Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 103: Planet: Anuvis

Editors and Proof Reader: Alterious, Dervish, King of Mortals, garantiertnicht

Fu Yan looked at the calendar in front of him and stood up. 

"All right it's almost time for the next mission from the Library, and it does not matter if I finish it in advance." He thought while looking at the time on his watch.

After that, he went towards the washroom and then took a shower. After freshening up a bit, he came back to the study room and then sat on the chair.

"Qing, I will be away for a while. Keep a strict eye on the servers and on the company too. Like I taught you, the moment there is any suspicious activity by someone, lock their computer and display the reason on the computer's screen. Send a copy of their activity to Fei Hong's mail and give her an alert too. Also, be sure to log all these actions separately from other things." He said while stretching himself.

"Okay, Big Brother! Qing will do so." Qing's monotonous voice sounded in the room. 

Fu Yan stood up after hearing that and prepared to tap on the left hand to go to the Library when he suddenly remembered something and stopped himself. He then turned towards the screen and said with a deep voice.

"Qing, whenever you have more than 60% computing power on idle, use 50% of it to attack the server and defend it by yourself. Try all the different methods that are on the forums, and try to come up with the most optimized and effective methods for defending and attacking. But, other tasks have a higher priority than this. This can be done when you have 60% computing power on idle, and the moment the remaining idle power drops below 10% while performing this task, you are to stop it. Is that clear?" 

Qing did not reply for a while and then her voice sounded in the room.

"Yes, Big Brother. Qing Understands but do I need to log that, too?"

Fu Yan gave a nod upon hearing this and replied with a smile.

"Okay, log it too. Well, then I am off now." He tapped on the Library's tattoo and vanished from the room.

He then appeared in the Great Hall of the Library. He looked around and saw workers busy with their assortment of tasks. Some were sorting books, some were walking around while carrying books and some were just standing and gazing at the books. He wasn't sure what the last ones were doing, though... He just left them to do what they were doing and walked towards his desk.

After reaching his favorite space in the Library, he sat on the chair and tapped on a white spot on the table. A transparent screen popped up in front of him. He then tapped on an icon and then the data about late books started to display in front of him. 

He browsed through it and noticed that more than 4 books were overdue and were needed to be collected back. He then looked at the level and all of them were B+ or higher except for one that was marked as C. 

"All right, let's pick this one since it would be dangerous for me to go to higher level planets with my current level." Fu Yan thought with a hand on his chin with his eyes focused on the screen.

After thinking for a while, he decided and clicked on the C level book info, and all data about the book, borrower, and planet appeared in front of him. 

Fu Yan looked at the screen with focused eyes and started to read through the data presented to him.

Book Title: "Post-war Atmospheric Cleansing Through Biomechanical Alterations of Native Biomatter and Mechanical Hybridization."

Author: Yhofha Gradjua Francklions, Grand Researcher at the Academy of Science, Druidia

Planet of Origin: Druidia 

When he read this, he was surprised for a while, because the data about the book was very detailed this time. 

"Is it because I leveled up previously? So can I get data about every book in the Library?" Fu Yan thought and then picked up a book that was placed on the table in front of him. But after trying several times, all he got was the book's name and author. No other information was given to him. He sighed and then placed the book back where he picked it up from. He then shifted his attention to the screen and saw that he could still see all the details of the book.

"So only books that I have to collect will have a detailed description and information. Seems legit." He laughed a little and then started to read again where he had left off.

Origin Details: Through attempting to cleanse their atmosphere of toxins left over from a global war, the Grand Researcher Yhofha Francklions discovered a way to blend the natural biology of their planet with the mechanical monstrosities their people had introduced to the biosphere, in doing so finding a way to cleanse the contaminants from the planet. This paper discusses the theories behind Yhofha Francklions's genetic and mechanical alterations, the process to replicate his findings, how to supplement other pollutants for new ones, with several discussed in detail, practical applications, and lastly discussion concerning its usage on other planets. 

The philosophy behind his invention was to create a photosynthesis-like process by which the pollutants could be converted into a breathable atmosphere, without further 

adversely affecting their planet.

Book Age:411 years (Current Librarian's time standard)

Fu Yan read through the origin of the book and then gave a smile. He was very surprised and pleased with this book. This idea was very rare and genuine, maybe that was the reason this book was classified as C+.

"Well, this researcher was a genius to come up with this idea. I wonder how this book came to the Library. Was it brought by a previous Librarian or someone from Druidia exchanged it for something else?" Fu Yan thought with eyes full of curiosity and passion. He then suddenly thought how lucky he was to get this Library as he would get to read and learn about these wonderful technologies. 

After a while, he calmed himself down and started to read the information about the borrower. 

Planet: Anuvis 

Energy: B+

Civilization:C- (Elves)

Library Level:C

Borrower: Nuovis Erfie (female)

Time: -1 month (Current Librarian's time standard)

He casually skimmed through the information on the borrower and was about to swipe to see the next part of the information when he stopped and looked at the screen with surprised eyes. 

"Elves! There are elves. I thought they were a fantasy race and only existed in stories but they are real. So would they be similar to the ones that we have read about in stories or different? Man, I really want to meet them now. Ok, let's see the details about the reason they borrowed this book. In stories, elves love nature and live in the dense forest so I wonder why they would need a Biomechanical book." 

He then swiped on the screen and information about the planet started to appear on the screen.

Planet Anuvis was full of green forest and no matter where you look, you will only find greenery. Elves were the only intelligent creatures on this planet and they were on top of the food chain. Everything was normal until one day a mysterious asteroid fell into this planet's atmosphere and things changed. 

Day by day, air quality started to worsen and plants started to die. Unlike in stories, elves on Anuvis were smart and they were much more advanced than earth. They tried their best to find out the cause and only found that this was linked to the asteroid that entered their planet's atmosphere and burned. It released some kind of gas while burning that is contagious for this planet. After trying for years they failed to get any results and now 90% of the planet was barren with no plant life surviving in those parts. 

When there was no hope left an elder who was 900 years old and near death came forward and borrowed the book about biomechanical plants from the Library. 

The time limit for the book loan was 100 years. Time passed and now this book was overdue. 

After reading the details, Fu Yan sighed and thought while standing up from the chair.

"Both planets have almost similar circumstances. One was polluted because of war and the other because of a mysterious asteroid. Anyway, my job is to get the book back and I can see this wonder-race myself too."

He thought this and started to walk towards the back room of the Library to change into his uniform. 

[[[Chapter Ends Here]]]

sorry for the delays but I am trying to keep the quality of the work constant so it takes time. I don't want to just write chapters that even I don't want to read. 


2700 power stones = 1 extra chapter

3700 power stones = 2 extra chapter

total of 3

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