Fate: I Heard After Death, You Can Ascend to the Throne of Heroes?

Chapter 7: Goddess, Can you tone down that smile?

Goddess Hera, you've mistaken me for someone else!

Though Promise thought this, he didn't say it aloud.

Pointing out her role-playing error directly wouldn't be wise.

From many Greek myths, it was clear that the Greek gods were very concerned about their image!

'But on the other hand, if I die at Hera's hands, will I ascend to the Throne of Heroes? ...Hmm, my current Heroic Spirit quality is still too low. '

'Besides, I promised to help Jason reclaim what is his.'

'Death is inevitable, but before I die, I should try to experience a few more legendary stories to improve my Heroic Spirit quality.

At least, I should board the ship first!'

As Promise thought of these things while looking at Hera in surprise, various thoughts flashed through his mind.

"Child," said Hera, seeing that he hadn't answered, continuing in her disguised old woman's voice, "Am I troubling you?"

"No, not at all." Promise quickly shook his head, coming back to reality. 

He thought for a moment and then said, "Actually, I have a companion who's waiting for me. I should go inform him first, and I'm sure he would also be willing to help you!"

"Oh, by the way, his name is..."

Just as Promise was about to subtly inform Hera that she had mistaken him for someone else,

"No need, child." She interrupted without a second thought.

Already convinced that the young man in front of her, who bore the marks of Chiron and Athena, was Jason, and being very pleased with this, she did not want any third party to ruin her game.

Hera pointed to the evening sky and said to Promise, "Child, look, the goddess of night, Nyx, is about to drive her chariot of darkness across the sky. 

When that happens, the world will be shrouded in darkness, and I won't be able to return home. So, child, I beg you, please take me home now!"

"Um... alright." Seeing the determined goddess insisting on being escorted by him, Promise, feeling helpless and exasperated, could only comply and nod, "I understand, old lady."

Seeing him agree, Hera finally smiled.

Promise then stepped forward and helped the disguised Hera, guiding her in the direction she indicated.

After they left, the silver-haired, golden-eyed Athena, dressed in a white gown, appeared where they had just stood.

She blinked her beautiful golden eyes, looking at the backs of Promise and Hera, then glanced at Jason, who was still busy.

"It seems Hera is very pleased with Promise. I wonder what her reaction will be when she realizes she made a mistake... This is getting more and more interesting."

Unable to suppress a smile, Athena thought this unexpected development was quite amusing.

Then, she took a gentle step forward and vanished into the twilight.

Not long after,

Promise and the disguised Hera arrived at the rushing river.

As she had described, the river was indeed turbulent.

Standing by the river, Promise didn't wait for Hera to say anything, and removed his wooden bow and all his possessions, placing them on the riverbank.

He then walked along the river for a while, finding the best crossing point. 

He even waded into the river to test it before returning to Hera.

"Come, old lady, I'll carry you across the river."

Hera watched as the young man, soaked by the river, returned and asked, "What were you doing just now?"

"To be honest, old lady, I have always been weak. Among my teacher's many students, I am undoubtedly the weakest." Promises smiled and explained, "So I was checking if I could carry you across the river. Luckily, it's within my ability. After all, I can't let you fall into the river with me."

Hearing this, Hera blinked her eyes at Promise.

Because what he said was true.

To be precise, he had always spoken the truth in front of both Hera and Athena.

Even without being a transmigrator, he had learned from Chiron that lying to a god was extremely foolish.

Gods could easily distinguish between lies and truth!

So if he were to lie to them, wouldn't he incur their wrath.

It would be good if that so-called wrath ends up destroying him.

Unfortunately, these gods have many quirks and they don't grant death easily.

So, rather then ending up being a pig or something its better to speak this. 

At this moment, Hera's gaze at Promise grew even softer.

However, while he had not lied, the truth was... if he fell into the river with Hera, the consequences would be dire!

So, although he was truthful, he had not revealed everything.

"And what about your belongings?" Hera pointed to the items Promise had left by the river. "Aren't you afraid they will be gone when you return after taking me across?"

"It doesn't matter," The latter said nonchalantly. "The most important thing now is to get you across the river!"

Still the truth.

Compared to the highly likely legendary story of helping Hera across the river, those belongings were insignificant!

So, although he felt a bit guilty towards Jason, Promise was quite enthusiastic about this situation.

Hearing this, Hera couldn't help but smile.

Her amber eyes showed undisguised satisfaction.

She then climbed onto Promise' back.

When he carried her, Promise found that she was as light as a feather.

Moreover, as he went into the river, the turbulent waters calmed and stilled like a mirror, and he crossed the river with Hera easily, stepping on the calm water's surface.

After crossing, Promise set Hera down and turned back to see the river's flow resume, becoming so turbulent that it cut off his return path.

"This is..."

Just as he was caught off guard by this unexpected turn of events,

"Child, look, it's already so late, the stars are out, and the goddess of night, Nyx, has come from the underworld to the mortal realm..."

Hera spoke again, pointing to the starry sky, smiling at him, "Could you trouble yourself to take me back home again?"

"My home is on that mountain. If I were alone, I might be devoured by the beasts of the night."

Who would dare devour you?!

And what's going on here? In the myth, crossing the river was supposed to be enough!

Promise blinked, looking at Hera, who was speaking to him like this.

"But my companion is still..."

"No worries, I believe he is a brave boy like you," Hera interrupted him again. "And after you take me home, you can return. I believe by then, the river will calm down."

Hearing this, Promise glanced at the now even more turbulent river that had cut off his return path. 

"I understand. I'll take you home."

You are a goddess, so you must be right!

With this thought in his mind, he could only once again step forward, supporting the role-playing queen, leading her to her supposed home on the mountain.

When the night fully blanketed the sky and the full moon's light illuminated the ground, Promise finally brought Hera to her "home."

It was a small wooden cabin.

As soon as he helped her inside, the dark cabin was instantly lit by torches.

The hearth also lit up on its own, making Promise' eyelids twitch.

And he couldn't help but glance at Hera out of the corner of his eye.

'So you're done pretending now...'

'Can I finally go back now?'

As Promise hesitated, thinking about how to ask, Hera spoke again, "Child, it's so late already, why not stay and have dinner with me before you leave?"

She once again stopped Promise from leaving.

Without waiting for a reply, she began to cough, sighing and saying, "To tell you the truth, it's been a long time since I sat down and had a meal with my children... They have grown tired of me and no longer want to be with me, not even my husband..."

As Hera spoke these words, her eyes grew dim.

That look even made him unable to tell for a moment whether she was acting or telling the truth...

"Uh..." After a brief hesitation, Promise looked at Hera, who was disguised as an old woman, silently gazing at him, waiting for his response.

Finally, with a helpless sigh, he could only reply, "It would be my honor."

As soon as he said this, a smile reappeared on Hera's face.

After closing the door, Hera went to the stove and began preparing dinner for Promise.

At this moment, the most surprised person was not Promise.

It was Athena, who was spying from the stars, her eyes wide open in astonishment!

"Incredible, incredible!"

Watching Hera inside the house, actually cooking dinner for Promise, she couldn't help but click her tongue.

"This isn't just satisfaction with the boy, this is outright pampering!"

"Hera clearly likes him a lot. If she finds out he's not actually Jason, and she made a mistake..."

"Hiss, this is bad!"

Now, both Promise and the real Jason were in great danger!

However, even though she thought this...

The goddess of wisdom spying at this moment...

Could you please tone down that smile on your face?!



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