Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 98: Simulator!

Editors and Proof Reader: Alterious, Dervish, King of Mortals

Fu Yan was sitting in his room while reading a book on physics and how nature works with physics. 

He planned to build a simulator that could simulate almost anything as realistically as possible, but he had no knowledge of this field, so he borrowed a book from the Library to learn it.

The book is called "Physics: The Complete Blueprint". In this book, there were formulas for everything that happened in real life. From the way wind flows and how gravity acts on different shapes and masses, from the effects of lights to aerodynamics, how water behaves in different environments, to how different metals would react with each other in different environments. All in all, this book covered all beginners' topics about physics, and it was much more advanced than that of earth. 

The most interesting part of this book was that everything and every formula was explained and could be used in a computer program easily. 

Though he had made a physics engine before for his game, that was only what he copied from the book that he had borrowed from the library. He did not add anything to it, so he was a complete noob when it came to physics. Also, that engine could only be used for less realistic simulation. When it came to real-life simulation, the previous game engine wouldn't be able to perform well. So that's why he decided to build a new one and market it as a simulation engine, not one that could be used to play and create games.

Also, for some reason, he found all this to be fun. After his brain was enhanced by the Library, he seemed to have the ability of photographic memory. It means that if he saw a thing, he would remember it as clearly as he saw it the first time.

So remembering all these formulas was not that difficult, understanding them was a different story. At first, the formulas started to fly over his head, and he could not understand anything, but after concentrating for a while and experimenting a bit, he began to understand them. It's not like he was trying to get a degree in physics, he just wanted to be able to use different formulas in the program and generate a simulation platform.

For the next four days, he followed a simple routine. Wake up at 6 am, go for a morning jog, take a shower after jogging, eat breakfast, and then back to the study room to read the book and implement the formulas in it. Then at noon, eat dinner, do a little exercise, and then back to the study table. At night, eat a light dinner and then go to sleep.

Fu Yan did not find anything wrong with this routine because he was doing what he loved most. 

"When this simulator is done, it's going to be a fire." Fu Yan thought while writing the program with the help of Qing.

Though there were already many simulators available on the market and they were accurate too, the problem with them was, they were too slow. It takes days to get a result from such simulators, and the computational resources required to run the simulators were huge, too. The one that Fu Yan was writing now was more optimized, and used advanced physics formulas which were yet to be discovered on earth, to calculate the same result as conventional engines.

"I need a rendering engine for this too, in order to visualize the simulation done with the objects. Should I use the same renderer?" He thought for a while and then shook his head.

"No, the current one is not that good. Since I am going for realistic simulation, the renders also need to be perfect. There are already some top-end renderers available in the market and it would be a waste of time to make anything better than that since there won't be much of a difference. Well, let's get a good one from the library and copy it." Fu Yan decided after contemplating a bit.

He had to admit that though earth's technology was far behind when compared to those high tech civilizations, these limitations were only for hardware. If given some technology and resources, they could easily compete with others. 

Fu Yan was especially a fan of those high tech industries in the US. Steve Jobs was his favorite, the man set a new era two times and others followed him. He had a great vision and the things he invented made history. 

It was easy to copy others but hard to innovate, Fu Yan also understood this. He swiped on his left hand, and his consciousness appeared in the great hall of the Library.

He went towards his desk and then selected a beginner's book about rendering and modeling. 

"Alright, I will just copy whatever is written here." Fu Yan thought and prepared to go back to earth when he saw Casper walking towards him. After getting near him, He bowed and said:

"Hope you are good, Sir." 

Fu Yan nodded and asked.

"I am good, so do you need me for something?"

Casper bowed again and said in a humble tone.

"Yes, Sir. There are currently 2 books that are overdue, and we have to collect them back. Since you were not in the Library, We did not bother you. When I saw that you returned to the Library, we wanted to ask whether Sir will go by himself to collect the books back or should we go?"

Upon listening to this, Fu Yan thought for a while and asked.

"So what is the user rating who borrowed the books and how much are they overdue?"

"Sir, they both are B level users. Sir I am not trying to be disrespectful, but I do think it would be better to let workers go collect them back since the planets these users reside on are dangerous for you. I mean the current you. After you have become a high-level Librarian and got more access to the Library, you could even easily travel to an S level world, but not now."

Fu Yan patiently listened to Casper and then calmly replied.

"Since you say so, I will believe you, but remember this, if I later find out that you lied, consequences won't be light." He said the last part with a cold voice.

Casper immediately bowed and replied with an even humbler voice.

"Sir, if I ever lie to you, you can burn this body of mine and use it as fuel for the Library."

Fu Yan nodded when he heard this and then said while smiling.

"I hope that day never comes. Anyway, let two high-level workers go collect the books back, and no concession will be given for the overdue books. Since they are B level users, they know Library rules clearly. Since they dare to be late in returning the books, we will collect the late fee."

Casper again bowed and said:

"As you wish, my lord. I will immediately inform the two top workers and let them go immediately." 

Fu Yan nodded and turned to leave. It seems that he did not notice the change in how Casper addressed him. Then suddenly, as if he remembered something, he turned towards Casper and said:

"If there is a similar problem in the future, don't hesitate to call me. Also, if they encounter any problems during the mission, inform me immediately." He then swiped on his hand again and disappeared from the Library.

His consciousness returned to his body, and then he sat in front of the computer. He placed the book on the table and then leaned back on the chair. Casper's words were still in his mind.

"I am not high enough level so I might meet danger while I am out collecting books. So being a Librarian does not mean that I am invincible. I need to be careful while traveling to other planets and galaxies. Guess it's time to purchase some defensive equipment from the Library, or else, where am I going to use those credits?" He thought while his eyes looked towards the ceiling.

After a while, he closed his eyes and started to absorb the information that he had gathered today. Then he opened his eyes and sighed.

"Well, let's worry about the future later, now I should focus on the current task. If I do well here, it will help me increase my level in the Library too."

He picked up the book and started to read it, after a while, he placed the book back on the table and started to write the code that he had read from the book with Qing helping him for some minor parts. Fu Yan got so engrossed in the work that he even forgot about the time and worked from night to morning. He was still planning on working when his phone started to ring.

He looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Fei Hong. He picked it up, and Fei Hong's anxious voice came from the speakers.

"Fu Yan, we have a problem."

[[[[[[[[[Chapter Ends Here]]]]]]]]]]

sorry for the delay but i have encountered some problem, will update on 29/8/2020.

Thanks to GamerInspired and Sigarni for gifting Grimoire. 


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