From Player To Npc

Chapter 158: Successful Scry

Before they finish their rest and start looking for the Boss, Shingi had to try two things.

First, he had Little Phoenix, who was still their Party Leader, to recruit Syra, which was successful. It amazed Syra, being able to see how much damage and map the others had. She thought that this would be handy quite a few times.

The second thing Shingi need to try was to try his SCRY MODE on Annoue. They needed to learn more than anything about her current situation and if the friend of Syra had found her. He had made a connection only once, and that time he heard nothing except Annoue's sleeping breath. He was familiar with those sounds, as he had spent many nights training and listening to them.

He focused on his SCRY MODE, and this time it felt different like he had a better understanding of the Spell. Finally, he left his body, which was a sign that it established the connection, and noticed that everything was much clearer than before.

Then things started getting dark the furthest he got from his body until he couldn't see anything but black. Then the sound came.

He could hear the sounds of a fight, and Shingi could understand that there were two people in that fight, one of them being Annoue, as he could recognize her just from her breathing.

The other individual was a male. He was shouting comments at Annoue to show his impressions of her moves or correct them.

It seemed like they had a training spar, and from the sounds of the battle, Shingi understood they used wooden swords. However, it seemed like the sparring was coming to an end.

"You seem to be learning faster than expected. Can't say I'm not a little jealous. When I was your age, getting to this point was much more of a struggle. Although, if I didn't know any better, I would say you've already received some sword training." [???]

"My little brother taught me some moves but not so much of a style like yours." [Annoue]

"Did he teach you that… what did you call it? AIR SLASH? That was an impressive one, I must admit, especially when using two of them in quick succession. Remarkable for someone who is supposed to be younger than you. You should introduce him to me one day." [???]

There was some awkward silence before the man spoke again.

"Sorry about that, spoke without thinking. But I am certain Alora eventually will find a way to get you back. If one can do it, she is the one." [???]

"Thank you, Master Zax." [Annoue]

"I told you to drop the 'Master' bit. I may be the one teaching you a few things, but we learn from each other as we spar. Let's take a breather, and then we'll go through some more of the forms." [Zax]

Shingi kept paying for any sound, and he could understand that they were outdoors as he could hear the wind blowing, but not too much. Zax seemed to have prepared some food for him and Annoue, which they enjoyed in silence. 

But the silence didn't last for long as Zax spoke in a confused voice.

"What happened to your eyes? Why are they black? Are you okay?" [Zax]

There was also some genuine concern in his voice.

"Hmm? Oh, I just disabled them. I can keep them for most of the time now, but I remember my uncle telling me not to overuse them." [Annoue]

"What do you mean by disabling them?" [Zax]

"Oh, you can't do it with yours. I thought yours and Alora's might be the same even if the color was different. Everyone in my family on my father's side have this power in our eyes, although we each have different colors, representing a unique ability. Mine was supposed to be white, but I could never use it as it took a lot out of me. But now there's a seal on the power; that's why they're grey and why anyone can see it. Typically, only people like me can see the difference of our eye color." [Annoue]

It surprised Shingi how much Annoue knew, as he remembered Harbin telling him he hadn't seen Annoue for a long time, and with Annoue's INT when he first awoke, he didn't think she would remember something like that. But some things remain unforgettable no matter the case.

"Interesting. So your brother also has…" [Zax]

Zax stopped mid-sentence as he realized that he once again mentioned a touchy subject. It was clear that Annoue wanted to return to her brother, so saying him wasn't the smartest thing to do.

"It's okay. I enjoy talking about my little brother. He actually has red eyes like you, but somewhat darker. I've never seen him disable them, but they weren't making him tired as mine do. No idea what they are supposed to do. Maybe they helped him with his crafting skills as he could run our father's shop by himself." [Annoue]

"Shop? What kind of shop?" [Zax]

Annoue went over telling stories about Shingi working on the shop, describing how he was using his MANA HANDS or MANA DOUBLES, collecting the sunlight to purify the metal he worked on, and all the fancy moves he was doing while crafting.

"Are you sure this brother of yours is only eight years old? He doesn't sound that young to me." [Zax]

"Well, after waking up, it seemed like he got the help of one of the Blessed Ones and was a quick learner too." [Annoue]

"Blessed One? Is that a title or something?" [Zax]

"They are heroes from back home. Most of them are strong, and there are a few among them that people tell tales about. One had helped to wake up my brother, and she was the person teaching him things." [Annoue]

"What do you mean helped to wake him up?" [Zax]

Before she could start explaining the story of her mother and how she and Shingi, who still was on her mother's belly as she was still pregnant with him, got cursed, the effects of the SCRY MODE started fading away. It was unexpected as not that much time had passed.













Shingi didn't expect something like that to happen. It seemed like his SCRY MODE was Spirit-based without him noticing until now. However, after seeing Syra in action, his understanding of how Spirit Mana worked had changed, which seemed to have affected and improved his SCRY MODE, and possibly every Spirit-based Spell of his.

He could also feel he couldn't use his special eyes, which meant that they were Spirit-based, as he assumed after what Syra had mentioned in the past when they first met.

Fortunately, Spirit Madness didn't affect him, even if he had the cure for it, but it was for only one time, so he wanted to keep it from using it as long as possible.

"Guys, we will stay here longer than planned, so make sure the repellents ate in a fit state and also keep watch." [Shingi]

"Did you find something with that ability of yours you mentioned?" [Syra]

"Annoue is currently with a person named Zax. Is that another friend of yours?" [Shingi]

Syra sighed as a burden left her.

"Yes, so she has met Alora. She and Zax are pretty close. They may even be married at this point, but you never know with Alora. She always gets herself busy and delays it." [Syra]

"He mentioned Alora researches on the way to sent her back here. Zax seemed to be teaching Annoue the way of the sword. I thought most of you were focusing on magic. Can he not use magic?" [Shingi]

Alora laughed at this comment.

"Well, his Spellcasting abilities aren't among the best, but he is an expert in using the blade. If your sister drew his attention, she must have some talent. Did you hear any details about what Alora is searching for?" [Syra]

Shingi shook his head as what they discussed wasn't something that she needs to know or would help.

"I have some questions for you, though. Do you know what Spirit Madness is?" [Shingi]

Syra's eyes got wide of surprise at hearing this from Shingi, as she knew he was still new at it.

"Did Zax mentioned someone being affected by it? Don't tell me it was Nix." [Syra]

"Oh, no. No mention of it there. But I almost got affected, but I am fine. I am not aware of what it is supposed to be, though. The Fairy who gave me the Blessing of Nyhm mentioned that overusing mana could negatively affect me, but not exactly how." [Shingi]

"I can't explain to you exactly how it works, but you should never risk yourself getting affected by it. Some Spirits don't care about the good side of the world, and if they take the chance, dark things will follow." [Syra]

"Then do you think you can help me learn to use it better? You know to keep me safe." [Shingi]

Syra looked at him with a look to show that she knew what he meant.

"I will teach you the basics so that you don't turn against us in the middle of a battle, but you should keep the use of it to the minimum. Since I am a Spirt, it is harder for me to be affected, and also, I am more experienced and know my limits. But you have a lot to learn." [Syra]

Syra explained how she used her Spirit Element from within her and how she manipulated it.

It was different from how it worked for Shingi, as Alora focused on other thoughts or feelings depending on the element she wanted to use. For example, with Spirit Element, she had to consider her safe place or place to relax and focus on the feeling she had there.

Of course, Shingi didn't need to use that way as it was just how to draw the mana out of the Mana Pool, but it fascinated him with the difference between how their magic worked.

So next, he saw how she manipulated the Spirit to heal someone, even without needing to make it as a Spell, and how she manipulated it to cast Spells.

They trained for a couple of hours before Syra reached her limit, and since Shingi couldn't use his Spirit Mana to train on what he learned, he decided to use his TRANCE ROOM before getting a watch himself.

But he didn't expect that his TRANCE ROOM also wasn't available.

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