Starting Training

Waking up in the morning, functionally only having a about 5 hours of actual sleep, Jun got up and had breakfast at the orphanage cafeteria.

'Man this food is crappy . . . Maybe I should check if the Akashic Records contain culinary knowledge for me to learn.' Jun frivolously thought.

Done with breakfast, he locked himself in his room, something which the other residents of the orphanage did not find strange at all. If fact, the weirdness he showed before awakening to his previous life's memories cause even the adult employees of the place to avoid him.

All of this however, worked much to Jun's advantage so he was actually quite pleased with the situation.

Inside his room, Jun laid on his bed and sund into the depths of his mind, reviewing the knowledge he obtained from the Akashic Records.

After studying for a bit, he called out to Ahsaka.

'Ahsaka. You there?" He asked.

'I always am.' She answered in her typical monotone voice.

'It says here that one's Magic Circuits are opened when magical energy runs through them for the first time and that that requires an outside stimuli. Apparently, another magus can easily take care of that but what should I do since there isn't really a magus around to help me?' Jun inquired.

'The Grimoire can only generate a little magic energy right now but its enough to serve as the required outside stimuli. Just let me know when you're ready.' Ahsaka replied.

'Ah, excellent! It seems like you can do just about anything.' Jun praised.

Taking a few moments to prepare himself, he gave the signal.

'Alright Ahsaka, hit me with it.' He requested.

'Initiating magical stimuli.' Ahsaka responded.

Immediately after, Jun felt a jolt of energy flow through him, it triggered his own dormant energy to awaken as his Magic Circuits sparked to life, filling the boy with a rush of energy that nearly overwhelmed him.

Soon after, he calmed down and his Magic Circuits fell into inactivity once again but now that they had been opened, so long as Jun created a proper mental trigger, he would be able activate them at will.

Knowing this he focused within himself as he searched for a trigger that fit him best, after a few minutes, the answer became clear.

To Jun, magecraft and the Magic Circuits that would make it possible were his potential that was currently locked and to unlocked something, you need a key. A simpleminded logic but fitting for himself Jun thought.

And so, Jun's mental trigger to activate his Magic Circuits became a Key being turned in a lock until it clicked open, simple but effective.

Jun turned the key in his mind and, as the metaphysical lock clicked open in his mindscape, his inactive Magic Circuits sprang to life, once again filling hi m with that rush of power.

'Damn, this is addictive, I wonder is this is what all magi feel when they activate their Magic Circuits.' Jun pondered.

'That is not the case.' Ahsaka answered his question, even without being prompted.

'How so?" Jun inquired.

'I  told you that I'd explain your unique advantage when compared to modern magic of the Nasuverse once your Magic Circuits were awakened so I shall do so now.' Ahsaka continued.

'While you lack a Magic Crest to support your casting of spells and supply you with a list that you can cast even if you only have the most basic knowledge of magecraft, you have the advantage that your Magic Circuits are innately connected to the Void and, as such, the Root.'

'This results in the quality of your magical energy being incomparable to that of a modern magus. Functionally, this means that with the same amount of magical energy, the energy value of yours will be greatly superior.'

'Without a method and the skill to properly use however, you will remain weak.' She concluded her explanation.

'You can also check your status once again since it has changed.' Ahsaka informed Jun who immediately did so, mostly out of curiosity.


Name: Haikami Jun

Race: Human

Gender: Male


    Strength: -

    Endurance: -

    Agility: -

    Mana: -

    Luck: EX

    Magic Circuits: EX: 999 Magic Circuits with unrivalled width, energy generation, rotational speed,      structural durability, quality of output, and efficiency.

    Affinity: True Void


    Scion of the Void (-/EX)


'Wow . . .' Jun was speechless.

'Guess I'm stacked in the talent department eh Ahsaka?' He cockily said.

'That would be an understatement but talent can only be given meaning through training as it only represents a part of one's potential.' Ahsaka replied.

'Right you are, Ahsaka, as always and, like you said before, I need a way to use my magical energy so I should learn some basic magecraft or some other method of usage.' Jun responded.

'What does the "True" in True Void mean in regards to my afficity though.' he asked.

'Generally, magi give the name of Void to the Fifth Imaginary Factor, Ether which is simply one of the Five Great Elements.' Ahsaka started.

'True Void represents much more than that and essentially functions as an affinity to any existing element which means all elemental magecraft is possible to use at its highest degree by you.' She finished.

'Stacked in talent indeed . . .' Jun thought in response.

"Well, time to put this talent to good use.' He said to himself out loud before searching the records for something simple and easy to start with.

With the search filter of "direct use of magical energy", Jun soon found just the kind of thing he was looking for.

He then picked out the four entries that sounded the most promising for the current him and decided to learn about them first.

Reinforcement, the act of imbuing magical energy into an object or being, oneself included to fill in their structural gaps, so to speak, and enhance their functions, making a blade shaper and more resilient, a rock harder and tougher or a light bulb brighter.

Tempering worked through the same principle as Reinforcement but with a specific goal in mind. By imbuing magical energy into one's body in a certain way, it would not grant an immediate buff like the aforementioned Reinforcement but would instead slowly and permanently enhance one's body.

It was most effective when utilized alongside harsh physical training by pouring magical energy into the parts of the body that are being strained thus increasing the effects of the magecraft and the training as well as speeding up the recovery time the body needs thus greatly expediting physical training.

Finally, it had the effect of building up the body's tolerance to magical energy through continuous exposure which had two effects.

The first was that it would increase the ease and efficiency that one channel magical energy thought their body while reducing the strain that the operation of one's Magical Circuits and the use of magecraft puts on one's body.

The second was that it enhanced one's resistance to hostile magecraft, eventually building into proper Magic Resistance.

It was similar in principle to the Alteration magecraft that allowed one to change an object by pouring in magical energy which was often used in conjunction with reinforcement by the heroic spirit EMIYA.

Besides these two internal uses of magical energy, Jun also learned two external uses of pure magical energy.

Magic Bullets, fired by using one's own Magic Circuits like the barrel of a gunn and shooting pure magical energy as "heat", their power being the limit of what the Circuits themselves can handle.

Lastly, there was Magic Burst which was basically a magus' Mana Burst. Generating magical energy in one's torso, generally around the ribs' area and flowing it into one's limbs by which time the spell was complete and the energy was expelled as "heat" in the manner of jet propulsion to enhance a physical strike.

Unlike Mana Burst, it was actual magic and thus, much more efficient in its use of power but, unlike Mana Burst, it can't to be used in one's full body in an overall enhancement and can only be used on one's limbs due the nature of the way it worked.

Still, in the future, once Jun got more magical energy to work with he could always modify the simple spell to work more to his tastes and need at that time.

For now though, these simple applications of magical energy would serve well to help him develop is mastery and set up a firm foundation for him to learn the basics of true magecraft which was more complicated.

As a nice bonus, these "small tricks" could not only provide Jun a decent ability to defend himself when properly mastered but also scaled up really well as his own raw power improved since the only upper limit for the spells was the amount of magical energy he and his body could handle.

And so with his path set, Jun formally began his training. Harsh physical conditioning by martial training with the assistance of Tempering through magical energy, punctuated by magecraft raining in his body's short periods of recovery.


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