Fate: I Heard After Death, You Can Ascend to the Throne of Heroes?

Chapter 9: He is Jason

The kingdom of Iolcos,

At night, flames dispelled the darkness, lighting the town as if it were daytime.

In Greek mythology, these flames originally belonged to the gods, but to prevent humans from dying from darkness and cold, the god Prometheus stole the fire from the gods and gave it to humanity.

For this, he was imprisoned by the enraged god-king Zeus on Mount Caucasus, where an eagle perpetually ate his liver—by day his liver was devoured, and by night it would regenerate.

Incidentally, Prometheus was also the god who created humanity in Greek mythology.

Tonight, Iolcos was unusually busy. 

Despite it being a time for rest, most people were still working outside.

Jason and Promise, now in the town, moved through the crowd and soon learned what was happening.

It turned out that the king, Jason's uncle Pelias, had been informed by the palace's seer that he had angered Hera by killing her devotee at the foot of her statue.

Pelias was preparing a large sacrificial ceremony the next day, hoping to earn the queen's forgiveness.

Jason walked excitedly down the street.

Back in his hometown, unable to hide his excitement, he stood in stark contrast to Promise, who wore a perpetually furrowed brow.

"What's wrong, my dearest friend?"

In high spirits, Jason put his arm around Promise' shoulder, gesturing around them with enthusiasm. "Look, Promise, this is Iolcos, my country!

Isn't it magnificent and beautiful? And I, Jason, will become the true ruler of this great town!"

Seeing hus proud and happy demeanor, Promise couldn't bring himself to smile.

"Jason, let me ask you something. Do you remember the oracle the goddess gave you...?"

"Of course, I remember." The latter nodded and replied, "Never ignore the pleas for help from the old, the weak, and women... What's wrong, my friend? Have you figured out the meaning of the oracle?"

Seeing his expectant gaze,

"Whether I've figured it out or not..." Promise looked conflicted, unsure how to respond.

Noticing this, Jason didn't seem too concerned and confidently said, "It doesn't matter. Even I haven't figured it out yet, so it's even less likely that you have, Promise.

But I will find out eventually and reclaim everything from Pelias!

And don't worry, Promise. 

Even if you were of no use after coming down the mountain with me, just for accompanying me back to my homeland, I will not abandon you when I reclaim my throne!"

Hearing this, Promise didn't respond. 

He just felt a headache coming on.

He wanted to tell Jason everything directly but was worried it might make things worse.

If only he incurred Hera's wrath, he wouldn't mind.

But he feared that when Hera realized her mistake and felt humiliated, she might take it out on Jason as well.

Though Jason was often arrogant, looked down on Promise for being the weakest, and was always ready to sacrifice others to save himself in a pinch, Promise couldn't deny that Jason was his friend.

His main goal was indeed to achieve his own ends, but when he swore to help Jason become king and followed him down the mountain, he also hoped to somehow assist him in avoiding a tragic end like in the original story, where Jason's relationship with Medea led to a clownish and pitiful demise.

After all, they had lived together for three years under Chiron's guidance.

Besides, even if they parted ways in the Age of Gods in Greece, who knew if they'd meet again in the future?

In this Nasuverse world, with the Holy Grail War or Chaldea, there was always a chance they'd run into each other again somewhere down the line.

Thinking this, and seeing the lively preparations for Hera's sacrifice, Promise felt even more troubled.

So, does Hera know she's made a mistake or not?

Why is she speeding things up like this...? 

Could it be that she realized her mistake, felt too embarrassed to admit it, and decided to move things quickly to Jason's confrontation with his uncle?

With these thoughts in mind, Promise glanced at Jason, who, oblivious to everything, was happily excited, and could only look up at the night sky with resignation.

Seems like there's no way around it... Guess I'll just take it one step at a time!

With this thought, Promise instantly felt at ease.

Then he looked around and said, "Speaking of which, since following Theseus to become Chiron's disciple, I've been confined to the mountain and never came down. We've been hurrying along the way... So, Jason, since this is your hometown, why don't you show me around?"

"Let me experience the local customs and culture!"

Although it was Jason's first time returning to his hometown, he nodded proudly in response to Promise' request, "No problem!"

With that, he led him on a tour of the night market.



The night passed quickly,

As dawn's light tore through the veil of night, Helios, the sun god, drove his chariot of the sun, replacing the darkness with daylight.

At that moment, under the watchful eyes of the people of Iolcos, the crowned king Pelias, holding a scepter and dressed in fine silk, emerged from the palace.

As he stepped out, the people made way for him.

Surrounded by his attendants, he slowly walked towards the towering sacrificial altar ahead.

Flames burned in the container as he threw in precious offerings, symbolizing his sacrifice to the great goddess—Queen Hera of Olympus!

Jason and Promise were naturally among the crowd.

Promise looked at the middle-aged king who bore some resemblance to Jason, then glanced at Jason beside him.

He expected him to show expressions of anger or resentment, but to his surprise, Jason remained calm.

Sensing Promise' gaze, the latter turned and smiled, "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Aren't you angry?"

"Why should I be angry?" Jason smiled proudly, holding his head high. "Even the great gods are on my side. Reclaiming what is rightfully mine is just a matter of time!"

Hearing this and seeing him so confident, Promise couldn't help but smile slightly.

At that moment, a commotion erupted ahead.

Sensing something unusual, Promise and Jason instinctively looked towards the source of the disturbance. 

And they saw an old woman with white hair standing on the sacrificial tower, blocking King Pelias' path.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, she scolded Pelias sharply, "Pelias, do you truly believe you have the right to seek forgiveness from the revered Queen Hera?!

You not only ignored her presence but also killed a defenseless woman seeking her protection at her temple, staining her pure statue with blood.

And even now, that blood has not been washed clean!"

"Pelias, you are not even the rightful king of this country. You have no right to wield the scepter and wear the crown, which belong to your brother, the merciful King Aeson."

"Out of greed, you took everything from your brother and still keep him and the queen imprisoned!"

Her words caused an uproar among the crowd and made Pelias' face turn extremely ugly.

He looked at her, drew his sword, and said angrily, "You ugly old woman, what nonsense are you spouting? 

How dare you accuse me? Get out of my way, or I'll kill you right now!"

At his words, she smiled faintly and took a step forward.

In the next moment, under the first light of dawn, her golden hair, shining like the sun, flowed from beneath the crown.

She shed her disguise, revealing herself as Queen Hera in all her divine glory. 

In the dawn's light, her flawless beauty and majestic amber eyes gazed sternly at the now pale-faced Pelias, who finally understood what was happening.

"Do you think I have the authority to judge you now?"

Hera spoke in a cold voice.

As soon as she finished speaking, the prophet who had accompanied Pelias trembled and knelt before Hera. 

The worshippers who usually prayed to her in the temple also knelt down, trembling with fear and excitement.

They reverently addressed her presence.

This information quickly spread among the crowd.

When the people realized that the person before them was a goddess, and not just any goddess but the most revered Queen Hera, almost everyone prepared to kneel in reverence.

However, a gentle breeze passed through, and under Hera's divine power, she lifted everyone to their feet.

After all, today's main character was not meant to be her.

Under the shocked and excited gazes of everyone, she slightly turned her head and cast her eyes towards Promise in the crowd.

When their eyes met, Hera's previously imposing expression softened into a gentle smile.

But this tender smile brought no comfort to Promise.

Based on how events were unfolding, he had a good guess about what was going to happen next.

And indeed, it happened just as he feared!

"You have no right to continue as king, Pelias.

The child who can replace you, who was meant to have all of this, has returned!"

Hera declared to everyone in the kingdom, "He is Aeson's child, the rightful heir to the throne.

After being persecuted by you, he was taken in by the wise centaur Chiron and has since been trained by that sage, growing into a true hero!"

"He undoubtedly has more right to this throne than you, and his name is—Jason!"

With that, Hera turned her bright eyes towards Promise.

She smiled, waiting for Promise to step onto the stage she had set for him.

But she didn't notice the stiff expression on Promises' face.

Nor did she notice the shock and joy on the face of his blond, blue-eyed companion...



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