Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch155- It Is Time

Standing in the war command room, Kai surveyed the gathered faces of the five Kages and the commanders of the Shinobi Army. Though he bore no official title, the air of command he exuded was unmistakable; it was he who had united the five villages, who had declared this necessary war against Akatsuki. The determination etched in his stance spoke louder than any emblem of rank ever could.

Kai's gaze lingered momentarily on each leader: Kakashi, with both Sharingan unveiled, eyes that had seen countless battles; Gaara, his aura as tumultuous as the sands he commanded; A, the Raikage, with the electricity of his resolve nearly palpable; the wisdom of age lay heavy on Oonoki, the Tsuchikage; and Mei, the Mizukage, whose steely calm belied the fires of her will.

It was Oonoki who broke the silence, his voice grave, tinged with an urgency that mirrored the furrow in his brow. "Why is Akatsuki still attacking? We hid all the Tailed Beasts, are they trying to force us into a corner so we have no choice but to use them?"

Mei turned, addressing the room. Her voice was steady, a calm amidst the storm of war. "Akatsuki's motives run deeper than just the Tailed Beasts," she began. "They are not simple marauders to be dissuaded by hiding prizes. They seek to manipulate fear, to coerce us into unleashing powers that could devastate our own lands as much as theirs."

Kakashi nodded, the scar over his left Sharingan wrinkling with thought. "He's right. Akatsuki is cunning. They're aware that fear can be a sharper tool than the sharpest blade."

Kai listened intently as the Kages and commanders of the Shinobi Army exchanged quick-witted dialogues, their voices intermingling and overlapping with urgency and frustration. In his mind's eye, the silent flashbacks of the fierce battle with Madara replayed. Kai had seen the adaptability of the Uchiha firsthand – a sinister flexibility that hinted Madara would not cling to a failing strategy. There was a plan B, surely, but its contours were shrouded in the fog of the unknown.

Darui, arms crossed, was the first to break into the tangle of conversation, his voice as cool as the steel he wielded. "We need to hit 'em hard and fast," he stated, the tenor of his words cutting through. "Precision strikes—"

"But that's exactly what they want," Kitsuchi interjected, the gruffness of his voice leaving no room for doubt. "We’d be playing into their hands, spreading our forces thin."

Gaara's eyes, those of the Kazekage, glinted with the sharpness of his mind. "He's right," he asserted, his voice smooth as the sands he so often spoke through. "Our enemy is baiting us, trying to draw us out."

Kai remained a silent pillar amongst the storm of voices, his presence alone enough to command attention, his silence a loud counter to the noise.

A, ever the force of nature, thundered over the others, "Then we don't just defend. We strike them where they least expect. We—"

Mei's calm, yet authoritative tone sliced through the Raikage’s. "Information. We lack it," she pointed out succinctly. "Our strategies are blind without knowing their true intent."

Kakashi's voice was like a blade—sharp, precise. "We need intel. That's where we begin," he declared, both Sharingan piercing the space with unwavering focus.

As they spoke, the sound of strategy resembled the clanging of weapons, each leader brandishing their words like kunai, sharp and ready for the throw. It was clear to all, to the seasoned shinobi in the room, that this was more than mere warfare; it was a game of shadows and subterfuge.

Mifune, his voice a rare calm, added, "We must also prepare for the unexpected. Akatsuki is unpredictable."

Kai softly tapped his finger to the table, drawing all eyes toward him. The room quietened as if blanketed by a sudden fog, the clamor of voices ceasing abruptly. The weight of his unspoken command lingered in the air; the gathered leaders turned, anticipation written on their faces. Even among legends, Kai's presence was an unspoken decree, a testament to a might that demanded respect without a word.

“Gather your forces and take the fields,” Kai’s voice wasn’t loud, but it cut through the silence with an edge of steel. “The war is at our door. Let me deal with whatever they are planning.” His tone left no room for debate; it wasn’t an order, yet it bore more certainty than any direct command.

No one objected—not the Kages, not the commanders. The memory of Kai defeating Madara was still fresh, a tale whispered with reverence and a hint of disbelief. If Kai claimed he could handle Akatsuki's shadowy tactics, who were they to doubt?

The room buzzed with a newfound energy, a symbiosis of trust and power. Strategies were swiftly crafted, with commanders speaking in brisk, precise sentences, their words weaving a tapestry of battle plans. Kai's role was unspoken yet pivotal, the eye of the storm around which the war would pivot.

Kai remained at the table, his finger still tapping an unfathomable rhythm as the Kages and commanders dispersed, their determination resolute as they departed to rally their forces.

With a thought, Kai vanished from the war room, his presence dissolving as swiftly as smoke in a breeze. He reappeared in another dimension, a secret place veiled from the prying eyes of the world. This was his sanctuary, where the Jinchuriki were safely hidden, away from the threats of Akatsuki and the turbulence of war.

The dimension itself was serene, a stark contrast to the brewing storm in the world they had left behind. Trees whispered ancient songs, and the air carried a weight of peace that seemed untouchable by the chaos of the outside. A stream gurgled in the distance, indifferent to the significance of the warriors it hosted.

Kai's arrival disrupted the stillness, his figure materializing like a sudden shadow against the lush backdrop. Sasuke, Naruto, Haku, Jugo, Karin, Kurotsuchi, Hinata, Tayuya, and Anko stopped their training mid-motion, their concentration breaking as they felt the shift in their environment. They released the Lotus Seal, a bond of chakra that connected them, allowing for a harmonious flow of energies among them. It was a technique Kai had taught them, to strengthen their unity and amplify their powers.

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