Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch115- Target Caught

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The journey was marked by a steady pace, the silence between them punctuated by the occasional rustle of leaves or distant call of wildlife. Hinata broke the silence first, her voice soft but carrying a determined undertone. "The Forest of Delusions... I've read about it. We'll need to be careful not to fall for its tricks."

Kurenai glanced back at her team, pride evident in her gaze. "We have a strong team. With Horyu's tactics, Hinata's Byakugan, and Shino's insects, we're well-equipped to handle what's ahead."

With their pace set and determination clear, Team 8 made their way towards the Forest of Delusions. The journey, though silent with focus, was quick, bringing them to the border sooner than expected. Before them, the forest stood—a canvas painted with vibrant greens, yellows, and the deep browns of ancient trees. The sight was both beautiful and daunting, a natural masterpiece marred by the knowledge of the dangers it concealed.

As they stood at the threshold, Kurenai glanced towards the forest with a hint of nostalgia. "You know, my clan used to live in this forest," she remarked, her voice carrying a mix of reverence and sorrow.

Horyu turned to her, surprise evident on his face. This was new information to him, something he hadn't encountered in his vast knowledge of the Naruto universe. "Really, Sensei?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

Kurenai nodded, her gaze still fixed on the forest ahead. "During the Warring Clans Era, the Yuhi Clan shared these lands with the Kurama Clan," she explained, her tone reflecting the weight of history.

Horyu hummed, processing this information. The Kurama Clan, known for their genjutsu prowess, had always intrigued him. Every few decades, a member with immense abilities would be born, their genjutsu so powerful it could turn illusions into reality, often at the cost of their sanity. The knowledge that such a clan had ties to Kurenai’s own added depth to his understanding of the ninja world's rich history.

The Warring Clans Era was a period that fascinated Horyu, a time when legends like Hashirama, Tobirama, and Madara roamed the earth. These were the giants upon whose actions the foundation of the shinobi world was built.

With this historical backdrop in mind, Team 8 ventured into the forest, their senses heightened. The Forest of Delusions lived up to its name, with the air thick with chakra-laden mist that played tricks on the mind. Hinata activated her Byakugan, scanning the area for traps or illusions. Shino released a small swarm of insects, sending them ahead to detect any genjutsu that might ensnare them.

Kurenai led the way, her experience as a genjutsu specialist invaluable in navigating the deceptive terrain. They moved with caution, each step taken with careful consideration to avoid triggering the hidden traps left by the rogue ninja.

As they delved deeper, the forest seemed to close in around them, the light dimming under the thick canopy of leaves. Hinata suddenly halted, signaling for the team to stop. "There’s a genjutsu trap ahead," she whispered, pointing towards a seemingly innocuous patch of ground that, upon closer inspection, shimmered slightly with chakra.

Shino’s insects buzzed around the area, confirming Hinata’s observation. Kurenai nodded, forming a series of hand seals before dispersing the illusion, revealing a pitfall trap hidden beneath.

Horyu watched the proceedings with a keen eye, appreciating the skills of his teammates. They worked seamlessly together, complementing each other’s abilities to overcome the forest's challenges.

Hours passed as they navigated through the forest, encountering and overcoming numerous traps. The rogue ninja's presence was everywhere, yet he remained elusive, a ghost haunting the shadows. Their progress was slow, but steady, with each trap disarmed or avoided bringing them closer to their quarry.

As the sun began to set, casting the forest in a twilight haze, Horyu sensed a shift in the air. He signaled for the team to halt, his Sharingan piercing through the dim light to catch a glimpse of movement ahead. "He’s close," Horyu murmured, his voice low but filled with certainty.

Kurenai nodded, signaling for the team to prepare for combat. Hinata and Shino took flanking positions, while Horyu and Kurenai advanced slowly towards the source of the movement.

The rogue ninja, sensing his pursuers closing in, made the first move, launching a flurry of shuriken from the shadows. Kurenai and Horyu reacted instantly, deflecting the projectiles with their kunai. The battle was on, the forest echoing with the sounds of combat as they engaged their unseen foe.

The rogue was skilled, utilizing the forest's deceptive environment to his advantage. But Team 8 was relentless, their determination fueled by the mission and their bonds as teammates.

The battle raged, a dance of shadows and illusions, until Horyu, using his Sharingan to see through the genjutsu, caught a glimpse of the rogue's true location. With a burst of speed, he closed the distance, Chucky in hand, ready to end the confrontation.

The rogue, caught off guard by Horyu's ability to see through his illusions, was unable to react in time. With a swift strike, Horyu incapacitated the rogue, bringing the mission to a close.

As the adrenaline of the fight faded, Team 8 regrouped, their breaths heavy in the silent forest. Kurenai approached the rogue, securing him for transport back to Konoha. "Well done, everyone," she said, her voice filled with pride.

As night fell over the Forest of Delusions, Team 8 decided it was best to rest under the relative safety provided by a large tree, taking advantage of the forest's deceptive calm. Kurenai announced the watch shifts, "Horyu and I will take the first watch. You two rest." Hinata and Shino, acknowledging with nods, retreated into their respective tents, leaving Kurenai and Horyu in the quiet of the night, accompanied only by the subdued sounds of the forest and their captive tied securely a few feet away.

The campfire's glow cast flickering shadows around them, providing a small island of light in the surrounding darkness. Kurenai turned to Horyu, her gaze serious but trusting. "You take the lead. Show me your progress," she instructed, signaling the beginning of the interrogation.

Horyu nodded, his expression calm but focused as he approached the captive. The rogue ninja, still disoriented from the fight and capture, eyed him warily. Horyu settled in front of the man, his Sharingan already active, the crimson swirls a silent threat of the mind-bending interrogation to come.

As the genjutsu took hold of the captive, the man found himself inexplicably free, his bonds vanishing as if they had never been. Horyu, with a deft touch, lightly took Kurenai's wrist into his hand, allowing her to peer into the illusions crafted within the captive's mind. The sharing of the visual experience was intimate, their bodies close.

The captive's world transformed before their eyes. He was running through the forest, the sensation of freedom palpable, his heart pounding in his chest. This was the beginning of Horyu's intricate illusion, a life forged in minutes but perceived as days by the man ensnared within.

The escape from the forest was arduous, with the man running tirelessly. Hunger gnawed at him, his muscles screamed in agony, and his heart hammered against his ribcage. Yet, driven by the illusion of freedom, he pushed through the pain, the dense foliage blurring past him in his desperate flight.

In the fabricated reality, days seemed to pass. The rogue ninja stumbled upon a secluded village, a place that promised respite from his relentless pursuit. Here, within the confines of this illusionary sanctuary, he encountered a woman. Her presence was an unexpected solace, her strength captivating, and her beauty, a balm to his tired spirit. Their meeting was the beginning of a deep connection, forged in the fires of shared struggle.

A confrontation soon happened, a challenge to their newly established bond. The man found himself defending the woman against the enemy, the physical exertion and the pain of combat felt vividly within the genjutsu's grip. Each blow exchanged, each evasion, heightened his senses, embedding the experience deep within his psyche.

As the threat was gone, their bond deepened, turning into a moment of intense emotional and physical closeness. The rogue ninja experienced a spectrum of emotions, from the initial stirrings of arousal to the consummation of their love. The scenes crafted by Horyu were intricate, imbued with a realism that left no detail to the imagination. Kurenai, witnessing this alongside Horyu, felt a blush creep onto her cheeks, a testament to the authenticity and intensity of the genjutsu.

In the afterglow of their union, as they lay entwined, the woman's inquiries began. Her questions were innocent yet probing, mirroring the exact information Horyu wanted to learn. The rogue, ensnared in the web of illusion, told everything: locations, contacts, plans—all flowed freely, whispered in the ear of his imagined lover.

Outside the genjutsu, a mere hour had ticked by, yet for the captive, it felt like a lifetime had unfolded. Horyu's manipulation of the sensory experiences was masterful, each detail tailored to extract the information seamlessly.

Kurenai nodded at Horyu, albeit with a bit of bashfulness due to the awkwardness of the scenes they watched together. The physical closeness, due to Horyu holding her wrist for her to see the genjutsu, only added to her embarrassment. She coughed slightly, gathering her thoughts before speaking. "Not bad, Horyu. But your Time Manipulation was, at best, amateurish. Although the victim didn't realize he was skipping days, a more astute target would see right through it. Instead, you should be able to stretch time into days. But other than that, it was extremely well crafted, and we got everything we wanted."

Horyu nodded, internally acknowledging her critique. His Time Manipulation mastery was indeed low, only at 9%, forcing him to skip days within the illusion. He was far from being compared to Itachi, who could stretch a second into three days. "I'll work on that," Horyu admitted, his voice tinged with determination.

"Now, let's discuss what we learned," Kurenai suggested, shifting the focus to the mission at hand.

Horyu started, "The rogue’s name is Hitomi. He is an information broker. Gathers whispers and rumors, verifies those he can and sells them to his contacts. He has contacts in the Land of Rivers, mainly in a village called Hidden Marsh. He is planning to get the last piece of information about Konoha, and sell stolen intel from Konoha to them."

Kurenai raised an eyebrow. "Hidden Marsh... That's a neutral territory, but if they're dabbling in stolen intel, we might have a bigger problem on our hands. Who knows how many pieces of secrets of the village had been stolen."

"He also mentioned a rendezvous point near the eastern border, two days from now, he will get the information, then a day after he will sell them all together," Horyu continued, recalling the detailed confession from the genjutsu. "They're expecting him to deliver a scroll containing information on Konoha's defense strategies he will get from another spy."

Kurenai's expression hardened. "That's concerning. We'll need to intercept that exchange. Anything else?"

"He's been using a network of caves for storage of other intel and his marks, which is different for every contact, a solid way to verify his identity. There might be more stolen goods or information hidden there. Coordinates were locked in his memory, which I managed to extract," Horyu added, showing a rare hint of pride in his work.

"Excellent. We'll need to investigate those caves before we leave," Kurenai decided, her strategic mind already plotting their next moves.

At this time, the System screen appeared in front of Horyu's eyes, acknowledging the completion of the quest with a series of notifications that cascaded down his vision:

[System Quest: Eliminate the Rogue Ninja from the Land of Rivers - Completed. Objective: Track down and eliminate the target in the Forest of Delusions. Rewards: +2000 XP, Scroll of Uncommon Ability, "Genjutsu Resistance (Middle Tier Immunity Skill)"]

Horyu barely had a moment to process the rewards before another quest flashed onto the screen, its details sprawling and intricate, hinting at a web of conspiracy that extended far beyond the rogue ninja they had just apprehended:

[System Quest: Uncover the Puppeteer's Strings

Objective: Investigate the network behind the rogue ninja's actions and uncover the mastermind's identity and intentions.

--Path 1: Trace the Shadows

-Subquest 1: Infiltrate the Hidden Marsh Village. Gather intelligence on the rogue's contacts(the person that he will get the intel from and the person he will give the intel to) without being detected. Reward: +1000 XP, +5 AP, "Phantom Step" Technique (Grants the ability to move silently, leaving no trace or sound, perfect for stealth missions).

-Subquest 2: Intercept the Intelligence Exchange. Prevent the stolen intel from falling into the wrong hands. Reward: +1500 XP, +5 AP, "Eagle Eye" Technique (A sensory ability that allows the user to detect chakra signatures from great distances, enhancing surveillance capabilities).

--Path 2: Behind the Curtain

-Subquest 1: Investigate the Network of Caves. Discover and secure any stolen goods or information. Reward: +1000 XP, +5 AP, "Phantom Brigade" Summoning Scroll: Grants the ability to summon spectral warriors from plane of specters, adept at stealth and surprise attacks.

-Subquest 2: Unravel the Mastermind's Identity. Deduce the puppeteer's identity through clues gathered during your mission. Reward: +2000 XP, +5 AP, "Veil of Deception" Genjutsu (A powerful genjutsu that can alter the perceived reality of multiple targets, making it ideal for manipulating enemy strategies)

--Choice Path: Align or Oppose

-Path A: Support the Mastermind's Plan. Choose to align with the puppeteer for personal gain or strategic advantage. Consequences: Gain an ally in the shadows, but risk Konoha's security and your moral standing. Reward: +3000 XP, "Dark Alliance" Perk (Boosts your influence in the underground network).

-Path B: Thwart the Mastermind's Scheme. Dedicate yourself to stopping the puppeteer and protecting Konoha. Reward: +3000 XP, "Guardian's Resolve" Perk (Increases your defensive abilities and grants you higher standing in Konoha).

Complete all subquests to unlock the final confrontation and decide the puppeteer's fate.]


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