Genius Wizard Takes Medicine

Chapter 241

Chapter 241

Two days after departing from Vulcan.

The group, reaching the volcanic area sooner than anticipated, paused at a pre-selected waypoint to restock supplies and take a break.

As there would be no opportunities for stops on their return journey after completing their investigation at the Magic Tower, they needed to replenish various provisions, including oil, at this specific location.

Lennok discreetly altered his appearance since they could now be detected by the Magic Towers surveillance network.

Although he couldnt demonstrate to Evelyn how he modified his magical signature right before her eyes, using Nicks badge to roughly conceal his presence made it challenging to identify him as Lennok.

There was no necessity to openly disclose the presence of a Celestial Wizard accompanying them on this expedition.

Considering the uncertain situation with the Blaiver Magic Tower, Evelyn decided that revealing their full strength would be unwise.

Theres someone were supposed to meet here. Since we arrived earlier than expected, we have no choice but to wait.

Who are you talking about? questioned one of her companions.

This visit to the Blaiver Magic Tower isnt just a unilateral action by the Vulcan city government. Evelyn responded as she conjured mana in front of a pile of firewood, igniting a fire with a spark.


A spark leapt from her fingers to the dry wood, igniting a fire and creating a small campfire.

She placed the burning firewood in the shelters fireplace and continued, If it were just Vulcan acting forcefully, the other side wouldnt accept it so readily. Thats why we decided to also borrow the name of another city.

Which city? inquired another member of the group.

Machina, the city of machines.

The Blaiver Magic Tower, as important as their role in the steel industry, is a greedy customer consuming the materials they produce.

Bang, bang!!

Just as she finished speaking, a heavy knock echoed from the shelters door. An agent unlocked the door, and a disheveled figure tumbled inside.


Amidst the dusty fur, a hoarse voice emerged, Water

The trembling figure mumbled its last words before collapsing, filling the shelter with a gentle silence.

Lennok turned to Evelyn and asked, The envoy from the city of machines, you dont mean this furball, do you?

Lets save it first, then think.

After Lennok used a purification spell to clean the individual and the agents provided water, they finally got a clear look at the person.

A middle-aged man with a thick, lush beard, not particularly short but broad and sturdy.

Hmm Thank you for your help. he said with a solemn expression and a deep voice, introducing himself as Mauser. He then looked around at the group and bowed his head. I apologize for the inconvenience. I was near death from thirst.

What happened to your companions? Evelyn inquired sternly.

I heard that Machina also formed a group similar to ours to move together.

As something wriggled out of his beard, the agents looked horrified, but they managed to maintain their composure.

Well, until yesterday, I was moving with my group, but then I ended up alone. Im not sure where it went wrong. Mauser said with uncertainty.

You call that an explanation? Evelyn pressed, her tone unwavering.

Evelyns icy demeanor towards Mauser was a stark contrast to her attitude towards Lennok, causing Mauser to break out into a nervous sweat.

Well, I dont remember much. I remember entering a strange cave, but then I found myself alone in the middle of the grasslands. I somehow made my way here by following the stars at night, but I ran out of food.

Tell us more about this cave. urged Lennok.

Mauser racked his brain. There were stones emitting strange lights. I pride myself on handling many ores, but these were new to me. I tried to collect one out of curiosity, but they wouldnt come off easily from the wall. And then

And then?

I think I fainted.

The groups stern gazes made Mauser retract a bit. Dont look at me like that. I was just doing my duty as a blacksmith! How could I not enter such a cave!

At least for today, you should have prioritized our meeting Evelyn sighed. Do you have a way to find your companions? If not, we should head to the Magic Tower ourselves. If we dont arrive on time, the Magic Tower might use that as an excuse to deny us entry.

Well, that Mauser stammered but ultimately fell silent.

Maybe the Blaiver Magic Tower has already taken care of your companions. It seems right to think more about it after entering the volcanic zone.

Ah, okay Surely the others, who can also read the stars, wouldnt have trouble finding their way here.

With a slightly deflated expression, Lennok nodded and fell into contemplation, leaving the disheveled Mauser behind.

A cave

In this world filled with mysteries and extraordinary landscapes, Lennoks general knowledge of terrain didnt apply. However, the fact that Evelyn was unaware of a cave nearby that could pique Mausers interest, an industrial blacksmith from the city of machines, was awkward in many ways.

It could be related to the recent activities of the Blaiver Magic Tower. Evelyn seemed to have some inkling but appeared to prefer avoiding delays in their schedule by exploring the cave right away.

After all, this visit was a meeting facilitated by the influence of two cities, and they didnt want to give the Magic Tower any excuse to refuse them. Once inside the volcanic zone, exploring the cave would still be possible, so it seemed best to address urgent matters first.

Then lets rest for today and head to the volcanic zone early tomorrow morning, Evelyn suggested, looking at the group.

Inside the volcanic zone, there are settlements around the Magic Tower, so we shouldnt face significant danger or lack of supplies. We might even find Mausers companions there.

I understand. Mauser replied before suddenly sniffing around. By any chance, is there beer around here? If its not too much trouble, Id like a drink tonight for a good sleep.

Lennok couldnt help but wonder if Mauser was truly human or some unique species he had only read about in books. Eventually, after providing him with three barrels of beer found in the waypoints warehouse, they managed to put him to sleep.

The agents regarded Mauser, now dozing off with a flushed face and stroking his belly, with skeptical eyes.

Can we trust this man? one agent asked.

Evelyn sighed softly. According to the list we checked beforehand, hes legitimate. Hes the head of the well-known Aibamer Workshop in the city of machines, Machina. He volunteered for this trip because he wanted to see the metals produced by the Blaiver Magic Tower firsthand after a long time.

So, the possibility of the Magic Tower being behind his companions disappearance is low, Lennok commented.

Indeed. Treating the companions of a renowned workshop head from Machina poorly would bring significant repercussions.

I also think so but you never know. Essentially, this trip is to confirm that.

Lets end it here for today, and well talk more tomorrow. Although I said that, if we want to last long in the volcanic zone, we need to replenish our strength.


The volcanic region known as Claooronis, home to the Blaiver Magic Tower, was renowned even among the mysterious natural phenomena near the Vulcan.

It was no small wonder to find a cluster of active volcanoes, not just dormant ones, forming such an extensive volcanic area. Having the headquarters of the Magic Tower, specializing in pyromagic, situated there was far from ordinary.

In the realm of modern magical academia, where old superstitions and biases had faded, and empirical evidence and theory took precedence, wizards generally acknowledged that relying on tools or the guidance of a mentor was more efficient than depending on a specific environment. Despite this trend, the Blaiver Magic Tower remained one of the most conservative groups in the increasingly adaptable academic world, tenaciously clinging to tradition.

In terms of being conservative and adhering to tradition, its comparable to the Sinclair Magic Tower, Evelyn mused as she observed the passing scenery.

The groups conversation had dwindled significantly since entering the volcanic zone, but Evelyn herself remained untroubled by the heat. free.c om

Their journey in an off-road jeep up the rugged terrain was comfortable, but as they ascended the mountain, the increasingly hot air made breathing a challenge.

At the base of the volcanic zone, the occasional flowers and shrubs gradually disappeared, leaving only black rocks and an ash-streaked sky in view.

The agents, trained in magic to fortify their bodies, might have remained silent if that were all, but few could maintain their composure at the sight of a river of lava flowing next to the jeep.

Only Lennok sat casually in the back of the jeep, idly fiddling with his fingers.

But the Blaiver Magic Tower, especially the West Continent branch, is well-regarded not for clinging to old traditions but for using the environment as a weapon to delve into the steel industry. This place, handling immense heat, is known as one of the continents leading forges.


Naturally, various transport routes and trade paths have been established here to refine all sorts of rare metals, and the flow of capital continues to increase. Experts say that it wouldnt be impossible for a town to form near the volcanic zone if this continues

While Evelyn was speaking, she abruptly drew an arrow from her waist and swung it.


A green flash pierced through thick rocks, impaling something that had been charging towards the group from behind the rocks.


A four-legged creature resembling a stone hyena, with lava-like substances flowing through its joints, was struck in the head. It let out a faint death cry and collapsed, but the liquid from its body began to burn the jeeps tires.


Its a lava monster, one agent quickly reversed the jeep to minimize damage, but two tires were already beyond repair.

Ive heard they occasionally appear near the volcanic zone Its my first time seeing one, though.

We dont often travel through the volcanic zone on foot.

The problem is, it doesnt seem to be just an occasional appearance.


Dozens of beasts, drooling hot saliva, emerged from behind large rocks.

Sigh Lets deal with this first, then talk.

As Evelyn and the other agents prepared to respond, a sudden surge of white energy erupted from behind, sweeping away the approaching lava monsters.

A sharp chill instantly froze the stifling air of the volcanic zone. Before they could even locate the source of the cold wave, the monsters caught within it began writhing in pain and screaming.


Their bodies, always maintained at high temperatures, rapidly lost vital functions as their internal temperatures fluctuated, causing them to collapse one after another.

The surge of cold didnt halt after the initial outburst; instead, it resonated and propagated through the rocky terrain, swiftly clearing a path and eliminating obstacles.

One of the agents, visibly astonished, murmured, To perform such powerful ice magic without water fr(e)e

All eyes turned toward the origin of the white wave, which had now transformed the red-black rocks into a pristine white.

Lennok calmly met their gaze and began to walk forward.

Lets go.

The item from Cartels executive vault wasnt merely the book on Parden McQueens spells. In Lennoks hand rested a different tome from the [Grand Circulation Diagrams] he had been perusing, titled [Easy Ice Magic for Beginners].

The title itself might have been straightforward, but its significance lay in its content. Recognizing this, Lennok slipped the book into his coat, but not without catching Evelyns attention.


He had thought he had hidden it swiftly, but evidently, it wasnt quick enough to elude Evelyns observant eye.

She blinked a few times, then regarded Lennok with a mildly puzzled expression.

All Lennok could do was swiftly avert his gaze.

(To be Continued)

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