Flower Trap Dungeon

Chapter 2 – Stuck?

Currently, I'm on the floor

"... I'm bored..."

It's only been Five days, and I'm bored with life already

"I mean, back home I got internet, but here... Nothing... Nothing but my cute, flowers..."

I look to dungeon core to see a palm size Razor Flower resting beside it in a flower pot

It is the very first flower I've summoned, I can tell by the fact that it teleported to my right hand as it sits on my left when I think of summoning the first flower I've summoned...  That is now named Rifei (Self-named, not Card named) 

As for the pot, I've made it with my Earth magic... It's more like a lump of earth in the shape of a pot instead of a clay pot... Crudely, mind you... Haah... 

And I've played with my magic to the point I don't have much Mana left, what I figured out is that I don't need a magic circle, rather, I could just use magic like how spiritual beings could

"Uggghhhhaaaa!!! Seriously! I'm bored! I got nothing to do other than wait, 10 mana per day is ridiculously low!.. Thankfully, MY mana is different from the DUNGEON mana, but... Haaahh..."

I've tried giving my mana to the dungeon... The rate is horrible

"1 Dungeon mana... Cost 100 personal mana... Ugh... "


I've gained those two Mana abilities in four days, which I don't know whether is fast or slow progress... 

I gain Mana sense right after the renaming process, and Mana control when I think back on that process and try to "push" The Mana out... Which took me four days to figure out how to do so

"Well, if I'm thinking along the line of "protagonist" Fast leveling, I'm pretty sure I'm down there on the slower side, cause nowadays, a normal average protagonist could learn everything in a single second after all..."

Which I'm fine with, after all, progress is progress... Unlike the point problem, I'm having right now

"I need ten days for one Razor Flower... Ugh... Anyway, magic... The difference between the Earth and Nature magic is that, just like the name suggests, Earth could control well, Earth, like how they did it in Anime and such, while Nature controls Plants and stuff, including trees... But!... It's more like a summoner's or Dryad's magic, if I want to control plants, they have to be willing, whether it's to release their leaves, or move their root..."

I've tried this on the Razor Flower and they move just how I liked, although it is weird seeing them "walk" With their roots, which is why I ask them to hop around as movement instead, which turns out faster than walking with their roots

I then tried it on nearby outside trees... And they didn't obligate to my command, not even the command of giving me one of their leaves... And I swear, I could feel them snickering at me smugly, unlike my lovely flowers... 

Alright, snickering like that, making fun of me... I'll buy a goddamned chainsaw and traumatize the hell out of y'all

And now we're back to the present... I look at Rifei and decide to go out today, together with her

Passing by the other Razor Flower and saying hello to them, I got out of my Hermit Cave and got hit with the light of the sun together with the gentle wind within this forest

"It's peaceful... Too peaceful in fact, that I wonder if I'm actually in a fantasy world or not..."

I'm not worried about getting attacked, I'm worried about being too weak because there's no weak monster around to attack me

"Haah... Not even a normal animal is around... Then again, I probably don't have the heart to hunt them unless they attack me..."

As a dungeon master, it's obvious that I don't need to eat, my body probably sustain itself by consuming Mana just like any other monsters and spiritual beings, but I do wonder if animals could be used to gain Mana or Dungeon Point like in the Manga/Anime

I continue to walk, passing some more trees, and then I spotted a weird tree on an opening

It's a white tree with black leaves that has a red outline on it, the white of the tree has a black swirling texture on it

"What the... Look ominous..."

Although I have no appraisal ability, I could do that by invading Something with my Mana, which is how I see Razor Flower's stats... and how I wasted 20 Mana on a random tree because it keep resisting against my Mana

So, as much as I wanted to see what kind of tree is that, I'll need to get closer to it because of my Crude Basic Mana Control, which is a no-no right now, not to mention it looks like it'll cost quite a lot of Mana to scan that thing

"Let's just leave"


And Rifei agreed by wobble-Wobble, I turn my back and was about to walk off when suddenly, a voice could be heard from behind me

"... Please... ... Help..."

It's a weak voice of a girl, I look toward the source of the voice to see that the weird tree is the source

"... Hell nah"

I turn tail and walk away

"W-wait! P-please... .... Down... Here..."

I, sigh, I look back at the tree and look at it up and down, after focusing on the tree's root for a while however, I could now see something stuck in it, or more like caught by the tree... 

"... A Fairy?"

It's a small, barbie size girl with short wild brown hair with a tail on it, she has transparent wings on her back that have a tint of red and orange on them, wearing a one-piece gown made from yellow leafs

If we're talking about a fairy, we need to know which one we're dealing with... Which is tricky to know without the ability that could tell someone's intentions

"... ... Please... ... My Mana..."

With a sigh, I walked toward her with Rifei, just in case... I walked closer... And feel nothing

"Huh... Nothing happened"

"Of course!... The tree is... Ugh... Focusing on me..."

"I see... So, what kind of weird tree are we dealing with here? I know it looks ominous with the white black and red theme, but specifically, what kind of trouble?"

"Y-you... Can, see through it's... Camo... Ugh!... White... Black... Red?"

"White trunks, black leaves with red outline"

"T-that's!... It's Demonic... Ghost Eater... Tree... ... It eats the energy of ghosts... And spirits... ... And ensure they live long..."

"So like, it sucks up your Mana, but without emptying it so that you won't die? So, how am I supposed to get you out?"

"It's... Distracted!... Surprise attack and... Pull me out!..."

"Well ain't that simple, Rifei, gimme your Mana"

Thanks to Rifei, I gain 30 Mana, after that, I place Rifei outside the danger area (The suspicious clearing) and walk back to charge up a spell I've been working on

"Let's do this then..."

Focusing on the ground, a tip of an arrow poke itself out of the ground, it is a ballista arrow as big as my whole body, finished forming the arrow, and I sunk it back into the ground... And like how a rubber duck would be launched back up to the surface when drowned, it zooms right through the air, hitting the tree right on its trunk


The tree let out an ominous creaking as it got pushed back along with its root that's been pulled out thanks to the force of the impact

I then quickly rush in and grab the tired Fairy before it could do a slam-down attack, and get the fuck outta there

Running on, I pick up Rifei on the way, and we're now halfway toward my dungeon

"... Well... That was easy..."

And as if I've triggered a flag, an ominous shrieking could be heard, along with creaking sounds... 

*SHRIEEKKKK!!!* *Creak, creak*

"... Should I be worried?"

"No... You're fine, just that... Arrrggghh!"

I look towards the Fairy to find that her skin has changed into pure white, and her brown hair has turned black with a red outline

"Hey! You ok?! Some kind of curse or something?"

"*Haah* *Haah*... Yes... It is... This kind of curse is... *Haah* the kind that turns you evil... And *Haah*..."

"Should I be worried?"

"No, you don't have to... I'm a Fairy, just... Need Mana to purge this curse... *Haah* it'll take more than just this curse, to turn me into the evil pixies..."

Evil pixies... Seem like, yea, pixies are fairy that has turned evil

"How much Mana are we talking here?"

"... ... Around Five thousand?"

I stare at her, no way in hell will I help her with that

"... You can gain it yourself, right?"

"... Uh... *Sweating;;*"

"... *Haaah* where's your family? I'll escort you to their location"

"Well... I'm... Let's say I'm the black sheep of the farm and... I've run away from the Fairy village..."

I, STARE at her face dead in her eyes, as she started sweating bullets comically as if there's a waterfall on top of her


"*Sweating*... Ehe?"







"Welcome to my home..."

I decided to help her out... I have an idea that might work, so I took her to my hermit cave

"You... Live... This Mana... You're a dungeon master!?"

"Bingo~ man, you're quite smart despite being small, unlike some characters that I've known, Wahahaha!"

"No wonder illusion doesn't work on you, because you're a dungeon master!"

"Does that mean I'm immune to any mind-bending shenanigans?"

"Yes! You're immune to... Basically everything that's involved the mind"

So... Like the in-game bosses then, they are usually immune to charm attacks and such, but with an added bonus that is illusion immunity

As I'm walking, I greeted the four Razor Flowers and finally decided to ask them a favor

"Hey~ could you guys help me out by giving the dungeon your unused Mana?"

All of them tilt their head at each other as if looking for the opinion of each other, then they all nods

"Thank you"

All of them give me a thumbs up via their petal, which look more like a flexing gesture

Honestly, should've done this from the start

"You too, alright?"

And I got a nod from Rifei

I then continue to walk towards the core room with the Fairy and Rifei in tow, passing by the Mana generator room... Which is really unique to this world, now that I took a better look at it

It's a giant machine in the middle of the room shaped like a tube that went high to touch the roof, made out of some kind of bluish-white crystal, in the middle could be seen a horizontal slit that went around the thing to reveal the glowing blue orb inside being hold on a black crystal pedestal on both upside and downside with a lot of wire connected to it

"You know, this isn't what I imagine how a dungeon would look like"

The Fairy starts up a conversation with criticism...

"How so?"

"Well, dungeons are supposed to be the... Den of monsters so... Yea, it's extremely barren here"

"You tell me, I've looked around the forest area and found nothing that could indicate that it's filled with wildlife"

"... Hmm... ah! it's must be that slime king then" *pomp*

I look towards her face that has "That's gotta be it!" All over it, with her hand smacking her palm

"There's a slime king close to here now?"

"Yes! I saw it! It's huge, like, it's towering over the trees around it! And eating them up... Slime kings are one of the most dangerous monsters not only due to size but the fact that just by existing, it could turn an entire forest into a barren land"

"The acid and stuff, and the fact that it couldn't be eaten thus, have next to zero predators against it, right?"


That could bring trouble... 

The slime king being close by not only is a hazard to me but also attracts adventures and the like, which in turn, increases the chance of my newborn dungeon being discovered... 

Not to mention I can't hunt any monster because of him... And there's nothing I could do about it, thankfully, the slime of this world have a core inside them, so if worst comes to worst... I'll buy myself a C4 and all kind of defense buffing potion

Arrive at the dungeon core, I put Rifei next to the core, and put the Fairy on top of the core

"Uh, huh? Um... What are you going to do?"

"Something that might help you"

With that, put my palm on the core and I focus... 

Focus... Don't shove your Mana in, you're "pulling" Mana out this time... 

A warm feeling covered my arm which I identify as my Mana, I then move them toward the core and put them in, but before my Mana got sucked in, I pulled

The results are just like how I imagined, although my technique is crude, due to being the master of the dungeon, I successfully pulled out the dungeon mana, which burst out all over the place, dying the room in a blue hue

"Ah! This much Mana! Thank you!"

The Fairy then spread her arms out wide and embrace the Mana that was gushing out

"You're welcome"

I look towards my stats on the scroll, and what I see is what I figure I will see, my leftovers Mana of 9 has been filled all the way to 100 thanks to the dungeon Mana

This should be enough, 1 dungeon Mana is 100 normal Mana, so 50 dungeon Mana should fill her up

Of course, there's more than 50 mana in there due to me adding my Mana whenever I could

"So, do you have enough mana now?"

"Oh, more than enough! Let me just cast my magic now"

With that, she start chanting her magic as a blue magic circle surrounds her body from all sides, each magic circle drained the mana around to Shone more brightly than before, after almost all the mana in the room is gone, the magic circle around her lit up in a golden white hue... and then blast her small body with a light beam

What the heck kind of magic spell... I want one

The process continues for 5 minutes before the beam of light dies down, revealing a very shiny and happy small fairy with her color returned back to normal

"Ahh! That felt good! Thank you! So much!"

"You're welcome, so... Even though you're a Fairy, you still need a magic circle huh...?"

"Yep! Only for a certain spell like this beam of purity thou, because it's a spell outside my affinity, but well... All Fairy know of it because they're forced to learn it... Ugh... The memories..."

"My condolences"

The fairy then fly up from the dungeon core towards my face, with both her arm on her hips, and her leg spread out, she introduced herself to me

"Anyway! My name is Fryia the Flame Fairy! Thank you for helping me!"

After she introduced herself, it was now my turn, in a very Astolfo fashion, I spread my legs, bend my body forward a bit then salutes with two fingers with my other arm on my hip

"The name is Astolfo, a dungeon master, it was my pleasure to help you"

And so considering she got nowhere else to go to... I got another resident in my Hermit Cave

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