Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch57- First Mission

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Arriving at the training ground, Horyu found Kurenai already waiting for him. She raised an eyebrow, noting the dark circles under his eyes. "Rough night?"

Horyu shrugged nonchalantly. "You could say that. Just some... personal training."

Kurenai nodded, sensing the intensity behind his words. "Well, today we're focusing on team exercises. Hinata and Shino are already here."

Horyu scanned the training ground, spotting his teammates engaged in a conversation. He made his way over, "Morning," he greeted.

Hinata smiled softly, while Shino simply nodded in acknowledgment. "Good morning, Horyu," Hinata replied. "Sensei said we're working on coordinated attacks today."

Horyu glanced at Kurenai, who was approaching them. "Sounds like a plan. Let's see what we've got."

Kurenai laid out the day's objectives. "We'll start with simple coordination drills and move into more complex scenarios. Communication and timing are key."

They began with basic exercises, each member taking turns leading a simulated attack. Horyu observed Hinata's and Shino's movements, identifying strengths and weaknesses.

As the sun climbed higher, the intensity of their training increased. They practiced various formations, attack patterns, and defensive maneuvers. Horyu's strategic mind shone through, often suggesting unconventional tactics that took Kurenai by surprise.

During a short break, Hinata approached Horyu. "You seem different today, Horyu. More... intense."

Horyu smirked wryly slightly, remembering the painful night. "Let's just say I had a few realizations last night."

Hinata nodded, sensing the depth of his words. Shino, joining them, added, "Your suggestions today are... unique. Effective, but unusual."

Horyu shrugged. "Unusual times call for unusual measures. We need to be prepared for anything." A night full of stabbing reminded him of a painful lesson. Preparation was a key, and he learned it the hard way, realizing that in life, it's better to be ready to slice through challenges than to let them stab at your happiness. It's crucial to sharpen your wit like a knife, so you can cut through adversity instead of being constantly stabbed by it.

As training resumed, they delved into more complex scenarios. Kurenai introduced elements of surprise and unpredictability, forcing them to adapt on the fly. Horyu's adaptability and quick thinking became evident, often turning precarious situations to their advantage.

Kurenai halted the training with a decisive gesture. "It's time to take our first mission," she announced, her tone signaling a shift from training to real-world application. The team, led by Kurenai, made their way towards the mission center, the seriousness of the moment palpable in the air.

As they entered, the atmosphere shifted. Three Uchiha clan members scrutinized them, their gazes lingering with a mix of curiosity and skepticism. One of them, exuding an air of superiority, addressed Kurenai, "Rank?"

"D-Rank," she replied confidently.

Their scrutiny intensified upon noticing Horyu. "Aren't you an Uchiha?" one asked, his tone laced with condescension. Horyu nodded, unfazed by the man's demeanor.

The Uchiha's smirk deepened. "You're a Genin and yet can't use the Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu? You're a shame to the clan," he taunted, his voice dripping with disdain.

Horyu's response was a smirk of his own, a spark of mischief in his eyes. He stepped forward, swiftly forming hand seals. Breathing out, he conjured a condensed ball of fire, aimed directly at the mocking Uchiha. As the man raised his hands to block, the fire abruptly vanished, leaving him shocked and bewildered.

"Was it hot?" Horyu asked, his smirk widening. The Uchiha, still reeling from the surprise, stammered, "Genjutsu?" The man's shock was evident. He had been caught in an illusion so real he could feel the heat, the chakra fluctuations, the wind pressure, and the dance of light and shadow. The fear he felt was palpable.

His partner, a more seasoned shinobi, intervened. "It was Genjutsu mixed with a real Fire Jutsu. Shut up and register their mission," he ordered briskly.

The first Uchiha, now humbled, quickly complied. "Yes, sir," he said, his earlier arrogance deflated.

The second Uchiha, his expression more thoughtful, turned to Horyu. "You should talk to the Elders about getting your fan," he advised. In the Uchiha clan, successfully casting the Great Fireball Jutsu was a rite of passage, symbolized by the right to wear clothes adorned with the clan's fan symbol. Horyu, having not yet demonstrated his mastery publicly, had not earned this right.

Kurenai, observing the exchange, nodded in approval. "Well done, Horyu. Let's see what mission they have for us."

The mission, a D-Rank task, involved retrieving a lost pet in the village. It was a simple yet essential task for new Genin, testing their ability to work as a team in a real-world scenario.

As soon as Kurenai accepted the mission, a familiar chime resonated in Horyu's mind, signaling a new system message. He tuned in mentally, reading the notification with a sense of detachment.

[System Message: New Quest - "Catch Pet Tora-chan"

Description: Assist your team in locating and safely retrieving the missing pet, Tora-chan.


Work with your team to develop a search plan.

Locate Tora-chan without causing distress to the pet or the villagers.

Safely return Tora-chan to its owner.

Rewards: 100 exp, 500 Ryo]

"Hmph, a pet chase," Horyu muttered under his breath, his tone laced with sarcasm. "What a glorious start for a shinobi career."

The team set off, navigating the village streets. Kurenai outlined the plan, assigning each of them a specific area to search. Horyu, tasked with the marketplace, walked through the bustling streets, his eyes scanning the area for any sign of the elusive pet.

"Great, playing hide and seek with a furball," he grumbled to himself, his gaze sharp as he observed the crowds.

As he moved through the market, his keen eyes caught a flash of movement near a fish stall. There, crouched behind some crates, was Tora-chan. Horyu approached cautiously, mindful not to startle the cat.

"Come here, you little troublemaker," he whispered, extending his hand. Tora-chan, however, seemed uninterested in cooperating, darting away at the last second.

"Of course, it won't be that easy," Horyu sighed, his voice dripping with annoyance. He followed the cat, keeping a close eye on its movements. The chase led him through narrow alleys and over rooftops, testing his agility and patience.

Finally, cornering Tora-chan in an alley, Horyu used a gentle approach, coaxing the cat with soft words and slow movements to no avail.

He met with Hinata and Shino as they cornered the elusive cat once again. Horyu observed Tora-chan, who seemed desperate for an escape route. A smirk played on his lips. "Fine. Let's see how my Genjutsu fares against a feline," he said, half to himself.

Hinata looked at him with concern. "Horyu, you're not going to hurt it, are you?" she asked, her voice tinged with worry.

Shino, however, seemed more relaxed. After witnessing Horyu's actions during the blood test, he knew the Uchiha wouldn't harm an animal without cause. "What are you planning?" he inquired, his tone even.

Horyu's smirk grew wider. "Relax, Hinata. I'm not a monster. And Shino, just a little trick I've been working on." He turned his attention back to Tora-chan, focusing his chakra.

With subtle precision, Horyu wove a visual Genjutsu, creating an illusion of a crate filled with fish. The aroma seemed so real that even Hinata and Shino were momentarily fooled.

"Watch and learn," Horyu whispered, his eyes not leaving Tora-chan. The cat's gaze was fixed on the illusory crate, its body language shifting from fear to interest.

"Here kitty, kitty. Look at all this delicious fish," Horyu coaxed in a soft, enticing voice. Tora-chan, mesmerized by the illusion, cautiously approached the crate.

Horyu, seeing his opportunity, discreetly positioned a trap near the fake crate. He waited patiently, his eyes tracking Tora-chan's every move.

As the cat moved towards the illusory fish, it stepped right into the trap, triggering it. In an instant, Tora-chan was safely enclosed.

"Gotcha," Horyu said with a satisfied nod. Hinata let out a relieved sigh, while Shino just nodded in acknowledgment.

Horyu crouched down to pick up the trap, addressing the cat with a hint of amusement. "You're a sly one, aren't you? But not sly enough."

Hinata approached cautiously. "Is it okay?"

Horyu nodded, his expression softening slightly. "It's fine. Just a bit startled. Cats are tougher than they look."

Shino, observing the scene, added, "Your use of Genjutsu was effective. Subtle, yet convincing."

Horyu shrugged, his usual cynicism returning. "It's all about knowing your audience, even if it's a purr-suasive feline." Horyu chuckled at his own wordplay, thinking that when it came to delivering a meow-sterful performance, tailoring your message to your furry friend's preferences was the cat's pajamas.

As they walked back to return Tora-chan to its owner, Horyu's thoughts drifted to his system's quest. 'Another task completed,' he mused silently.


I am not sorry for puns! I missed writing Yoruichi chapters!!!


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