football idol

Chapter 9 The Magical Debut

Chapter 9 The Magical Debut
Perugia has been very aggressive during this period of time. They want to score goals, but Lazio has reservations.

By the 60th minute, they had already led by 3 goals. Lazio had secured the victory early. As long as there was a smooth transition at the last minute, all 3 points would be a certainty. They would continue to secure their leading position in the standings. There was no need to risk injuries to attack.

So for a few minutes when Lin Lian was on the court, his attention was almost all on the defensive end. He had to assist the defense, and sometimes even returned to the penalty area.

Regardless of our defensive ability, showing a positive attitude is always a plus.The least defensive task in the team is of course Vieri, and his most important task is to score goals.

The club is a threat in the frontcourt, what do you do when you go back to the backcourt to make trouble?
Lin Lian won the ball for the team. After Lazio kicked off again, Salas failed to protect the football and was quickly intercepted. Nedved kept chasing it and finally broke the ball again in front of the penalty area.

The anti-grabbing attitude is great, but after Nedved recovered, there were not many people in Lazio's frontcourt, and no one organized it. Simeone received Nedved's pass, instantly attracted the defense, and rushed forward.

The ball jumped high and went to the side, to the border.

The Perugia players hurried back to the defense. They pressed a bit higher, the defense line was relatively empty, and only Bernardini was left in the midfielder position.

Hidetoshi Nakata seemed to be aware of the danger, he started to run wildly, and rarely returned to defense at the last moment of the game. "Baga..." Hidetoshi Nakata saw that Simeone's passing direction turned out to be Lin Lian's running route.

He had to stop Lin Lian.

Lin Lian rushed forward a few steps and just unloaded the football passed by Simeone. The position of the pass was great, allowing him to pass the uplifted full-back when he unloaded the ball. He is indeed one of the core of the Argentine midfielder.

Moreover, Lin Lian has a good habit of dribbling the ball. He kept his head up, looking at six directions and listening to all directions. Under his acceleration, he has already thrown off many defensive players, and the opponent's central defender has also been passed.

Perugia full-back Ze Maria ran all the way. He didn't expect this young Chinese player to be so fast. He couldn't keep up with a Brazilian player, and he was swayed by the opponent.

I couldn't bear it anymore, and chased a few more steps, but I really couldn't catch up, which was embarrassing.

Lazio's counterattack was beautiful and the timing was very good. When the opponent's central defender stepped up, Lin Lian immediately appeared.Perugia's backcourt was almost vacated, leaving only Bernardini still sprinting to defend. He crossed diagonally. Thanks to Ze Maria's interception, he was able to block Lin Lian's forward route.

Vieri even took the initiative to pull the side to make room for Lin Lian to counterattack, and Salas was too lazy to move. Watching Lin Lian perform near the arc of the middle circle, he just had to put his psoas on his back and shouted cheers!

The speed of the sprint was still increasing, and Lin Lian felt more and more comfortable. With the wind blowing, he carried the ball and hit Huanglong directly. There was only one place in his eyes, which was the goal. He could rush over or into the goal.

Bernardini is very smart. He pinpointed the timing and got stuck on the road of Lin's sprint. He is an experienced midfielder and can also play as a guest marking defender. This point of judgment is still there.

Coupled with the harassment of several defensive players along the way, Lin Lian slightly changed his advancing path, and his next move was almost within Bernardini's prediction.

Nakata Hidetoshi didn't know where the aura came from, and rushed straight from behind. There was a distance of a few meters, but after he gritted his teeth and accelerated, he quickly surrounded Bernardini.

At this time, if Lin Lian passes the ball, their encirclement immediately disintegrates, but Lin Lian scans the front, there is no point to pass the ball, and Vieri is still behind, hanging leisurely.

It wasn't that the bomber didn't want to run, but it couldn't run because his legs were weak.

Hurrah, little guy, go ahead by yourself, I'm tired.Vieri slowed down, it was just a wave of offense, it didn't matter if he scored or not, anyway, he wasted a lot of time, just wait for the end of the game.

Eriksson was very nervous. He didn't know how Lin Lian would choose. He wanted to score goals, but it was Lin Lian who didn't want to score goals. He had a weird and contradictory mentality.

"How should I choose?" Eriksson's eyeballs were tightly pulled by Lin Lian, unable to turn.

Zhu Jianuo's lips trembled uncontrollably, "Watching the football match live, is it really exciting? Especially Lin Lian's sprint, it's so powerful, careful! Little Japan is here." She stood up and shouted, It's a pity that the sound was lost in the shouts of the fans.

Dong Xiyuan was equally nervous, clutching the pen tightly, "It's dangerous, it's dangerous, there's someone behind!"

Hidetoshi Nakata came over and decisively put down the shovel, full of strength and ferociousness. If Lin Lian couldn't react, he would be intercepted immediately, and he might even be injured.At the last moment of the game, Hidetoshi Nakata would not hesitate to lose a yellow card.

Lin Lian must be stopped.

Lin Lian shook his ankle, and the football flew up, jumping up lightly like a monkey, and just passed the top of Bernardini's head, the strength seemed a little too strong.

Unexpectedly, after Lin Lian finished this movement, he quickly turned back with his left foot as the center of gravity, landed on his right foot, spun again, and floated close to Bernardini's body.

Not a single leaf touched his body, he turned around to avoid Hidetoshi Nakata's shovel for the first time, and turned around to avoid Bernardini's defense for the second time. Every step was so precise that the eyes of the fans almost fell out.

Lin Lian's instinctive reaction is too strong, it is definitely a talent, a super talent.

Moreover, Lin Lian was able to speed up. When the ball landed, he just went up and controlled the ball again. There was also the last pass, Perugia goalkeeper Angelo Pagoto.

Pagoto transferred from Parma. He was the main goalkeeper in Parma a few years ago, and his substitute is called Buffon.

Pagoto quickly attacked and rushed to the vicinity of the penalty area. Lin Lian had already controlled the ball, glanced at it, and poked it forward, making another unexpected move.

In this position, there is still a certain amount of space on the right. If Ronaldo, his choice must be to pass the goalkeeper, and then hit the empty goal to enjoy the cheers of the crowd.

Lin Lian's experience is quite poor, the choice is not good, the victory is unexpected, Pagoto obviously did not expect Lin Lian to shoot, he was ready to throw Lin Lian down.

The sudden toe shot, the football actually passed through the wicket of Pagoto, caught at this time, it is maddening.

Lin Lian watched the ball hit the net, and the uncontrollable excitement in his heart was completely released.A little suddenly, he thought he would score, but he didn't think about scoring in his debut.

At the last moment, the score changed, and Lazio expanded its lead again, 4:0.

Lin Lian ran uncontrollably, rushed to the auditorium, faced the audience, jumped high, waved his arms, and celebrated wantonly.

The first goal of his career.

Asian derby, debut goal, could there be a better show?Lin Lian's heart fluttered, "That's the feeling, I want to fly."

Zhu Jia jumped up, "So handsome, so handsome, Lin Lian is the most handsome man in Asia. Go back and celebrate, we must let him treat you."

"Asian derby, the perfect Asian derby. No, I have to sort out my thoughts. It's too perfect. It's a perfect debut. He will surpass Hidetoshi Nakata and become No. 1 in Asian football. Lin Lian, the future will definitely be the backbone of Chinese football .” Dong Xiyuan burst into tears unknowingly.

Pagoto knelt on the ground, not far away were the lonely and depressed Bernardini and Nakata Hidetoshi, especially Nakata Hidetoshi, he gritted his teeth, not convinced, not to mention being passed by the Chinese, and even scored a goal.

He is the perfect backdrop for Lin Lian's debut.

(End of this chapter)

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