Game’s Dogma

Chapter 76: Handsome Scholar

Both of them walked at a slow pace as though they were strolling in a park. However, they happened to stop at the same time when they were around five metres away from each other.

The two of them had refreshing looks—they had found a kindred spirit in one another.

It was a range where landing a hit was extremely difficult. Even if the opponent made a move, there was enough distance between them to react to it. Just from the fact that they had halted their steps at the same range, they could sense that the other party was a martial artist.

People who practiced martial arts in the real world were far and few. It was now an era of technology where laser guns were actually a thing and were equipped as regular equipment by the police force. What use was being proficient in martial arts in such an era? Thus the role of martial arts masters steadily declined.

It was a meeting of minds. Such a rare occasion kindled the flames of battle spirit within them!

Handsome Scholar readied himself in a guard position, leading with his left hand which held the round shield and pointing his sword in his right hand forwards at Drako Yau.

‘Please come at me!’

Drako Yau’s fighting spirit was also reaching its peak. He had always been lonely, and the only true martial artist he had met was the old geezer. Sasaki’s style was a modernised swordsmanship which lacked ferocity; true battles were always accompanied by intense killing intent and invasiveness towards the enemy. Perhaps the youngster could refine his style after being instructed by Sasaki Kojirou.

On the other hand, Idyllic Poet, Zephyrwolf, and Hades were all very talented people. Still, they were still fundamentally different from people like Drako Yau who practiced and trained in the art of combat.

Unfortunately, the old geezer was way above him and it was basically a thrashing session every time they fought. Right now, an actual fighter who was trained in the way of martial arts was standing before him.

Drako Yau turned the zest within him into action. Mist seeped from his legs as he charged forwards with indomitable steps. He covered the several metres between them in no time and thrusted his spear.

Handsome Scholar calmly met the thrust with his shield. As metal clashed against one another, he furrowed his brows. What a strange force!

For someone of Handsome Scholar’s calibre, it was natural to have pain perception set to 100 per cent. Even when blocked with his shield, the force behind the thrust seemed to have seeped through his bones and numbed his arm. Various thoughts flashed through his mind, but his arms reacted just as quickly. He stabbed his sword from beneath his shield at Drako Yau’s stomach.

This guy… 

After Handsome Scholar blocked Drako Yau’s thrust, he tilted his shield slightly upwards, turning the shield’s front towards the spearman’s face. This tiny movement hid the direction of his stab, and Drako Yau could only tell he was attacking without knowing where it was coming from.

Turning his foot, Drako Yau spun aside like a whirlwind. He evaded Handsome Scholar’s stab and swirled his spear, generating strength from the ground through his legs. His legs, waist, and arms connected as one as he sent a devastating sweeping attack at Handsome Scholar.

Snake Sweep!

Handsome Scholar tensed up. Although he was close enough that the spear tip couldn’t hit him, he could feel the wind generated by the shaft speeding towards him. Getting hit by it would definitely hurt a fair bit. He lowered his body and lunged forwards with his shield to bash Drako Yau in the waist.

Interrupted by the shield bash, Drako Yau’s sweep missed the target. He also didn’t resist against the push and instead went along with it as he jumped backwards. The two stared at each other, separated by two metres between them. They could both sense their heavy atmospheres.

Drako Yau was surprised, for he had been wrong. This guy… he’s no martial artist. His techniques are solely for killing!

‘Hey Whitey, do you like playing online games?’ A man with a cigarette stuck in his mouth as he controlled his avatar in an online game asked the youngster standing behind him merrily.

A bit annoyed, the youngster called Whitey looked at his older brother with cool eyes and replied, ‘No.’

‘Heh, you’re not interested because you’ve never played it before. That’s right, you’ve been in the army for so long. Joining the army for a year or two’s enough to get it over with, yet you’ve stayed there for seven years already. Ah, let’s not talk about that, come, sit here.’ Whitey’s brother had an excited look as he made Whitey sit down and taught the clueless youngsters how to move, how to use skills…

Whitey let his brother instruct himself like a puppet while thinking, I wonder what sort of expression the officer will make if he knew I was playing games here.

White Lee, lieutenant of the Fourth Eastern City. He had risen through the ranks at lightning speed due to his combat ability, especially his extraordinary shield play which shocked the higher ups. The general of the Fourth Eastern City saw the young man as a prospect to be nurtured and always recommended him to transfer over to the First Eastern City. After all, it was the city with the best future outlook among all Eastern Cities.

White Lee had indeed broken plenty of records in the army. Shields that could block laser guns existed, but most invested their time into practicing shooting laser guns and rifles instead. He, however, had discovered a new path for himself.

He was still young, and personal combat capability was just one of many aspects of being a soldier. Leadership was more important in an army. As such, after spending seven years in the army camp, the general patted his shoulders and said something along the lines of ‘youngsters should rest more’ and sent him home for vacation.

White Lee made a wry smile as he controlled the avatar called ‘Handsome Scholar’. His brother’s name was Book Lee, though his brother was pretty dissatisfied with his own name. He claimed that he had never won in casinos due to his name.

[Note: ‘Book’ and ‘Lose’ have the same pronunciation in Cantonese.]

‘Eh?’ Book Lee looked at his younger brother who was slaying monsters left and right with his avatar. ‘Woah! Whitey, you’re good!’ He exclaimed while throwing his arms into the air. He had been stuck on this level for quite a while already.

‘How was it? Fun, right?’ Book Lee spat a mouthful of smoke at White Lee, making him cough.

‘Not bad.’

That was the last time he ever saw his brother again.

A traffic accident had taken away Book Lee’s life. White Lee was told it was a case of drunk driving, and the guy who killed his brother was never coming out of jail again. Yet none of that mattered to him—even if he killed the guy, his brother wasn’t coming back.

White Lee politely refused the general’s attempts at persuading him to stay and left the army. He joined the army to protect his family, his brother. Apart from his own daily expenses, he had mailed all his salary back to his brother. It was also the reason why he chose to use the shield: to protect.

For a month he stayed at home, eating only once per day. He did nothing but stare at his computer at home the entire time.

Until one day, he received a phone call.

‘Book! Where’ve you been for the whole month? Those bastards from the Hung Clan are right at our doorsteps!’

Startled, he asked, ‘Who are you.’

White Lee started using the account ‘Handsome Scholar’ again and played various online games. When Real World was published, the game which utilised brainwaves to replicate body movements propelled him to the spot of Number One Paladin.

The name was the embodiment of both himself and his brother. It was their pride. The shield in his hands was for defending the pride which belonged to them and only them.

Handsome Scholar would never lose to anyone.

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