Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch112- The New Hokage

The morning sun filtered through the blinds of the Hokage's office, casting subtle patterns of light and shadow across the room. Tsunade sat behind her desk, her eyes scanning over the scrolls and paperwork that had accumulated since the previous day's eventful evening. The arrival of a gentle knock at her door signaled a pause in her work.

"Come in," she called out, looking up just in time to see Kakashi enter the room. His headband was adjusted to reveal both Sharingan eyes, their crimson hue a stark contrast to his silver hair. The symmetry of his eyes gave his appearance an unusual, otherworldly aspect.

Kakashi closed the door softly behind him, making his way to stand across the desk from Tsunade. Even as he walked, he was aware of the unique sensation in his eyes, a delicate interplay of chakra flow. His new ocular abilities felt foreign, yet the Lotus Seal that Kai had imparted onto him was doing its job well—regulating the energy and diminishing the chakra drain.

"How are you feeling, Kakashi?" Tsunade's voice broke the silence.

"Adapting," Kakashi replied, his tone tinged with awe. "With this new setup, I was able to train all night without significant drain. Obito's other half of Kamui is—"

"Remarkable," Tsunade interjected, her eyes meeting his with a knowing gaze. "But remember, even with such abilities, caution is essential. New powers come with their own sets of challenges."

Kakashi couldn't help but feel a surge of newfound confidence, almost bordering on invincibility. All throughout the night, he'd tested the boundaries of his updated ocular abilities—Obito's second half of Kamui—and it was nothing short of extraordinary. The Kamui Space, a parallel dimension unique to him, felt like a sanctuary that he could slip into at will.

He could become intangible now, allowing physical and energy-based attacks to pass right through him. Just by focusing, he could enter Kamui Space, where everything was in stasis, secluded from the world's chaos. This newfound realm wasn't just exclusive to him; he had already realized that Kai could enter it as well. In fact, he'd come to understand that Kai could seemingly do almost anything. This thought didn't diminish his own power; rather, it elevated his understanding of how far one could go in the mastery of chakra and technique.

For the first time, his older abilities seemed almost trivial in comparison. A joke, almost. Where he once relied on precise timing, intuition, and a combination of elemental jutsu to win battles, he now had a power that could potentially dominate any skirmish. But Tsunade's words played back in his mind, a gentle reminder that even cosmic abilities needed to be tempered with wisdom. The strength wasn't just in the power; it was in knowing when and how to use it.

Kakashi waited for Tsunade to get to the point of why she had summoned him. He didn't have to wait long.

"I will retire," Tsunade announced, disrupting the air with a sudden gravity.

"You will what?" Kakashi's Sharingan eyes widened in disbelief.

"I am a mother now, and I would like to be a dutiful wife to my husband." Tsunade's face showed a faint hint of pink. The reality of hearing one of the strongest women in all the nations talk about a domestic role wasn't lost on him. But he understood how much Kai had changed her.

"So who is the new Hokage?" Kakashi finally asked. His mind raced through possible successors. The Third Hokage stepping in for the third time would be ironic, but unlikely. Jiraiya was always too free-spirited for such a role. Naruto was way too young. Kai, despite his strength, was a free entity, not tied to any village. But then, a realization dawned on him, and he caught Tsunade's knowing grin.

"Sixth Hokage Kakashi Hatake," she said, making it official. "I will name you in front of the village in a week from now, and you will assume my post."

Kakashi looked at Tsunade, his mind absorbing the weight of her words. "Are you sure about this?"

"Do you think I would say it if I wasn't?" she replied, her eyes steady on his. "You've grown, Kakashi. Not just in power but in wisdom. And besides, your new abilities—especially the complete Kamui—could be beneficial for the village."

Kakashi remained silent for a moment, contemplating the weight of her words and the responsibility they implied. "I'll do my best," he finally said, offering a respectful nod.

"I expect nothing less," Tsunade said, gathering some papers from her desk. "I'll start the transition procedures. You'll have to brush up on your paperwork skills, though."

Kakashi sighed. "Right, the paperwork. The hidden challenge every Hokage must face."

Tsunade then explained, "The Five Kage Summit will be held soon. I will participate with you in the first session, then will leave it to you. Now that Danzo is gone and the Elder Council is tamed, we have full control over the village, and I want us to be united against anything lurking out there."

Kakashi nodded, "Yes, Lady Tsunade."

Tsunade shuffled some papers on her desk and took a deep breath. "With my retirement approaching, you should be aware of certain intricacies of this position. The politics between the village and the Daimyo, for example, can be complicated. While the Daimyo provides us with funds and holds political authority, he relies on us for protection. A symbiotic relationship, yes, but a fragile one."

Kakashi interjected, "So, maintaining that balance—"

"Is essential," Tsunade finished for him. "You have to understand that our strength and independence can make the Daimyo uneasy. We are a military power inside a nation. Diplomacy, in this case, is as important as any jutsu you can master."

Kakashi listened intently. His eyes, though newly endowed with extraordinary power, couldn't perceive the nuances of politics as clearly as they could chakra flows.

Tsunade began sorting through the stack of scrolls and official documents on her desk, finding the one she had been looking for—a summary of Hidden Leaf's economic and military status. She unrolled it on the table, positioning it so that Kakashi could see. Her fingers touched on specific data points as she spoke.

"Managing the relationship with the Daimyo is a delicate affair," she started. "His role is essentially to keep the village funded, and in return, we provide the military protection he and the country need. On paper, it's a simple exchange, but in reality, it's a tightrope walk."

Kakashi's Sharingan eyes followed Tsunade's movements, but his mind was working hard to absorb the nuances of what she was saying. His new Kamui abilities felt like a drop in the ocean compared to the intricacies of politics.

"Daimyos tend to be—you'll forgive my bluntness—well-fed cows content with being milked. They keep us afloat by assigning us missions, a way to ensure we don't turn against them. It's a cycle of mutual dependence," Tsunade continued, taking a sip of her tea. "However, always keep in mind that the Daimyo and his advisors are skilled politicians. They can switch alliances as quickly as you can execute a jutsu."

Kakashi nodded, his eyes never leaving Tsunade's. "So it's a power balance we have to maintain."

"Exactly," Tsunade replied. "We've considered the alternative—claiming land and attempting to govern. But let's face it, shinobi aren't adept at managing civilians or creating a sustainable environment. Besides, an upheaval like that would shake the very foundation of the ninja world. We're warriors, not politicians or farmers."

"But what about the civilians?" Kakashi asked, wanting to understand the full spectrum of his upcoming responsibilities. "How do we ensure their trust, especially when our primary duty is to the Daimyo?"

Tsunade's eyes met his, and he could see the years of experience in them. "The civilians are the backbone of the village. Without them, there's no infrastructure or daily life. Your task will be to serve as the bridge between the shinobi and civilian sectors. It's often overlooked, but peace within the village is as important as peace outside it."

Kakashi felt the gravity of her words settle into his bones. Being Hokage was about more than just wielding immense power or making military decisions; it was about overseeing the well-being of everyone within the village's walls—shinobi and civilians alike.

A comfortable silence fell over the room, filled only by the ticking of the clock and the rustle of papers. Kakashi felt the enormity of what lay ahead but also a sense of pride and readiness.

"I'll start reviewing the past proceedings of the Five Kage Summits, and maybe catch up on legislation," Kakashi finally said, the words sounding almost surreal to him.

Tsunade chuckled. "Trust me, you'll need to. And remember, if you need any advice, I'm always here."

Kakashi nodded respectfully, acknowledging the offer. "Thank you, Lady Tsunade. I'll do my best to serve the village and maintain the balance you've so carefully built."


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