From Player To Npc

Chapter 155: Last Phase

The last phase of the boss was the one that was the most problematic, as it actually started using all its power. Before, it was using less than half its strength, and still, some people had a problem with it.

If it was so close to its genuine power, defeating it had a low chance of success, but escaping was impossible when getting at that phase. Still, Shingi progressed with the plan without letting others know, as it would cause only problems.

"An, and Tycoon focus on its left side, but when it raises its wings, move away. Please pay attention to its tail. Phoenix, focus on its eyes. Now that they are more solid, your blind effect may work, even it has a low chance. Mizuneko, how long do you need?" [Shingi]

"Two minutes." [Mizuneko]

That was a long time, and his Elementals were getting damaged more than before and making his mana consumption reaching dangerous levels.

"Hineko. Try to help An and Wild Tycoon. But don't stay long near it." [Shingi]

The Lava Dragon would keep changing its targets and would also use its wings to create an AOE wave of hot air to hit everyone near it. An and Wild Tycoon could take some of its hit, but Hineko or Little Phoenix couldn't. That's why Shingi enabled his Blessing's active effect to boost his INT and cast HASTE on Hineko too. He was already way faster than Little Phoenix, but he would be in melee range while Phoenix kept her distance.

Phoenix had to worry about its tail and its wing, as she could quickly get out of their range. Of course, she had to stay close to the Dragon even if it was of an impressive size, a little smaller than an actual Adult Dragon, but still, it was pretty agile for its size.

The Dragon's attack brought An and Wild Tycoon to a dangerously low level a few times, but fortunately, the Spirit healed them and left the battlefield. Fortunately, the Boss released less heat, giving her more time to stay around and help.

Their damage got decreased many times since its defense was a bit weaker than actual dragon scales. But An, Tycoon, and Hineko kept hitting the same spot repeatedly.

Shingi, at this rate, had a glimpse of his MP left, and even his combined with the effects of their best Mana Regeneration Potion they had couldn't restore more MP than he used to keep his Elementals active.

Until the spot Tycoon and the rest were hitting had finally cracked. Shingi waited a few seconds as he shouted his next order.

"Mizuneko, use it now." [Shingi]

"But there isn't enough yet."[Mizuneko]

"JUST DO IT."[Shingi]

Mizuneko followed the order and manipulated the sphere of steam towards that crack to enter the Dragon.

He had some Ice Mana of his in the steam, ready to enable its effect and freeze the steam and expand, which would cause significant damage to the Dragon, especially since it would hit it from inside, where its defense was minimal.

Shingi stopped healing his Elementals, who started turning into steam themselves the moment he stopped. He controlled the steam to join Mizuneko's. His control wasn't as good as Mizuneko's since Water or Air wasn't one of his elements, but since there was some Spirit Mana of his in it, his control was better than usual. His steam didn't have Ice Element in it, but since it would join Mizuneko's steam, it would also be affected by his Ice Mana.

The Dragon didn't pay attention, as Little Phoenix had used one of her few curses she knew; Blindness. Its chance against this creature was low and wouldn't have the full effect or last for long, but this little time was all they needed.

Shingi knew when the effects were active as the spell surrounded the Dragon's eyes with a layer of shadows, so he ordered the attack when the effect was active.

Shingi still had some Spirit mana in the steam, so he tried to see if he could use it to mess with the Dragon's mind. Unfortunately, his control over the mana wasn't there yet, but at least it seemed like it made it not notice their attack.

He summoned all the Golems he could to take the place of the Elementals to keep the Dragon distracted; otherwise, Wild Tycoon and An would die if hit multiple times without being healed.

The female Spirit seemed to notice what Shingi did and actually used some of her Spirit Mana at the Dragon, but it only slowed its movements slightly, which was helpful.

The Ice Expanding from inside also produced cracks to more of its scales, making more openings for the rest and increasing their damage.

But then the Dragon extended its wings and used them for what they meant for; to fly away.

"Oh, no, you won't." [Shingi]

He released all his Spells as he summoned his sword at one hand and sword at the other.

He concentrated on gathering as much Light Mana as possible with his staff and his Light bracelet to form the most prominent Light Blade he had ever made. It was more close to two meters long, a lot bigger than himself.

He cast HASTE on himself and enabled the Enchantment on his boots, which was the same one they used at the water floor. This Enchantment also worked on Lava, but he had to keep moving to let the boots and the Enchantment get damaged.

The Dragon flew over the Lake, and Shingi knew it would soon dive into it, as its escape was part of its programming, which was a sign that it was nearly dead. Once the Dragon dived into the Lake, there was no way to fight it again, as it would get out only when healed fully.

He kept moving and could feel his boots getting damage a bit but at a manageable rate. He used everything he had as he jumped as high as he could, and when he reached the top of its jump, he made the most vital LIGHT SLASH, using all the mana he had on his blade. There were some cracks on the blade, but he knew he could fix them.

The LIGHT SLASH hit its target but didn't seem to be enough to get it down. But this attack wasn't finished yet.

Within the LIGHT SLASH, Shingi had more Spirit Mana, hoping that it would be now weak enough for him to control it.

He focused on his Spirit Mana the same way as he focused on the Player that he used WIPE when he first met the Spirit.

And it affected as the Dragon's wings stopped moving, and after a while, it started falling. Wild Tycoon and An joined him, as Mizuneko was too slow, and Hineko and Little Phoenix faced the side effects of HASTE ending on them.

An threw AIR SLASHES at its body, while Wild Tycoon jumped to reach it and attack it. Her jumping abilities were way better than Shingi's because of her STR and the Spirit she was currently using, making her jump more than twice, maybe even triple to what she could.

The Dragon was dead before it reached the Lava.

Since it was dead, the power that held its body together was gone, and its core got exposed and ready to sink in the lava lake, but Shingi wouldn't let it. He made it just in time, as he touched it and stored it in his Ring as it was too hot to hold it.

He then started moving towards the stairs, which were closer than where the rest of his party was. An and Wild Tycoon joined him.

They made it just in time before their boots got damaged enough for the Enchantment not to work anymore.

Now they had to wait for the other to get here.

Since the Boss was dead, a lot of the Tower's Energy, which wasn't only Spirit Mana but also had something more into it, would be used to make the Boss respawn, leading to the heat to drop in the level at the degree that the lake would get cooled down to become solid as a rock.

Hineko would typically make it to them being fast enough, but with the side effects of HASTE, even if they didn't last for long, it was too risky.

The lake cooled down in less than half an hour, which was quite fast. Fortunately, the Spirit could make it at the other side no problem, as she could hover a bit, and Mizuneko could 'feed' her some Water mana to keep her from disappearing.

When everyone was at the stairs, they started their way up to go to the next level. It wasn't another Fire Floor, but a dark dead forest that always was night there.

As they made it to the floor, Shingi noticed the Spirit be amazed at how they got there and the gate at the end of the stairs, even if she tried to hide it. They searched for a good place with enough space to make a camp, and they started putting on the repellents they had. The monsters here that would be out for hunting would be undead of low INT, as the hazardous ones were with the Boss and stayed by its side. The repellents would be more than enough to keep that simple-minded undead away from them.

They finished making a camp for them, but they made no campfire as it would draw too much attention. Instead, they used Fire Mana Gems for warmth since it was somewhat chilly on this floor.

"So how about those answers, missy?" [Mizuneko]

A blue-colored hand appeared and slapped Mizuneko with enough force to make him turn into the air a few times before falling. This was not a MANA HAND, as it was way above what a MANA HAND could do.

"You should show respect to your elders, kid." [Spirit]

She then took a seat, and Shingi could see she was drawing some Water Mana that existed in the Air, possibly to restore herself.

"My name is Syra. I was the Academy's headmistress until someone, who I hope will get what he deserves soon, killed me. A door drew me into this place, and I was wandering around it since then, though not sure how long ago it was as it is hard to keep track of time here; it should be a couple of weeks ago, though. I think a girl seems to be behind that door who looked a bit like you." [Syra]

She was pointing at Shingi, who understood that she referred to Annoue. They had some similarities, especially now that he was closer at her age, enough for one to understand they were relatives.

"Do you know what happened to her?" [Shingi]

"No idea. The whole thing lasted just a few seconds, and she went the opposite direction from me. But if my assumptions are correct, she should be near the Academy, and a friend of mine will find her and take care of her." [Syra]

"What is that Academy you speaking of?" [Shingi]

"The Mage Academy, of course… wait a second. We are in Avalair, aren't we?" [Syra]

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