From Blueprints to Kamehamehas

Smack, Crackle, Ki

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One month after starting the Ki sensing training, Roshi had mastered it, while Shen was still fumbling, frustrated by his inability to sense even a flicker of ki. Roshi, with a smirk, mused to himself, Maybe it's because I'm older inside. After all, Roshi—formerly Ethan—was decades older than Shen, so naturally, his more "mature" soul gave him the edge. He decided not to gloat, though... at least out loud.

Master Mutaito, always stoic, gathered the two students. "Although, Shen, you won't be doing this until you master the first step but listen well now. The next stage is Ki augmentation," he announced. "It's the art of using ki to strengthen your body in combat. You'll be able to hit harder, move faster—but the best way to learn it," his eyes glinted, "is by getting beaten."

Roshi's face dropped. "Wait, what?"

"Yes," Mutaito continued, "Pain forces your body to instinctively augment itself with ki for survival. Once you can do that naturally, we'll work on controlling it consciously. After you learn to use it consciously, you will have to practice it to the point it becomes instinctually natural."

Roshi, quite confused asked, "What is the point of leaning controlling it consciously if we are gonna have to make it natural instinct? It sounds like too much work for nothing gained."

"That's because you are the master of the body. The body is not your master. Mastering yourself is the key," Master Mutaito reminded him of the lesson that had been learned in the island they had recently visited.

The next few days became a comedy of errors. Roshi, despite his newfound skill in ki sensing, found himself on the wrong end of the dojo's wooden practice staves, fists, and even one particularly aggressive training dummy. Each time he failed to augment his body in time, a punch landed hard, and he hit the floor in a daze. The other students winced, but Roshi—always quick with a joke—would stagger to his feet with a laugh.

"I'm getting... real good at... faceplanting," Roshi would joke, bloodied but grinning. His limbs felt like noodles after every session, but he was starting to feel something—tiny flickers of ki boosting his movements, though often too late to save him from another knockdown.

Shen, meanwhile, struggled with his ki sensing for another three long months, always a step behind his friend. His frustration grew, especially as Tao Pai Pai—his younger brother and a promising new student—started to rise in the ranks. Tao, though adorable and enthusiastic, idolized Shen, which only made Shen feel the pressure even more. I can't fall behind—not in front of my adorable little brother..

When Shen finally sensed his ki, there was a celebratory air around the dojo. But Shen's celebration was short-lived, as he too found himself on the receiving end of Master Mutaito's brutal "ki augmentation lessons." If watching Roshi get pummeled was amusing, watching Shen—a naturally talented fighter—struggle with the same clumsiness added a whole new layer of comedy. Every time he got hit, he winced and swore under his breath, but after each beating, he felt his body start to move instinctively, faster, stronger.

Tao, always watching from the sidelines, cheered his brother on with bright eyes. "One day, I'll be just like you, big brother Shen!" The pressure built, and Shen vowed to himself to surpass his own limits.

Just as the training seemed to be progressing smoothly, a commotion erupted at the dojo gates. A breathless disciple came running into the dojo, his face pale with fear and urgency.

"Master Mutaito!" he shouted. "Strangers from another dojo… They've come to challenge us in the fighting arena! They've already defeated the elder disciple Sanjee disciple—completely outmatched him!"

Roshi and Shen exchanged uneasy glances. The air in the dojo thickened with tension as the news spread.

Who could these challengers be? And how could they have defeated one of Mutaito's best?

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