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Ch117- Sasori

The fire roared towards Sasori but halted as he countered with a Water Style technique. Steam filled the air, reducing visibility. Sasuke's Sharingan, however, saw through the mist, locking onto the chakra strings Sasori used to control his puppet.

With a quick hand sign, Sasuke released a lightning jutsu, aiming to sever the strings. "Lightning Style: Electromagnetic Murder!"

Sasori pulled his strings away just in time, but Naruto took advantage of the momentary distraction. A clone handed the real Naruto a Wind-infused Rasengan, which he thrust at Sasori.

The puppeteer blocked with his puppet's shield, but the force shattered it, revealing his body, hidden withing the body but was not forced to reveal himself.

"Your moves are predictable," Sasori taunted.

Sasuke drew his sword. "Let's change that, shall we?"

As Sasori emerged from his puppet, the atmosphere took on an eerie undertone. His actual body was a living work of art, covered in attachments and devices designed to end life. Beside him floated the Third Kazekage's puppet, an abomination of human form twisted into an artistic masterpiece of destruction.

"Time to show you the true art of puppetry," Sasori murmured, eyes locked onto Sasuke and Naruto.

"Be careful," Sasuke warned. "He's not hiding anymore."

Naruto nodded and formed a few quick hand signs. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

Multiple Narutos spread out in a tactical formation. Sasori chuckled. "More fodder for my art."

With a flick of his fingers, the Third Kazekage puppet lunged forward, arms morphing into fearsome blades. Several Naruto clones charged, fists ablaze with Rasengan. They were quickly cut down, turning into smoke.

"Predictable," Sasori mused.

Sasuke, now close enough, lunged forward with his sword, eyes blazing with his three-tomoe Sharingan. Sasori attempted to parry with his own blade, but Sasuke's swordplay was exceptional, a dance of precision and power honed by Kai's intense training. A clash of metal filled the air, sparks flying.

As they disengaged, Sasuke pulled back and executed a hand sign. "Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!"

Flames spewed from his mouth, arcing towards Sasori. The puppeteer's eyes narrowed, and with a quick hand movement, the Third Kazekage puppet took the brunt of the fire, nullifying the attack.

"A Magnet Release technique," Sasuke noted, filing the information away for later.

While Sasori was distracted, Naruto took his chance. His clones amassed around him, each helping to form a Wind-Infused Rasengan. "Wind Style: Rasengan!"

He charged, the ball of swirling, deadly wind in his palm. Sasori sneered, aiming his Third Kazekage puppet to counter. But just before contact, Sasuke yelled, "Naruto, down!"

Without questioning, Naruto ducked. At that instant, Sasuke unleashed a stream of electricity. "Lightning Style: Thunderbolt!"

The bolt of lightning shot over Naruto, striking the Third Kazekage puppet. Though not critically damaged, its movements stuttered, disrupted by the electrical surge. Seizing the opportunity, Naruto thrust his Wind-Infused Rasengan into it, causing a massive explosion.

"Got you!" Naruto yelled triumphantly.

But as the smoke cleared, Sasori emerged, still intact but visibly irritated. "You children are starting to annoy me."

Both Naruto and Sasuke sensed the rise in his murderous intent.

Sasuke assessed their situation. "We've scratched the surface but haven't hit the core. He's still dangerous."

"We need a plan," Naruto agreed, breathing heavily.

Sasori's fingers moved in a blur, his chakra strings reattaching to the repaired Third Kazekage puppet. "Allow me to show you the beauty of eternal art."

The puppet unleashed a barrage of iron sand, shaped like sharp, deadly needles. They filled the air, aimed to pierce through flesh and bone.

Naruto and Sasuke leapt away, dodging as best as they could, but the swarm was relentless.

"Naruto, cover me," Sasuke commanded, already forming a series of hand signs.

Naruto nodded and dispersed into another set of clones. These clones charged, serving as a distraction, while Sasuke focused his chakra.

Sasori snickered as he took down each clone, failing to notice the real Naruto dashing through the sand, Rasengan in hand. But just as he was about to land his attack, Sasori caught him with his chakra strings, lifting him off the ground.

"So! Damn! Predictable," Sasori repeated, a sadistic grin forming.

But before he could make his next move, a ferocious dragon made of fire roared towards him. "Fire Style: Great Dragon Fire Technique!"

Sasori barely had time to maneuver his puppet in front of him as a shield. The Third Kazekage puppet blocked the fire once again, but this time its movements became sluggish, as if it was struggling to contain the massive amount of chakra.

Seizing this moment, the real Naruto broke free from the chakra strings, Rasengan still in hand. With a final push, he slammed it into the Third Kazekage puppet, shattering its protective layers. Sasuke followed through, his sword glowing with chakra.

With a swift slice, he severed the chakra strings, momentarily halting Sasori's control.

The puppeteer's eyes widened, finally sensing the impending danger. But it was too late. Naruto and Sasuke, battered but unbroken, stood their ground.

"Let's finish this, Naruto," Sasuke whispered, lightning chakra coursing through his sword.

Naruto nodded, creating one more Rasengan, its spiral reflecting the determination in his eyes.

"Is this... your idea of art?" Sasori's voice dripped with disdain as hundreds of puppets emerged from scrolls, each one a work of deadly craftsmanship.

Naruto and Sasuke's eyes widened momentarily, taking in the sight of the overwhelming numbers. Then, almost simultaneously, they locked eyes—a brief exchange that communicated volumes. They had a plan.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto yelled, his chakra bursting into a sea of duplicates that swarmed the battlefield. Each clone engaged a puppet, Rasengans swirling to life in their palms.

Sasuke unsheathed his sword, activating his three-tomoe Sharingan. The world seemed to slow down around him, allowing him to perceive the slightest movements of the puppets. With calculated strokes, he sliced through them, lightning chakra coursing through his blade for added potency.

Though it was a fierce dance of Taijutsu and Kenjutsu, the two young shinobi were still disadvantaged. Puppets fell, but not as fast as Naruto's clones dissipated. The numbers were still in Sasori's favor.


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