Gacha Addict in a Matriarchal World

Chapter 40: Great Forest (4)

Chapter 40: Great Forest (4)

What I was aiming for was the image of a nobles young son.

Straightening my back, I lifted my chin slightly and looked down with a reserved gaze.

Assuming that posture, I locked eyes with Lydia and spoke.

Lady Lydia.


Lydias half-closed eyes snapped open.

For the typically stoic Lydia, this was an extraordinary display of emotion.

Her trembling red pupils told me she needed a moment to compose herself.

I seized the opportunity to concoct a backstorymy specialty.

I couldnt be just any noble, given my adventurers attire. A fallen noble would do.

A noble stripped of grace by political strife, with nothing but a title left.

Assassins had murdered my parents, and my sole surviving younger brother had become our enemys concubine to spare my life.

And after their wedding night, he took his own life.

The details were unknown, but one thing was clear:

I was the last one standing.

Only I could restore our familys honor.

Only I had the right to seek vengeance.

For this purpose, I would stop at nothing.

Even if it meant wielding a sword for the first time, associating with adventurers I once scorned, or manipulating a young knight naive to the ways of the world.

I would not falter.

It was a dark tale, but a fallen noble needed a past this tragic.

The idea of a naive noble playing at adventurer, navigating labyrinths with just one knight for protection, wasnt bad either.

But what mattered was whether it would fulfill Lydias romantic fantasies.

And as a knight, shed likely prefer to serve a young master with a cause rather than a frivolous one.

My knowledge of noble etiquette was limited, but this was all an act. Appearing convincing should suffice.

With the image firmly in my mind, I delivered my line.

I desire you, Lady Lydia.

Lydia inhaled sharply.

The Jonah she knew was a small, cute pink-haired boy, whose actions werent always so endearing.

Despite his dark past, he tried to hide it, and though hed picked up some questionable communication skills, he still managed to get along with others.

He had a magnetic charm, but he was hardly what one would call a young master.

But the Jonah before her now?

He stood with a posture so rigid, it seemed hed rather break than bend to anothers will. He appeared to look up at her, yet somehow it felt like he was looking down, a fierce determination in his pink eyes.

A determination as unyielding as a boulder, unmoved by any storm.

Jonah, transformed, spoke again.

I desire you, Lady Lydia.


Lydia uttered a bewildered sound, and Jonah closed the gap between them with deliberate, graceful steps.

They werent hurried. Their measured pace drew the eye even more.

A bitter smile graced Jonahs lips as he stopped before Lydia.

Of course, I have little to offer you, milady. No grand weapons, no high honors, not even a sliver of land.

His words might have sounded pessimistic, but Jonahs voice was devoid of negativity.

It resonated calmly, simply stating facts.

Instead, I offer you my everything.


Lydias brow furrowed, thinking hed breached their agreement to avoid sexual advances.

But shed judged too quickly.

Oh dear. Are you interested in my body? Thats not off the table. If needed, Ill give it willingly but not at this moment.

Jonahs demeanor shifted once more.

Moments ago, he had the composed air of a true nobles son.

Now, he radiated a deeper, more intense emotion.

Lady Lydia, you told me you wouldnt abandon me, that youd always stand by my side. Were those words true?


Confused, Lydia still responded to Jonahs question.

Her desire to help him was genuine, urged by Ellie and befitting an aspiring knight but also because she felt compassion for Jonah.

She knew his past, his lapses in common sense, and yet shed seen him struggle for happiness like anyone else.

Wanting to aid such a person was human nature. Lydia was no exception.

Perhaps Jonah saw through her superficial understanding. His eyes curved like crescents.

Then, would you join me in a descent into hell?


His smile was a mix of intrigue and sorrow.

The message was clear: a half-hearted commitment would lead to regret.

This was a raw emotion, unlike his usual playfulness or the resolve shed seen moments ago.

Overwhelmed, Lydia listened to Jonahs voice.

If you do, I will give everything to you, Lady Lydia.


Yes. Do you desire my body and soul? Or perhaps the fame that spans from the highest to the lowest places in this world? I could even grant you the ancient weapons of gods that slumber within this labyrinth if you would lead my quest for vengeance.


Only after his final words did Lydia grasp the emotion in Jonahs eyes.

It was a burning desire for revenge, capable of consuming the world and himself.

I was mistaken.

She thought he needed only to learn how to live normally after escaping the One Who Devours the Twilight and its brainwashing.

But that was naive.

Someone whod endured such trials couldnt simply laugh and live as if nothing had happened.

Revenge was the key to freeing Jonah from his past.

Lydia gazed at Jonah, who was no longer a pitiful child or a risqu, cute boy, but a specter hungry for vengeance.

That beautiful specter extended its hand, offering the back to Lydia in a gesture of noble etiquette.

For Lydia, from a modest knightly family, the movement was flawless.

She was already captivated, but this gesture astounded her further.

The One Who Devours the Twilight, a pseudo-religious cult with clerical roots, wouldnt have taught noble etiquette.

What then was this refined display before her?

I dont know everything about Jonah.

She knew of his kidnapping by the cult, but what of his life before? Was he truly an orphan from the alleys? If so, who were his parents?

In truth, since this world was born from Jonahs imagination, the etiquette didnt stray far from his thoughts.

His actions, based on what he thought a noble would do, had fortuitously matched perfectly but Lydia was unaware.

Lydia, stunned by the successive shocks, watched as Jonah extended his hand, prompting a decision.



Silence reigned, filled with unwavering trust.

Jonah truly believed that with Lydia, he could exact his revenge.

When Lydia realized this, a spark ignited within her.

A knight dedicates their life to those who acknowledge them. And here was someone who believed in Lydia more than anyone else, perhaps even more than she believed in herself.

In a moment of impulse, she trusted that she would never regret this decision.


Lydia knelt on one knee and took Jonahs hand.

He recited an ancient oath as if hed been waiting for this moment.

I declare. My will shall be your will, and my glory shall be your glory. You shall become my procurator.

I swear here. I will dedicate everything I have to fulfill your will. Please, accept this blade.

Lydia kissed the back of his hand and presented a longsword.

Jonah accepted it, kissed the blade, and gently placed it on Lydias shoulder.

Then, with a playful voice masking gratitude and apology, he whispered.

This makes you an accomplice now, Lady Lydia.


Lydia realized the gravity of her actions. Jonah helped her to her feet and returned the longsword.

I have a request for my loyal knight, Lady Lydia.

What is itsir?

Lydia added the honorific awkwardly. Jonah, back to his usual self, grinned mischievously.

Please cut the leather of that wolf with your aura!


Reality returned abruptly, like waking from a dream. Jonah urged Lydia, still dazed and confused.

I won, right? So hurry up and get the Iron Wolf leather with your aura! Are you going to waste 80 copper just like that?!


Lydia closed her eyes in silence.

My first experience (oath)

It felt like shed just emerged from a terrible nightmare.

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