Gap Demon

Gap Demon – Part 8

Gap Demon - Part 8: Cheeky Rat.










( A/N: Oh yeah. New cover btw, nothing fancy and I did it fairly quickly. But hey, it's sum yours truly drew. :D


 ( I am working on a more detailed one that's gonna be the definitive one. ) 


●●● New Cover ●●● 








( Part 8 - 07:23 AM - Z-City )




Splitting yet another humanoid ant who's just a little over her height roughly in half by its torso, Yukari stares at the pitiful monster who falls to the ground pathetically, still struggling to wiggle around its two separate body parts.


A face of disgust briefly flashed forth before she hid under her fan. - “ Along with this one, it should be at least around thirty-two ants I've killed so far… Just how severe of an infestation we’ve got in our hands… “


Stepping away from the monster, multiple gaps opened above it before showering its remaining parts with stop signs. Turning the halved ant into a porcupine of sorts, all it could do on its deathbed was let out an eerily silent shrieking ‘scream’.


As for where Yukari was at the moment? Inside a random supermarket close to where she met the butler and maids a while ago. Even though it was somewhat of a coincidence given the ant she had been hunting found its way towards the poor Corin.


When the ant appeared, the little maid hugged the cat she was patting before both bolted away in separate ways, screaming/meowing. The scene was something Yukari would've loved to have recorded, given how cute it was.


Now, gracefully walking through the food shelves, something catches her interest, a box full of chocolate balls. Eyeing the rest of the shelves along the hallway, the bad mood she was in because of the ugly ant, was rapidly replaced by a mischievous one.


“ I know someone who would definitely enjoy these very much~ “ - Without further ado, she jerked her fan ever so slightly, opening a lengthy gap under the shelves, taking the whole thing inside her gaps before continuing walking towards the exit.


So what happened to the Butler/Maids heroes she met earlier?


Well, she did follow them for a few minutes through the shadows before having her new advanced hearing pick up on another loud noise not far so away of something being smashed onto a wall. 


Even without her powers, the new Youkai biology was quite extraordinary; however, she had yet to test all of her other attributes, as the fights she encountered all ended in a few seconds when she was not trying to get information.


In the face of choosing between Victoria Housekeeping and the possible threat, she chose the latter, those guys from the Victoria House gave off the feeling that they could handle these Ants pretty easily as long as they didn't meet one of the more deadly ones.


But the hulking-type ants were extremely rare, seeing that Yukari herself only met/killed three of them so far. Leaving them on their own, she moved to take care of whatever other nuisance that was wreaking havoc was currently up to.


Now that she was done with her side quest, leaving the ant resembling a porcupine made of road signs. It was about time she got back to seeing what that Fluffy snow wolf was up to. 


That was if someone wasn't willing to wait for her while sitting on top of one of the empty cashiers. Legs crossed sensually. A thin tail, resembling that of a rat but ending in a sharp edge that could be very well-used as a weapon, moved around her legs.


Her medium-sized black hair which had a low ponytail colored red moved ever so slightly, almost hiding the pierced rat ears somewhat by the sides of her face, but not those blueish gray eyes of hers that were gazing daggers at Yukari. 


It was like she knew that even blinking would result in her target disappearing… Which, given what the Youkai had been doing so far… Wasn't a wrong assumption.


Jumping off the cashier in a cute hop, she stands there with her hands raised ever so slightly, resembling a rat-like pose. Her clothing was the definition of style, a gray jacket with fluff parts around the neck and sleeves ends, as well as fingerless black gloves.


A tight black shirt that has some straps here and there, in addition to a black-red tie around her neck. A tight pair of shorts that went from her belly to around the middle of her thighs almost looked like those so-called booty shorts in design.  


Adding the icing on the cake was a set of thigh-high ripped stockings and gray boots filled with other ornaments.


●●● Jane Doe’s Pic in here ●●●



“ You know, Missy. Portals…. You're quite the slippery one to get the hang of. “ - She spun a set of weapons that resembled custom skinning knives around her tail before tossing them up to her hands.


At first, Yukari only watched as the rat did this flashy introduction of hers, simply twirling her umbrella around. To her surprise, the woman she knew as Jane Doe dropped both knives in a shrug.


“ Sooo… I guess cutting directly to the point would probably save us both some time… - * grins * - Wanna be my partner? I mean~ With what I've seen so far, those portals of yours are quite practical, and here's a token of my honesty as a trade coin. I shall answer any questions you may have, earnestly.” 


Different from what Yukari might have been thinking, Jane knew she was busted the moment the blonde gave her that look of familiarity. The mission she had been given by Zhu Yuan seemed to have failed before it even began.


So she started one of her own: Befriend the Demon.


And so far she had already witnessed what the Youkai was capable of achieving. A while ago she was watching from a good distance, waiting for a chance to strike one of those ants, when a car that fell from the skies smashed into it, leaving a puddle to form on the ground from its purple blood..


Shortly after, a shower of road signs finished it off in a large explosion when one of the signs hit the car’s gas tank


Jane was left stunned, all the data she was acquiring by trying to find the bug’s weak spots was simply overwhelmed because someone chose the rougher route.


Looking around, her keen hearing and smelling senses caught something coming from a road that gave a direct view of where the ant was before ending up exterminated.


The clicking sound of high heels on the concrete was filled with a unique indescribable scent, and before the culprit for stealing her target disappeared inside a strange creepy portal full of red eyes, she was able to get a glimpse of their blonde hair and frilly dress.


With that description in mind, Jane contacted Zhu Yuan to confirm if it was the same one everyone was calling a something-Demon. After receiving positive feedback, the rat also was given a new mission.


Trick Yukari and apprehend her for further interrogation.


Obviously, Jane wanted to say it was impossibly difficult after watching firsthand what the blonde could do, but she still went along with it, never really planning on trying that suicide plan.


Dashing through Z-City, she tried using that unique scent to track the Youkai. Even if just the overall scent, it would already give Jane a clue of where to go and look into.


After a few hours of searching, her nose finally caught a whiff of the scent, it had just appeared from nowhere and was way closer than she ever expected it to be.


She jumped from building to building in a fantastical show of acrobatics, and soon she jumped down in front of a worn-out supermarket that had all of its front windows and automatic doors broken beyond repair.


Entering it while holding her hands up in her signature stance, she finds one of the cashiers and takes a seat waiting for the one she was tracking to come back… 


And that's how she got here.








Humming at the proposal of partnership, Yukari lowered her fan while arching an eyebrow.


“ You seem quite confident. Then why don't we get that confidence’s full extent, tested~? Now… Name all your current colleagues and the jurisdiction you're under. “ 


 Grinning quite devilishly at her own question, Yukari was feeling quite a unique drill as Jane’s face twitched for a fleeting moment.


The undercover rat knew right now wasn't a moment for hesitation, getting on friendly terms with someone like this could prove tremendously beneficial not only to herself but the others in the long and short run.


After thinking through her choices, the rat sighed before smiling defeated, Yukari could spawn those gaps just as she wished for on a whim. Any suspicious movements on Jane’s part, and she might be picking cheese in the afterlife.


“ As you wish then, Missy. Portals. But first, why don't we grab a drink? This place should have anything we want, and both you and I have been quite busy up until now. Take it as a short break of shorts. “


Slowly walking past the widely grinning Yukari, the rat’s tail moved in a manner that looked as if telling the Youkai to follow along as she walked further inside the store to find where the cold drinks were located.


Chuckling at her attempts to increase their intimacy, the blonde followed suit while snapping her fingers to pull both of Jane's weapons into a gap.


She would give them back later before leaving, the rat being left disarmed in this hellish City’s current state would be way cruel of a prank even for her.

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