Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch132- Healed

Returning to the village via his Space-Time Jutsu, Kai materialized in the familiar comfort of his own home. The atmosphere in the room was a blend of tension and relief, a delicate equilibrium that his arrival seemed to stabilize. Tsunade was at the center of the room, her hands glowing with medical chakra as she worked diligently over Fū's injured form. Assisting her were Karin and Mito; both Uzumakis may not have been masters of Healing Jutsu, but their exceptional chakra control enabled them to be more than competent aides in the delicate art of healing.

Mikoto was gently rocking back and forth, holding Reina who had started to fuss the moment she sensed Kai's presence. Her little hands reached out toward him, as if beckoning her father to come closer. Samui leaned against a wall, her arms crossed, her eyes flicking warily between the room and Tayuya. Her posture radiated caution, reflecting her unspoken mistrust of Tayuya, who had once been Orochimaru's agent. Tayuya sat nearby, her hands neatly folded on her lap. She wore a calm expression, fully aware that she was the object of suspicion yet choosing to sit with composure.

Acknowledging the room with a sweeping gaze, Kai first approached Mikoto. He took Reina into his arms, instantly soothing her restlessness. As Reina settled down, her tiny grip relaxing, he gently kissed Mikoto's forehead in passing.

Next, he walked over to where Tsunade was working. His eyes met hers for a fleeting moment, silently asking for an update on Fū's condition. Tsunade's eyes responded with a muted but optimistic glimmer. He softly kissed her forehead as well, a silent thank you for her ceaseless dedication.

He gave a brief nod to Mito and Karin, recognizing their efforts. Leaning down, he placed a gentle kiss on Mito's forehead as well, grateful for their support in the tense situation.

Samui caught his eye next. Her guard seemed to lower, if only a smidgen, as he approached. Though they shared no words, her posture subtly relaxed, as if accepting that if Kai had let Tayuya into his home, there must be a reason.

Walking next to Tsunade, Kai glanced down at Fū. Tsunade's skilled hands were glowing with the bright green hue of medical chakra, yet the healing process seemed notably slow. "She's caught in a Genjutsu. Her mind's trapped in a maze," Kai said, not mincing words.

Tsunade looked up, a glimmer of understanding crossing her eyes. "That explains the chakra drain. I've been trying to heal her physically, but something's been siphoning my efforts."

"Can you undo it?" Tsunade asked, hoping for a straightforward answer.

With a touch to Fū's forehead, her eyes flickered open. "Easy," Kai confirmed. Where others found Pain's Rinnegan maze intricate and confounding, he saw it as child's play. He could dismantle it as easily as someone untangling a knot.

Fū's eyes darted around the room, locking onto Tsunade, then Karin and Mito, and finally landing on Kai, who was holding a baby that looked so snug in his arms that it seemed like the most natural thing in the world.

"Konoha?" Fū's voice wavered between confusion and a touch of hostility.

Recognizing her discomfort, Tsunade, Mito, and Karin took steps back, allowing her space.

"You were captured by the Akatsuki. Remember?" Kai's words were direct.

The moment Akatsuki was mentioned, Fū visibly shuddered and clutched her head. Her breath quickened.

"Seems you remember," Kai observed. "They're after all Jinchūriki. I got to you before they could take your Tailed Beast."

Fū exhaled a shaky breath, her eyes widening as the gravity of Kai's words settled in. Losing her Tailed Beast would have meant death. A close call, indeed.

"Anything you need, Tsunade?" Kai turned his attention back to the medical ninja in the room, signaling a shift in focus.

"We'll monitor her. The Genjutsu seems to have had some aftereffects. She'll need time to recover fully," Tsunade replied.

Nodding, Kai turned to the others in the room. "Let's go to the meeting room to talk. Come as well, Tayuya."

Tayuya nodded respectfully as she followed Kai. Holding Reina snugly in one arm, he led the way to the meeting room and took a seat at the head of the table. The others filed in shortly after—Mikoto, Samui, Mito, and Karin. Tsunade remained in the other room, continuing her medical oversight on Fū.

Tayuya stood beside Kai, a respectful distance maintained. Kai gestured toward an empty chair. "Sit," he commanded softly, not a request but an invitation.

She took her seat, her eyes shining slightly, almost imperceptibly. Kai had given her a life worth living; his trust was her treasure.

"I found Tayuya a few years ago and helped her remove her Cursed Seal," Kai began. "Since then, she's been walking the lands to help those who were unfortunate like her. Before my time travel incident, I kept tabs on her. You don't have to be wary of her."

Hearing Kai vouch for her in such a way made Tayuya's eyes mist over. This man had given her life new meaning, and it meant everything to her that he trusted her so implicitly.

The atmosphere in the room shifted subtly. Tensions lessened; it was as if everyone in the room exhaled a collective breath they hadn't known they were holding. If Kai, who was not given to false assurances or careless affiliations, vouched for Tayuya, that was endorsement enough for them.

Kai then turned to Tayuya, his eyes meeting hers with a discernible weight. "What were you up to while I was gone?"

Tayuya inhaled deeply before speaking. "I followed the lead you left me. I found signs of Akatsuki activity, so I shared the information with Sasuke's team." She nodded toward Karin, who returned the gesture.

"The Lotus Seal made it simple enough to track them, but eventually, I got the feeling I was being watched. So I went quiet, broke contact with Sasuke's team. Didn't want to draw any attention or get anyone involved."

Kai nodded, absorbing her words. His gaze remained steady, encouraging her to continue.

"When I sensed that the Akatsuki were on the move again, specifically targeting Seven Tails' Jinchuriki, I knew I had to act. I couldn't prevent them from capturing Fū, but I trailed them to their hideout. That's where I saw you again."

Kai nodded and encased Reina's head in a subtle bubble of chakra, designed to shield her from the upcoming conversation. Gently rocking her, the child began to doze off. He looked up at the assembled people in the room—faces that were an intricate blend of loyalty, curiosity, and, perhaps, a shred of fear.

"I've declared war on the Akatsuki," he stated, the weight of his words cutting through any lingering tension. "We're on the cusp of a global conflict."

Every face in the room tightened momentarily, as if bracing for an impending storm, then relaxed almost in unison. There was a palpable sense of reassurance emanating from Kai's presence; his words were as binding as any jutsu. If Kai was at their side, the word 'impossible' seemed suddenly irrelevant.

Samui uncrossed her arms and sat down, nodding silently at Kai, acknowledging the gravity of his declaration. Karin adjusted her glasses, taking a deep breath, seemingly grounding herself in Kai's steady assurance.

Mito sat, her posture regal yet relaxed, the corner of her mouth curving upward in an almost-smile. Mikoto, who had been quietly observing the dynamics, subtly exhaled, her eyes settling on Kai with a serene sense of faith.


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