the head and the tail, he glared at him, "How long can you do the work? When the old Mrs. Bai's house is completed, you will immediately prepare the land for me."

Thursday Lang said weakly: "It's freezing cold..."

"It's freezing cold, your third brother is still going to serve, so you can't go to the ground?"

Thuro lowered his head and gave in.

Man Bao grimaced at him proudly, and Shirou felt that he was opening up wasteland for himself, it was simply opening up wasteland for Manbao.

Friday Lang and Saturday Lang secretly had a good time and drank two more bowls of water happily.

The great cause of planting yam has always been the idea of ​​Man Bao, and the two of them acted. They have long been looking forward to the harvest of next year.

If the fourth brother does not continue to open up wasteland, then the two brothers can only do it themselves.

However, this big plan to make money is a matter of next year, and it is still a matter after the autumn harvest next year. A group of children still feel that their candy business cannot be left behind. Wu Lang will now go to the county town every other day. Sugar giant.

Of course, this is his own seal.

Because even if he went to the county town every other day, he only sold a hundred pieces. After the first novelty, the children of the Fu family and their relatives couldn't eat that much sugar.

But he was a little proud of being the candy for the county magistrate's family, so he named himself this title.

Although they could only earn 100 wen every other day, and the 100 wen had to be divided among the three brothers and sisters, they had accumulated a lot of money in a month.

Man Bao also shoulders the task of "buying candy" and has more money than his two brothers.

But she spends more than that, buying some meat every once in a while, or going to buy a chicken.

Yes, she insisted on buying meat at home, euphemistically called it to make up her body for her mother.

Sometimes he gave the money to Wu Wulang and asked Wu Wulang to buy it when he went to the county seat, and sometimes he went to the village chief's house and Zhou Hu's house to stare at their chickens.

Then looking at it, they sold the chicken to her.

So she couldn't save any money, and she basically spent as much as she had.

The Zhou family is used to her behavior of buying meat every once in a while, and they already know that they are making money secretly. Although they don't know what they do to make money, it doesn't look like they are doing bad things.

In addition, the Zhou family estimated that all the money Man Bao earned was replaced by meat, so they just turned a blind eye and didn't know, and let them play.

In this way, the living standard of the Zhou family has improved a lot. In the past, he might not be able to eat meat once a month or two, but now he can eat it every three or two days.

Not only did the children's faces become more rosy, Qian Shi was also a little bit full of anger.

Also because the benefits are obvious, considering that the family members went out to work recently, and those who went to the mountains to chop wood, Qian was willing to use the money from the public to buy meat once.

After eating this meat, Wednesday Lang went to serve with a burden.

This year, because of Manbao's advance notice, the people in the village who are going to serve in the village made preparations earlier. Like the Zhou family, many people gave him a boost before he went out.

Everyone carried their burdens and walked together, and the mighty one was quite spectacular.

Man Bao and a group of friends squatted in the grass and peeked at them as they walked away, and then emerged from the grass, "It turns out that Baimaguan Town is in that direction."

Bai Erlang despised her, "I don't even know about Baimaguan Town, so stupid."

Man Bao looked at him, "Have you been to Baimaguan Town?"

Bai Erlang was proud, "Of course, I often follow my father to collect rent."

Man Bao: "Then do you know the way?"

Bai Erlang exclaimed, "Of course we know each other. I've been there several times."

"Then take us there."

Bai Erlang asked, "What are you doing in Baimaguan Town?"

Man Bao: "We're going to see what the service is like."

Bai Shanbao nodded, "We have to record it."

Bai Erlang was confused, "Why do you remember this?"

Man Bao and Bai Shanbao despised Bai Erlang's IQ together, looked at him and sighed: "You don't understand, but we should still talk to you. The teacher said that there is no difference between teaching and learning."

Bai Erlang: Don't think he can't hear it's bad words.

Man Bao and Bai Shanbao took Bai Erlang to tell him about their plan. Man Bao felt that the county magistrate was not a good person for people to work and not get enough to eat.

Mr. Zhuang said that this is a common phenomenon, not just in their county.

Even in some county towns, the county magistrates are more stringent, or the county yamen is poorer, there is not even that little dry food, and it is all relying on Laoding to bring his own food.

It is difficult to change this status quo.

But Man Bao still asked if ordinary people want to change a certain phenomenon, Mr. Zhuang said, they can only be an official, and try to put forward their own political opinions after becoming a high official.

Or, write a famous article, let people of insight in the DPRK see his article, resonate and commit to change.

It was too long for Man Bao to be an official, so she and Bai Shanbao decided to write an article after discussing it.

But to write the article, they had to know how Lauding served, so they had to take a look.

I wish book friend "Wang Chunting" a happy birthday and become more and more beautiful

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