Game’s Dogma

Chapter 62: The Brawny Man, Greenstone

Drako Yau walked with Sasaki and Zephyrwolf by his side, while Hades had gone off to somewhere else after the event. In front of them was Bloodless Bladester who was all smiles and gave off an approachable vibe. It was hard to believe that such a person would call himself such a name. In fact, even back in War of the Daemons, he had always been in charge of external affairs.

‘Ah, we’re here’, said Bloodless Bladester as he pointed at a brawny man in the trade centre.

Greenstone. Drako Yau found himself slightly emotional as he saw the ID. It was this man who had saved his life. He walked up and greeted the man, ‘Hello.’ Greenstone turned around without replying and stared at him with a vigilant look.

Drako Yau scratched his head and said, ‘Uh… Sorry for disturbing you. Pardon me, but it was you who saved me at the west gate back then, right?’ Greenstone still stayed silent, as though he was a reflection of his name—a piece of stone.

Drako Yau was a man with few words, but when up against Greenstone, even he seemed like a talkative person. ‘I don’t mean you harm. I just wanted to thank the person who saved my life. Feel free to let me know if you need any help in the future.’ He then sent Greenstone a friend request.

Drako Yau was not wearing his mask right now. Although players nearby were startled by the fact that such a nobody was together with the great Zephyrwolf, they simply couldn’t link the maskless Drako Yau to the mysterious masked man.

Greenstone stared into Drako Yau’s eyes. The next moment, Drako Yau received a notification notifying him that the other party had refused his friend request. Noticing his startled look, Greenstone finally broke his silence. ‘Trivial matters require no reward.’ He then left after leaving those words behind.

Zephyrwolf chuckled and said, ‘This guy’s quite something, but isn’t this a bit too arrogant?’ He knew about Drako Yau’s true strength. His chances of winning a duel against Drako Yau would still be zero even if he changed his class to Demon Wolf Hero.

Drako Yau shook his head and spaced out slightly as he stared at Greenstone’s muscular back. ‘He’s no ordinary person’, he said without explaining the rest. Zephyrwolf didn’t dare ask any further either.

Right now, the forum was exploding with comments. After a day’s rest, players were becoming active again. Countless flaming and bantering was going on, most of which were targeted at Yoda.

Evergrand’s Underworld guild was no ordinary guild. Most veterans would recognise the name if they played War of the Daemons before. Of course, they were also familiar with the names of Hades and his brothers in arms. Yet, such a prideful bunch actually gave up Evergrand and led most players over to Yoda. What’s more unbelievable was that Yoda somehow managed to make it through the siege with their limited numbers and comparatively low leveled players!

Several names shone among the bunch:

Hades the Diabolos who broke through the monsters’ formation and hunted down the monoeyes by leading Underworld’s elite forces.

The mysterious swordsman, Sasaki. Presumed to be the bearer of a hidden class, he was a speed-oriented warrior who held down a Level 15 commander while he was just Level 9 himself. A force to be reckoned with once he catched up with his levels.

Zephyrwolf the warrior. Seeing an infamous online game bandit emerge as a powerful force out of the blue, everyone felt like they were watching a television drama in real life. Everyone from Yoda praised Zephyrwolf and even called him the embodiment of justice. Powerful in combat, has a gigantic demonic wolf mount, surrounded by red flames…

Soulsmith, the archer with specter-like agility and shot arrows as though they are lightning strikes. He fully deserved his reputation as the Number One archer in War of the Daemons and was given the nickname ‘Soulbound Archer’.

Rumours that almost sounded like legends made players doubt their ears. However, those who were skeptical immediately shut their mouths upon watching the event montage published by the game’s official page.

In the video, Hades led his men at the forefront and cut through the sea of monsters like a scalpel, rendering everyone who watched the video speechless. Such courage, such charisma, it was truly worthy of the Number One Daemon.

Sasaki rested his right palm lightly on the hilt of the blade which hung on his waist. With a sword-drawing stance like an ancient samurai, he danced like the wind under the wolven commander’s attacks, only making counterstrikes one in a while. Cool yet elegant.

Soulsmith’s eye and mind were locked onto his target as he drew his longbow into a half moon and sent the wolven commander which was charging towards the gate tumbling to the ground.

Zephyrwolf howled, his body immediately surrounded by searing flames. The demon wolf king by his side vanished and pinned the beastman commander down…

Among the eye-catching performances, a rather mysterious person caught the attention of those who were observant. It was a strange man who wore a red mask. The only scene in the video which showed him in action was when he killed the ravon commander.

However, players in Yoda called him ‘Yoda’s Guardian’. He was seen idling on the city walls most of the time, yet both Hades and Zephyrwolf treated him as equals. Some said they had seen him lead NPCs over to support the west gate. Others said he stopped the attack of a strange, purple NPC… There were simply too many rumours about this man.

He was less famous than Zephyrwolf, but even so, everyone in Yoda venerated the mysterious guardian who safeguarded their city.

‘A phantom?’

In Empyreon, Chau Yu was waving the fan in his hand as he watched the 3D hologram projected from his phone. The scene of Drako Yau killing the ravon commander was being played in loop mode.

The fan he held was exchanged using Merit.

‘Strategist’s Feather Fan: The favourite fan of a certain strategist of the past. With fan in hand, millions of soldiers were at his beck and call. As long as he willed it, his soldiers shall carry out his wishes. Replaces the appearance of the equipped weapon and blocks all detection skills to hide the stats of all equipment. Cost: 30,000 Merit.’

He was pretty satisfied with the fan. Finally, he no longer had to run around with the massive cleric longstaff.

A handful of people were standing behind him. Everyone present were reputable guild masters in the game, but they all showed respect towards Chau Yu. Without him, Empyreon would have faced the same fate as Terrafirm.

Empyreon also made a deal with the Castellan, who sent them reinforcements so they could barely make it past the eleventh wave which spelt nothing but despair. The one who found the Castellan’s Residence and struck the deal was none other than Chau Yu.

They weren’t sure what was going on right now. Why was he repeating the scene which only lasted for several seconds over and over again?

Indeed, it was barely a few seconds, but it was precisely these few seconds which showed how Drako Yau had killed the ravon commander.

‘Tripurity, what do you think?’ Hearing the name, all guild masters all hid their gasps.

Tripurity, a player who didn’t belong to any guild. He came out of nowhere and saved the day by taking on three commanders all on his own, earning enough time for players who had just resurrected to re-establish their supply lines. Looking at his skillset and the simple wooden sword hanging on his back, anyone could tell he had a hidden class.

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