Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch43- To Kill or Not to Kill

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Horyu, seeing their troubled faces, decided to shift the focus to practical training. "Let's start today's session. We'll work on your combat readiness, especially Hinata. With the Blood Test looming, it's crucial we sharpen your skills. We'll focus on honing your taijutsu. We need to push your limits."

For the next several hours, they trained intensely. Horyu guided Hinata through various combat scenarios, pushing her to react faster, strike harder, and think more strategically. Hanabi watched, absorbing every lesson, occasionally joining to hone her own skills.

As the sun began to set, Horyu called for a break. He observed Hinata, noting her improved stance and quicker responses. "Good work today, Hinata. You're getting stronger."

Hinata, breathing heavily, managed a smile. "Thank you, Horyu. I... I'll keep trying my best."

Horyu acknowledged her determination. His focus, however, remained on preparing Hinata. "Remember, Hinata, tomorrow's test will be mentally taxing. Steel your mind as well as your body."

Hinata nodded, a determined glint in her eyes. "I understand. I won't let you down."

Horyu, satisfied with the day's progress, stood up. "That's enough for today. Rest well; tomorrow will be challenging."

Horyu walked purposefully towards the Aburame Clan compound, his mind focused on the task ahead. The quest required the preparedness of every team member, and Shino was no exception. This part of the village was unfamiliar to Horyu, marked by its quiet and the almost eerie calm that seemed to hang in the air.

As he approached the compound's entrance, he was greeted by an Aburame guard. Clad in a long coat that concealed most of his body and sporting sunglasses like Shino, the guard's appearance was typical of the clan known for their secrecy and connection with insects.

"I am Uchiha Horyu, Shino's teammate. Could you please inform him that I wish to speak with him?" Horyu asked, maintaining his usual stoic demeanor.

The guard gave a slight nod and disappeared inside the compound. Moments later, Shino emerged, his expression as unreadable as ever behind his sunglasses.

"Follow me, Horyu," Shino said in his usual monotone voice. He led Horyu into the compound, which was unlike any other in Konoha. The buildings were simple but functional, with a distinct lack of ostentation. Horyu noted the subtle movements in the shadows, a sign of the Aburame clan's insect partners.

As they walked, Horyu initiated the conversation, his tone serious yet inquisitive. "Shino, with the upcoming Blood Test, I want to understand how you approach difficult decisions, especially those involving life and death."

Shino adjusted his glasses, pondering the question. "As Aburame, we are taught to value the collective over the individual. Difficult decisions are made easier when viewed through the lens of the greater good."

Horyu nodded, appreciating Shino's logical approach. "But what if the decision isn't clear cut? Say, for example, you must choose between sacrificing a few to save many?"

Shino paused, then replied, "It's a calculation. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. However, each situation must be assessed on its own merits."

Horyu, sensing an opportunity to delve deeper, posed another scenario. "Imagine a situation where you have to choose between saving a civilian or a fellow shinobi. How would you decide?"

Shino's response was immediate. "A shinobi's duty is to protect the village and its people. If saving a civilian ensures the village's safety, then that's the priority."

As they continued their walk, Shino showed Horyu various areas of the compound. Horyu noted the training grounds, which were far less ostentatious than those of the Uchiha or Hyuga clans, yet no less effective.

Horyu's system interface suddenly blinked with a notification, a reminder of his ongoing quest. He glanced at it.

"Your clan's connection with insects is unique," Horyu commented. "How does it shape your view of life and death?"

Shino stopped near a large tree, its branches crawling with various insects. "Insects live in a cycle of life and death, constantly in service to the colony. It teaches us about sacrifice and the importance of each individual's role."

Horyu pondered this, finding parallels with the shinobi life. "In our line of work, we might be forced to play judge or god often. How do you reconcile that with your duty as a shinobi?"

Shino looked at Horyu, his expression unreadable behind his glasses. "It's about balance. We weigh our actions against their consequences. As shinobi, we must be prepared to make hard decisions, but we must also live with them."

Horyu nodded, understanding Shino's perspective. "That's a pragmatic approach, Shino. It's important to remain grounded in reality. Your insights are valuable, Shino. They will help us as a team, especially in tomorrow's test."

Shino, acknowledging the compliment, replied, "As part of Team 8, my duty is to contribute to our collective success. I trust your leadership, Horyu."

Horyu, sensing the end of their conversation, decided to head back. "Thank you, Shino. Let's prepare well for tomorrow."

As he left the Aburame compound, Horyu contemplated the conversations he'd had with Hinata and Shino. He was pleased with the progress they were making, both individually and as a team. The blood test would be a significant challenge, but he felt more confident about their ability to face it together.

Out of the three objectives for the upcoming Blood Test, Horyu had successfully completed the first: both Hinata and Shino's mindsets were now aligned with the harsh realities of the shinobi world. With their mental preparedness in check, Horyu turned his attention to the next challenge: ensuring they completed the blood test. But before that, he had to focus on enhancing his own skills to their highest potential.

Nodding resolutely, Horyu entered his home and began his rigorous training regimen in the backyard. The evening air was cool, the perfect environment for a lengthy and intense training session.

Horyu started with his Chakra Sword, Chucky. He executed a series of complex maneuvers, each movement more precise than the last. His focus was unwavering as he practiced different attack patterns, integrating the lessons he had learned from his 'Blade Dancer' skill. The sword moved fluidly in his hands, almost as if it were an extension of his own body.

[System Message: 'Blade Dancer' skill increased to Level 9.]

Horyu smirked at the notification. "One step closer," he muttered, readying himself for the next skill.

Next, Horyu shifted his focus to his mental fortitude. He sat cross-legged, closing his eyes to meditate. As he delved deeper into his consciousness, he practiced resisting imaginary genjutsu attacks, fortifying his mind against external influences.

[System Message: 'Genjutsu Resistance' skill increased to Level 8.]

Horyu's lips twitched in a half-smile. "Not bad, but there's more work to do," he whispered to himself, maintaining his focus.

After a short break, Horyu stood up, ready to enhance his physical prowess. He started with a series of taijutsu drills, moving swiftly and striking with precision. He incorporated his 'Swift Evasion' technique, dodging imaginary attacks and counterattacking with lightning speed.

[System Message: 'Swift Evasion' skill increased to Level 6.]

"Getting better," Horyu noted, feeling the improvement in his movements.

Horyu then turned his attention to his ninjutsu, particularly the Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique. He focused his chakra, feeling the heat build in his chest before releasing a massive fireball into the night sky. The fire illuminated the dark, a testament to his growing power.

[System Message: 'Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique' skill increased to Level 4.]

Satisfied with his progress, Horyu then practiced the Shadow Clone Jutsu. Creating multiple clones, he trained with them, each clone pushing him further in his techniques.

[System Message: 'Shadow Clone Jutsu' skill increased to Level 5.]

"More, I need to push harder," Horyu said, dismissing the clones as he prepared for the final part of his training.

Diving deep into the bath, Horyu let out a long, weary sigh. The training session had been grueling, but the results were unmistakable. As he relaxed, allowing the hot water to soothe his muscles, his mind replayed the events of the evening, analyzing every move, every skill honed.

[System Message: Training Session Summary

'Blade Dancer' skill increased to Level 9.

'Genjutsu Resistance' skill increased to Level 8. Mental Clarity increased.

'Swift Evasion' skill increased to Level 6.

'Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique' skill increased to Level 4.

'Shadow Clone Jutsu' skill increased to Level 5.

'Chakra Control(Intermediate)' increased to Level 3.

'Lightning Reflex' increased to Level 8. Reaction Time Enhanced.

'Deceptive Retreat' increased to Level 5. Strategic Withdrawal Efficiency +10%.

'Precision Barrage' increased to Level 2. Projectile Accuracy +15%.

Stat Increases:

Level: 6

Chakra: 300 + 15(Chakra Amplification Technique)

Strength: 9  + 2

Agility: 11 + 3

Stamina: 8 + 1

Intelligence: 21 (up by 10 due to 'Master Strategist' title) + 1]


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