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Ch120- C0: Ultimate Art

It was years ago when he had first met with Kai, in a battle that left Deidara with one less arm and a blow to his pride he could never forget. The severed arm was now a clay prosthetic, a daily reminder of the duel that had ended so humiliatingly for him.

The fact that Kai was simply sitting there, as if he could end the fight whenever he wanted but chose not to, was the final straw. Deidara felt belittled, his art mocked by a man who wouldn't even consider him worth the effort to fight.

"My art is the art of the moment, the art that captivates before it obliterates!" Deidara exclaimed, his voice tinged with desperation and rage.

He looked towards Gaara, then back to Kai, and then clenched his fists. Deidara began molding a large amount of chakra, preparing for an attack that he knew could be his last. His focus was razor-sharp, clouded only by the red haze of his anger and humiliation.

"Fine! If that's how it's going to be, I'll show you the ultimate art! Even if it means sacrificing myself," Deidara muttered, almost whispering, as if confessing to the wind. "C4 Karura!"

Kai, sensing the chakra spike and its deadly implications, finally moved. But he only tightened the barrier around the village, reinforcing its strength. His eyes locked onto Deidara, acknowledging the gravity of the technique he was about to unleash.

Gaara looked up to see a massive clay figure rising from Deidara’s hands, ominous and foreboding. He knew he had no time. His eyes glanced towards Kai one more time, receiving a slight nod.

Gaara's face hardened. Sand swirled around him, forming multiple layers of barriers, each denser and more reinforced than the last. He was preparing for the inevitable impact, focusing every bit of his remaining chakra into defense.

The clay figure exploded, filling the air with microscopic bombs that sought to disintegrate anything they touched. It was a move that laid waste to the area, a suicidal technique that would also claim its creator.

Gaara's barriers held, albeit barely, the sand disintegrating at the molecular level but renewing itself just as fast, sustained by his desperate chakra control. The tension was unbearable, each moment stretching into an eternity as Gaara tried to withstand the suicidal fury of Deidara's ultimate art.

Deidara laughed maniacally, fully aware that this would be his curtain call. And yet, he was prepared for it, to become his own ephemeral masterpiece.

And just like that, Deidara was no more, eradicated by his own artistic fervor. His final act, designed to be his ultimate masterpiece, had done nothing but remove him from existence. The sky cleared of the lingering clay residue, and the unsettling silence was almost palpable.

Gaara floated down slowly, landing next to Kai. His eyes met Kai's briefly. "Thank you."

Kai simply nodded, standing up.

Gaara exhaled, releasing a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. The distress call had been sent out, and Kai had arrived as fast as he could. It wasn't just Gaara he had protected but the whole village. Gratitude could hardly cover what he felt.

Gaara and Kai jumped down from the Kazekage tower, landing effortlessly on the ground below. Naruto and Sasuke were approaching, their faces reflecting the weariness and relief of a battle won, albeit at a cost.

"Gaara, Kai," Naruto greeted, waving a hand enthusiastically, though fatigue dripped from his voice.

Sasuke offered a nod, his eyes lingering briefly on Kai before settling on Gaara. "I see Deidara gave you some trouble."

"Trouble is relative," Gaara said, his gaze shifting towards Kai. "The village is safe."

Naruto caught the look between them. "What happened? The explosion we felt—was that—?"

"Deidara's last performance," Gaara confirmed, his voice stoic.

As Temari and Kankuro approached, their faces etched with relief upon seeing Gaara unscathed, Kai turned his gaze toward the Kazekage. "We'll meet at the summit tomorrow. Have two people you want to bring with you, and hold onto the seal I gave you. I'll teleport you there."

Gaara nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation that awaited them at the summit.

Kai then shifted his attention to Naruto and Sasuke. "Let's go."

Without another word, they both nodded. Kai reached out and touched their shoulders. A split second later, they found themselves in Konoha, in the Hokage's office.

Tsunade was pacing the room, her daughter Reina clutched in her arms. The moment she saw Kai, her worried expression eased. She walked up to him, and Kai bent down, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead. The room was filled with a tension that dispersed like mist before the morning sun.

Sasuke rolled his eyes, though he did so without malice; Naruto blushed, still seemingly unable to deal with such displays of affection.

Kai took Reina from Tsunade's arms and held her securely. Tsunade finally broke the silence. "I take it the situation in the Sand is contained?"

Kai nodded as he started to cradle his daughter, Reina, in his arms. "Sasori and Deidara are no longer threats. Deidara self-destructed, nothing of him remains. Sasori, being a Sand shinobi, was left in the Sand Village. Gaara will fill us in if he finds anything noteworthy. For now, the immediate danger is over. We'll discuss everything else at the summit tomorrow."

Tsunade's eyes met Kai's for a moment, taking in the information. "Good. Anything else we should be concerned about before the summit?"

Kai shifted Reina slightly, making sure she was comfortable, then looked at Tsunade. "No, but be prepared for disagreements. The summit will likely be a battleground of ideologies."

Tsunade nodded, turning her attention to Naruto and Sasuke. "You two should get some rest. Tomorrow will be long and taxing."

Naruto chuckled, "Long and taxing days are kinda our specialty, Granny Tsunade. But sure, a bowl of ramen and some sleep sound good right about now."

Sasuke just nodded, giving a quick glance to Kai before leaving the room. No words were needed; their understanding ran deeper than that.


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