Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch104- Unlucky Konoha

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Double Chapter!


In the arena, charged with the tension of the previous battle, Choji stepped in to face Gaara. After a month of grueling training, tailored specifically to counter Gaara's daunting sand techniques, Choji was ready, albeit with a sense of trepidation. His thoughts briefly flickered to his training, so harsh that the prospect of facing Gaara, known for his merciless combat style, seemed almost a relief in comparison.

Now scarred with the remnants of the previous battle's earth and fire techniques, Choji faced Gaara, his mind a whirlwind of strategies. With the ground uneven and treacherous from Sasuke and Kurotsuchi's techniques, Choji knew he had to be extra vigilant.

Gaara, with his typical, eerie calm, eyed Choji, his sand already swirling protectively around him. Choji, bolstered by his training, wasted no time. He quickly executed the hand signs for his clan's signature technique, "Expansion Jutsu!" His body ballooned in size, his increased mass giving him both strength and a tactical advantage against Gaara's sand.

Gaara responded in kind, sending a wave of sand towards the enlarged Choji. But Choji, expecting this, rolled forward, his enlarged form crushing the sand beneath him, disrupting its flow. For a moment, it seemed as though his strategy was working, the audience gasping at the sight of Gaara's sand being momentarily scattered.

However, Gaara remained unfazed. His control over the sand was more than a mere manipulation; it was an extension of his will. The sand, responding to his command, quickly regrouped and attacked from multiple directions, trying to ensnare Choji.

Choji, undeterred, pushed forward. He knew his chances were slim, but he was determined to give his all. With each roll and expansion, he managed to disperse the sand, but it was a temporary measure. Gaara's sand, relentless and inexhaustible, continued to press in, finding every gap in Choji's defense.

As Gaara's sand lunged towards him, Choji, in his expanded form, found himself briefly ensnared. In a flash of insight, he quickly reverted to his normal size, slipping out of the sand's grasp. The audience, caught off guard by this maneuver, let out a collective murmur of surprise.

Gaara, however, adapted quickly. He sent a more concentrated stream of sand towards the now smaller Choji. As the sand closed in, Choji explosively expanded, scattering the sand with the sudden increase in his volume. This back-and-forth dance continued, with Choji constantly adjusting his size to counter Gaara's relentless sand attacks.

Horyu, watching from the sidelines, couldn't help but comment, 'In the anime, Naruto escaped from Gaara's Sand Tomb by summoning Gamabunta. Choji's tactic is almost the same.'

Choji, though battling valiantly, was gradually getting worn down. Gaara's sand, ever persistent, started adapting to Choji's tactics, becoming faster and more aggressive with each attack. Gaara himself, with his unchanging expression, seemed like an immovable force, dictating the pace of the battle.

In a desperate move, Choji attempted a final Expansion Jutsu, hoping to scatter Gaara's sand once and for all. His body ballooned to a massive size, causing a shockwave that sent tremors across the already damaged terrain. For a moment, Gaara's sand was thrown into disarray, creating a momentary opening.

However, Gaara, with his extraordinary control, quickly recovered. The sand coalesced into a giant hand and grabbed Choji, squeezing relentlessly. Choji, despite his size, found himself unable to break free. His strength waning, he shrank back to his normal size, the battle clearly lost.

Hayate swiftly ended the battle before Gaara could further harm Choji, declaring, "The winner, Gaara of Team Sand." The crowd erupted in another cheer. Two in a row, Konoha had lost. Shisui's face, despite his smile, darkened slightly. The loss of Sasuke, Itachi's brother, was an unexpected blow. There were two Uchihas in the final round, and now only one remained.

Hayate called the next battle, "Neji of Team Guy vs Hinata of Team 8." Horyu, leaning against a wall, watched Hinata enter the arena. His training had pushed her beyond her limits, but now it was up to her. Hinata's eyes, usually gentle, held a new determination. Neji, cold and confident, looked at her with a mix of respect and determination.

The atmosphere in the arena was charged with a blend of tension and anticipation as Hinata and Neji faced each other. The uneven and scarred terrain, a testament to the fierce battles that had preceded theirs, added an additional layer of complexity to their imminent confrontation.

Hinata, under Horyu's rigorous training, had honed her skills significantly. Her stance was more confident than ever, a stark contrast to her usually demure demeanor. Neji, observing this change, acknowledged her growth with a respectful nod, "Hinata-sama."

The battle commenced with Neji taking the initiative, swiftly moving towards Hinata in a series of fluid, precise motions characteristic of the Hyuga's Gentle Fist style. Hinata, anticipating his moves, countered with her own, their hands and fingers moving in a blur as they aimed for each other's chakra points.

Hinata, utilizing the training she had received from Horyu, added subtle feints and dodges to her movements, a strategy designed to create openings in Neji's defense. Neji, in turn, adapted to her tactics, his Byakugan giving him insight into her slightest movements.

The two Hyuga prodigies engaged in a dance of palms, their strikes sending ripples across the arena, further destabilizing the already uneven ground. Hinata, drawing upon her newfound resolve, launched a series of palm strikes, "Eight Trigrams Thirty-Two Palms!" Her hands moved in a rapid sequence, aiming to disrupt Neji's chakra flow.

Neji, countering, executed the "Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms," his movements even faster and more precise. The two techniques collided, creating a whirlwind of energy that sent dust and debris from the damaged terrain swirling around them.

As the dust settled, Hinata, breathing heavily but undeterred, charged again, this time aiming to exploit the uneven ground to her advantage. She led Neji towards a particularly damaged area, a remnant of Kurotsuchi's earlier earth techniques.

Neji, realizing the tactic, attempted to redirect, but Hinata, using her improved agility, managed to land a series of gentle but precise strikes. Neji, momentarily thrown off balance by the unstable ground, quickly regained his footing and launched a counterattack.

Horyu's voice echoed in her mind. Taking a deep breath, Hinata shifted her approach, focusing more on evasion and counter-striking, using Neji's momentum against him. Seeing the Gentle Fist he was familiar with mixed with Uchiha Intercepting Style, Neji was thrown off.

The battle continued, both warriors displaying exceptional skill and determination. Neji, with his advanced techniques and innate talent, against Hinata, who had surpassed her previous limitations through relentless training and sheer willpower.

Hinata hesitated only for a second, then steeled her will and pulled out a scroll, throwing it into the air as she charged towards Neji. Neji, wary of the unknown contents of the scroll but more focused on Hinata's sudden aggression, braced himself. As Hinata and Neji exchanged a series of rapid moves, the scroll exploded, filling the area with thick smoke.

"Isn't it useless against us, Hinata-sama?" Neji asked, his Byakugan piercing through the smoke. But within the smoke, he saw hundreds of kunai raining down on him. 'Damn! No, these are not Kunai, the chakra within them suggests they are copies or fakes? Can't take a chance,' he thought in a split second and used the Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven to deflect the perceived threat.

That was precisely what Hinata was waiting for. Taking position, her Byakugan flared intensely as she locked onto the ever-spinning Neji. Then, in a move that caught everyone, especially Hiashi and Hizashi Hyuga in the audience, by surprise, Hinata executed the same move. However, to the shock of all, Hinata's Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven penetrated Neji's defense and threw him off balance.

"That is..." Hizashi began, his voice laced with disbelief.

"...the weakness of Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven," Hiashi finished, his voice tinged with a mixture of shock and pride. For years, they had believed the technique to be unbeatable, but Hinata had found a weakness and exploited it against Neji.

Neji, thrown off balance by Hinata's counter, struggled to regain his footing on the uneven terrain. Hinata, seizing the moment, charged at Neji who was felled, and finished the battle by pressing her hand to his neck.

Neji looked at Hinata in shock, his words trailing off, "You..." He couldn't finish his sentence. Hayate approached and declared, "Winner, Hinata Hyuga of Team 8!" The audience erupted in cheers, marveling at Hinata's unexpected victory. Her gaze locked onto Horyu in the audience, gratitude and acknowledgment evident in her eyes.

It was Horyu, who found the weakness in Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven and taught her how to exploit it and use it against Neji. Although her training was extreme, Neji was a year older than her, as diligent as her if not more, and as talented as her. It wouldn't be easy to surpass him that easily in a month. But luckily, she had Horyu.

Shisui, observing from the stands, was impressed with Hinata's performance. Though Konoha had lost the first two battles, Hinata's and Neji's fight demonstrated the village's formidable talents. The other Kages, too, recognized the significance of Hinata's achievement, especially A from the Cloud Village, who had once considered stealing the very same Byakugan for its strategic value.

Hayate's voice rang out, announcing the next matchup: "Shikamaru of Team 10 versus Suigetsu of Team Mist."

In the arena, now a complex mosaic of previous battles' aftermath, Shikamaru of Team 10 faced Suigetsu of Team Mist. The air was tense with anticipation, the audience keenly aware of the contrasting styles of the two combatants.

Suigetsu, eyeing the arena's shadows warily, addressed Shikamaru with a hint of annoyance, "I know you're a Shadow user, so as long as I pay attention to shadows, I should be fine. That means I cannot use Taijutsu or Kenjutsu." He clicked his tongue in frustration, acknowledging the limitation this placed on his usual combat style.

Shikamaru, ever the strategist, observed the terrain thoughtfully. The uneven ground, the patches of grass, the remnants of Kurotsuchi’s earth structures, the dried swamps from Sasuke’s fire jutsu, and the intersecting pits from Hinata and Neji’s techniques – all these elements provided a rich tapestry for his tactical mind.

The battle commenced with Suigetsu maintaining a cautious distance, trying to avoid casting a shadow that Shikamaru could exploit. Shikamaru, meanwhile, maneuvered around the arena, his eyes constantly assessing the changing patterns of light and shadow.

Suigetsu, realizing he needed to take the initiative, launched a series of Water Release techniques. "Water Style: Water Bullet Technique!" he yelled, sending high-speed water projectiles towards Shikamaru. Shikamaru, agile and aware, dodged them skillfully, using the terrain to his advantage, moving behind the stone structures and pits to avoid direct hits.

Shikamaru then made his move. He extended his shadow, using the uneven terrain and the remnants of previous battles to elongate and manipulate its shape. Suigetsu, caught off guard by the shadow’s unexpected reach, narrowly avoided being ensnared.

The battle then became a game of cat and mouse, with Suigetsu trying to disrupt the shadows with his Water Release, while Shikamaru attempted to trap him using his Shadow Possession Jutsu. Shikamaru, realizing he needed a more direct approach, led Suigetsu towards one of the dried swamps, hoping to use its uneven ground to his advantage.

Suigetsu, aware of Shikamaru’s plan, tried to counter by creating a mist to obscure the battlefield. "Hidden Mist Jutsu!" he announced, as a dense fog enveloped the arena. Shikamaru, now hindered in his visibility, relied on his keen intellect and heightened senses to track Suigetsu’s movements.

Shikamaru retreated into the mist, his mind racing with calculations. "This isn't working," he muttered, casting a glance at the surrounding terrain. The stone structures, the patches of grass, the dried swamps, all elements in a complex puzzle he was rapidly solving.

Suigetsu, smirking in the mist, taunted, "Running away, Nara? What happened to your big brain strategies?" His voice echoed mockingly through the fog.

Shikamaru, seemingly flustered by the dense mist and Suigetsu's taunts, appeared to struggle. He made a few hasty attempts to extend his shadow towards Suigetsu, each time falling short, reinforcing Suigetsu's belief that he had the upper hand. Suigetsu, amused by Shikamaru's apparent desperation, kept a safe distance, launching water attacks from afar.

As the battle progressed, Shikamaru positioned himself strategically in front of the stone structures formed by Kurotsuchi in her earlier battle. The sun was positioned behind him, casting a long shadow from the structures across the arena floor. To the untrained eye, Shikamaru seemed to be merely seeking a defensive position.

Then, in a swift motion, Shikamaru pulled out a scroll and threw it high into the air. Suigetsu, seeing this, smirked, thinking it was just another desperate ploy. "What's this? Another trick?" he jeered, not moving from his spot.

As the scroll unfurled in mid-air, Shikamaru, almost simultaneously, flung his coat upwards, just as the scroll exploded. A blinding flash of light engulfed the arena, startling the audience and momentarily blinding everyone, including Suigetsu.

In the brief moment of chaos, Shikamaru's coat, now airborne and illuminated by the flash, cast a large, dark shadow directly behind him. Quick as a flash, Shikamaru extended his shadow along the ground, merging it seamlessly with the shadow of his coat. The shadow snaked rapidly across the arena, exploiting the large shadows cast by the wall and the stone structures.

Suigetsu, still blinking away the spots from his vision, realized too late that he had underestimated Shikamaru. The shadow, now empowered and elongated by the strategic positioning and the unexpected use of Shikamaru's coat, reached all the way to where he stood.

Before Suigetsu could react, Shikamaru's Shadow Possession Jutsu took hold, immobilizing him completely. The audience, now recovering from the flash, erupted in surprise and admiration. Shikamaru, standing calmly with a faint smirk on his face, had outwitted Suigetsu in a way that nobody had anticipated.

Walking slowly, mimicked by the now bound Suigetsu, Shikamaru positioned himself such that Suigetsu was just in front of a stone structure. "Even with this, I am not defeated," Suigetsu said with bravado. Shikamaru only smirked and pulled out a kunai, a motion copied by Suigetsu. "What? Wanna die while killing me?" Suigetsu asked, a hint of confusion in his voice. Shikamaru didn't answer but threw the kunai, with Suigetsu doing the same.

Just when the kunais were about to hit both of them, Shikamaru threw his head back with his full power. Behind him, there was nothing, but behind Suigetsu was the stone structure. His plan was for Suigetsu to hit his head, but to his surprise, Suigetsu's head turned into water, allowing him to escape from the clash. Laughing, Suigetsu said, "I can still turn into water even when bound."

Shikamaru cursed under his breath, realizing his plan had failed. He had no choice but to release Suigetsu from the Shadow Possession Jutsu. Raising his hand, Shikamaru declared, "I give up." He had used all his chakra and his last strategy had not worked. Yet, the crowd still went ballistic, cheering for the cleverness and the wit displayed in the battle.

Shikamaru's plan had been intricate and well-executed, but Suigetsu's unique ability had been the wildcard that upset it. The battle had been a tactical dance, showcasing Shikamaru's strategic mind and Suigetsu's adaptability and resilience.


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