From Blueprints to Kamehamehas

Easy come, Easy go. Shortcut power? no no no!

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Guren's eyes blazed with fury. "You should've stayed away, Mutaito. This world belongs to those with power, and I'll crush anyone who stands in my way!"

With a furious roar, Guren thrust both hands forward, sending a massive bolt of lightning toward Master Mutaito. The blast tore through the air with a deafening crack, its intensity enough to shake the ground beneath them. But Mutaito remained unmoved. Calm, unflinching, he raised one hand, palm open, and the lightning dissipated harmlessly before it could reach him.

Roshi stared in awe, his body trembling from exhaustion. He had always known Master Mutaito was powerful, but to see him effortlessly deflect Guren's attack—it was beyond anything he had imagined. He and Shen had fought Guren with everything they had, and yet Mutaito brushed aside his most devastating technique as if it were nothing more than a gentle breeze.

Shen, too, was watching in disbelief, the tension easing from his shoulders as he let out a shaky breath. "How... how is he this strong?" Shen muttered, barely able to comprehend what they were witnessing.

"You've fallen far, Guren," Mutaito said softly, his eyes never leaving the rogue warrior. "You seek power, but you've lost sight of what truly matters. Strength without purpose is nothing but destruction."

Guren snarled, his hands crackling with energy as he summoned a storm of lightning and wind around him. The air itself seemed to thrum with power as he prepared to unleash another barrage, the sky above swirling in response to his rage. "Enough talk! If you want to stop me, come and try!"

Without hesitation, Mutaito glanced back at Roshi and Shen, his expression calm but serious. "Stay back. I'll handle this."

Before either of them could respond, Master Mutaito surged forward, moving faster than either of them could follow. His form became a blur as he closed the distance between himself and Guren in an instant, leaving the air humming in his wake.

What followed was a display of mastery that left both Roshi and Shen stunned. Guren, empowered by the sacred fruit, launched a barrage of strikes with all his might, each blow carrying the weight of his newfound power. Yet, no matter how fast or powerful his attacks were, Mutaito was always one step ahead. With precise movements and flawless technique, Mutaito deflected every punch, every kick, and every blast of energy Guren sent his way.

"You think that more ki makes you stronger?" Mutaito's voice was steady, almost disappointed. "You've overfilled your body with power, but that doesn't mean you know how to use it."

Guren roared in frustration, throwing a massive energy wave toward Mutaito, but the master effortlessly sidestepped it, closing the distance in the blink of an eye. With a swift, deliberate strike, Mutaito sent Guren sprawling to the ground.

Roshi and Shen watched in amazement as their master toyed with Guren, showing him the true gap between them. No matter how much power Guren had gained, he lacked the skill and understanding to wield it properly.

Roshi's eyes widened, his breath catching in his throat. "We're so far from his level," he whispered, the realization hitting him like a blow to the chest. Shen nodded silently beside him, equally awed by the overwhelming difference between their master and the rogue warrior.

Guren, bloodied and beaten, struggled to his feet, his body trembling from the sheer force of Mutaito's strikes. His breath came in ragged gasps, his earlier arrogance long gone. He looked up at Mutaito with a mixture of rage and desperation.

"You..." Guren spat, wiping the blood from his mouth. "You can't stop me... I... I'll take everything you have!"

Mutaito simply shook his head. "You've lost, Guren. Your obsession with power has blinded you."

With a final burst of energy, Guren hurled a desperate attack toward Mutaito, but the master's response was swift and precise. With a single strike, he sent Guren crashing into the dirt, utterly defeated.

For a moment, the battlefield was silent, the wind settling around them. Mutaito stood tall, his gaze steady as he looked down at Guren. He could have finished him then and there, but instead, he stepped back, his expression calm.

"I won't kill you," Mutaito said quietly. "Leave this island. Reflect on your path before it's too late."

Guren, battered and humiliated, staggered to his feet, clutching his side. His face twisted with anger and pain, but he knew he had been beaten. Without another word, he turned and fled into the shadows, disappearing into the night.

As the dust settled, Roshi and Shen approached their master, their bodies aching from the battle they had fought. Despite their injuries, they couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of respect for the man standing before them. Mutaito had not only saved them, but he had shown them just how far they still had to go.

"I... I thought we were strong," Shen said, his voice quiet as he stared at the ground. "But after seeing that..."

Mutaito turned to them, his expression warm but serious. "Strength is not something that can be gained overnight. You've both come a long way, but there's still much for you to learn. Today, you fought well, but true mastery takes time."

Roshi's eyes were downcast, the weight of the lesson sinking in. He had pushed himself harder than ever before, yet it was clear now that he was still leagues away from his master's level.

"You both did well," Mutaito said softly. "The fact that you stood your ground against someone like Guren shows how much you've grown. But never forget—power must be built like a house, with a strong foundation. If you gain it too quickly, it will crumble just as fast."

Shen nodded, his mind swirling with everything he had just witnessed. "So... mastering ourselves is the key?"

Mutaito smiled. "Exactly. You must first understand yourself—your limits, your strengths, and your weaknesses. Only then can you truly begin to build lasting power."

Hana approached from behind, her expression calm but thoughtful. "It was lucky that we had Master Mutaito here," she said quietly. "Haruto's plan was solid, but no one could have predicted the use of camouflage. It was an unexpected variable."

Mutaito nodded. "Hana's caution in sending that letter was what brought me here. Guren's tricks were cunning, but he relied too heavily on the power he stole rather than his own abilities."

Haruto, standing by the tree, looked down at the ground where Guren had been defeated. "My plan was full proof... I hadn't thought of calling for help because I believed we could handle it. But none of us saw the camouflaged subordinate coming."

Mutaito's gaze softened as he looked at Roshi and Shen, his words filled with wisdom. "You've both taken your first steps on a long path. Continue to train, continue to grow, and never lose sight of what truly matters. Power for its own sake is empty. It's what you do with that power that defines you."

Roshi and Shen both bowed their heads, the weight of their master's words heavy in their hearts.

They still had a long way to go.

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