Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 100: Corporate Espionage!

Editors and Proof Reader: Alterious, Dervish, King of Mortals, garantiertnicht

Two days had passed since Fei Hong had called to inform him about the mass resignation.

Fu Yan was sitting in the study room and looking at the screen. He was monitoring the data from the company. 

Though his main focus has been the library, he still cared about his company. Because in the future, when he was going to start experimenting with other technologies, he would need money and equipment. For that, he needed to have power and influence so that he wouldn't face any difficulties while he tried new projects. 

Each and every computer in his company was being monitored by Qing and the moment she found an anomaly, she would alert Fu Yan. 

As Fei Hong had feared, an employee tried to change the accounting data by adding some false information to it. 

The moment she tried to do so, Qing prompted Fu Yan.

"Check her identity and collect the evidence. Use the camera to capture all her movements. Start recording the screen of the computer. Don't stop her, let her change the data. Back up the previous records and add them as evidence to her file too. When she is finished, lock her out of the computer and ring an alarm sound from it"

Fu Yan looked at the screen with cold eyes while he instructed Qing. As he told Fei Hong, he wouldn't let anyone mess with his company, and whoever tried to harm his property was going to suffer. 

After giving instructions to Qing, he picked up the phone from the table and dialed Fei Hong's number. The phone rang for a while before Fei Hong's crisp and somewhat tired voice sounded in the speaker:

"Fu Yan, I was going to call you later. We had visitors from local tech giants who would like to cooperate with our company. They want to work with us regarding our translation and voice recognition software. I wanted to get your opinion on that"

Fu Yan calmly listened to Fei Hong and let her finish first. When she was done, he opened his mouth and said in a soft voice, which was neither cold nor warm:

"I had told you before: If someone wants to cooperate with us, then we will do so. We may even share some of our technologies with them, but only limited to licensing. They can't get the source code or buy our software. We will hold those technologies, for now, that is. They might be up for sale in the future. Be sure to tell them that. Also, no matter who it is, domestic or international companies, we cooperate with all. We won't favor anyone, that's my bottom line. As for how to cooperate, you can decide for yourself, I won't interfere with that because you know about it more than me. Also, let Jiao Mei confirm the contracts so that there are no loopholes in our cooperation. If there is any doubt whether the other party is trying to harm us, reject them immediately." 

Fei Hong listened to Fu Yan and wrote points in her diary. Then she placed the pen on the table and replied in a professional tone:

"Ok, I will follow your plan. If they are sincere in cooperating with us then we will facilitate them as much as we can. As for the price, I will call you again to confirm it with you." 

Fu Yan nodded when he heard this and replied while looking at the screen that was showing the change in the accounting data done by the employee:

"All right, you may call me about that. Well, that's for later. Now, someone in the office is trying to manipulate our accounting data. My team is monitoring them, and we are collecting evidence, too. After a while, the computer of the saboteur will sound an alarm. Call the guards and capture after you see a 'Locked Due To Suspicious Activity' message on her computer. Then call the police and hand her over to them. I will send you the evidence later. Let Jiao Mei file a lawsuit against her and make sure to go for the highest punishment that can be given. Also, in the future, if someone's computer issues an alarm and has a message on their computer about the lock reason, then capture him or her immediately. You will get all evidence against them in your email the very next moment." 

Fei Hong listened to the monotonous voice of Fu Yan with her mouth open and did not know what to say. When Fu Yan told her that he will let those suffer who tried to harm his company, she thought he said that in the spur of the moment, but now listening to him, he was really serious about what he said. After taking some deep breaths, she calmed herself down and replied with a shaky voice.

"Ok, I will let the security team know. The moment they hear an alarm, we will get the person responsible for that." 

"Then that's it for now. If there is anything else, I will call you." Fu Yan disconnected the call after saying that. 

Then he turned his focus towards the screen and gave a creepy smile. It looks like the person was about to finish with altering the account information.




After Fu Yan disconnected the call, Fei Hong stood in the same spot for a while. She was still trying to absorb the information given to her. After a while, she sighed and pressed a button on her table. 

Her office door opened and her secretary came in and asked in a nervous tone:

"Ma'am, you called?"

Fei Hong looked at her and said in a cold voice that was totally different from how she spoke with Fu Yan.

"Call the head of the security guards here immediately. I want to see him in one minute."

"Ok Ma'am" Her secretary nodded and walked out of the office in a hurry. 

After just one minute, the door opened and a middle-aged burly man with a hard face came inside. He had a scar on the right side of his face that made him look like he was a cruel guy who might kill you if you tried to mess with him.

Fei Hong looked at him and pointed towards the chair.

"Come sit here, Mr. Ren. I need to talk to you about something."

Ren sat down on the chair with a nervous face. He wondered if he had done something that angered the CEO.

Ren Ko was a retired soldier who left the army due to medical reasons. It had been three years since he had left the army. At first, he tried to find a job but was unsuccessful. 

While serving the army, he fell down from a cliff during a mission. Because of this fall, his face and left leg were injured. 

After the surgery, he was told that he wouldn't be able to do heavy lifting because his leg had three fractures and if any kind of force was exerted, it might fracture again. 

He had only studied till high school and then went to serve in the army... Now, when he tried to find jobs, all he could find was manual labor which he could hardly do because of his leg. 

He had some savings, so he tried to get by with them while doing some less intensive work. More than a year went by and his savings were dwindling. He knew that if this went on, he wouldn't have anything left after one or two years.

Therefore, he talked with some of his Army buddies and decided to build a security company. He gathered many of his former colleagues and got them to join the company. He did not let them quit their jobs that they were doing, though. Their current jobs were mostly manual labor, he just wanted them to register so that, when needed, they could help him.

After registering the company, he tried his best and secured security contracts for two companies. He started to have a stable income, and seven of his buddies were working with him too, but then there were some files missing from one of the companies that had a security contract with him. 

The company accused him of doing a sloppy job and demanded compensation. He had to pay two-thirds of the contract money. It happened when one whole year had passed and the contract was about to end. He knew that it was not his fault, though, and when he investigated further, he came to know that this company had done the same with two other security companies that were also new to the market. 

Ren Ko went to court but got no results, he had no solid proof and almost all of his savings were gone. He was lucky that his contract with the other company was still going on and there were no problems there. 

He managed to get by, but it was hard for him. Though he and his buddies had retired from the army, they were still professionals and were a lot better than those companies who trained their guards themselves. But he had no marketing. 

Then suddenly, three months ago, a company called "Evos" contacted him and asked to sign a security contract. 

The amount of money that he would earn from the contract was four times of what he was currently receiving from the other company. But the thing was that they needed 15 guards and 24-hour service with more than twelve guards in the morning and six to eight at night. 

Another thing was that he was not allowed to sign a contract with any other company while he worked with them. He hesitated upon reading this in the contract. Then he calmed himself down and continued reading. 

When he read that the Night shift guards would receive an extra bonus and next year, the contract amount would double and the number of the guards would increase in addition to all guards having social security benefits that will start six months after signing the contract, he decided to immediately sign the contract. This was like a meal from the sky that was specially made for him, and it was presented to him at the time when he needed it the most.

He had decided that he would continue working with this company until they decided to end the contract. He wouldn't breach the contract or anything, and he will do his job seriously and faithfully.

When he started the job, he thought it would be quite a tough job, but contrary to his expectations, it was quite easy. All they had to do was patrol the office building and check those who go in and out which wasn't that hard because the number of people visiting was few. 

Everything was going smoothly, but now today the CEO called him into her office. He was nervous and was wondering if something happened or if they did something that angered the CEO.

Fei Hong looked at Ren and wondered why Fu Yan chose this unknown security company when there were many good options in the market, but she did not question his decision and hired this company. 

After they started working here, Fei Hong observed them and found that they did their duty quite seriously and never slacked. She was also quite satisfied with their work.

"Mr. Ren, I called you to talk about something that might happen in the future, so I want your team to be ready when that happens."

Ren took a breath and relaxed when he heard this. Then he sat straight and said with a serious face:

"Ma'am no matter what it is, we will do our best, even if it's hard."

Fei Hong nodded when he heard this, and then put on a serious face.

"Well as you might have heard that, many senior-level employees are resigning from the company, and we know that it's because they got a better offer from our competitor. Now we feared that they might try to harm our company, so we started to monitor everyone. A special team is monitoring everything, marking those which try anything suspicious. Your job is to make your guards patrol in the office and the moment any PC sounds an alarm, you are to take that person into custody and check the computer. If the computer screen has words 'locked due to malicious activity,' call the police and contact me."

Ren listened to everything seriously and nodded. Then he said with a serious face that was brimming with excitement,

"Ma'am, we will do our best and won't let any person escape. This is our first proper task, so we won't let you down."

Fei Hong smiled and replied while looking at Ren:

"Then Mr. Ren, you should start now."

Ren stood up from his chair and said goodbye to Fei Hong. He then hurried outside and walked towards the security guards' office.

After reaching there, he called everyone in and briefed them on the task. After one minute had passed, everyone returned to their posts while three guards started to patrol the office building. 

They acted like usual and showed nothing on their faces. Being professionals, they did not peek towards anyone and just roamed in the building from time to time as they would usually do.

Suddenly, in the accounting department, a loud alarm sounded and the girl that was sitting in front of the computer, opened her eyes with a shocked expression. She was trying to comprehend what happened when three security guards walked towards her.

"Miss, is there a problem?" 

The girl looked towards the guards and tried her best to not stutter while replying.

"My computer suddenly locked down and started to issue this alarm. I think it's infected with a virus." 

The guard calmly listened to her and shifted his attention towards the computer screen. The screen was red and there was a sentence written on it.

"Locked Due To Suspicious Activity."

He looked towards his companions and gave a nod. One of the guards walked away a little and said something into a transceiver. The other guard shifted his attention towards the girl and said with a deep voice.

"Miss, please come with us."

When he said this, the girl understood that she had been caught, so she resisted while replying with an angry voice.

"Why should I come with you? What kind of company is this? I am resigning now. I won't work in this kind of company anymore."

Then she tried to take her bag and walk away. 

The three guards stood in her way and stopped her from leaving. She looked at the guards stopping her and roared.

"Get out of my way. I am leaving. I won't work in this company anymore. Let me leave." Then she tried to push her way through.

One of the guards held her from the arm and said in a harsh tone.

"Miss, we have called the police so kindly stay here until they arrive. We can't let you leave until then. We have been ordered by the CEO."

Other employees in the office also stood up and talked between themselves, wondering what happened. When they heard that the police had been called, the murmuring noise grew even more.

Then they saw Fei Hong walking out of her office and coming towards them. She came towards the guards and stopped a step away from the girl who was still struggling to get off the guard's grip.

She looked at the girl with cold eyes and said with a deep and cold voice.

"You won't be leaving now. You can't resign because we will fire you. Also, we have gathered all evidence against you." Then Fei Hong took a step forwards and looked into the girl's eyes and said:

"Don't try to act innocent, we knew from the start what you were doing. Now, wait for the police to come. Corporate espionage is a serious crime, and we will make sure you get the maximum sentence."

Then she turned around and looked towards the other workers who were looking towards them and talking with each other. 

Fei Hong cleared her throat a little and then said in a loud voice.

"Please resume your work, there is nothing to worry about. Miss Len tried to tamper with the company's accounting data and was caught. We will let the police handle it from here."

Then she turned towards the guards and said with a cold voice that could only be heard by them:

"Take her to the guard room and wait for the police to come. Don't let her get away. Even if you have to use force, do it. We can handle it later."

Then she gave a look to the other employees in the accounting department and walked towards her office. 

The three guards looked at Fei Hong's departing figure and then started to walk towards the guards' room. 

The girl named Len tried to struggle but to no avail. She was dragged towards the guard's room while being held by her arm.

She was cursing and threatening, but the guards did not respond and kept on walking.

[[[[[[[[[Chapter Ends Here]]]]]]]]]]

Sorry for not posting the past 2 days. There was a storm in my area and I lost power for two days. I got power back 10 hours ago and then immediately started to work. To compensate for the last two days, I wrote one long chapter. It's 2900 words chapter so it took a while to write. Anyways enjoy and if nothing happened, there will be regular updates tomorrow.

Thanks to Jdj222 for gifting Magic Wand. to VoidNexus for gifting Ring and jason_babcock, NOYB for Potion.


2700 power stones = 1 extra chapter

3700 power stones = 2 extra chapter

[ol][li data-annotation-id="2f589a81-4f1f-0849-e72d-0b869a361d1a"]Help! We're being held in the Library's dark room against our will! The evil author is forcing us to edit this chapter! Free us![li data-annotation-id="3e0d2c8f-bb05-254d-aea6-72d8d8517c8b"]-----EN----- Don't worry, we can fix it. It isn't the new Coronavirus, only a common cold.[/ol]

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