Genius Warlock

Chapter 398

Chapter 398

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Oh, my God Good heavens

It was undeniably ironic. A wizard who indirectly contributed to undermining the authority of the Parter Church, which serves God, was now invoking the name of God. Whats even more remarkable is that this wasnt just any wizard; it was the administrative head of the Magic Tower.

Furthermore, his utterance wasnt casual; he spoke with sincerity, clutching his head with both hands.

It makes one ponder the extraordinary nature of God. Whether one is virtuous or a sinner, deeply devout or not, ultimately, everyone, without exception, seeks God. Its truly remarkable.

The fact that God does not discriminate at all is worth noting.

But apart from that, the reaction isnt as good as I expected? freeweb .co m

Oliver contemplated as he surveyed the assembly of individuals gathered in the conference room of the administration tower.

Seated at the highest position was the administrative head responsible for coordinating the various schools within the Magic Tower. He had his head in his hands, and beside him were the Grandmasters and One Masters of each school, whose opinions carried significant weight within the Magic Tower.

The majority of those present were middle-aged to elderly, belonging to the ruling class of both the Magic Tower and Landa. To Oliver, they were all unfamiliar faces, having no prior connection to him.

The only familiar faces in the room were Merlin, who had assumed the role of the new Grand Master of the Life School, and Kevin, who stood beside him. Oliver also recognized Tilda Issai, the One Master of the Skadi Sub-school, and Philip Roar, the Honorary Grand Master of the Pure Magic School. However, they were a minority among the gathering.

Despite the limited number of familiar faces, Oliver felt content.

You always bring the most astonishing tales. Too much so. remarked the administrative head after a moment of deep contemplation and silence.

His emotions were genuine, reflecting a mix of consternation and awkwardness. After all, even before addressing Olivers current situation, he had been informed about the message from Human-meat Chef and the urban terror incident. Now, Oliver had brought an unbelievable guest.

Are those ladies from the Bathory family?

Yes, thats correct, Administrative Head. Oliver replied, gesturing to the five sisters standing behind him: Unna, Orshoya, Katalin, Andrassy and Pal. For the sake of propriety, they had visited a clothing store recommended by the Angels House and were dressed in simple yet fashionable dresses popular in Landa. The staff who had fitted their clothes had all commented on their doll-like beauty.

Ah So, you mean the Bathory family of warlocks who attacked and occupied our Magic Tower research facility in Mountain Pace.

Yes, the Bathory family who attacked and occupied the betrayed Life School research facility However, to be honest, Im not certain if they are warlocks.

Despite the administrative heads probing questions, Oliver remained steadfast, providing additional details and addressing any uncertainties because that was the truth.

Lets skip over Mountain Pace for now But youre not sure if they are warlocks? Does that mean the Bathory family is not warlocks?

No. They are indeed warlocks, but at the same time, they are also wizards. Oliver explained.

This statement provoked some anger among the wizards in the room, as they took great pride in their exclusive status.

Yet, there was merit to Olivers assertion.

The Bathory family members are more adept at magic and blood magic than black magic.

There are a few warlocks who know how to use magic, but we do not call them wizards.

Strictly speaking, Elizabeth Bathory is a wizard. She was born into the central continental mage family of Elizabeth. You should have the documents submitted.

Oliver referred to the documents he had received from Unna. Claims could be denied, but official documents were undeniable.

Having already reviewed the relevant documents, the administrative head of the Magic Tower was visibly annoyed and frustrated. He wasnt the only one; the other Grand Masters and One Masters in the room shared similar sentiments, as they looked at Oliver.

They couldnt comprehend it. While they knew the Magic Tower was an exclusive organization, they also believed that it was open to outsiders, at least when there was a benefit to the Magic Tower.

A benefit?

Yes, thats correct. Oliver responded without hesitation to the administrative heads questioning gaze.

The other Grand Masters and One Masters seemed to have much to say but chose to remain silent, indicating that, for the moment, convincing the administrative head might suffice.

If it doesnt work out, theres nothing to be done about it.

With that thought, Oliver opened his mouth again.

There are several reasons. First, when it comes to blood magic, these individuals possess skills far superior to those of the Magic Tower. Both practical and theoretical. After all, they are the origin of blood magic.

No one objected.

After the Lake Village incident, the Life School had been thoroughly investigated by investigators led by Merlin, uncovering large-scale dealings with warlocks.

It was also revealed that one of the biggest clients was the Bathory family and that the emerging discipline of blood magic derived from the Life School was born from knowledge traded with the Bathory family.

It was a story well known to those who needed to know, though not openly discussed for the sake of the Magic Towers honor.

If Miss Unna and her sisters join the Magic Tower, blood magic can develop rapidly. Theyve said they would share some of their knowledge of blood magic if they are accepted.

At Olivers words, Unna nodded her head.

It was difficult for a wizard or warlock to share their knowledge, but given the penalty for breaking a promise and in gratitude for being saved, and to survive from Human-meat Chef, they were willing to follow Olivers wishes.

As you know, blood magic is an outstanding field of study. It is essential to my paper, Reconstruction and Transplantation of the Body and Organs Through the Fusion of Blood Magic and Life Magic, and Derick and Felix, who have recently regained a lot of Life-force, have also recovered thanks to the Blood Elixir I think it will be of great help to the Magic Tower.

Silence was the answer again.

Olivers paper Reconstruction and Transplantation of the Body and Organs Through the Fusion of Blood Magic and Life Magic had already attracted considerable interest.

The fact that Derick and Felix, victims from Lake Village, were recovering faster than others was also a significant event.

Unlike potions that activated the body and restored wounds and physical strength, the Blood Elixir, which infused external life force, had healed Derick and Felixs bodies rapidly without the side effects Oliver had anticipated, and everyone took considerable interest in this.

Indeed, it meant that other victims could also be healed quickly.

Not only the high-ranking officials of the Magic Tower but also the Rokuri University and the central continental wizard families were interested. This was a considerable opportunity to demonstrate the Magic Towers capabilities and exert influence.

As the importance and necessity of blood magic were mentioned twice, people were visibly unsettled in silence.

Emotionally, they disliked both Oliver and the Bathory family, but rationally, they understood the benefits blood magic could bring to the Magic Tower better than anyone.

However, the biggest reason to accept Unnas group was something else-

-I think we desperately need the Bathory familys help now in the fight against Human-meat Chef, although it is not my area of expertise.

A wizard replied sarcastically to Olivers audacious claim of ignorance.

What help could five warlocks possibly provide?

It wasnt an incorrect point. It was questionable what help could come from merely five warlocks, especially those who had fled from Human-meat Chef.

Just as Oliver was about to explain, Unna spoke up.

We possess more information on Human-meat Chef than anyone else.


Everyone looked sharply at Unna.

The glares of the old wizards, who had lived decades in the Magic Tower, seemed to physically weigh down upon her, yet Unna, who had served a being of great age for about 300 years, was not intimidated and continued to speak.

Human-meat Chef is a powerful being, but not just in strength.

People listened.

He is as cunning as he is powerful. Among the members of the Black Hand, his organizational skills are unrivaled. He manages all his organizations personally, making him no less than an emperor. Moreover, he controls half of the underworld of Galos, a testament to its vast scale.

This coincided with what Kevin had told them before.

But thats just a thug in the back alleys. Controlling half of Galos means he doesnt control the other half, right? some people remarked, finding this hard to believe. However, Unna shattered that notion.

Thats not due to a lack of power, but because Human-meat Chef chose it to be so. Unna explained.

What ?

As I said before, he is cunning. He knows well how much he would be checked if he controlled the entire underworld of Galos. By police, wizards, other criminals, the Parter Church Its dangerous and inefficient. So, he stopped at that point. Its safer and more efficient.

If he wanted to, he could have taken over the entire underworld of Galos?

Unna nodded. It would consume considerable resources and time, but yes. It would be possible. Mother made that judgment.

An illusion of tension seemed to permeate the room. Oliver felt the atmosphere grow heavy.

Mother Bathory spent her life fighting against Human-meat Chef. We know how he used the chaos in Galos to establish his roots and how much influence he wields across various social strata, including nobility, capitalists, politicians, civilians. I assure you, he cannot be caught by force alone. You need information about him to even stand a chance in the fight.

If you know so much, how come you are here? the administrative head asked bluntly, employing a rhetorical technique meant to hit a nerve and silence the opponent. Unna, however, responded with equal resolve.

We lacked power. Even when Mother was alive. And then she died.

Unna finished speaking and glanced over at Oliver.

The conversation, which had begun with Oliver, now concluded with him. There were many questions, but given the rooms assembly of intelligent individuals, the discussion remained focused.

So, can I understand that you have all the information about Human-meat Chef?

Not all, but I am confident that we know much more than the Magic Tower, the government of Galos, and the Rokuri University. Unlike them, we have fought against Human-meat Chef.

Murmurs of agreement arose among some mages, despite their personal feelings.

In fact, one of the reasons the Magic Tower had not acted hastily was due to the limited progress made by local forces in Galos. Even after suffering greater losses than the Magic Tower, Rokuri University had failed to make significant headway against Human-meat Chef, and the police force had proven ineffective.

Its inevitable. The Galos government is in chaos with colonial wars externally and power struggles internally, and the higher echelons of society are drawing numbers to eat the dishes of Human-meat Chef, which offer youth, vigor, and beauty. Moreover, civil servants are underpaid, and the common people are struggling with living costs. I guarantee, in less than a year, fatigue will set in and it will all fizzle out. There have been several similar cases in the past.

Unna spoke with confidence. Her words were precise and specific, aligning perfectly with the unfolding situation, making it impossible for anyone to dismiss her.

This was a grave issue.

The Magic Tower had resolved to confront Human-meat Chef, and the timeline had been involuntarily accelerated.

The confrontation was unavoidable, and the outcome had to be steered toward victory. If the Magic Tower sent forces to Galos and failed, it would result in a decline in the institutions authority, a fatal blow for an organization already facing scrutiny from various powers.

Recognizing the seriousness of the situation, the leaders of the Magic Tower temporarily set aside their differences and engaged in a serious discussion on how to leverage this situation to their advantage.

This stance was both surprising, given the Magic Towers conservative reputation, and expected, considering the institutions pragmatic foundation.

Hold on. Lets clarify this. someone spoke up, signaling the need for further clarification and discussion.

In the midst of the ongoing debate among the group of wizards, a distinguished individual spoke up. This man, with untamed azure hair and an unkempt beard, stood out from the rest of the impeccably dressed wizards. He donned his attire with an air of unconcern and bore rough tattoos on his face, body, and forearms.

As this unique figure commenced speaking, the previously murmuring room fell into hushed silence, unmistakably recognizing his authority.

I dont like trivial matters, so just answer one thing for me.

His request was concise and direct. Oliver nodded in acknowledgment.

I get that its helpful, and I understand that we need it now but can we trust them? If theres no trust, no matter how favorable the conditions, we cant work together. You cant eat an apple that looks delicious but might be poisoned.

You can trust them. Oliver responded confidently and succinctly.

Im asking if there are practical safeguards, not someones naive guarantee.

This was a critical issue. Unna had previously broken a promise, even if there were extenuating circumstances.

Hence, Oliver had come prepared this time to address that concern.

There are.

Overflowing with confidence What are they?

I have implanted bombs in the bodies of Miss Unna and the other sisters. Meat bombs made of bone fragments and human flesh Miss Unna.

In a tone devoid of any particular emotion, Unna reluctantly unfastened a button on her shirt, revealing a faint surgical scar on her chest.

Oliver had performed the surgery and could have concealed the scar without a trace, but he intentionally left it as both evidence and a reminder to Unnas party.

There is a meat bomb inside, and it can be detonated at any time.

Oliver presented a model of the meat bomb and its detonator concealed within his clothing as he responded. Among the wizards at the Magic Tower, no one questioned this explanation; they were content with the answer.

Although they felt a range of emotionsshock, revulsion, repulsion, skepticism, wariness, and feartowards Oliver, there were a few, such as Merlin, Kevin, and Philip, who did not share these sentiments. Philip, in particular, voiced his thoughts.

So, that ends our discussion then,


The meeting concluded more smoothly than anticipated. Despite having assured their safety, they had expected some unforeseen complication might arise, but it did not.

No one doubted the existence or potency of the bomb, sparing Oliver the need to publicly remove the bomb from Unnas chest or present a prepared dummy to demonstrate its efficacy.

Its a relief. Everyone has worked hard. We dont know yet if the Magic Tower will accept us, but the mood seems promising. Thank you all once again for your efforts.

Oliver expressed his gratitude to Unnas party, who had wholeheartedly embraced his proposal.

Their journey had indeed been fraught with challenges. They survived a massive explosion alongside Oliver and made the decision to place their trust in the Magic Tower, even going so far as to implant bombs within their own bodies.

Despite the severe consequences of breaking their promise, the decision must not have been an easy one

There wasnt much choice.

After all, Human-meat Chef had threatened to marinate them in sauce for 48 hours before devouring them.

Their options were limited to two: either flee to a hidden refuge to escape Human-meat Chef or actively participate in his downfall.

Although the former might have appeared less perilous, it would have been a difficult choice for them, living on the run with limited resources while attempting to concoct the Blood Elixir .

They aspired to more than mere survival.

In that regard, selecting the Magic Tower had proven to be a wise decision. It not only offered security but also the opportunity to engage in meaningful endeavors.

Furthermore, they were no longer reliant on Olivers assistance.

Whats the reason?

Unna suddenly inquired.

What do you mean?

Why are you doing this helping us. After all, weve already broken a promise once?

Unnas curiosity was genuine. She sought to understand why Oliver was extending his support to such an extent, despite their prior loss of credibility.

It felt like an entirely new experience for her.

Well I was threatened by Mr. Human-meat Chef too, and youve already received your penalty, so I guess its alright. And I want to help you.

A consistent response. Although Unnas party may not have been entirely convinced, they refrained from further questioning. Instead, they chose to accept Oliver as he was, much like accepting rain as it falls from the sky to the earth.


Just as Unna was about to convey her pent-up thoughts, an individual approached from down the corridor.

It was Merlin, his hair only present around the sides of his head, with the top completely bare.

He spoke.

Its been a while.

Oliver replied.

Yes, it has been a while.

(To be Continued)

CH 394-403 (Vs Human-meat Chef Part1) $3CH 404-413 (Vs Human-meat Chef Part2) $3CH 414-423 (Vs Human-meat Chef Part3) $3CH 424-433 (Vs Human-meat Chef Part4) $3434~ $1/chapter


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