Gate of Immortality

Chapter 195: Forgotten Memories

" Damn it! There must be something that can help me. Yes! Soul Nourishing Pill! That can heal my soul. But eating too many Soul Nourishing pills won't help me. I need a pill of at least the fifth rank to heal my soul."

" But where I would get a pill of the fifth rank here? Unless I travel to Soaring Star Supreme Kingdom or some higher place, It's almost impossible."

" Even if I start to practice some soul technique to recover my soul, it will take too much time, and my cultivation will halt."

" But first, Let me connect my soul to my physical body." Yang Shi tried to reach his physical body but then, the rune on his forehead flickered brightly.

" What now?!" Yang Shi was speechless.

" Listen, Brat! I don't have much time. Hah, I never thought that after using Heaven Sealing Divine Formation, someone would sneak a Soul Extinguish Talisman in your soul."

" To think there are so many enemies hidden around you back then." Samsara Emperor sighed.

" Wait, what! What are you talking about? Heaven Sealing Formation? Soul Extinguishing Talisman? Explain to me clearly!" Yang Shi raged. He never thought that there are so many secrets attached to this body.

"Calm down. This isn't time for idle talk. Since I helped you to overcome this tribulation of fate, I am affected by the heavenly laws. I need to rest a bit before I can talk to you again."

" You going to slumber? When are you going to wake?" Yang Shi asked after remaining silent for a while.

" That... I can't say. Maybe a year, Ten years, or a century? Anyway, It's like short nape for me. So don't worry about that." Samsara Emperor chuckled.

" So, therefore, It seems we need to part for now."

Yang Shi turned silent as he heard Samsara Emperor. He felt a strange feeling in his heart. After all, all these times with Samsara Emperor, he felt a slight connection between them. But he felt sad as he heard that by helping him, Samsara Emperor had to enter in seclusion.

" Haha, Don't worry. Before I go, I prepared a small gift for you. Hmm, rather than saying gift, I would say it's a double edged sword."

" If you were able to survive, it will be the biggest boon for you. But if you don't, Then it would just erase your consciousness, same as death." Samsara Emperor laughed.

The sadness of Yang Shi vanished instantly as he heard Samsara Emperor. " Wait-"

" Now, Allow me to bestow you my journey of a lifetime."

Before Yang Shi could say anything, he saw myriads of golden streams shot at him as his soul got pulled into a golden river.

" ARRRGHHHHH!" Yang Shi screamed as he felt he was pulled along the river current. It felt the same when he came to this world from the Earth back then.

He saw the golden river around him carefully. He could see countless images were flashing in it, it was like a river of memories. Soon, the golden river encompassed him as Yang Shi saw his surrounding changed.

He felt moving through the space and time, witnessing the history of the universe. Ancient sages divided history into five parts. Immemorial Era, Stellar Expansion Era, Heaven's Dawn Era, Age of Chaos, and Grand Imperial Era.

Currently, its Grand Imperial Era is going. After this era started, Samsara Emperor opened the gate of reincarnation, making changes in the heavenly daos. That era was filled with Heavenly Emperors and Celestial Beings. But even among them, Samsara Emperor stood proudly on the peak.

Yang Shi slowly began to absorb the memories as he saw a different place.


It was an ancient kingdom with magnificent buildings and palaces. In one of such luxurious courtyards, a young man was training with a sword.

He had golden hair with eyes blue like blue colored flames. His sword was also exquisite, with sparks of flames appearing on it.

" Spiralling Inferno Slash!"

That young man shouted as his sword slashed with crimson flare.


The ground charred with deep cuts as flames cut through the air.

" Haha! Finally, I can do four slashes at the same time. Just a bit till I perfect the Spiralling Inferno Slash!" That young man laughed heartily.

" Good! Young master Yan is truly a genius among his generation." A light voice said.

" Uncle Han! Has father already returned?" That young man asked with ecstasy.

" Haha! Brat, already missing this old man?" A middle-aged man laughed loudly.

" Father!" That young man sheathed his sword as he rushed to hug that man. " Aiiiz, Stop being like a girl." The man snorted lightly.

" Hehe, I was just excited after hearing you came back. It's already two months since you left." That young man laughed.

" Ahem, I think young master Yan has to say something." Butler Han coughed slightly. " Is it?" That man looked at his son with interest.

" Cough, It's nothing much. It's just that... I went to Ominous Earth Ridge." The young man scratched his head.

" Yan Jian, Oh Yan Jian. My son, Why are you obsessed with that place? It's too dangerous to go there." The middle aged man sighed.

" Father, I just want to increase my strength. You know, There are just too many eyes in the clan. Moreover, I always felt that Ominous Earth Ridge always has been benevolent towards me."

" Like this time, I actually reached the advanced stage of Spialling Inferno Slash and Free Wind Steps. Hah, I bet those buffoons of other clans can't even take ten moves from me." Yan Jian snickered.

" Lord Yan, I think young master has grown up already Why don't we search a dao partner for him?" Butler Han laughed.

" Hahaha, true, true! Only a lady can restrain him now." Lord Yan laughed.

" Father, I am really not hurried to get married. I want to focus more on cultivation." Yan Jian was perplexed.

" Those old men from the Situ clan and Shi clan already having grandsons, and you are not going to get a girl?" Lord Yan laughed with anger.

" Hmm, What's so great about producing heirs? Can they reach the Seventh stage of Foundation Establishment at my age and also have knowledge in four arts?" Yan Jian mumbled.

" Young master, since you are young, you shouldn't always be focused on cultivation. You should go out to drink and enjoy yourself with beauties." Butler Han said.

" Brother Yan, You should be tired. I have prepared some Nourishing Tea for you." A melodious voice startled everyone.

A beautiful girl entered with tea. Her hair was like crimson wine, which fluttered slightly with the wind. Her figure was perfect, with her jade like skin, she looked like a goddess of seduction.

" Hong'er? Why are you here?" Yan Jian was startled.

" Hong'er?" Lord Yan looked at that girl with interest as he looked at Butler Han. " I think young master should explain that." Butler Han looked at Yan Jian.

" I never thought that my son would hide women in our house. It seems the past two months are really eventful." Lord Yan chuckled.

" Umm, It's not what you are thinking." Yan Jian panicked.

" My name is Hong Xifeng. I am... acquaintance of Brother Yan Jian." Hong Xifeng bowed.

" So? What's this?" Lord Yan looked at Yan Jian.

" Well, I saved her in Ominous Earth Ridge. She had lost her memories. Since she didn't have any place to live, I invited her to stay here." Yan Jian said awkwardly.

" Pfft! HAHAHAHA." Lord Yan couldn't help but laugh loudly. Even Butler Han and some other guards couldn't help but smile. They were happy since their young master finally fancied a woman.

" Why are you guys laughing?! There is nothing between us." Yan Jian shouted helplessly.

" Yeah, yeah. I understand. Miss Hong, I hope you like our hospitality.  Guo Han, come. Let's give these youngsters some space." Lord Yan laughed as all of them left.

" Um, I hope you didn't mind him." Yan Jian scratched his head.

" Nope, I really didn't." Hong Xifeng smiled brightly.

" Has your injuries healed?" Yan Jian asked. Hearing that, Hon Xifeng's expression turned stiff.

" I am good now. I really thank you for the Life Vitaliy Pill." Hong Xifeng said.

Yan Jian looked the beauty in front of him as he sighed.

It all happened a week ago when he went to venture to the Ominous Earth Ridge. Yan Jian wasn't a genius from birth, but with a fateful encounter, he found a treasure in Ominous Earth Ridge when he was a child.

That's why he often ventures to Ominous Earth Ridge as that place still contained another secret. But when he went there this time, he found Hong Xifen lying there without consciousness. 

She had suffered some injuries as two demonic beasts were preying on her. Yan Jian easily killed them as he saved Hong Xifeng.

What was even more surprising, other than her name and few things, she had lost all of her memories. Yan Jian brought her back to his manor.

" So, What is your plan for the future?" Yan Jian asked.

" What? Are you trying to drive me out?" Hong Xifeng teased.

" Hah, Why would I do that?" Yan Jian rubbed his nose. " You might think I am being shameless, but, I like living here." Hong Xifeng said with a lowly voice.

" Huh?" Yan Jian was dumbfounded as he heard Hong Xifeng.

" I- I didn't mean that!" Hong Xifeng blushed as she ran away with embarassement.

Yan Jian chuckled as his heart filled with warmth. Whenever he was with Hong Xifeng, he felt a strange kind of joy. 

" Is this what people say, Love at first sight?" 

He sighed as he caressed the pendant he was wearing. It was a white pearl of the size of a thumb. It gave off a gentle white light as Yang Shi touched it.

Hong Xifeng returned to her room as her blushing face disappeared instantly.

" Damn it! Just when I am going to recover my power? I don't want to stay at this shitty place. I hope those bastards don't find me soon."

She sighed, but thinking of the behavior of Yan Jian, she relaxed a little.

" Hmm, but the Ominous Earth Ridge is interesting. Never mind, I should stay here and calm my mind for a while." Hong Xifeng sat on her bed as she started to cultivate.

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