Gap Demon

Gap Demon – Part 4

Gap Demon - Part 4 - Sharks can be spooked too~








( A/N: I think I should clarify something some people brought up. - " Why is she using her powers like that? OG Yukari can do this and that." -, The OG one? Yeah. She knows everything Boundaries can and can't do. And the powers she has are God Tier ones.


Compare that with someone who at maximum remembers seeing Yukari as the Youkai who attacks with trains, or a goober who only enjoys Teleporting stuff around, even using her gaps for silly stuff. 


Like, she was thinking super grounded when testing her powers earlier, that should've already told you guys this is NOT Gensokyo's Yukari.


This MC of ours is someone with her Appearance, Powers, and Traits. Not memories. Obviously, she has no idea of the limits Boundaries have yet. But, she is slowly learning how to use them. 


Hopefully, this clarifies some things.^^


 Ty for your time, ye~ )
















( Part 4: Sixth Street - 10:59 PM )


Having teleported away, Yukari made her way back to the subway she had first found a few minutes before the Ant-man incident.


' No dangos around here….* sighs sadly *…' - Showing up by the entrance giving way to the stairs going down, she glanced around, still somewhat sad her search didn't bear any fruits.


Although, like in the streets she was looking before, she did not find even one human soul lurking around the subway.


" The Monster really did scare everyone away, huh? Well, that definitely works in my favor in a way. I don't constantly have to worry about moving around with eyes following me everywhere. "


Fan hiding her expression, she makes her way down the subway stairs, getting to the bottom she looks at the very modern-looking place. 


Although most of the doors she saw around were tightly locked, the loud sound of the railway's metal crying robbed her attention to one of the sides. Soon, a yellow-colored subway train came to a stop.


A mechanical voice talked out loud the name ' Sixth Street ' and some predictable lines, it must've repeated a hundred thousand times at this point.


Not seeing anyone going off or inside the train, Yukari shrugged and made her way inside. 


Entering the train and taking one of the first seats she saw, her presence seemed to be noticed by someone playing with their smartphone in another wagon further ahead.


It was a very short period of time as the culprit, a seemingly young adult university student girl, shook her head and got her attention back to whatever she was doing in her smartphone. Her clothes were very casual, a black turtleneck sweater and jeans, for shoes she had some comfortable looking white sneakers.


This spectator didn't go unnoticed by Yukari, she was looking at the girl from the corner of her eyes with a particularly curious glaze. 


The young girl was really popular on the internet from what the blonde Youkai could remember, the extremely thick shark tail was a dead giveaway as well as her hair having the inner back parts painted in red. 


' Is she by any chance older here?…. If I recall it accurately, she used to be a high schooler… But the way she's dressed, and she is in a subway this late.' - Humming, Yukari smiled, having an idea.


They were alone on this subway train, so she was feeling a bit like a prankster.


This would surely get rid of her small boredom for the time being.








The shark girl, also known as Ellen Joe, was playing a game on her smartphone, having just reached her old high score, when she heard a strange sound coming from where she had first seen that weirdly dressed woman who seemed to be a cosplayer.


Bizarrely, the blonde that was around all the way on another wagon had switched places in an instant to be just one wagon away from her now. 


She was just looking forward aimlessly, all the while waving that portable fan of hers in one hand and twirling her frilly umbrella in the other free hand.


Raising an eyebrow at first, Ellen returned to her game just to once again hear that same weird sound which sounded like hundreds of whispers coming from somewhere distant. 


Pausing her game and glaring up annoyed, she is met with the blonde now sitting on the opposite side she was sat by.


Still slowly waving that fan of hers, only those bright violet eyes could be seen as the fan hid the rest. Hiding whatever expression the strange woman in front of Ellen could've been making.


Gulping a tie she had grown by her throat, Ellen was no stranger to the Supernatural. The job she did required her to deal with some creatures from time to time, but most were what they would call Tiger-Ranked dangers or Lower Demon-Ranked ones.


Tightly gripping her Smartphone she made sure to not break eye contact with the blonde scary woman, but to Ellen's relief the other party lowered her fan showing an amused grin.


… Was she being pranked this whole time?… Still not sure about it, her eyes were nailed on the blonde, and when she finally gave in and blinked…


' WHERE?!- ' In a blink of an eye, literally. The one in front of her disappeared. 


However, where she had moved to was evident to Ellen. At the corner of her vision, she could see a part of that attention-grabbing frilly dress.


" You know… Your scared face is incredibly cute. Like, the way you widen your eyes each and every time I got closer made me want to tease you even more… Although, I didn't mean for you to end up trembling like that." 


The mature voice reached for the young Ellen's ears, confirming her earlier presumption about it being a prank.


Sighing heavily, turning around to glare at the blonde who once again chose to hide her smile under that fan, Ellen pointed her finger at the probably older Youkai before having second thoughts and sighing a second time. 


Putting her smartphone away inside the shoulder bag she was wearing and sat arms crossed, just side glaring towards the one who almost scared her to death. Literally, she thought she was about to be killed a few seconds ago.


" Come'on~ Don't be cold with little me, sharky miss~ " - Resting her fan by her lap, Yukari reaches her hand towards Ellen, who yelped in place while closing her eyes as the woman reached behind her ear.


Feeling the hand move away, the shark peeked one eye open, seeing the blonde wave a cute bear-shaped strawberry lollipop in front of her face while sporting a wide smile.


Seeing the candy her attention was now once more fully drawn in, both eyes now wide open she went to bite the lollipop, showing all of her sharp teeth. 


Chomping down on it, a low chuckle was heard from the one feeding her the candy. Yukari let go of the straw and picked her fan back to keep waving it.


" Sooo~ My name is Yukari. It's a pleasure to make an acquaintance out of you, sharky." - Slightly bowing her head while introducing herself, Ellen's mind was running crazy trying to understand what the Supernatural being beside her even wanted.


" Ellen. Ellen Joe, it's a pleasure Ms.Yukari." - Trying to be as brief and polite as possible she also gave back the small bow, the reaction she received felt quite strange.


Yukari only hummed humorously, she didn't know why, but this lady in front of her seemed to enjoy playing with her. 


As she was about to ask if the Youkai wanted something the same glanced outside the window behind them narrowing her eyes feeling something was off, something seemed to pick her interest. And Yukari had a nagging sensation in the back of her head that was telling her something was about to happen.


" Oh. Be extra cautious when you're walking out, Sharky. The night is proving to be quite packed today." - Laughing with her mouth hidden by that fan of hers, Ellen didn't understand what she meant, and as she blinked once more…. The woman was gone.


" Tsk, I even told her my name and she still called me that… Ahhh - * sighs * - This has been a tiring looong day, from now on I think it's better to take my gear with me to the University for safe precautions. Gonna need to get myself a bigger bag… Also, what she meant by being carefu-" 


* BOOOM * - Without any warning, the subway abruptly stopped in a sudden manner, launching a wide-eyed Ellen towards the side and forcing her to sideways flip to safely land on her tiptoes. She did make sure her lollipop was unharmed during the whole stunt.


Blinking a few times with her eyes still wide open, she looked around, still expecting something more to happen. But she wondered why an underground Subway train would even come to such a hard stop…


The lights of the train flickered a moment before it started to move in its tracks once again, something was happening outside the subway tunnels. Something big.


Rubbing her head, Ellen grunted, realizing her peaceful sleeping night might be snatched away. And she was spot on, a few seconds later the feeling of her smartphone vibrating brought forth another grunt.


Pulling it out while playing with the lollipop inside her mouth, the message wasn't one of the best ones she wanted to receive right now. - " Ugh- And here I was thinking I would be free today…"


On her phone's screen, a message shined onto the screen from the one who could be considered her manager, even though they didn't have a profile picture she had their number name saved as just ' Boss '.


[{ We currently have a job to devote ourselves to, Ellen. Please make sure to arrive as soon as possible. Myself as well as the others are already waiting for your arrival. }]

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