Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch31- SheVictorious

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Just then, Iruka's voice rang out, calling the students to the throwing field. The arena was still abuzz with whispers and shocked expressions. The unforeseen victories of Hinata and Horyu had completely upended the academy's status quo. They were no longer the unassuming, overlooked students; they had become the talk of the academy.

As Horyu walked towards the throwing field, he couldn't help but notice Sasuke's glare. It was a mix of anger, disbelief, and a hint of hatred. Sakura and a few other girls were huddled around Sasuke, their attempts at consolation only seeming to fuel his frustration.

"You did well, Horyu," Iruka said as he approached, his tone carrying a mix of surprise and admiration. "Your performance was... exceptional."

Horyu merely nodded.

Iruka eyed him curiously, sensing there was more to Horyu than met the eye. "Well, let's see how you handle the kunai and shuriken training," he added, gesturing towards the field.

As they reached the field, the other students were already gathering, their expressions a mix of shock, curiosity, and in some cases, envy. Hinata joined Horyu, her confidence palpable after her own victory.

"Hinata, that was impressive," Ino said, a hint of respect in her tone despite the defeat.

Hinata smiled, her confidence bolstered by her victory and Horyu's training. "Thank you, Ino. You were a great opponent."

Ino then looked at Horyu, a glint in her eyes. Unlike Sakura, she wasn't blind to the shifts in power dynamics within their class. Her infatuation with Sasuke was mostly an act to annoy Sakura, but Horyu's recent rise had piqued her interest. The class was now clearly divided, with Horyu emerging as a formidable presence.

Horyu, however, ignored the blonde-haired girl. Ino had never really spoken to him before. Although she hadn't mocked him like the others, he didn't harbor any particular fondness for her either. His attention was elsewhere, focused on the System interface.

Horyu thought about the additional 100 Ability Points (AP) he had won from defeating Sasuke. He wanted to merge his Long Shot and Throwing skills. Accessing the System, he navigated to the skill merging interface.

The screen presented him with options: "Long Shot" and "Throwing". He selected them, his mind already calculating the potential benefits of their combination.

A new window popped up:

[Merge Skill

Long Shot (Level 5) + Throwing (Level 7)

Success Rate: 70%

Cost: 80 AP

Confirm Merge?]

Horyu didn't hesitate. He hit 'Confirm', watching as the System processed his request. A brief moment of tension followed, then a notification appeared.

[Merge Successful

New Skill Created: "Precision Barrage"

Description: Combines the extended range of 'Long Shot' with the accuracy and power of 'Throwing'. This skill allows the user to throw projectiles over great distances with pinpoint accuracy and increased force. Perfect for hitting distant targets or delivering powerful blows from afar.]

Horyu raised an eyebrow, impressed by the System's creativity. "Precision Barrage, huh? Sounds like a game-changer," he murmured, already envisioning its application in battle.

As he closed the System interface, he heard Iruka's voice calling the students to attention. "Let's see your skills with kunai and shuriken. Remember, precision and control are key," Iruka instructed.

Students were called in groups of five, and either by luck or Iruka's arrangement, Sasuke and Horyu found themselves side by side. Sasuke glared at Horyu, his teeth grinding in barely concealed anger. "You may have won the battle by luck, but this will be my victory," he hissed.

Horyu, unfazed, simply focused ahead, his expression impassive. "Luck? I think you're confusing that with skill," he retorted dryly, his eyes fixed on the target range.

Sasuke bristled at the comment, but before he could respond, Iruka called for their group to begin. The task was straightforward: demonstrate precision and control with both kunai and shuriken.

Horyu reached into his pouch, his fingers brushing against the cold metal of the kunai. The newly merged 'Precision Barrage' skill would shine now. With a subtle nod to himself, he prepared to showcase his prowess.

As the first round began, Sasuke launched his kunai with practiced ease, the weapon whistling through the air to strike near the center of the target. A murmur of approval rippled through the spectators. Sasuke shot Horyu a smug look. "Beat that," he said, a challenge in his tone.

Horyu smirked, unfazed. "Watch and learn," he replied, his voice calm. He took a moment to focus, channeling his focus into the kunai. With a swift, graceful motion, he threw it. The kunai spun through the air, its trajectory guided by Horyu's skill and precision. It hit the target dead center, eliciting gasps from the onlookers.

Sasuke's smug expression faltered, replaced by a scowl. "Lucky shot," he muttered, turning away.

The challenge continued, each student demonstrating their skill. When it came to shuriken, Sasuke was determined to regain his ground. He threw with precision, each shuriken embedding itself close to the center.

Horyu, undeterred, stepped up. He took a deep breath, visualizing the target, and then launched his shuriken. Guided by his 'Precision Barrage' skill, they flew in a perfect arc, striking the target with even greater accuracy than Sasuke's.

Sasuke's frustration was palpable. He was the best in their class, yet Horyu was consistently matching or surpassing him. "How are you doing this?" he demanded, his voice low and tense.

Horyu glanced at Sasuke, his expression indifferent. "Maybe you're not as good as you think you are," he replied coolly, turning his attention back to the task.

As the training session progressed, Horyu's skill with kunai and shuriken became the talk of the class. Even Iruka seemed impressed, his eyebrows raised in surprise at Horyu's unexpected proficiency.

Sasuke, meanwhile, grew increasingly agitated. He was the most talented Uchiha of his generation, proud and skilled, yet here he was, being overshadowed by Horyu, whom he had always considered inferior.

The final round was a test of rapid-fire accuracy. Each student had to throw multiple kunai and shuriken in quick succession, hitting as many targets as possible.

Sasuke went first, his movements a blur as he launched his weapons. Most hit their marks, but a few strayed off course. He stepped back, his chest heaving from the effort, a mix of pride and exhaustion on his face.

Now it was Horyu's turn. He stood calmly, his eyes scanning the targets. Then, with a burst of speed, he began. His arms moved in a blur, each throw guided by his honed skills. The kunai and shuriken struck the targets with unerring precision, not a single one missing its mark.

The onlookers were stunned into silence, their eyes wide with disbelief. Even Sasuke was speechless, his earlier bravado replaced by a dawning realization of Horyu's true capabilities.

As the session came to an end, Iruka approached Horyu, a look of respect in his eyes. "Horyu, your skills have improved remarkably," he said, his voice sincere. "You've shown great potential today."

Horyu nodded, accepting the compliment with a nonchalant shrug. "Thank you, sensei," he replied, his tone betraying none of the pride he felt inside.

Sasuke watched from a distance, his thoughts turbulent. Horyu had not only bested him in taijutsu but now in weapon skills as well. The balance of power in the class had shifted, and Sasuke knew he had to reassess his rival.

As the students dispersed, Hinata approached Horyu, her eyes shining with admiration. "You were amazing, Horyu," she said, her voice tinged with awe.

Horyu gave her a rare, small smile. "Thanks, Hinata. You were pretty impressive yourself," he replied, acknowledging her growth as well.

Iruka's voice cut through the chatter of the departing students, "Remember tomorrow is the written exam, then you will be tested on the Academy's three basic Jutsu to graduate." His words reminded them of the looming challenges.

Horyu walked alongside Hinata, their steps in sync, heading to celebrate their victories. The day's events had been a turning point, not just for them but for the perception of their peers.

As they walked, Horyu's System interface flickered to life, a notification popping up in his mental vision:

[System Notification:

Quest "Artisan of Shuriken and Kunai" - Successfully completed! Your extraordinary skill in Shuriken Jutsu and Kunai techniques has left your peers in awe of your precision and creativity.

Rewards: 500 exp, Chakra Sword, Kage Bunshin Jutsu Scroll, 2000 Ryo, and the title 'New Prodigy of Konoha']

Horyu discretely checked the details of his new title:

[New Title Acquired: "New Prodigy of Konoha" (Passive)

Rapid Learning: Increases the speed of learning new jutsus and techniques by 20%.

Respect of Peers: Gain increased cooperation and support from fellow Konoha shinobi.]

A subtle smile crept onto Horyu's face. The recognition as a 'New Prodigy of Konoha' was a significant milestone, reflecting his hard-earned growth and newfound respect.

As they approached Ichiraku Ramen, Hinata's excitement was palpable. "Horyu, today was incredible. Your skills have really grown," she said, her voice tinged with admiration.

Horyu shrugged, his usual stoic demeanor in place. "It's all part of the journey. There's still much to learn and achieve," he replied, his tone even.

Inside, they found Hanabi already waiting, her eyes bright with curiosity. "Hey, Horyu, Hinata," Hanabi greeted them. "I heard about the matches. You two were amazing!" While Horyu and others were taking throwing exams, the results of final battles had already reached far.

Horyu nodded in acknowledgment, taking a seat. "Thanks, Hanabi. It was a good day for us," he said, scanning the menu.

As they chatted, Teuchi approached them with a warm smile. “So, how was your day at the academy?” he asked, placing a steaming bowl of ramen in front of each of them.

Hanabi, her eyes sparkling with excitement, didn’t hesitate to share the day's achievements. “Horyu and Hinata won the Taijutsu tournament. They were amazing! With the written test coming up, they could be the Genins of the year. At this point, it’s almost a given,” she said proudly.

Teuchi’s eyes widened in admiration. “That’s impressive! Looks like we have some rising stars of Konoha here,” he remarked, his voice tinged with respect. “In light of such achievements, the ramen’s on the house today.”

Horyu nodded in appreciation. “Thank you, Teuchi-san. That’s very generous of you,” he said, a hint of a smile on his lips.

As they enjoyed their meal, Teuchi leaned against the counter, his expression turning somber. “Speaking of Konoha’s future, have you heard about Naruto? After Minato was declared a traitor, Naruto escaped. Shisui, the Fifth Hokage, has declared all members of the Namikaze family as traitors… Naruto, Himawari, and Hirato,” he shared, a hint of sadness in his voice.

Horyu’s expression darkened slightly. “Yes, I heard about it. It’s a complicated situation,” he replied, his tone neutral yet thoughtful.

Hinata frowned, her brows furrowing in concern. “It’s so unfair. Naruto didn’t do anything wrong. Why should he be punished for something he didn’t do?”

Hanabi nodded in agreement. “It’s not just unfair, it’s cruel. Naruto was always so kind and helpful. To brand him a traitor... it’s just wrong.”

Horyu remained silent for a moment, his mind processing the political implications. “It’s a matter of perception and politics. In the eyes of many, the sins of the father fall upon the son. It’s a harsh reality, but one that’s ingrained in the ninja world,” he said, his voice carrying a hint of cynicism.

Teuchi sighed, shaking his head. “It’s a shame, really. Naruto was a good kid. Always full of energy and dreams. To think that he’s now on the run, labeled a traitor… it’s heartbreaking.”

Horyu picked up his chopsticks, his gaze focused on the ramen. “The world of shinobi is often unjust. It’s a lesson that we learn early on. What matters is how we choose to navigate through it.”

Hinata looked at Horyu, a mix of admiration and curiosity in her eyes. “What would you do, Horyu, if you were in Naruto’s shoes?”

Horyu paused, contemplating her question. “Survive and adapt. Use every resource and skill at my disposal to stay ahead. And most importantly, never forget who I am and what I stand for,” he replied, his voice steady and resolute.

Hanabi listened intently, her eyes reflecting a newfound respect for Horyu. “You always think things through so deeply, Horyu. It’s really admirable,” she said, her tone genuine.

Teuchi returned to his counter, his thoughts still on Naruto. “Let’s hope wherever he is, he’s safe and finds a way to clear his name,” he said, a hopeful note in his voice.

The conversation drifted to lighter topics as they finished their meal. Horyu remained mostly quiet, his thoughts occasionally drifting to Naruto’s predicament.

After walking Hinata and Hanabi home, Horyu returned to his own place and sat in the garden, the night air cool against his skin. The recent victories at the Academy had been exhilarating, but they were just the beginning. There were still the Academy's three basic Jutsu to master before graduation. As he contemplated this, the System chimed in, presenting him with a new quest.


My lovely readers! My Original Novel is being published in another site! You can find it by googling its name, "Gunslinger System in a World of Sword and Magic" I need support in my Original Novel please! Even if you don't want to read it just yet or ever(please read.It is good) add it to your library. I will publish another chapter(Harry Potter and Horyu chapter) for every 1000 collection in my original novel. Please support me! Thank you.


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