Football’s First Defender

Chapter 73 Red Card

The biggest charm of football games is that there are variables every moment!

All kinds of emergencies are flooded together, making football games never have the so-called general trend and law!

The team that originally had the advantage may lose its advantage due to various unexpected factors!

The first half of the game is coming to an end, but Villarreal has no intention of giving up at halftime!

It is the consensus of all home team players to seize every moment, to attack, to strive for goals!

Although there should be a few minutes of stoppage time in the half due to the continuous fouls and stoppages during this period, it is estimated that there are only 5 minutes left, but the Villarreal team did not take it lightly. The plan to give up, they have maintained a strong offensive as always!

But Zenit, who is on the defensive end, seems to have a high fighting spirit because of the constant foul conflicts before, and he defends his defense line!

The home team's offensive reached its peak in the final stage of the half-time game!

Two full-backs are plugged in at the same time to fill the offensive number, leaving only two central defenders, one is responsible for responding in the midfield, and the other pays attention to marking Pogrebniak!

Zenit's defense was crushed!

Angel kicks the ball at 45 degrees from the wing, looking for Nehat in the penalty area!

But Nihat, who is not very good physically, can't compete with Yang Feng and Skrtel at all!

The ball was cleared by Yang Feng with a header!

But the Zenit players on the outside didn't control the football, and it was directly intercepted by the Villarreal players who pressed on the spot!

Fernandez dropped back a little bit and came over for the pass!

Shrokov, who was in charge of marking him, also followed him, and he was ready to limit his breakthrough!

Because of the two full-backs plugging in, the pressure on Zenit's flanks was extremely high, and it took a lot of attention from Zenit's defenders!

Fernandez took the ball in the midfield, which is not a dangerous area, and did not attract Zenit's double-team defense. It only needs a little interference from Schrokov himself. After all, Fernandez himself is not the kind who is good at long passes. player of!

But Fernandez, this...

In front of Shrokov again, he started to pedal a bicycle!

This is a bit provocative!

It seems to be demonstrating against Shrokov, and I can use the same move to pass him again!

Can Shrokov defend Fernandez himself?

In fact, holding the position, interfering appropriately, waiting until Fernandez enters the heavily defended area of ​​Zenit, and waiting for the cooperation of his teammates, is the most suitable method for Shirokov at present!

Fernandez, after stepping on the bicycle, choose one side to change direction and accelerate!

This time, Shrokov did not lose his position. He kept interfering with Fernandez and used physical contact to limit Fernandez's movements!

Fernandez made an emergency stop to get away, and Shrokov followed suit.

Accelerate from the other side again, and Shirokov still maintains his position!

Fernandez, what's next?


This ball!

Fernandez suddenly made a rainbow move!

Schrokov obviously didn't expect Fernandez to choose this move to beat him!

Not to mention, taking advantage of Shirokov's loss of consciousness, Fernandez really accelerated from his side to gain a positional advantage!

This rainbow's extraordinary moves are very skillful. As expected of a player from South America, his little skills are really outstanding!

However, if you make this kind of action on the field, you are really not afraid of big things!

Shrokov must be on fire right now!

He also turned around and chased after Fernandez!


Slider directly from the side rear!

Fernandez was shoveled away!

Did the ball tackle the ball?

Both players have their backs to the camera, this angle is not very clear!


The referee still stopped the game!

The first half of this game was full of gunpowder!

But Fernandez seems to be seriously injured!

As soon as I landed just now, I covered my ankles and rolled several times on the ground!

We can even seem to hear his screams!

Villarreal's team doctors have rushed to the pitch!

On the other side, Shirokov explained something to the referee with an innocent face, but was surrounded by everyone in Villarreal begging for an explanation!

Players from both sides have gathered!

What will the referee do?

Red card!!!

At the last moment of the first half, the referee took out a red card and directly sent off Zenit midfielder Shirokov!

Shrokov had an unbelievable expression on his face. He pointed to Fernandez's side and roared, as if he hadn't fouled just now!

At this time, Yang Feng and Skrtel had already run to the place of the foul.

Yang Feng didn't know whether the tackle just now was a foul or not!

But Yang Feng didn't care about the quarreling crowd around the referee, but wanted to see the injured Fernandez. After all, as a kind-hearted successor who received traditional education, Yang Feng still didn't want his opponent to suffer serious injuries!


Damn liar!

Yang Feng's scolding came straight out of his mouth!

Where is Fernandez injured!

Everything is a performance, an actor-level performance!

Before, he had been covering his feet and rolling all over the ground, and then he kept curling up and twitching on the ground, as if Fernandez, who was seriously injured, opened his eyes just now and looked at the referee, with a smile on the corner of his mouth!

Skrtel, who was with Yang Feng, heard Yang Feng's scolding, and looked at Fernandez on the ground, and saw him watching the show with a smile on his mouth!

A burst of fire also rose directly!

Damn! Aren't you injured? Still have time to laugh?

You liar from South America!

Skrtel can't control his temper like Yang Feng!

With Skrtel's sudden outburst, he also attracted a large number of pushers who had gathered at the referee before!

The players of Zenit and Villarreal split into two factions, and a conflict broke out around Fernandez again!

The scene was once chaotic!

A fierce conflict broke out between the players on both sides. Skrtel didn't know what he said to Fernandez just now, and he seemed very angry!

After that, the players of the two teams changed the quarrel from the referee to the place where Fernandez was injured. I hope that Fernandez's treatment will not be delayed...

The referee gave another yellow card to Skrtel who took the lead in provoking trouble. It seems that he wants to control the development of the scene!

Skrtel is obviously still a little emotional! He continued to yell something at the referee, but the calmer Yang Feng and Tymoshchuk pulled back!

Zenit, who already has one less person, can no longer bear the price of one less person!

But to be honest, the home team's previous fouls have already made the Zenit players feel uncontrollable. This time, the Zenit players' collective emotional outburst may also be due to the previous referee's penalty scale. problem appear!

The stoppage time has passed, and the referee didn't let the two sides restart the game, and directly stopped half of the game!

Zenit, who played in the away game, encountered bad news at the last moment of the first half. Schrokov's foul caused him to be sent off with a red card. Zenit will face the situation of one less man to fight!

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