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Ch115- Strange Chakra

Then, he turned to Naruto. "Continue training. Avoid distractions."

Naruto, still somewhat disoriented but driven, nodded vigorously. "I will!"

Sasuke, who had been a silent observer during the sudden upheaval, met Kai's eyes. Kai gestured slightly, as if urging Sasuke to resume his own practice. Sasuke nodded and turned away, resuming his chakra exercises.

Kai then addressed Jiraiya, Kakashi, and Hiruzen. "Your concern is noted. The issue is resolved."

The three older shinobi exchanged glances, their faces etched with a mix of relief and confusion. They were used to Kai's economy of words by now, but the swiftness with which he had handled what was obviously a grave situation left them in quiet awe.

Kai moved away from the gathering, his role as observer regained. His eyes alternated between Naruto and Sasuke, each deeply engrossed in their respective tasks, as Tsunade and others kept on watching.

While he had been confronting the Nine-Tails, Kai had sensed several distinct chakra deep within Naruto's being. Some were familiar, others less so. The chakra that felt the same as the seal holding the Kyuubi likely belonged to the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato—Naruto's father, he presumed. Another felt reminiscent of Mito, an Uzumaki chakra that he suspected came from Naruto's mother, though he couldn't say for sure. What perplexed him was a third, potent yet ambiguous chakra. It felt ancient, mysterious, and deeply powerful. Strangely enough, he had sensed a similar energy from Sasuke when he'd first given him the Lotus Seal years ago. Back then, he had dismissed it as being related to the Sharingan, but now he couldn't ignore the similarity.

"Why did I sense that same ancient chakra in both Naruto and Sasuke?" Kai pondered internally. The information brought forth questions, potentially dangerous ones. It was as if Naruto and Sasuke were linked in some unknowable way, one that eluded even him. Were they bound by some grand design? And if so, who or what orchestrated such a scheme?

As he broke from his thoughts, Tsunade approached him. With a simple touch on his arm, her gratitude and trust were conveyed, a language beyond words that both understood. Kai nodded back, affirming the situation was under control.

Kakashi watched Naruto from a distance, marveling at the efficiency of the young ninja's training. The transformation in his abilities was stunning, and it made Kakashi realize the many opportunities he'd missed over the years to help Naruto reach his potential. "I could've done so much more for him," Kakashi thought, guilt creeping into his heart. But he knew that the intensity of Naruto's training also came with a danger—the potential for the Kyuubi to break free. It was a risk that only someone like Kai could manage.

Hiruzen, standing alongside Kakashi, wore a gentle smile as he observed Naruto's progress. "It's gratifying to see Naruto grow stronger," he commented, more to himself than anyone else.

Hiruzen's gaze shifted to Sasuke, who was engrossed in his training at another part of the training ground. The weight of the past decisions hung heavy, especially regarding the Uchiha clan. But right now, it wasn't the time for confrontation or apologies.

Jiraiya, standing a few feet away, was a blend of envy and resignation. Kai had managed to not only catch Tsunade's eye but was also proving to be a more effective mentor to Naruto than he ever was. He glanced at Kai and then back to Naruto, wrestling with his emotions but also acknowledging the outcome. "It's not about me, it's about Naruto," he reminded himself.

Tsunade approached Kai, whose eyes were fixed on the two young shinobi in training. "Naruto and Sasuke are doing well," she began.

Kai looked at her, nodding once. "They have potential."

Taking Kai's hand, Tsunade leaned towards him and whispered, "I resigned. I'll hand over my hat in a week."

Kai turned to look at her, a slight shift in his eyes betraying his surprise. His gaze then moved to Kakashi, piecing together Tsunade's intentions. "You don't have to. I know you value your position."

Squeezing his hand firmly, Tsunade said, "I want to. It's time to be there for Reina, and to be your wife."

Kai caressed her hand, a simple yet profound touch that conveyed his gratitude. He nodded, acknowledging her choice without the need for further words.

Kakashi had already spoken to Tsunade earlier about her decision to step down as Hokage, so when he felt Kai's penetrating gaze settle on him for a moment, he knew Tsunade must have shared her intentions. He glanced at Jiraiya and Hiruzen, realizing they were still in the dark about what was going to unfold.

Tsunade took a deep breath and stepped forward, catching the attention of Naruto and Sasuke. She clapped her hands loudly. "Stop! Everyone, gather around. I have an announcement."

Naruto looked puzzled but immediately ceased his training and jogged over, curiosity twinkling in his eyes. "What's up, Granny Tsunade? You're interrupting some epic Rasengan practice!"

Sasuke, maintaining his composure, also stopped his chakra exercises and walked over. He met Kai's eyes for a brief moment before focusing on Tsunade.

Tsunade looked at Naruto and then at everyone else. "I've made a decision. I'm stepping down as the Hokage."

Naruto's eyes widened. "What? Why?"

Tsunade continued, not allowing the questions to throw her off. "And Kakashi will be taking over as the Sixth Hokage."

Kakashi stepped forward. "I've accepted Tsunade's decision and will do my best to lead the village."

Naruto looked stunned but then grinned widely. "So, Kakashi-sensei is gonna be Hokage! That's awesome! But wait—why are you stepping down, Granny?"

Jiraiya and Hiruzen looked at each other and then at Tsunade, both curious and concerned.

Tsunade hesitated, glancing at Kai. She then looked back at Naruto. "Let's just say, it's time for a new chapter."

Kai took a step toward Tsunade and placed a hand on her shoulder—a public display of support that was rare from him. The gathered crowd didn't miss the significance, even though the touch was fleeting.

Jiraiya finally broke his silence. "Well, if Tsunade's stepping down, then Kakashi's a solid choice. The kid's got a good head on his shoulders."

Tsunade looked at Jiraiya and Hiruzen. "Thank you for understanding. It was not an easy decision, but it's the right one for me."

Kai, still standing beside Tsunade, turned to address the crowd. "Training continues tomorrow. Be prepared."

Then he shifted his gaze to Naruto and Sasuke. "Same time. Don't be late."

Naruto pumped his fist. "Got it! Tomorrow's gonna be even better!"

Sasuke simply nodded, taking the words as the directive they were.

As the group dispersed, Tsunade approached Kai, her eyes meeting his. She felt a sense of affirmation as their hands found each other, fingers entwining in a silent promise of new beginnings.

Tsunade leaned in and whispered, "Thank you," knowing full well that the man beside her understood not just the words, but all the unspoken feelings they carried.


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