From the Abyss of Stars

004. Arriving at the World’s Most Terrifying Country—Frost!

  1. Arriving at the World's Most Terrifying Country—Frost!


Li Aozhi stroked his chin, starting to ponder.


Unlike the [Warrior] profession of the [Destruction] system, which only requires finding a martial arts gym certified by the Martial Arts Alliance and spending a lot of money to practice for a few days to obtain.


Nor like the [Mage] of the [Craft] system or the [Medium] of the [Eerie] system, which can gain inheritance knowledge through joining formal organizations.


The number of extraordinary beings on Azure Star is small, and there isn't even a standard rating system, nearly wild and unregulated. The knowledge granted by alien civilizations is firmly held by the four countries.


"Professions in the [Dominance] system all require genetic mutation and the awakening of 'Arcane Power' to be considered extraordinary."


Li Aozhi felt a bit troubled.


For players, awakening Arcane Power is actually very easy.


After completing the three beginner descent tasks and unlocking the game function bar, players can directly open the [Game Mall] and purchase the [Omega-level Gene Awakening Potion] for just 9888, allowing them to choose their desired Arcane Power type and awaken.


Alternatively, those who believe in their luck and don't want to spend money can buy the cheapest [Alpha-level Gene Awakening Potion], hoping to awaken a disaster-level Arcane Power.


However, now as an NPC template, whether he can unlock the game mall is uncertain.


Li Aozhi thought for a long time. Apart from spending money, ordinary players have only three ways to become [Mutants], with two in the Red Arrow Empire and one in Frost.


"Why was I born in Frost? Such a hassle. I, a noble envoy of the Galactic Civilization to the Fiennes Federation, ended up in such a place."


Li Aozhi clicked his tongue.


In his previous life, he started in the Red Arrow Empire and never faced such problems.


After all, what kind of place is Frost?


Evil men have tattoos of Yama; Yama has tattoos of Frost!


Female superiority and male inferiority, this place isn't just a gathering ground for female warriors; it completely treats men as black slaves to be exploited and oppressed.


Ninety-nine percent of government officials are female.


The gender ratio among university graduates is 1 to 987.


Frost's laws stipulate that only women can enjoy paid leave.


Men must have a master's degree or higher, family assets above the working class standard, and a handsome appearance without aggression to work in enterprises or institutions.


The judicial system leniently treats female criminals, with no criminal liability for underage female offenders, while male offenders, even those under eight with no civil capacity, are severely punished, sometimes even sent to the border and stripped of citizenship.


Yet, these are not the worst.


The most chilling part is Frost's cruel 'Rule Four' secret agency.


The main function of 'Rule Four' is to oversee the protection of women's rights, prevent crimes against women, and stop women from being harmed.


It sounds reasonable, but in reality, these female agents often commit crimes to claim credit.


So, women's rights in this country must be well protected, right?


—Absolutely not.


Frost is controlled by elite women, whose main targets of persecution are men and a large number of lower-class women.


To prevent their status from being shaken, they constantly escalate conflicts between lower-class women and men, secretly encouraging women to physically confront men and guiding men to focus their grievances on lower-class women, who are also victims.


Female players in Frost often express fear when mentioning the storylines there.


Even after 1.0, when Frost entered the Federal Era, the government remained under female control. 'Rule Four' was not abolished until Azure Star was bombarded by the Galactic Civilization in the 2.0 era, burying that sinful history.


"Now, my situation is very troublesome."


Li Aozhi pondered.


Galaxy faces a Spirit Fiend attack. As an ordinary person, he should immediately report it, and the extraordinary authorities would intervene to launch a purge and investigation.


The same problem in the Red Arrow Empire would result in a local government compensation and a company leave to rest, with a decision on whether to continue working.


But that's the Red Arrow Empire, known as the 'Light of Humanity,' not the Frost Republic, tattooed on Yama's back.


According to Li Aozhi's experience, if he reported a Spirit Fiend attack causing death, it wouldn't be the police or extraordinary beings who came but Rule Four's female agents.


Don't think these agents, being public servants, would handle the case responsibly.


Rule Four is different. In seventy percent of criminal cases, the female agents don't even look at the scene, directly arresting people, beating them, and using incandescent lamps to continuously shine in suspects' eyes, preventing sleep, repeating questions, and if there's any discrepancy, they beat and torture male suspects to force confessions.


What if the suspect is a woman?


The answer is, it depends on whether she has money.


If the suspect has a good background and pays, the agents smile and release her.


If the suspect is a poor lower-class woman, the agents might release her if in a good mood or detain her for seven or eight days if not.


If a male suspect doesn't confess and resists humiliation, his resistance is considered a serious violation of women's rights, assaulting public officials, obstructing law enforcement, and insulting women, resulting in multiple charges and severe punishment.


Such cases are numerous. Some female players initially felt they were in paradise, enjoying many privileges, but soon experienced 'mutual harm and betrayal' among women.


"Comrades are always more reliable than kind."


Li Aozhi tapped the bank counter's desk. The electronic clock on the wall ticked to 05:42, and the artificial light outside warmed his pale hand.


"If I don't report, without extraordinary intervention, the Spirit Fiend will eventually target me."


"If I report, and Rule Four agents come, I'd rather face the Spirit Fiend."


The bank opens at ten, but staff arrive at seven, and the manager comes an hour early, as early as six.


He had little time left.


"Stay calm, Li Aozhi, stay calm..."


These were the words his late grandfather left him. After a moment's thought, he began comparing his two sets of memories.


"This is Jianlin County, but actually, it's only 20 kilometers to the outside world. With some money, I can escape."


"Frost's government is very corrupt, and Rule Four is rampant, but there's one place they can't act arrogantly."


"As an internal affairs agency, their jurisdiction is only domestic. Frost, Red Arrow, Zhengxu, and Tianhuan are four countries far apart, each occupying an orbital elevator and satellite city. Even with an international warrant, the other three countries take time to respond."


"The law only reaches civilized places."


Li Aozhi squinted:


"Go to the outside world."


"There is neither light nor darkness."


"Most importantly, the [Mutant] inheritance is there."

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