Scion of the Void

'The sacred gear regulates your innate power which would otherwise erase your ego.' Ahsaka revealed.

'Right, right . . . What?' Jun was undoubtedly lost.

'Your time in the Void marked you and that "R.O.B" as you call him adapted that change and converted it into a way for you to gain actual power.' Ahsaka began to explain.

'The result however, was something far beyond your control so, rather than give you a powerful sacred gear like he had originally intended, he instead gave you one that would help regulate that power so that it would not cause harm to you.' She finished with her explanation.

'Fair enough but what did you mean by the erasure of my ego? Something like my mind being wiped?' Jun inquired.

'Even worse, your whole existence would return to the Void and not in the way that your soul drifted in it but you would actually meld into it and become literally just a piece of nothingness.'

'I see . . .' Jun started asking himself what he felt in regards to the truth he just learned about himself.

'So . . .What is the power that I gained in exchange for all that danger?' He asked.

'Quite literally, omnipotence.' Ahsaka replied.

'I sense a but.' Jun said with suspicion.

'Like I said Jun, directly wielding the power, or even doing it through the medium of your sacred gear puts your ego and existence at risk thus even if you have the potential to be omnipotent, you will almost likely never reach such a level.' Ahsaka explained.

'In addition, in the context of the Nasuverse which represent the ways the sacred gear will channel your power, the Void can be compared to the Root.' She added.

'But you can just use the most basic function of the Grimoire of Akasha to check your Saint Graph or, in other words, your status sheet to see a description of your powers and abilities.' Ahsaka advised.

'Okay then, show me.' Jun requested and a screen of light, visible only to him showed Jun his stats.


Name: Haikami Jun

Race: Human

Gender: Male


    Strength: -

    Endurance: -

    Agility: -

    Mana: -

    Luck: EX


Scion of the Void (-/UEX): As a being of the Void given shape, you are a paradox. Nothingness that became something. The Void is limitless in scope and power but bears no will or ego. To access your power is to allow yourself to return to nothingness and your ego will be eroded as a result.


Seeing his status, some questions rose in Jun's mind.

'I can theorize that my parameters are the way the are because my strength is too low to matter while my Luck is probably connected to my skill in some way, hence its outrageous value.'

'But i'd like an explanation on the rank of my skill and if there is a way to use its power without "returning to nothingness". As a side note, can you explain what exactly the Luck parameter entails?' Jun exposed his doubts to Ahsaka.

'All of creation came from the Void and will inevitably rejoin it, as such, you being a scion of the Void itself have fate on your side.' She began to solve Jun's doubts.

'Luck means your general fortune, you probability of success in any endeavour. With your rank in it, so long as there is a decent probability of success, you'll never fail. If you try something impossible though, your luck won't help you at all.'

'But, even in the most desperate of situations, your Luck means there will almost always be a way out, even if its not obvious at first.' Ahsaka began by explaining the mechanics of Luck.

'Now for your skill. It represents how much you've tapped into your Root power without the assistance of something like the Grimoire of Akasha, the higher the rank, the deeper you have tapped into it. Right now, it is (-) which means you have yet to tap into it.'

'At UEX rank, it will represent complete omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence but at this stage you'll be utter nothingness.' Ahsaka broke his skill down.

'As for avoiding that while tapping into the Void/Root, the stronger you get and the more you achieve, the greater your ego will be and the harder it will be to erode it, thus allowing you to tap into more of your power.' She revealed.

'The most important thing however, is to know your limit and withstand the corrosion through sheer will or it will cause you to sink deeper into your power even if you did not intend to do so.' Ahsaka cautioned.

'In other words, even if my ego can take the skill at E rank for example, if I use it without properly steeling myself, I will get lost in the connection and deepen it even without meaning to?' Jun asked.

'Exactly.' Ahsaka confirmed.

'Dangerous indeed!' Jun thought with some fear.

Turning to nothiness without having the chance to enjoy what the world had to offer was a terrible fate he wanted to avoid at all costs.

'Okay so what can the Grimoire actually do with my power?' He asked.

'A few things, once you grasp your power to a sufficient level, you will no longer need the Grimoire to do these things, making it pretty much useless but is only something in the far future.' Ahsaka started.

'What about you?' Jun suddenly asked.

'What about me?" Ahsaka asked back.

'I meant what happens to you when the Grimoire of Akasha becomes useless?' He explained.

'Well, you can had functions to the Grimoire along the your road to power that don't depend on that connection so that it would be useless in the future, as for how to do that, I'll tell you later.' Ahsaka said.

'Besides, I've told you I'm a separate entity from the sacred gear so just because it might become useless, it does not mean I will.' She added.

'Sorry. I never meant to imply you'd become useless.' Jun apologized.

'No apology needed. It was an honest question.' Ahsaka replied and, from what Jun could tell, she meant the words completely.

'Ahsaka confuses me . . . I wonder what or who she is?' He asked himself, obviously not mentally communicating this line to his companion.

'I think she was . . . Happy? Satisfied? Pleased? When I complimented her but was wholly uncaring when I said something offensive . . . Maybe she can detect my intent so she didn't feel offended by the words themselves?' Jun theorized.

But then, Ahsaka continued with her explanation on the Grimoire of Akasha's functions, drawing Jun's attention back from his musings about her nature and existence.

'The Grimoire of Akasha is split into various "chapters" if you will, each with its own ability. They are the Akashic Records, the Akashic Gate, The Akashic Converter and finally, the Akashic Throne. Which one would you like to hear about first?" Ahsaka inquired.

'You can just explain them in order.' Jun shrugged.

'As you wish.' Ahsaka acquiesced.

'The Akashic Records contain all the information about the whole Nasuverse, well, the real one do anyway. The ones in the Grimoire just contain a very small, pretty much insignificant part of that collective knowledge.' She started.

'And that small part is?' Jun inquired.

'Knowledge of magecraft, magic, martial arts and pretty much everything related to those things including how to make mystic codes and even noble phantasms.'

'However, even if you have the knowledge, you still need practice and since the knowledge is not actually imbued with you, your just like a student with a really good guidebook so don't expect it to be easy to learn anything in there.' Ahsaka cautioned.

'Noted.' Jun nodded.

'The Akashic Gate allows you to travel to the Nasuverse-' Ahsoka started but was immediately interrupted.

"WHAT!?" He shouted out loud.

The he immediately realized how stupid that was when he heard the sounds of people moving outside his room in the corridors after which he immediately pretended to be asleep.

A lady that worked in the orphanage opened the door carefully to check if something was wrong but closed once she saw the peacefully sleeping Jun.

'That was close. I really don't feel like getting lectured due to my idiocy, specially since Ahsaka was getting to a seemingly awesome part of my abilities.' Jun thought to himself.

'Sorry about that Ahsaka, please continue.' He said.

'Very well.' She responded and kept going as if nothing happened.

'Like I was saying, the Akashic Gate allows you to travel to the Nasuverse but has rules for its usage.'

'Rules eh?' Jun inquired.

'Yes, not to restrain you but to ensure the stability of the Nasuverse so, even if you eventually get the power to make the trip, even without the Grimoire, I vehemently suggest that you stick to the rules anyway.' Ahsaka said.

'I see. Let's hear the rules then.' Jun replied.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

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You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

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