Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch124- Jealous Reina

The first rays of the sun streamed in, casting a gentle warmth over the room. Kai's eyes fluttered open, and he found himself gazing at Mito's face, bathed in the morning's golden light. The redhead looked ethereal in slumber, her tranquility adding an extra layer of grace to her already captivating beauty.

He wondered how the fates had aligned so perfectly to bring her to him, across time itself. She had left behind everything she'd known, traveling decades into the future for him. And though words weren't Kai's strong suit, he felt immense gratitude that he could offer her a semblance of familiarity and comfort in this alien timeline.

Gently, as to not startle her, he ran his fingers through her crimson tresses, causing Mito to stir. Her lids slowly lifted, revealing hazy, yet bright blue eyes.

"Morning," she mumbled, her voice thick with sleep.

"Morning," Kai responded, the corner of his mouth twitching slightly.

She yawned and stretched, becoming acutely aware of his strong arms wrapped around her. "Did you sleep well?" Mito asked, glancing up at him.

He gave a nod. "I did. And you?"

"Like a log," she chuckled softly, pressing closer to him. "It's been... comforting."

They remained like that for a while, indulging in the silence and each other's presence, a stark contrast to the often turbulent world outside.

The serene moment was interrupted when the door swung open suddenly. Tsunade stood there, a teasing smirk playing on her lips, with little Reina nestled against her. She looked between Kai and Mito, the former looking calm as ever while Mito, flushed from sleep, tried to sit up.

It had been a bizarre revelation for Tsunade. Seeing Mito – her grandmother in her own timeline – in this intimate setting with Kai was nothing short of surreal. Even though this Mito hailed from a different timeline, she still bore the same face, same eyes, and same spirit. Tsunade often marveled at the quirks of time and destiny.

Trying to rein in her amused smile, she stepped further into the room. "Someone's been quite fidgety this morning," Tsunade remarked, gently bouncing Reina in her arms, who was starting to squirm. "Looks like she's missing her father."

Kai's attention immediately shifted to the child. He reached out, his fingers grazing Reina's cheek. The little girl's fussiness seemed to melt away at his touch, her tiny hands grasping at his fingers.

Tsunade rolled her eyes playfully, laying Reina onto Kai's chest. "Honestly, it's like she's forgotten who took care of her for two whole years," she feigned exasperation. "You swoop in for a couple of weeks, and she's already wrapped around your finger. I feel absolutely betrayed."

Mito suppressed a chuckle, watching as Kai cradled Reina gently, the little one immediately settling against his warmth. She felt a tug at her heartstrings, seeing the strong, reticent man so tenderly holding his daughter.

Kai, meeting Tsunade's teasing gaze, merely quirked an eyebrow. "She's smart. Can't blame her for having good taste," he remarked, the closest he would ever get to a joke.

Tsunade's smirk grew wider. "Always so full of yourself."

Mito's cheeks were painted a deep shade of crimson. Although the atmosphere was light, Tsunade's entry had thrust the young woman into an unexpected flurry of embarrassment. It wasn't as if her affections for Kai were a secret. Tsunade, among others, knew and had given her silent understanding. Yet, the present setting made her feel startlingly adolescent, almost as if she had been caught red-handed, sneaking glances at someone else's beloved.

Tsunade, despite her playful teasing of Kai, noticed the unease in Mito's eyes. She remembered that Mito wasn't the legendary figure she'd been brought up hearing tales about. Here, she was a girl at the precipice of womanhood, navigating complex emotions and relationships.

It seemed Kai sensed Mito's emotional turmoil, too. In a gesture that spoke louder than words, he reached out, pulling her closer to him. The action was protective, assuring, and intimate. Mito nestled against Kai, the physical barrier providing her with a semblance of emotional armor.

The room was filled with the innocent laughter of Reina, Kai's tiny daughter. With one hand, Kai held the giggling infant, her small fingers amusingly poking and prodding at his face, exploring every contour.

Witnessing this tender scene, Tsunade couldn't contain her mirth. She burst into laughter. "Kai, if only the world saw you like this. Perhaps then, they wouldn't quiver at the mere mention of your name."

Kai glanced at Tsunade, his eyes displaying a hint of amusement. "Some things are meant to be secrets," he remarked.

Mito, drawing a deep breath, sought to lighten her own mood. "It's quite the sight, isn't it? The formidable Kai, reduced to a mere plaything in the hands of a toddler."

Tsunade chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Indeed. But you know, it's moments like these that truly matter. It's what makes us human. Even someone as... stoic as Kai."

Kai raised an eyebrow, looking between the two women. "Are you both teaming up on me now?"

Tsunade winked at Mito, "Well, we have to stick together, don't we?"

Tsunade lingered in the room for a few more moments, the easy camaraderie between her, Kai, and Mito evident. However, after a bit, she straightened and began to leave. "I'll have breakfast ready soon. Don't take too long," she remarked, her tone casual but with a hint of authority.

As the door closed behind Tsunade, the room once again settled into a peaceful silence. Mito rested her chin on Kai's chest, her gaze fixed on the little girl between them. Reina had Kai's captivating blue eyes but inherited her golden hair from Tsunade. Mito's thoughts wandered to the children she might one day have with Kai. Would they sport golden locks like Tsunade and Reina? Or perhaps her own vivid red? Maybe they would surprise everyone and inherit the dark, raven-black hair characteristic of Kai.

Kai, sensing Mito's contemplation, turned his attention towards her. Without a word, he leaned down and gently pressed his lips to her forehead. The simple, yet profound gesture conveying more than any words could.

"Mito," he whispered, keeping his lips close to her skin, "I can feel my chakra growing within you."

Mito looked up, meeting his gaze with a hint of curiosity. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized what he was hinting at. "Is it... true?" she asked, her voice filled with wonder.

Kai simply nodded. It was all the confirmation she needed. Tears welled up in Mito's eyes, not from sadness, but from an overwhelming mixture of joy and surprise. They had shared a special night together, but the thought that it had resulted in something so profound left her speechless.

Kai, sensing the myriad emotions coursing through her, pulled her close, offering silent comfort. Overwhelmed, Mito tried to bridge the short distance between them to capture his lips with hers. But the moment was hilariously interrupted by Reina, who, with a mock-angry pout, placed her tiny palms over Kai's mouth, sealing his lips from the impending kiss.

Both Mito and Kai paused, taken aback by the toddler's antics. Then, a burst of laughter broke the tension. It wasn't Kai's — it was Mito's, her laughter ringing out in pure delight.

Kai glanced at Reina, feigning an indignant expression, "Are you trying to protect me from her?" he teased.

Reina simply giggled in response, her eyes glinting with mischief.

Kai chuckled, swiftly lifting Reina up and hanging her upside down over his shoulder by her foot. The little girl's shrieks of glee echoed in the room, her tiny arms flailing playfully as she tried to reach for Kai's face.

"Look at you, little mischief-maker," Kai's tone was light, amused.

Mito couldn't contain her laughter, her eyes shining as she watched the interaction. "You two are going to be quite the pair," she remarked, still trying to catch her breath.

Kai extended his free hand towards Mito, helping her to her feet. He pulled her into his side, their fingers interlacing naturally. With Reina momentarily distracted, he quickly leaned down and stole a swift kiss from Mito's lips. She blinked in surprise, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

"Let's not keep them waiting too long," Kai murmured, nodding towards the door.

As they made their way to the dining area, the delightful aroma of breakfast wafted toward them. Mikoto and Samui were already at the table, engrossed in conversation, while Tsunade supervised the last touches on the meal.

"Ah, there they are. The star duo of the morning," Tsunade remarked, a playful tone evident in her voice.

Samui, overhearing the comment, looked up and met Kai's gaze. She bit her lip, a storm of emotions playing in her eyes. Her fingers twitched unconsciously towards her abdomen, a gesture that didn't go unnoticed by Mito.

Kai, perceptive as always, acknowledged Samui's silent turmoil with a small nod. This simple gesture was enough for Samui, offering her reassurance.

Tsunade placed a plate in front of Reina, who immediately dug into her meal with childlike enthusiasm. Kai settled beside her, ensuring the food was appropriately cut for the little one.

Mikoto glanced between Mito and Kai, a teasing gleam in her eyes. "Seems like someone had an eventful morning," she commented, causing Mito to cough awkwardly.

Tsunade chuckled, "Oh, give her a break, Mikoto."

Mikoto stuck out her tongue playfully, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "You have no idea what antics this one pulled when Kai and I got trapped back in time," she said, nodding toward Mito.

Kai let out a rare chuckle, a sound that was reserved for those he held close. Mito's face turned a shade redder, and she averted her gaze.

Tsunade's eyebrows shot up, a smirk forming on her lips. "Oh? Do share," she leaned in, her tone dripping with anticipation.

Samui, intrigued, leaned forward as well.

Mikoto took a deep breath, her expression turning nostalgic. "Well, you see, back then, Kai and I... We had a complicated relationship. We weren't... lovers yet. We shared a connection, sure, but defining it? That was a challenge."

A slight flush covered Mikoto's face, her fingers fidgeting with the edge of the tablecloth. "And Mito, bless her heart," she shot the redhead a teasing glance, "was absolutely taken with Kai."

Clearing her throat, she continued, "So, to create some distance between Kai and me, she asked in her innocent manner if I was Kai's mother."

There was a moment of silence, then Tsunade let out a full-throated laugh, nearly choking on her drink. "Oh, that's golden!"

Mito hid her face in her hands, her voice muffled. "I was young, okay?"

Kai merely raised an eyebrow, his gaze flitting between the two women. "You did have a certain charm in manipulating situations," he commented dryly, his eyes on Mito.

Mikoto shook her head, still grinning. "I'll admit, I was taken aback. But looking at Mito now, I can't believe she pulled such a trick."

Mito peeked between her fingers, her eyes wide. "I genuinely thought you might be! You both had such a strong bond, and I had no idea about your past."

Tsunade wiped a tear from her eye, still chuckling. "Ah, the misadventures of youth. And to think, all this time, I believed you were the innocent one, Mito."

Samui tried to hold back her own laughter, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "This is certainly enlightening."

Kai, in his characteristic way, just nodded, glancing at Mito. "Well, time certainly has a way of changing things."

Mito shot him a playful glare, "That it does."

As the group continued their meal, Mikoto, with a teasing glint in her eyes, shared more amusing tales from their time-traveling adventure. The atmosphere remained light, filled with laughter and shared memories, allowing them a momentary respite from the world's challenges outside.


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