Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch111- Yoru

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This chapter was delayed due to technical issues. Another will be published later today.


On the other side of the village, after the barbecue, Horyu said his goodbyes to his teammates, Hanabi, and Ino, then walked home. On his way, he opened the last mission reward he had put aside earlier. [Subquest 3: "The Mentor's Challenge" - Ensure Hinata's victory against Neji and Shino against Karui. Reward: Lunar Hare Tribe Summon Contract.] Looking at the reward, Horyu pondered, "Solo Training Quest already rewarded the Kurohana Owl Tribe, and now I received another summoning tribe. Since this subquest was part of training Hinata and Shino, I assume the reward is for one of them. The other two rewards were for Hinata and Shino respectively. This fits Hinata better. 'I can give it to her later.'" He thought, and entered his house.

Inside, Horyu took out the Kurohana Owl Tribe Summoning Contract and opened it. Unfurling the scroll, he noticed it was empty. No one had ever signed a partnership with this tribe before. He stared at the blank parchment, contemplating the potential of such a unique and untapped alliance. The possibilities were vast, and the strategic advantage of being the first to form a bond with the Kurohana Owl Tribe was not lost on him.

He started to think, 'I have never heard of this tribe in the anime or manga before. And the scroll suggests no one else has signed it before me, so I'll be the first. I don't know what they specialize in, but since the system gave it, it must suit me. The name, Black Feather, also suggests stealth and reconnaissance. Owls are wise in nature, silent hunters. It sure suits me.' He then cut his finger with Chucky, and signed his name in blood. After the procedure was done, he used his still bleeding finger to initiate the summoning jutsu.

A plume of smoke burst forth from the ground, dissipating slowly to reveal a medium-sized owl standing before Horyu. The creature's sleek, jet-black feathers shimmered under the light of the room, like a starry night sky. Its large, expressive eyes glowed a deep crimson, akin to the Sharingan, adding an enigmatic aura to its presence. The feathers around its neck were slightly elongated, giving it a regal and distinguished look.

The owl looked at Horyu and tilted its head. "Hmm? A human. Haven't seen one for years," it remarked, its voice carrying a tone of mild surprise mixed with curiosity.

Horyu inspected the creature, his eyes taking in its unique appearance. Pointing at the scroll on the ground, he said, "I signed a contract with your tribe."

The owl nodded, its movements unnaturally human-like. "Obviously, since I am here. I am Yoru, since I was the first to be summoned, I will be your main summon from now on. Nice to meet you," it stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

Horyu nodded, introducing himself, “I am Uchiha Horyu.”

Yoru chuckled, a sound that seemed oddly out of place coming from an owl. "Our names almost have the same ring." Horyu tilted his head, prompting Yoru to explain, "Drop the 'H', put 'Y' first, and voilà."

Horyu laughed, a rare sound from him. "You are a clever one, aren't you?" he commented, the amusement evident in his voice.

Yoru laughed back. "Well, since we met, let's talk about the details. The Kurohana Tribe is situated in a pocket dimension separate from the one you live in. We are the overlords of the Forest of Darkness, which is a big part of the dimension I mentioned earlier. Outside of the forest, there are two more big tribes. One is the Lunar Hare Tribe; they are peaceful but still strong. The other is the Snow Fox Tribe. They are cunning and troublesome."

Horyu listened intently, his eyes never leaving Yoru. The owl's presence was commanding, yet there was a sense of wisdom about him that Horyu found intriguing.

Yoru continued, "We Kurohana owls are known for our stealth and reconnaissance skills. Our silent flight and night vision make us perfect for gathering intelligence. We can sense chakra, which should be helpful for your missions."

"That's impressive," Horyu commented. "And what about combat capabilities?"

"We can handle ourselves in a fight," Yoru assured. "I can use basic Wind Jutsu, which can work well with your Fire techniques. We're not frontline fighters, but we excel in ambushes and surprise attacks."

"Good to know," Horyu said, nodding. His mind shifted to the second scroll he won, the Lunar Hare Tribe Summoning Contract, the same tribe Yoru had just mentioned. He contemplated the third subquest of the Training With Itachi Quest, which also promised a summoning scroll. 'I thought it was for crows,' he initially thought, 'but what if it's the Snow Foxes?' He sighed, realizing there was no way of knowing at the moment. "Can you feel my fire jutsu?" he asked Yoru, curious about the owl's sensory abilities, since Yoru said his wind attacks could assist with Horyu's fire, it meant Yoru could either feel or assumed since Horyu is an Uchiha

Yoru tilted his head, "I can feel the fire within you, yes."

Horyu hummed, "And, any other element?"

"Nope, fire only," Yoru replied.

Horyu smiled, "That saves a Chakra Paper."

Yoru chuckled, "Pragmatic and focused instead of weeping about your lack of talent. I like you."

"Thanks. Well, that is all for now, I will call you later," Horyu responded.

"So long," Yoru said before vanishing.

Far from Konoha, in a secluded cave, Uzumaki Naruto sat with his sister, Uzumaki Himawari. Both were engrossed in a report detailing the recent Chunin Exam. "I can't believe it," Naruto said, his voice laced with disbelief. "Is this the same Horyu I remember?"

Himawari looked up from the report, her expression equally puzzled. "It's hard to believe," she agreed.

Naruto had known Horyu from the Academy. Back then, Horyu was a talentless Uchiha, often bullied by Sasuke and ignored by others. Naruto had tried to befriend him, but Horyu's inferiority complex, stemming from his upbringing, had always been a barrier.

"Strange," Naruto muttered, still processing the information. Horyu's sudden rise was not only unexpected but almost surreal.

At this time, Uzumaki Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan entered the cave, their silhouettes casting long shadows on the dimly lit walls. Nagato's eyes quickly fell on the report in Naruto's hand, while Yahiko, ever curious, came closer.

"What's up?" Yahiko asked, glancing at the report Naruto held.

Naruto handed over the paper, his expression still a mix of disbelief and curiosity. "It's about Horyu Uchiha. He's... changed."

Yahiko skimmed through the report, his eyebrows raising in surprise. "This guy was in your class, right? Seems like he's turned things around."

Nagato, peering over Yahiko's shoulder, added his thoughts. "He might be a late-bloomer," he said, his voice calm. "We've seen a lot like him in the field."

As they discussed, three more figures entered the cave. Kakashi, leading the way, had an amused smirk on his face. "He is one of them," he said, pointing at Uchiha Obito, who entered carrying Rin on his shoulders.

"What happened to Big Sis Rin?" Himawari quickly got up, rushing over to check on Rin.

"Just exhausted," Obito replied, smiling warmly as he ruffled Himawari's hair.

"Stop!" Himawari protested, trying to swat Obito's hand away, but her protest was met with a chuckle from Obito.

The mention of Horyu seemed to stir something in Obito. "Horyu, huh? That brings back memories," he said, a nostalgic look crossing his features.

Kakashi, leaning against the wall of the cave, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, remember when we were trapped by the Uchiha Police? It was Horyu who helped us escape, though he did it by accident."

Obito chuckled at the memory. "Yeah, he looked so confused when he accidentally created a diversion for us."

Yahiko, looking intrigued, asked, "So, this Horyu guy has been helpful to you in the past?"

"In a way, yes," Kakashi replied. "But it was more of a fortunate mishap than intentional aid."

Nagato, observing the conversation, interjected, "Regardless, it seems he's made quite a name for himself now. Winning the Chunin Exams is no small feat."

Konan, who had been quietly listening, added, "It's interesting how people change. Horyu Uchiha... we should keep an eye on his progress."

The group nodded in agreement, the name 'Horyu Uchiha' echoing in their minds as a significant figure to watch in the shinobi world.

In a cave, very close to where Naruto and the others were, sat another figure, Namikaze Hirato. If the siblings knew they were so close to each other, they would rush to each other without hesitation. This was Zetsu's play. He liked toying with them. He led Hirato so close, yet kept the information hidden, so the little puppet would not know. Relishing in this twisted game, Zetsu watched as Hirato finished reading the report.

"This Horyu, will he be a problem?" Hirato's voice was calm, but there was an undercurrent of hatred.

Zetsu shook his head, his voice smooth and reassuring. "With your abilities, no one can stand in your way."

Hirato nodded, his blue eyes shifting to the Sharingan, then to the Rinnegan. "No one can stop our plans." His voice was firm, filled with a conviction that left no room for doubt.

Zetsu grinned, a sinister expression that spoke volumes of his malicious intent. "Absolutely."

Hirato folded the report, setting it aside. His mind was already moving on, planning his next moves in the grand scheme of things. He stood up, his figure tall and imposing in the dimly lit cave. "We need to keep an eye on him, though. Unexpected variables can be... problematic."

Zetsu nodded, his eyes gleaming with malice. "I will monitor his movements. He may become useful, or a threat to be eliminated."

Hirato's expression remained unreadable, but his eyes, now purple, reflected a cold determination. "Let's not underestimate him. He's an Uchiha, after all."

The conversation shifted to their broader plans, Hirato's voice echoing in the cave as he outlined his strategies. Zetsu listened intently, his mind already weaving new plots and plans around Hirato's words. The two figures, shrouded in darkness, were a symbol of the looming threat they posed to the shinobi world.



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