Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch39- Synergy of Team 8

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Double chapter for New Year!

Too immersed in meditation, Horyu forgot about sleeping. But as he emerged in the morning light, he realized something astonishing, "I am not tired at all." His mind raced with curiosity. "Can I replace sleep with meditation?" he wondered aloud, a hint of excitement in his usually stoic voice.

He quickly checked his status. His Meditation skill was now at Level 8, and his Chakra Regeneration was boosted to 40% while meditating. Moreover, his Chakra Amplification Technique had reached Level 5. "Meditation allows me to level up this too?" Horyu murmured, his eyes widening in amazement. It was a revelation, another strategic advantage in his arsenal.

Glancing at the clock, he realized time was ticking. "Need to go to school to learn teams," he muttered, swiftly getting ready. He was always efficient.

As he dashed off, Horyu's thought if Shino or Kiba would be the third team member. Maybe Shisui would ruin the script and make the teams randomly. At school, the atmosphere was abuzz with anticipation.

Ignoring their stares, Horyu found a spot and waited for Iruka-sensei to begin. "Alright, everyone, settle down," Iruka announced. "Today, we will be forming your three-person teams."

As Iruka-sensei announced the team formations, the air in the classroom was charged with a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation.

"Team 7. Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura, and Inuzuka Kiba," Iruka called out. The trio’s reaction was a mix of elation and disappointment. Sasuke’s face remained impassive, but Horyu could sense a flicker of annoyance in his eyes. Sakura seemed thrilled, her gaze lingering a bit too long on Sasuke. Kiba, meanwhile, looked annoyed to be with Sasuke.

"Team 8," Iruka called next, and there was a noticeable shift in the room's atmosphere. "Uchiha Horyu, Hyuga Hinata, and Aburame Shino." Hinata, who was seated next to Horyu, beamed with happiness. Over the past few days, her confidence had soared, thanks largely to Horyu's guidance and training. Without his help, she doubted she could have achieved such strides, let alone win the girls' tournament.

As Iruka called out Team 9 and moved on, Horyu's was relieved. Shino was better than Kiba. If he had to be honest, Shino was the only other person he wanted in his team. "Team 10," Iruka continued, "Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Choji, and Yamanaka Ino." After announcing the last team, Iruka folded the paper and added, "That is all. Wait here for your Jonin Sensei to pick you up," before exiting the classroom.

The moment Iruka left, the classroom erupted into a hubbub of excitement and chatter. As the announcement of the teams settled, a group of girls – Mina, Yui, Pony, and several others – approached Horyu, each wearing an expression of mixed curiosity and disappointment. Mina, always straightforward, spoke first, "Horyu, we were hoping to get teamed up with you."

Yui, flipping her ponytail, added with a hint of regret, "Yeah, you're top of the class after Hinata. It would have been great to learn from you."

Pony, more direct than the others, leaned in a bit closer. "Imagine the things we could've accomplished together," she mused, a playful glint in her eyes.

Ino approached Horyu, a sly smile playing on her lips as she observed the group of girls gathered around him. Her eyes briefly scanned Mina, Yui, and Pony, their expressions a blend of curiosity and unfulfilled wishes. She couldn't help but scoff inwardly at their transparent longing. 'Hinata and Horyu topping the class, and these girls think they had a chance to be teamed with him?' Ino thought with a hint of amusement.

Horyu, maintaining his usual calm demeanor, addressed the girls with polite yet detached responses. His interaction was courteous but lacked any subservience. He was well aware of the social dynamics at play but chose to remain aloof from them. In the grand scheme of things, they weren't important.

As the classroom buzzed with excitement and chatter, Horyu's focus was elsewhere. His keen eyes darted towards the door, curious to see who would arrive for Team 7. Kakashi's departure from the village had left a notable void, and Horyu was interested to see who would step in.

His train of thought was interrupted when the door swung open, revealing two Jonin. Asuma Sarutobi confidently led Team 10 out of the room, giving a knowing nod to Kurenai Yuhi, who was now looking towards Horyu and his newly assigned teammates.

Kurenai's gaze was warm as she smiled at Horyu, Hinata, and Shino. "Team 8, follow me," she announced cheerfully, her voice cutting through the din of the classroom.

As they left the room, Horyu’s thought about Kurenai. He did entertained the idea of change in Jonin Sensei too. After all, Shisui didn't have to follow Sarutobi's script, but he also assumed Shisui probably gave the task to old monkey. He also thought about his team. Hinata's recent boost in confidence and proficiency in taijutsu, thanks to his mentorship, was a valuable asset. Shino's tactical use of insects offered a unique strategic advantage. And Horyu himself, with his vast array of skills, from Jutsu to his advanced stealth abilities, completed the trio.

Walking alongside Kurenai, Horyu silently evaluated her as their leader. Her expertise in genjutsu could be instrumental in refining his own skills. He made a mental note to observe and learn from her techniques.

As they moved towards their training ground, Horyu's system interface blinked with a notification:

[System Message: New Quest - Synergy of Team 8

Description: Develop a cohesive strategy that leverages the unique abilities of each team member.


Identify and utilize Hinata's and Shino's strengths in team exercises.

Conduct a successful combined training session with Kurenai-sensei.

Rewards: 500 exp, Badge of Team Captain, 1000 Ryo]

Horyu pondered the quest, his mind already formulating plans. He understood the importance of synergy in a team, especially in the complex world of shinobi. The rewards were enticing, but more importantly, this was an opportunity to strengthen their collective capabilities.

As they arrived at training ground 8, Kurenai addressed them. "Today, we'll focus on understanding each other's abilities and how we can function as a cohesive unit," she began, her tone serious yet encouraging.

She then added, "But before that, let's get to know each other. Share your name, your likes, dislikes, your expertise, and things you think you can work on, something you lack. I will go first." Kurenai paused, casting a warm, encouraging glance at her team. "I'm Kurenai Yuhi. I like creating strategies and genjutsu. Dislikes? Hmm, I'm not fond of people who are dishonest. My expertise lies in genjutsu and mind games. As for improvements, I believe there's always room to enhance my taijutsu skills."

Turning to Hinata, who nervously adjusted her headband on her neck, Kurenai smiled gently. "Hinata, you're next."

Hinata cleared her throat, standing a bit straighter. "I'm Hinata Hyuga. I like training and helping others. I dislike needless brutality. My expertise is in taijutsu and Byakugan, especially scouting. And I need to work on my decisiveness in battles."

Kurenai nodded approvingly before turning to Shino, who adjusted his glasses with a calm demeanor. "Your turn, Shino."

Shino's voice was even and direct. "I am Shino Aburame. I like insect collecting and studying. I strongly dislike when people harm insects without reason. My expertise lies in insect-based jutsu and reconnaissance. I believe I can improve in direct combat situations."

Finally, Kurenai's gaze rested on Horyu. "Horyu, it's your turn."

Horyu's expression remained impassive, his voice steady. "Horyu Uchiha. I like gaining strength through hard work and effort. Dislikes? Bullies and the corrupt. As for my expertise, I'm an overall fighter, skilled in taijutsu and various other skills, including ninjutsu. Once I develop my Sharingan, I aim to enhance my genjutsu abilities. However, currently, that's an area I lack."

Kurenai listened intently, nodding as each team member spoke. "Great! Now that we know more about each other, let's start with graduation test," she proposed, motioning them to a more open area of the training ground.

Hinata was surprised. "Graduation Test?"

Kurenai smiled. "Although you all graduated, team formation is special. If a Jonin Sensei is not happy with the team, they can refuse and send Genins back to the Genin Corps. I will test all of you, and depending on your evaluation, I may send all or none of you back. It all depends on how you perform. I will not explain what this test entails, as that would contradict its purpose."

The trio nodded, processing this unexpected twist.

"Great. Now, my test is..." Kurenai paused, her eyes scrutinizing each of them.


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