Genius Wizard Takes Medicine

Chapter 219

Chapter 219

[Executive Director Avids life signs have been lost. The observed temperature at the scene momentarily dropped to minus 244 degrees, indicating a certain death.]

Silence hung heavy in the air.

A deep voice reverberated with the thud of knuckles against solid wood.

Why did this happen?

[According to the situation, about 80% of the forces of Director Yonsens execution squad were neutralized in an instant, leading to a standoff between Van and Director Yonsen. What happened afterward is]


It was evident, without the need for words, that high-ranking members Eolara and Girard had met gruesome fates in their own distinct ways.

Most notably, Girard wasnt even under his direct command.

The absence of any updates rendered speculating on his demise unnecessary.

[It seems that Dyke Corporation is indeed fully prepared to be at odds with us.]

Tap, tap, tap.

A sound, not weighty but substantial, echoed as something lightly tapped against the armrest.

In the darkness, a colossal form stirred, too immense and animated to belong to a mere human.

We targeted the wrong one.

A contemplative voice broke the silence.

Dyke may have entered the shady weapons industry and made a fortune, but their core business is still closer to industrial tool production. They must have known we wouldnt easily touch their above-board infrastructure.

[But if we had meddled with their industrial factories, our agents would have been compromised.]

Exactly. Thats what makes it tricky. Its as if they designed this situation deliberately

For a cartel of their stature, a thriving legitimate enterprise was of little concern.

Yet, what troubled them greatly was that a wizard from District 49, unlike other freelancers, maintained close ties with their operatives.

If they were to recklessly interfere with the above-ground infrastructure, providing the agents with a reason to intervene, the losses would be immeasurable.

Especially if Evelyn Marcia were to become involved in this matter, the consequences would be uncontrollably dire.

The voices gaze settled with composure.

We cant afford to make an obvious wrong move

[A wrong move, you say?]

Its nothing. Ill handle what comes next. Focus on erasing the traces of this operation.

[But if we cover up this incident like this, there might be resistance from other executives]

I said I would handle it, didnt I?

[I apologize.]

The man, concluding the communication, pressed his forehead with the hand resting on the armrest.

We cant drag this out. But how do we create a valid reason

This was not part of the original plan.

The plan to divert the attention of other executives by interfering with the connections between the wizard Van and Jenny, who had affiliations with various influential figures, had initially been proceeding smoothly.

While the other executives were preoccupied with Vans uprising against the cartel, the idea was for him to easily access the concealed funds and vanish without a trace.

However, the situation escalated rapidly and unexpectedly.

Vans strategy for undermining the cartel was remarkably methodical and relentless, inflicting substantial economic harm both internally and externally.

Furthermore, Jenny swiftly absorbed the businesses shattered by Van and even brought in Dyke Corporation, making it challenging to manipulate the companys financial records and hidden funds.

It was a miscalculation.

They knew that Van and Jenny had the potential to harm the organization to some extent, but they never imagined they would possess the insight to single-handedly shake such a massive entity.

It was evident that things were taking a wrong turn.

An unfamiliar voice interrupted his contemplation.

Things arent going as smoothly as you thought, huh?

You shouldve started more slowly. I told you, those who tangled with that wizard there arent many who ended up well

The man raised his gaze silently to observe the young man who was giggling beside him.

The young man had a scruffy beard and tattoos adorning his face. Even with a mocking grin, his piercing eyes were captivating.

A sigh-like sound escaped the man involuntarily.

If it werent for you guys

Hey, dont take it like that. Youre the one who accepted our Ten Counts offer.

Im not blaming you for your choice As a defrocked monk, its natural for you to pursue material desires. Didnt you choose us to enjoy luxuries that you couldnt as a cartel boss?

Former monk.

At the mention of that term, a powerful magical force from the man bore down on the young mans shoulders, but he casually shrugged it off.

As a result of what you started, the cartel is in an emergency, and theyre beginning to sniff out who initiated this. Youve managed to hide it so far with your authority as a boss, but its only a matter of time before the traitor is exposed, right?

What are you trying to say?

Its impossible to undo what youve done. But if you quickly eliminate the root of the problem, those wanting to pin the responsibility on the instigator will have to shut up.

Create a justification. Then you personally take out Van. Only then will people see your actions as a momentary lapse and turn a blind eye, right?


As the man spoke with anguish, the young man drove his point home.

Think about why Virgil was evasive in this matter.


That guy must have already sensed theres a traitor inside. Hes waiting for the right moment. You dont want to give him an excuse, do you?

No, that cant be

The mans eyes bore deep into thought.

Absolutely not.

* * *

News of Lennok single-handedly overpowering the cartels execution squad spread rapidly in all directions.

The execution squad, led by the blood wizard Avid Yonsen, had been seamlessly integrated in terms of physical abilities and consciousness using his serum, functioning as a unified entity.

They were one of the cartels deadliest weapons, mercilessly dealing with those who opposed its will.

The notion that a single wizard, particularly a lightning wizard who had recently paused his freelance activities, had wiped out these human weapons, seemed almost surreal.

In a world accustomed to extravagant rumors, the prevailing sentiment suggested that everyone knew the truth.

Whether the extravagance was mere hearsay or the actual reality of the central figure in the rumor.

Three days had elapsed since then.

Following the assault and destruction of Dyke Corporations factory, the cartel refrained from making any further moves.

Lennok, too, avoided overexerting himself after the intense battle.

As a result, a sense of quiet settled over the conflict between the two factions.

Its strangely quiet.

Is it? Maybe theyre just moving secretly.

Its not a matter of information. You can tell by the atmosphere on the streets.

Dray commented, silently observing his surroundings.

The streets of District 49, which had been relatively calm for a time, were once again teeming with activity.

Individuals exchanged packages in shadowy alleys, groups of riders gathered to smoke cigarettes, gang members traded discreetly wrapped items, and merchants haggled over goods displayed on mats.

To Lennok, this scene had become quite familiar.

The people who vanished like ghosts during the conflict with the cartel have returned Such a change doesnt happen without a reason. Something must have shifted on their end.

Is that a soldiers intuition?

Lennok found it hard to believe that the street atmosphere alone could predict the situation, but he knew Dray wasnt one to speak lightly.

After patrolling these streets and guarding the bar for over a fortnight, it wasnt unusual for him to sense something amiss.

Its less about intuition and more There must be cartels low-rank members and informants among these people. They might have shared that there are no major movements planned for a while. Its like soldiers guessing tomorrows schedule in the army.

As Lennok pondered this, Dray smoothly shifted the conversation.

Anyway, being on the streets with Van definitely changes how people look at us. Your status as a wizard seems to be changing day by day.

Do they even know who theyre dealing with?

Lennok responded nonchalantly, prompting a chuckle from Dray.

Its not unreasonable to think so But consider their perspective. Rumors are flying that you alone annihilated the execution squad, and yet the cartel remains inactive.

N♡vεlB¡n: Unleashing Imagination, One Read at a Time.

The wizard Van, possessing the power and connections comparable to an entire organization. Wouldnt that be the natural conclusion?

Indeed, upon hearing this and observing his surroundings, Lennok finally began to grasp the emotions behind the gazes directed at him.

As his fame grew, the indifference in those gazes transformed into wariness, and now, a faint sense of fear mingled in.

This gaze resembled the regard given to an enigmatic monster more than that of a fellow professional.

If you successfully wrap up this matter, your status as a wizard will change to a whole new level. You might not feel it now, being accustomed to the life of a freelancer but anyone working these streets would understand.

They would understand what it meant for a rising star in Vulcans underworld to establish himself.

Dray didnt explicitly state it, but Lennok vaguely comprehended the message behind his words. Dray aimed to illustrate to Lennok the significance of changing ones status in this world.

One had to be aware of their position to navigate any situation with the least amount of loss and the maximum gain.

He clearly recognized the influence and importance of a formidable individual.

After concluding a street patrol and discussing this with Dray, Lennok shared the conversation with Jenny, who nodded in agreement.

Thats typical of Dray. He probably experienced something similar in the military.

In the military?

Up until about 20 years ago, promotions on the frontlines in big cities were often based on ones achievements. Skipping several ranks to fill the gaps in the upper echelons wasnt uncommon. Dray knows how to survive in such an environment.

Awareness of the changes that come with shifting status.

From Lennoks perspective, someone who had been living day by day without much consideration for the future, this was a somewhat viewpoint.

Perhaps, if he could bring Dray and his mercenaries to his side, he could benefit from this kind of strategic insight.

Whether intentional or not, Dray continually proved his worth to Lennok, not just as a combat force but as a source of strategic counsel.

Observing Lennoks contemplative demeanor, Jenny propped her chin on her hand and released a small sigh.

But, is the cartel really going to let this end so aimlessly I was honestly prepared for a full-scale war, drawing in all our forces.

You think so?

I dont know. Its hard to say.

Such uncertainty was unusual coming from her, as she typically had clear-cut preferences.

The cartels boss was well acquainted with my grandfather Must have known about us by now, but I cant guess what that person is thinking. Everything probably hinges on that.

You mean Kaiser?

Jenny remained silent for a prolonged moment before turning to face Lennok.

I dont believe one can easily escape the circumstances of their bloodline.

But its also true that were not ready yet So far, weve just been lying low, hoping the past connections would pass us by.

Her expression as she spoke was ambiguous, difficult to decipher.

People still remember my grandfathers name even after decades. Honestly, I dont care what happens. But if that name, which means little to me now, starts to trouble my partner

Her gaze, which had been distant, suddenly sharpened.

A resolute determination seemed to have reignited within her.

Jenny looked up at Lennok.

Im prepared.

Being prepared isnt something you say lightly. Especially in a world like this.

Lennok retrieved a cigarette and stood up, feeling somewhat fatigued after the extended walk through the streets.

Yet, Lennok seemed certain of what she wished to convey and that he needed to respond.

During his meeting with Antares, although he hadnt said anything, Lennok had picked up on something significant.

The contaminants in the undeveloped areas.

The remnants of the Black Consumer Project.

He realized that these terms concealed one of the largest secrets buried within these streets.

And Kaisers death was likely connected to it.

I confirmed that the timeline when Yakson remembered Kaiser coincides with when the pollutants in the undeveloped areas appeared. It must be connected

The only person who had witnessed Kaisers demise was Yakson, and Lennok was the sole recipient of this secret. This made it highly probable that the two events were intertwined.

As a token of gratitude for dealing with the drug lord, Yakson had entrusted Lennok with the decision regarding Kaisers secret. Whether to disclose the details of that secret to Jenny or bury it was a choice Lennok had yet to make.

As always, he had directed his focus toward immediate tasks.

Focus on the cartel matter.


Jenny, you said the chairmans decision would affect how things conclude. But now, theres a way for us to steer that direction.

(To be Continued)

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