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Ch101- You Two Should Talk

They moved through the Uchiha Compound, Sasuke's eyes roaming over familiar sights, his mind still processing the information. He glanced at Kai, searching for any hint of emotion, but as usual, Kai's face was composed, betraying nothing.

When they reached Mikoto's residence, Sasuke hesitated for a moment before following Kai inside.

"Mikoto," Kai called, his voice soft.

Mikoto emerged from the adjacent room, a soft expression lighting her features as she cradled Reina in her arms. The baby’s innocent eyes blinked curiously at her surroundings, fingers wrapped tightly around a lock of Mikoto's hair. The sight of Sasuke, grown yet unchanged, stopped Mikoto in her tracks. She quickly passed the infant to Tsunade, her heart evident in the way her gaze lingered on her son.

"Sasuke," her voice wavered, full of a mother's emotion. Without another word, she closed the distance between them and enveloped him in a fierce embrace. Every ounce of longing, every missed moment, seemed to flow between them in that embrace.

Sasuke, for all his guardedness and training, hesitated for only a moment before returning the embrace, drawing his mother closer. The two stood like that for what seemed like eternity, anchored by a bond that had survived trials, pain, and years of separation.

Pulling away, Mikoto's eyes were bright, searching Sasuke's face for traces of the boy she once knew. "You've grown," she murmured, brushing a stray hair away from his face.

Kai cleared his throat gently, capturing their attention. "You two should talk," he suggested, his words deliberate and concise. "I told Sasuke."

Mikoto blinked, her gaze shifting to Kai, surprise evident. She had never kept her relationship with Kai a secret, but discussing it with her son was a conversation she hadn't anticipated so soon. Taking a steadying breath, she nodded, her face resolute.

With a quiet understanding, Kai took his daughter from Tsunade despite the reluctance of the mother, cradling her close. The baby's eyes closed, comforted by her father's presence. Kai gave one last nod to Mikoto, his gaze flicking briefly to Sasuke before he exited, allowing mother and son their privacy.

The room was filled with a thick tension as Mikoto led Sasuke to the sofa. She took a seat across from him, her posture straight, hands folded in her lap. A few moments passed in silence, both grappling with the weight of the revelations and the conversations that needed to occur.

"Sasuke, I—" Mikoto began, but Sasuke cut her off.

"I know, Mother. About you and Kai," he said, his voice steady. "I'm not angry. I understand."

Mikoto's eyes filled with tears, and she reached out to embrace her son. "Oh, Sasuke, thank you."

Sasuke looked deeply into his mother's eyes, the warmth and longing there melting away any remaining tension. The room was quiet, filled only with the soft sounds of their breathing as mother and son shared a moment of connection that had been absent for far too long.

Finally, Sasuke spoke, his voice imbued with a newfound clarity and resolve. "Mother, I want you to know that I give you my blessing. Kai is a man I respect more than anyone else. If it's him, I know you'll always be safe."

Mikoto's eyes welled with tears as she grasped her son's hands, squeezing them tightly. "Thank you, Sasuke," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "Your understanding means more to me than you could ever know."

Sasuke nodded, his expression softening. He understood now that his mother had a right to her happiness, and if Kai was the one to provide that, he would support it.

Mikoto wiped her eyes, taking a deep breath as she prepared to delve into the story that had led them here. "There's something you should know about how Kai and I ended up together," she began, her voice steady but laced with anticipation.

Sasuke's brows furrowed, his curiosity piqued. "What happened?"

Mikoto looked into his eyes, searching for the right words. "We were trying to pass through the Uzumaki Seal," she said slowly, her voice tinged with the memory. "But something went wrong, and we were sent back in time. We were trapped there for a few years, unable to get in touch with anyone."

Sasuke's eyes widened, shock and disbelief playing across his face. "Back in time? How is that possible?"

Mikoto nodded, her eyes distant as she recalled the experience. "It's hard to explain, but we went back decades. We ended up in a time when the Uzumaki Village was still thriving. We met Mito Uzumaki, who taught Kai various seals. It was a different world, Sasuke, but we were trapped there."

Sasuke was silent, absorbing the enormity of what his mother was saying. His mind whirled with questions, the implications of time travel both fascinating and terrifying.

"How did you get back?" he finally asked, his voice laced with concern.

"It was Kai," Mikoto replied, her voice filled with admiration. "In just a few years, he cracked the seal that had sent us back in time. He managed to replicate it and brought us back. His strength and determination were unparalleled, Sasuke. He never gave up, not once."

Sasuke's eyes softened, a newfound respect for Kai blossoming within him. He could see now why his mother had fallen for the man. Kai's relentless pursuit of answers, his refusal to be defeated by even the most insurmountable odds, was something Sasuke admired deeply.

"I'm glad you were able to return," he said quietly, his voice filled with relief. "It must have been terrifying to be trapped like that."

Mikoto reached out, brushing a lock of hair away from Sasuke's face. "It was, but we had each other. Kai's presence gave me strength, and together we made it through. He became more than a comrade to me during those years, Sasuke. He became the man I love."

Sasuke's gaze met his mother's, understanding and acceptance reflected in his eyes. "I can see why, Mother. He's a remarkable man."

Mikoto smiled, tears glistening in her eyes. "He is, and I'm grateful to have him in my life. But more than anything, I'm grateful to have you back, my son."

Sasuke reached out, embracing his mother once more. The love between them was palpable, a bond that had weathered unimaginable trials and come out stronger.

They sat together, sharing stories and memories, the past and present intermingling in a tapestry of emotions and experiences. The revelations of the day had brought them closer, forging a connection that was deeper and more profound than ever before.

As the hours passed, Sasuke found himself at peace with the choices his mother had made. Her love for Kai was genuine, born out of shared struggles and triumphs. He knew now that he could trust Kai to take care of her, to provide the safety and love she deserved.


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