Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch82- Debriefing

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The journey back to Konoha was marked by a heavy silence, each member of the team lost in their own thoughts. The recent mission, while a success, had been a stark reminder of the dangers that lurked in the shadows of the shinobi world. Death had been a constant companion in their battle, an unspoken threat that loomed over them, underscoring their vulnerability despite their skills and strategies.

Hinata, her usual timidity replaced by a quiet introspection, finally broke the silence. “Sensei, will all our missions be like this?” Her voice was soft, tinged with a mix of fear and curiosity.

Kurenai, her gaze fixed on the path ahead, shook her head gently. “This was a mission much more difficult than we expected. There shouldn’t have been an S-Rank Nuke-nin involved.” She paused, her thoughts briefly revisiting the harrowing moments of the mission. “Even the presence of the two low-level shinobi we encountered initially marked this as a B-Rank task. But due to our teamwork and unique abilities, we were given a green light.”

She glanced back at her students, her eyes holding a firm resolve. “In our line of duty, mistakes like these can happen, but they are very rare. Especially now, after what almost transpired, the village will be much more careful.”

Hinata sighed, a small sound of relief that seemed to lighten the air around them. Her expression was thoughtful, the reality of their profession settling in.

Horyu, walking slightly apart from the group, listened silently. He was aware of how the events would unfold, yet the reality of the mission had been a jarring wake-up call. His knowledge of the anime world had led him to underestimate Zabuza, a mistake he silently vowed not to repeat. Real life was not like the anime; things weren’t set in stone. Zabuza’s portrayal in the series as an early antagonist did not equate to weakness in the real world. This realization was a sobering reminder that he still had much to learn.

As they continued their journey, the landscape of Konoha began to emerge in the distance, a sight that brought a sense of familiarity and safety. The towering trees and the distinctive architecture of the Hidden Leaf Village were a stark contrast to the turmoil of the Wave Country.

Kurenai’s voice broke the silence once more. “Remember, every mission is a learning experience. We grow stronger not just through training, but through facing and overcoming real-world challenges. Keep them in your minds and hearts, so you can learn from them.”

Her words seemed to resonate with Hinata, who nodded in agreement. “I understand, Sensei. It’s just... it’s a lot to take in.”

Kurenai smiled softly at her student. “It is, Hinata. But you handled yourself well. You all did.”

As they approached the gates of Konoha, the guards greeted them with a respectful nod. The village was a haven, a place of respite from the chaos of the outside world. Yet, Horyu knew that this peace was hard-earned, maintained by the sacrifices and vigilance of its shinobi.

Inside the village, life bustled with an everyday normalcy that felt almost surreal after their recent mission. Villagers went about their daily routines, unaware of the dangers that lurked beyond the safety of their walls. Children played in the streets, their laughter a stark contrast to the silent tension that still lingered within the team.

Kurenai turned to her students, her expression serious. “We’ll debrief at the Hokage’s office. Be prepared to report everything in detail.”

Horyu nodded, his mind already preparing for the debriefing. He knew the importance of details, he had to word every decision made during the mission in a way that no one would suspect him. From an outside perspective, it wasn’t something anyone would suspect, but he still had to be careful while choosing his words.

Arriving at the Hokage's office, the team stood before Shisui Uchiha, the Fourth Hokage. Shisui, with a demeanor that commanded respect, raised his gaze from the scroll on his desk. “Kurenai-san, I just read through the ANBU report. Great success. We confiscated all of Gato's valuables,” he began, a hint of approval in his voice.

Then his expression turned serious, his piercing eyes meeting each of theirs in turn. “But I also heard about the battle at the bridge. You encountered Zabuza before, am I correct? Why did you choose to continue with the mission, or why haven’t you sent a letter back? Tell me every detail.”

Kurenai stepped forward, her posture straight and her voice steady. “Hokage-sama, our initial encounter with Zabuza was unexpected. He was much stronger than we anticipated, but we were at an advantage. He didn't know my Genjutsu abilities, and I was able to trap him.”

Horyu remained silent, his gaze fixed on Shisui, listening intently. Kurenai continued, “However, a Hunter-nin from the Mist intervened, taking Zabuza away. At that moment, we believed he was dead. We realized later that it was a ruse.”

Shisui’s eyes narrowed slightly at this revelation. “And the second encounter?” he prodded, his voice calm yet carrying an undercurrent of authority.

Kurenai exchanged a brief glance with Horyu before responding. “In the second encounter, Horyu and I engaged Zabuza, while Hinata and Shino fought against another opponent, the Hunter-nin.”

Hinata chimed in, her voice slightly tremulous but gaining confidence as she spoke. “Haku was skilled in ice-based jutsu. He trapped us in a Crystal Ice Mirrors technique. It was challenging, but we managed to hold our own.”

Shino, in his usual succinct manner, added, “The fight was a stalemate. We focused on evasion and counterattacks, working to find an opening.”

Shisui turned his attention back to Kurenai. “And Zabuza?”

Kurenai hesitated for a moment, choosing her words carefully. “Zabuza was cautious and resistant to our techniques this time. Although we could defend, defeating him was beyond our current capabilities. However, Horyu used the situation to convince Zabuza to abandon his mission. Since he wasn’t paramount to our primary objective, we didn’t pursue further.”

Shisui’s gaze lingered on Horyu, a flicker of intrigue in his eyes. “Horyu, what exactly did you say to Zabuza?”

Horyu met Shisui’s gaze directly, his voice steady and devoid of any hesitance. “I simply pointed out the futility of continuing his mission, considering the risks involved. I suggested that retreating would be a more strategic choice.”

Shisui leaned back in his chair, his expression thoughtful. “Strategic persuasion. Interesting approach.” He paused, then added, “Your decisions in the field were unconventional, but they ensured the mission’s success without unnecessary casualties. Good work.”

Shisui tapped his fingers on the table, his gaze shifting between the team members. "But be careful in future missions. Your decision to kill the Demon Brothers at the start of the quest prevented you from interrogating them. If you had, you might have learned about Zabuza's involvement, which would have allowed us to set a trap. Capturing one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist and a person with a rare Kekkei Genkai... these are significant opportunities lost."

Horyu nodded, his expression unfazed. "At the time, my priority was to protect the asset and my team," he explained, his tone even and matter-of-fact.

Shisui's response was a nod of understanding. "That is commendable, but remember, power is not just the ability to destroy; it's also the freedom to choose not to kill. I admire your ability, Horyu, and I trust you will become a powerful pillar for both the clan and the village. Do not disappoint me."

Horyu bowed slightly, a gesture of respect. "Thank you for your trust, Hokage-sama. I will strive to live up to your expectations."


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