Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch98- Horyu’s Battle

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Horyu opened the System Quest for the preliminary round and checked the subquests:

[--Stage 3: Preliminary Matches - The Test of Combat

Objective: Emerge victorious in your match.

-Sub-Quest: "Master of the Arena"

Objective: Win your match using a combination of at least three different jutsu types.

Reward: Jutsu Mastery Perk (Permanently enhances the effectiveness and efficiency of all jutsu types used), +400 XP.

-Sub-Quest: "Ultimate Strategist"

Objective: Win the match by outmaneuvering your opponent using superior strategy.

Reward: Strategist’s Insight Perk (Permanently enhances your ability to analyze battles, foresee enemy moves, and devise complex strategies), +400 XP.

-Sub-Quest: "Adaptable Warrior"

Objective: Win the match by successfully countering your opponent's primary jutsu or strategy.

Reward: Counter Specialist Perk (Permanently improves your reflexes and ability to quickly adapt and counter enemy strategies and jutsu), +400 XP.

Elimination Condition:

Losing a match.]

Looking at the screen system floating in front of him, Horyu considered the subquests. He knew that fulfilling them all would be challenging, but it was feasible since they didn't contradict each other. Drawing his trusted Chakra Sword, Chucky, from its sheath, Horyu stood ready in front of Chōjūrō, waiting for Hayate's signal. He formulated a plan in his mind: 'Kenjutsu is a separate jutsu type. If I mix it with Taijutsu and Genjutsu, that completes the first subquest of using three different jutsu types. But the perk says it will increase the efficiency of used jutsu types, so the more types I combine in my attack, the more the perk will be useful. I should add Fuinjutsu, Ninjutsu, Healing Jutsu, and Shuriken Jutsu. And of course Kinjutsu, but that would alert the enemy about my mastery of Kage Bunshin.' He also considered the second and third subquests, focusing on superior strategy and countering his opponent's main technique or strategy. 'Chōjūrō, two years older... That could be troublesome,' he muttered.

As Hayate gave the signal, Horyu charged, his feet barely touching the ground, a blur of motion. His Sharingan remained dormant; he wanted to assess Chōjūrō's level first. Chucky gleamed in his hand.

Chōjūrō, holding his katana with both hands, met Horyu's charge. The clash of steel rang out, echoing through the arena. Horyu's movements were fluid, each strike a combination of grace and precision. He used Chucky not just to attack but to parry and deflect, his blade moving in perfect harmony with his body.

Chōjūrō, surprisingly nimble, responded with a series of controlled, powerful slashes. His style was more straightforward but effective, each swing of his katana carrying weight and purpose. The two swordsmen circled each other, a dance of blades under the watchful eyes of the spectators.

Horyu, analyzing Chōjūrō's movements, noted the subtle shifts in his stance. He decided to test the waters with Taijutsu. Feinting with Chucky, Horyu suddenly closed the distance, launching a swift kick aimed at Chōjūrō's side. Chōjūrō blocked, but Horyu was already moving, transitioning seamlessly into a series of rapid punches.

Chōjūrō stumbled back, but then water began to gather around his feet. "Water Style: Water Bullet Jutsu!" he declared, launching compressed jets of water at Horyu. Horyu, nimble and quick, dodged, his movements a blur. He needed to be closer to nullify Chōjūrō's Ninjutsu advantage.

In a sudden shift of strategy, Horyu used a basic Genjutsu, casting an illusion that made it seem like he was attacking from the left. Chōjūrō, momentarily deceived, turned to block the phantom attack, leaving his right side exposed. Horyu, seizing the opportunity, darted in, delivering a controlled slice with Chucky to Chōjūrō's arm.

Chōjūrō winced but recovered quickly, his resolve hardening. He launched into a more aggressive series of attacks, his katana moving in swift arcs. Horyu met each strike with Chucky, the sound of clashing metal a constant refrain.

It was time for Horyu to escalate. He whispered, "Fuinjutsu: Binding Seal," and a series of seals appeared on Chucky's blade. With a skillful swing, he aimed to tag Chōjūrō with the seal. Chōjūrō, sensing the danger, narrowly avoided the strike, but it left him open to Horyu's next move.

Horyu, throwing a handful of shuriken with pinpoint accuracy, aimed to use the Shruikenjutsu for the sake of using. Chōjūrō, preoccupied with avoiding the seal, was caught off guard. The shuriken grazed him, creating openings in his defense.

At this time, confusion colored the faces of some in the audience. Kurenai, Hinata, and Shino, Horyu's teammates, were surprised. "Why is Horyu using such a wide range of jutsu?" Shino asked, aware that Horyu was typically more direct and his abilities far exceeded what he was displaying. Kurenai shook her head, suggesting, "Maybe to throw his opponent off by feigning." Hinata nodded in agreement, finding the strategy plausible. Shisui was also taken aback. He had instructed Horyu to use Genjutsu with Sharingan to showcase the power of their clan, yet Horyu had not activated his Sharingan. He wondered if Horyu was reserving that power for the third round. Chōjūrō, on the other hand, was shocked, a thought crossing his mind, 'His style... it resembles Zabuza-san’s.' Suigetsu, watching from the balcony, also noticed the similarity. Turning to Mei, his Jonin Sensei, he remarked, "Sensei, we may have a lead on Zabuza-san." Mei nodded, her eyes fixed on the ongoing battle.

Unbeknownst to them, Horyu had only one purpose – to complete the System Quests. 'I've used Kinjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, Taijutsu, and Shurikenjutsu. I'm not injured, so I'll let Chōjūrō graze my arm a little, giving me an excuse to use a basic Healing Jutsu. Then, I’ll use a basic Fire Jutsu. Only after that, I can focus on the other two subquests and finish this battle,' Horyu planned meticulously.

As the battle resumed, Chōjūrō, fueled by determination, swung his katana with renewed vigor. Horyu, dancing around the strikes, allowed one to graze his arm, a thin line of red appearing. Seizing the moment, he stepped back and quickly performed the hand signs for a basic Healing Jutsu, closing the wound slightly, displaying his versatility.

Horyu then shifted his stance, his chakra flaring as he prepared a Fire Style jutsu. "Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique!" he exclaimed, launching a moderate-sized fireball towards Chōjūrō. The Mist ninja, taken aback by the sudden change in tactics, barely managed to evade, using a swift water-based technique to douse the flames.

Chōjūrō, realizing the unpredictability of his opponent, became more cautious. He started using his Water Style techniques more strategically, trying to keep Horyu at a distance. Horyu, however, was already adapting, using his agility and keen observation skills to find openings.

The two fighters moved across the arena, their techniques clashing in a dazzling display of elemental prowess. Chōjūrō's Water Style jutsu created waves and torrents, while Horyu’s Fire Style techniques countered with bursts of flame and heat.

As the battle progressed, Horyu's strategy became clear. He was deliberately drawing out the fight, showcasing a diverse range of skills while looking for the perfect moment to strike decisively. Chōjūrō, though skilled, began to show signs of fatigue, his movements slightly slower.

Seizing the opportunity, Horyu activated his Sharingan, the two tomoe spinning into focus. The world around him seemed to slow down, each of Chōjūrō's movements becoming predictable. Horyu darted in, weaving through the water attacks with ease.

Horyu, having completed the first sub-quest, charged forward, his mind set on employing a superior strategy and countering Chōjūrō's kenjutsu to fulfill the remaining sub-quests. With his Sharingan active, the world around him became clearer, every minute detail magnified. Chōjūrō's every move, every shift in his muscles, was like an open book to Horyu.

Chōjūrō, realizing the change in Horyu's demeanor, tightened his grip on his katana, readying himself for the next phase of the battle. He lunged forward, his katana slicing through the air with a swift, clean motion. Horyu, however, was already one step ahead.

Using his heightened perception, Horyu anticipated the trajectory of the blade and sidestepped, evading the attack with a fluidity that seemed almost supernatural. He then quickly closed the distance between them, his movements a blur. Before Chōjūrō could recover from his missed strike, Horyu unleashed a barrage of rapid punches and kicks, each precisely aimed to push Chōjūrō off balance.

Chōjūrō, struggling to keep up, tried to retaliate with a series of water bullets, but Horyu's Sharingan allowed him to predict and dodge the incoming attacks effortlessly. Horyu then feinted to the right, drawing Chōjūrō's attention, before swiftly moving to the left. As Chōjūrō turned to defend, Horyu activated a basic Genjutsu.

Suddenly, Chōjūrō found himself surrounded by multiple images of Horyu, each one mirroring the other's movements perfectly. Confused and overwhelmed, Chōjūrō swung wildly at the illusions, trying to find the real Horyu. But the real Horyu was already moving in, his blade poised for a decisive strike.

With a swift motion, Horyu struck, his Chakra Sword connecting with Chōjūrō's katana with a resounding clang. Using the impact, Horyu twisted his blade, attempting to disarm Chōjūrō. But the Mist ninja held on, his strength surprising Horyu.

Realizing brute force wouldn't work, Horyu quickly stepped back, reassessing his strategy. He needed to outmaneuver Chōjūrō, to use his superior speed and agility to his advantage. He circled around Chōjūrō, his Sharingan tracking every movement, every subtle change in stance.

Horyu then lunged forward, engaging in a flurry of blade strikes. Chōjūrō met each strike with his katana, but Horyu's attacks were a feint. He was looking for an opening, a moment of vulnerability. And finally, he found it.

As Chōjūrō raised his katana to block an overhead strike, Horyu suddenly shifted his attack to a low sweep. Caught off-guard, Chōjūrō stumbled, trying to adjust his stance. Chōjūrō, now more cautious, clasped the hilt of his katana and resumed his stance. He knew he was outmatched in terms of speed and technique, but he wasn't going to give up. He charged at Horyu, his katana slicing through the air with renewed vigor.

Horyu, his Sharingan spinning, anticipated each strike, parrying and dodging with ease. He was looking for a pattern, a predictable sequence in Chōjūrō's attacks. And soon, he found it. Every third strike, Chōjūrō would leave his left side slightly exposed.

With this knowledge, Horyu waited for the right moment. As Chōjūrō's third strike came, Horyu dodged and quickly countered with a precise strike to Chōjūrō's left side. Chōjūrō grunted in pain, the strike taking him by surprise. Horyu seized the opportunity and executed a swift kick, knocking Chōjūrō's katana from his grasp.

Riding on his advantage, Horyu charged forward, his eyes firmly locked on Chōjūrō. The Mist ninja, with the last of his chakra, created a blade out of water, a testament to his resolve and skill. Horyu's Sharingan, focused intently on Chōjūrō's kenjutsu throughout the fight, now whirled with intense concentration. As Chōjūrō's water blade took shape, Horyu's mind raced, his Sharingan and System simultaneously analyzing and copying the technique. A grin spread across Horyu's face as he closed the distance. "Time to finish this," he declared confidently.

Chōjūrō, determined and resilient, swung his water blade with precision, creating arcs of water that sliced through the air. Horyu, however, was a step ahead, his Sharingan allowing him to predict and evade each strike with fluid grace. He needed to keep the fight close, to neutralize Chōjūrō's advantage with the water blade.

As they clashed, Horyu seamlessly integrated Genjutsu into his movements. Each step, each swing of his sword, was laced with subtle cues, designed to disorient and confuse Chōjūrō. The arena around them began to distort, the ground and sky blending in a whirl of colors and shapes. Chōjūrō blinked, trying to focus, but the illusion was taking hold, making it difficult to discern reality.

Horyu, seeing the confusion in Chōjūrō's eyes, intensified his assault. He moved like a phantom, his attacks coming from unpredictable angles, further disorienting the Mist ninja. Chōjūrō, struggling to keep up, swung his water blade in wide, desperate arcs, trying to fend off the relentless onslaught.

The crowd watched in awe as the battle unfolded, a mesmerizing display of skill and strategy. Horyu's mastery of Genjutsu, combined with his precise swordplay, created a spectacle that was both beautiful and harrowing.

As the Genjutsu took deeper root in Chōjūrō's mind, his movements became more erratic, his strikes less sure. Horyu seized this opportunity to escalate his attack. He feinted to the right, drawing Chōjūrō's attention, then quickly darted to the left, delivering a swift slice with Chucky to Chōjūrō's shoulder. The strike was precise, calculated to incapacitate.

Chōjūrō, his concentration faltering, tried to counterattack, but his movements were sluggish, hampered by the Genjutsu and the injury. Horyu, relentless, pressed on, his blade a blur of motion as he sought to disarm Chōjūrō once and for all.

In a final, desperate attempt, Chōjūrō swung his water blade with all his might, hoping to turn the tide of the battle. Horyu, anticipating the move, ducked under the swing and closed in. With a swift, upward strike, he knocked the water blade from Chōjūrō's grasp, leaving the Mist ninja defenseless.

The arena fell silent as Horyu stood victorious, his blade pointed at Chōjūrō's throat. "You lost," Horyu declared, his voice steady, revealing no hint of triumph or disdain. He withdrew his blade and started to walk away, his steps measured and calm. Hayate, visibly impressed, announced, "Winner: Uchiha Horyu." The audience erupted in cheers, particularly loud from Hinata and Ino, who showed their support enthusiastically.

As Horyu climbed towards his team, system messages flooded his mind, a silent testament to his achievement:

[System Notification: Quest Update - "The Chunin Exams Challenge"]

Sub-Quest: "Master of the Arena" - Completed

Sub-Quest: "Ultimate Strategist" - Completed

Sub-Quest: "Adaptable Warrior" - Completed

Total XP Gained: +1200

[System Notification: New Perks Unlocked]

Jutsu Mastery Perk: Enhances effectiveness and efficiency of Kenjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Ninjutsu, Medical Jutsu, Kinjutsu and Shurikenjutsu.

Strategist’s Insight Perk: Enhances battle analysis and strategic planning abilities.

Counter Specialist Perk: Improves reflexes and adaptability in countering enemy strategies and jutsu.

[System Notification: New Techniques Acquired]

Copied Kenjutsu Style: Flowing Water Blade Technique

Copied Jutsu: Water Style - Water Creation Jutsu


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