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136- So, You Are Him…?

The victory was evident. Haku and Jugo, their faces flushed from the intense combat, turned towards Kai. The air was thick with anticipation. They had successfully thwarted the Akatsuki, a feat few could boast of. Their gazes lingered on Kai, hoping for acknowledgement.

Kai met their eyes, a brief nod of approval, "Well done." While Kai's expression remained unreadable, an unspoken pride and relief bubbled beneath the surface. As a mentor to Haku and Jugo, witnessing their growth and success, especially against formidable adversaries, was validation of the lessons he imparted.

Haku, feeling a sense of pride, responded, "We did it together." His gaze then drifted to Hidan, who, despite his condition, continued to spew curses, though the words were becoming less coherent. His response held more weight than just acknowledging their collective effort. Memories of the past flashed—of Kai's intervention when Zabuza was taken away and how he reshaped Haku's perspective. Once a tool, manipulated by Zabuza's will, Kai taught him to recognize his own worth. It wasn't blind loyalty he felt now, but a profound gratitude.

Jugo, rubbing the back of his neck, added, "That was... intense." Jugo's words weren't merely a comment on the battle's intensity but a reflection of his journey. From the moment Kai presented him with the Lotus Seal, quelling his rage and guiding him towards control, Jugo's life had transformed. Bonds were formed, and an overwhelming gratitude towards Kai became the anchor of his existence.

Kai rose, his posture commanding as he approached the incapacitated figures of Hidan and Kisame. With a seemingly effortless motion of his hand, the air around the duo shimmered, and in the blink of an eye, they vanished, transported to a separate dimension where they'd be out of the way for now. Their fates would be determined later. To the onlookers, they disappeared without a trace. But in reality, Hidan and Kisame found themselves trapped in a bleak, morbid dimension, designed to echo the despair of a prison.

His attention was then drawn to Yugito, who had been observing the entire encounter from a safe distance. As he approached, Yugito stood up straight, her posture poised yet respectful. "I owe you my thanks," she began, "The Raikage sent word about our arrangement. You're Kai, I presume?" The relief in her voice wasn't just because of Kai's assurance. Having received the Raikage's letter, she found solace knowing she would be among other Jinchuriki, individuals who could truly empathize with her plight.

Kai, ever succinct, nodded in acknowledgment. "You'll be safer in a separate dimension. Other Jinchuriki will be there to keep you company."

Yugito hesitated for a moment, wanting to convey her gratitude further. However, before the words could leave her lips, Kai made another motion, and she found herself transported to a different realm. She couldn't help the fleeting thought as her surroundings shifted, 'Cold bastard.'

With the immediate threats and concerns addressed, Kai turned to Tayuya, Haku, and Jugo. A brief moment of understanding passed between them. "We're leaving," Kai declared.

In a split second, the scenery shifted for Tayuya, Haku, and Jugo. The oppressive atmosphere of the cave was replaced by the familiar surroundings of Konoha. The sensation of Kai's teleportation was as seamless as ever, yet its effects still left them slightly disoriented, if only for a brief moment.

But Kai wasn't with them. They emerged in Konoha, the sun casting a gentle orange hue across the village, signaling the onset of the afternoon. The village had flourished into a sanctuary under Kai's influence, becoming one of the safest havens in the shinobi world.

His next appearance was within the confines of the Raikage's chamber. The room held an aura of tension. B and Darui were there, with B's restless pacing a stark contrast to Darui's calm demeanor. Upon Kai's sudden entrance, both of them halted, their eyes immediately drawn to him.

The Raikage, looking somewhat surprised but managing to maintain his composure, swiftly approached. The Raikage, despite past confrontations where Kai even severed his arm in defense of Samui, couldn't deny the respect he held for the formidable ninja, appreciating Kai's strength and the decisions he took for the greater good. "What happened? Where is Yugito?" he demanded, urgency evident in his voice.

Settling into a chair, Kai dismissed the initial panic with a wave of his hand. "Yugito is safe. She's been placed in a dimension for protection. She'll remain there until the Akatsuki issue is resolved. I'm here for B," he stated matter-of-factly.

B, however, wasn't one to be moved without a fight.His immediate defiance was born not just from a warrior's spirit but from years of scrutiny and containment, a life he loathed as a Jinchuriki. The idea of further confinement stung. "I'm not about to get stashed away in some dimension, ya fool!" he protested. But before he could continue his tirade, a swift blow from the Raikage silenced him. He remembered the earlier altercation with Kai, which had cost him an arm, and he wasn't about to let B push their luck further. "Don't act out now. We can't risk the Akatsuki getting their hands on the tailed beasts. Besides, this was agreed upon by all Kages."

B, rubbing his head, reluctantly took a seat, glowering. "Fine," he grumbled, "But I better get a good view in there."

Kai merely glanced at B. Without the need for touch, he exerted his influence, and just like that, B vanished, joining Yugito in the safeguarded dimension.

Standing up, Kai addressed the Raikage, "I'll be heading out to find the Three-Tails now."

The Raikage simply nodded, the weight of the situation evident in his eyes. "Be careful, and thank you."

The swirling mist of the Mist Village welcomed Kai as he materialized on the outskirts, his eyes taking in the tranquil expanse of the serene lake. The village's notorious fog seemed to cling tighter to the lake, especially so today, as if attempting to veil a secret from the world.

Kai's deep knowledge of the shinobi world informed him of the history tied to this very spot. Yagura, the previous Jinchuriki of the Three Tails and the Fourth Mizukage of the Mist Village, had met his end along with the tailed beast he harbored. The cyclical nature of tailed beasts dictated their eventual return, and Kai's impeccable sense of timing told him the Three Tails was on the brink of its rebirth.

As Kai stood contemplating, a soft rustling emanated from the dense forest surrounding the lake. Not many could approach Kai without detection, but he was neither alarmed nor surprised. He'd come expecting company, though the sheer magnitude of the chakra approaching was a testament to the individual's prowess.

Emerging from the trees, an enigmatic figure clad in dark robes slowly made his way towards Kai.

"Well, you certainly didn't waste any time," the figure remarked, his voice deep and laced with a certain mockery.

Kai simply returned his gaze, not one for unnecessary banter. "You're here for the beast as well, I presume?"

The figure chuckled, "Straight to the point. I admire that, Kai. But I must say, while the Three Tails is of interest, you are the more intriguing draw."

Kai, not one to be swayed by flattery, responded evenly, "Your interest in me is mutual. Though, I would like to conclude my business with the Three Tails first."

The figure laughed, a sound echoing eerily over the lake, "Perhaps, you might want to reconsider your priorities."

There was a brief pause, the atmosphere growing tense. Both stood on opposite sides, energies palpable, sizing each other up, two titans about to collide. But Kai wasn't one to delay the inevitable.

Taking a step forward, the surrounding mist seemingly recoiled at Kai's approach. His voice, steady and clear, cut through the fog, "So you are Uchiha Madara."


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