Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch109- Weak

Sakura, with her trademark pink hair flowing gently in the wind, dashed towards Naruto, eyes bright with the eagerness of reunion. Not one for holding back, she wrapped Naruto in a warm embrace. "Naruto! It's been too long," she declared, her voice muffled against the fabric of his jacket.

Pulling back, she took a moment to look him up and down. "You've grown," she remarked, her smile widening. "But don't think that means I won't punch you if you do something stupid!"

Naruto rubbed the back of his neck, laughing sheepishly. "I've missed you too, Sakura-chan."

Beside them, Sai stood silently, watching their reunion. His dark eyes were inscrutable, his stance casual. He was still unfamiliar with emotions and concepts such as reunion.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Kakashi Hatake made their way towards Kai. Kakashi, with a casual air typical of him, approached first. Their camaraderie was apparent; they had met just a few days ago. While most would approach Kai with caution, Kakashi’s tone carried a hint of mischief.

"How is Reina-chan doing?" Kakashi teased, his visible eye crinkling in amusement.

Kai simply nodded in acknowledgment, clearly used to Kakashi’s ways. "She's well."

Hiruzen, in contrast, approached with a more formal demeanor. The Third Hokage had immense respect for Kai, especially after the man had thwarted Orochimaru's sinister plan to obliterate Konoha years ago, all while under the guise of Rasa.

"Kai," Sarutobi greeted with a nod, his tone reflective of his profound appreciation. "It's good to see you again."

Kai responded with his typical brevity. "Hokage."

The aged leader peered closely at Kai, his eyes sharp. "I trust your ventures have been productive?"

Kai hesitated for a fraction of a second before responding, a rare occurrence. "Information is elusive."

Kakashi, never one to miss a beat, quipped, "That's one way to say it." He glanced around the training ground, then back to Kai, "Seems like you're about to put Naruto through his paces?"

Kai merely tilted his head towards the energetic blonde, signaling his intent.

Sarutobi cleared his throat, "Kai, I hope you realize Naruto isn't just another shinobi. He's the village's future."

"I'm aware," Kai responded, voice calm. "He needs to understand the dangers he faces."

Tsunade leaned forward, her hazel eyes glinting with mischief. "You know, it's been quite a while since I've seen the full strength of Team 7 in action. How about making it a team fight against Kai?"

Naruto, ever the defiant one, quickly shot back, "I want to beat him all by myself. I don't want any excuses later."

Kakashi, hands in his pockets and that signature one-eyed smile on display, couldn’t resist poking fun at the situation. "I'm fairly certain Kai can handle himself against you, Naruto."

But Tsunade's smirk only grew wider. "Oh, I meant the entire team."

The amusement vanished from Kakashi's eye. "I really haven't made any advancements since our last sparring session, Lady Hokage. I don’t see the need to demonstrate my current abilities."

Tsunade's chuckle filled the air, her voice dripping with playful taunt. "Has the great Copy Ninja’s strength deteriorated that much? Should I consider demoting you to Chunin?"

With a resigned sigh, Kakashi reluctantly gave in. "Very well, Lady Hokage. As you wish."

The training ground soon took on a charged atmosphere. Team Seven—consisting of Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura, and Sai—stood poised and ready. Across from them, Kai maintained his characteristic composed demeanor, looking as if he was out for a leisurely walk rather than gearing up for a battle against some of Konoha's finest.

Tsunade, Hiruzen, and Jiraiya stood slightly apart, their collective attention focused on the upcoming skirmish.

Kai fixed his gaze on Team Seven, his stance unwavering, the stillness of his posture in sharp contrast to the seething anticipation that permeated the air. "This," he began, allowing the words to settle, "is the power level of the previous leader of the Akatsuki."

Kakashi stiffened ever so slightly, memories of a painful revelation flooding back—the face of Obito, a friend he had thought long lost, becoming the very embodiment of the threats facing the Shinobi world. The moment Kai had captured and brought Obito to Konoha was a day seared into Kakashi's memory, a day of unveiled truths. Obito's eventual fate, at the hands of Sasuke seeking vengeance for his clan, added yet another layer of torment to Kakashi's tumultuous emotions.

But before Kakashi could drift further into his own thoughts, the scenario changed with a rapidity that was hard to follow. In a move reminiscent of Obito's feared Kamui, Kai blurred and appeared suddenly amidst Team Seven. Naruto, caught off-guard, felt a powerful kick to his midsection that sent him soaring through the air, his face contorting in pain and surprise.

Sakura, her instincts and training kicking in, reacted immediately. Powering her fist with all the strength she had honed under Tsunade's tutelage, she launched a devastating strike toward Kai. Sai, recognizing an opportunity, moved with precision to flank Kai, preparing to deal a covert blow.

Yet, what followed was completely unexpected. Sakura's punch, which should've made contact with Kai, instead seemed to phase through him, continuing on its trajectory and landing squarely on Sai's chest. The force of the blow caved in Sai's chest and propelled him backward, his face etched with shock.

Kakashi's reaction was nearly instantaneous. The headband covering his Sharingan was swiftly moved aside, revealing the red and black of the infamous eye. Yet, every effort he made, every attack he launched, was effortlessly evaded by Kai. The latter didn't even seem to be exerting himself, allowing Kakashi's strikes to pass through him as if he were a mere apparition.

But then, with a speed that caught even Kakashi off-guard, Kai reached out, making contact with Kakashi's back. It wasn’t a blow, but the mere touch sent a chill down the Copy Ninja’s spine, as if signaling a silent end to the confrontation.

Kai stepped back, still as composed as ever. Naruto, recovering from the initial assault, pushed himself up, his blue eyes burning with defiance. "What was that? Some sort of phasing jutsu?" he spat out, a mix of frustration and admiration evident in his voice.

Kai simply nodded in affirmation.

Sakura, kneeling beside the injured Sai, glanced at Kai. "You could've seriously hurt him," she stated, concern evident in her tone.

Kai's response was chilling in its simplicity. "You hurt him, not me."

Sakura's hands clenched involuntarily, and her eyes, normally so bright and determined, held a flash of anger. But she recognized the truth in Kai's words and bit back her retort.


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