Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch113- New Ranks

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Nodding in approval, Shisui then turned his attention to the others. "Hyuga Hinata, Shino Aburame, Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Choji, Hyuga Neji... please, step forward." As Horyu retreated to stand beside Kurenai, the mentioned names advanced, each carrying a mix of anticipation and eagerness.

Shisui continued, "Your performances during the exams caught the eye of many esteemed figures from the five great nations. Your strategies, abilities, and resolve were exceptional. Accordingly, I am promoting you to the rank of Chunin." Applause filled the room as Horyu joined in, while the newly promoted Chunin either cheered or breathed sighs of relief.

However, Shisui wasn't done. "But, let me clarify why I singled out Uchiha Horyu initially. A recent reform in our ranking system was established to more accurately reflect a shinobi's capabilities and power. The ranks are now divided into three: for Genin, Chunin, and Jonin, each with its distinctions: Special, Regular, and Elite."

He scanned the room, ensuring his next words were clearly understood. "As of today, you stand as Special Chunin, freshly stepping into your new rank, while Horyu has been promoted to a Regular Chunin." The distinction made some clench their fists, striving for further recognition, while others still reveled in their new status.

Shisui didn't pause. "Uchiha Sasuke, Inuzuka Kiba, Haruno Sakura, Ino Yamanaka, Rock Lee, Tenten... from this moment, you are recognized as Elite Genin."

The room was a mix of emotions. Some faces lit up with newfound determination, while others, like Sasuke's, hardened, the distinction fueling a silent vow to surpass those ahead.

Shisui's announcement laid bare the path ahead for each ninja, a clear hierarchy within which to ascend. It was a system designed to motivate and recognize, pushing each individual to strive beyond their current limits.

As the meeting concluded, Shisui called out, directing his gaze towards the remaining individuals in the room. "Uchiha Horyu, Kurenai-san, Ino Yamanaka, please stay. The rest of you are dismissed." The others shuffled out, though Asuma hesitated, opening his mouth to speak, "Hokage-sama, may I?" But Shisui was firm, cutting him off with a wave of his hand. "You may not. You are dismissed." Asuma's hand clenched into a fist as he reluctantly turned and left the room, leaving a palpable tension behind.

Ino, puzzled, glanced around, wondering why she was called to stay. The room's atmosphere was thick with unspoken questions until the door swung open again, admitting Shikaku Nara and Yamanaka Inoichi. "Daddy?" Ino's voice was a mix of surprise and confusion as she spotted her father. Inoichi offered a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, "Hello, princess." His clenched fist, however, was a silent testament to the seriousness of the situation unfolding.

Shisui, addressing the gathered individuals, didn't waste time on pleasantries. "Yesterday, during the meeting with the Daimyos and Kages, the Cloud and Stone attempted a maneuver to isolate Horyu from the village, proposing his induction into the Twelve Guardian Ninja."

Ino's hand flew to her mouth in shock, while Kurenai's expression turned into a frown, clearly understanding the implications. Asuma had once been a part of that group, a decision that had strained their starting relationship beyond repair.

Cutting straight to the heart of the matter, Shisui announced, "To counteract this, we had to act swiftly. We've decided to engage Uchiha Horyu to Ino Yamanaka."

The room fell silent as the weight of his words settled. Horyu's eyes widened, a mix of anger and realization dawning on him. The encounter with Inoichi the previous night suddenly made sense, the hostility that seemed unprovoked at the time now had a clear cause. His fist clenched tightly, a silent symbol of his frustration at being used as a pawn in this political game.

Beside him, Kurenai placed a hand on his shoulder, a gesture meant to offer some comfort, but her own hand was clenched, signaling her displeasure with the situation.

Ino, meanwhile, was a whirlwind of emotions—shocked, blushing, surprised, and confused all at once. She looked from her father to Horyu and then back to Shisui, trying to process the sudden turn of events.

Shikaku broke the silence, his voice calm yet firm, "This isn't just a whimsical decision. It's a strategic move to ensure Horyu's talents remain within Konoha, reinforcing our alliances and preventing any external manipulations."

Inoichi tried to offer reassurance to his daughter, saying, "Ino, this isn't something we took lightly. It's for the greater good of the village... and for our families. But your words hold weight. If neither of you wants this engagement, it will be nullified, but you will be forced to act like you are in a relationship for a few years." Horyu glanced at Shisui and understood that this wasn't an option – it was an order. Inoichi was merely giving them the illusion of choice, perhaps hoping that Ino would make the same choice as Shisui to have a semblance of free will. But in reality, there was no freedom or will involved.

Ino and Horyu locked eyes for several tense moments, the silence in the room becoming palpable. Eventually, Ino broke the silence by saying, "Can we try it first and then decide? After all, we don't know each other very well." Shisui nodded in agreement, saying, "Agreed. You are young, and you can see how it goes." Ino sighed in relief, and Shisui then dismissed them, instructing Horyu to stay. Shisui gestured towards the sofa, and Horyu took a seat, bracing himself for what was to come.

"I want you to woo Ino Yamanaka," Shisui began, his tone sincere but firm. "This will bond Yamanaka Clan to Uchiha." The simplicity of the order did nothing to mask its complexity. Horyu's mind briefly rebelled against the idea of using personal relationships as political tools, but he kept his face impassive. Before he could formulate a response, a System Quest appeared before him.


He dismissed it with a thought, keeping his focus on the Hokage. Shisui didn't pause, his next words hitting Horyu with the force of a well-aimed kunai. "You are talented, Horyu, I don't want your off-springs to have a divided bloodline. So do not worry, you will have more wives." Horyu barely restrained himself from rolling his eyes at the archaic notion, but he understood the underpinnings of Shisui's words. This wasn't just about Ino or the Yamanaka; it was about securing the future of the Uchiha clan through strategic alliances.

Horyu nodded, his response measured, "As you will, Hokage-sama." His voice carried a hint of resignation mixed with determination. Shisui's acknowledgment was brief, a nod that sealed the decision. "I will give you a unique choice. Do you want to separate from your old team or continue with them?" he queried, his tone indicating the weight of the decision.

Horyu considered the question. The bond he shared with Hinata and Shino wasn't just that of teammates; it was forged in the fires of combat and mutual growth. "I want to continue with them," he finally said, his voice firm. Shisui's nod was one of approval. "Good. In the future, you will have more Seek and Destroy missions. It is time to take serious steps."

Acknowledging the directive, Horyu bowed and left, his mind already racing with the implications of Shisui's words. As he exited the Hokage Building, the sunlight greeted him, a stark contrast to the gravity of the discussions held in the shadows. There, he found Kurenai waiting, her expression a mix of concern and curiosity. They walked together in silence, the tension palpable until they arrived at her house.

"Excuse my intrusion," Horyu said as he removed his shoes, stepping into the familiar yet suddenly imposing space. He took a seat across from Kurenai, the air thick with unspoken questions. But instead of diving straight into the heart of the matter, Kurenai activated a Genjutsu, enveloping them in an illusion where they could speak freely without fear of eavesdroppers.

Surrounded by the illusion, a serene landscape that belied the seriousness of their conversation, Horyu watched Kurenai closely, waiting for her to break the silence. "Horyu," she began, her voice echoing slightly in the artificial tranquility, "your engagement to Ino... it's a significant step, not just for you but for all involved."

Horyu's response was measured, his gaze steady. "I understand the gravity, Kurenai-sensei. It's a political maneuver, one I wasn't expecting but am prepared to navigate." His words were carefully chosen, reflecting his pragmatic approach to the situation.

Kurenai nodded, her expression softening. "I know this isn't what you envisioned for yourself. Politics aside, how do you feel about Ino?" Her question cut to the heart of the matter, beyond duty and strategy.

A pause lingered in the air as Horyu considered his answer. "Ino and I barely know each other," he admitted, his tone neutral. "But if this alliance can strengthen Konoha and the Uchiha's position, then it's a path I'm willing to walk. Feelings... those can be navigated in time."

Kurenai observed him, her eyes searching. "Just remember, Horyu, amidst the politics and strategies, there's a human connection at the core of this. Don't lose sight of that." Her advice was a reminder of the complexities of shinobi life, where duty often overshadowed personal desires.

Horyu nodded, absorbing her words. "I'll keep that in mind. But for now, I need to focus on the missions ahead and securing our position. The engagement... it's just another mission, for now." His comparison of the engagement to a mission was stark, yet it was a coping mechanism, a way to compartmentalize the emotional weight of the situation.

Kurenai's sigh filled the space between them, a sound heavy with concern. "I don't want you to become a pawn in their political games. My own history with Asuma... it was almost derailed by similar machinations. Our budding relationship came to a halt when he joined the Twelve Guardian Ninja. Despite being the Hokage's son, the political pressures were too much. Thankfully, my father was there for me, standing up against the Third Hokage. He sacrificed his chance at advancement, but he always said it was worth it to ensure my happiness. And I will stand by you in the same way. If you ever decide this isn't what you want, just say the word, and I'll support you against anyone." Her voice carried a mix of resolve and warmth.

Horyu offered a small, appreciative smile, a rare display of warmth on his typically stoic face. "Thank you, Sensei. Your support means a lot to me. Truly." His gratitude was sincere, a flicker of comfort in the complexity of his current situation.

Their conversation, shrouded in the privacy of Genjutsu, allowed them a moment of honesty away from prying eyes and ears. It was a brief respite in the whirlwind of political intrigue and duty that defined the life of a shinobi.


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