Ghost in the City: Cyberpunk Gamer SI

Chapter 155

This couldn’t stand! I couldn’t allow this! I had to distract!

“Okay! So the gig we are doing we already scouted the place, and we are putting together the attack plan, Rebecca, so let me fill you in!” I said hurrying back to the living room table and popping a shard out of my neck and handing it to her.

She took it after a moment of smiling up at Jun and then slotted it. Then she blinked.

“So, the first thing you’ll notice is the target information. Not sure if it’s in there, but we are hunting a group of Scavs that attacked Hiromi’s XBD pushers.” I explained waving at Hiromi who smiled proudly at the acknowledgement.

“Scavs? Doesn’t seem… Whoa.” She muttered as she continued to look through the pics of where this was taking place.

“Scavs aren’t really a threat, but we still treat everything seriously.” My voice was completely serious as I said this.

“Well no shit, you guys have a Minotaur!? How!?”

Oh, she had skipped ahead bypassing the pics of the location. Not very Edgerunner of you… Or maybe very Edgerunner of her? Hard to say with that group. I wanted to sigh, but instead I stayed focused!

“We captured it during a gig we did. Ichi is currently the pilot as he has some hours in its use.” I explained then glared at Ichi again for good measure.

Unfortunately his smugness at me acknowledging him being the pilot ruined the effect of my glare.

“Shit. Can I use it? I’ve always wanted to pilot a Minotaur.” Rebecca asked and I sighed, shoulders slumped.

“Yes, but after.” I agreed then shook myself. “Okay, so here is what we are going to do. The outside and ground floor of the plant will probably be staffed by a few Scavs.” I pulled up the images myself. “Image Four is a good one to see the whole grounds.”

I waited until everyone was nodding along before continuing.

“Jun and I will clean up as quietly as possible and then everyone will move in. The people who built the plant weren’t expecting it to need to be defensible. The top floor of the elevator is actually the floor below. So Ichi and everyone will move in afterwards and basically secure the place. No Scav will be able to leave without getting past a heavily armed walker.”

“Motoko, I don’t like this plan. I want to test out the Minotaur in combat. This is basically me just walking in after to secure the exits.” Ichi argued, and I turned to my choom, only for another voice to call out.

“What about me? I want to kill some Scavs as well.” Malcolm added, and as I turned to him another voice added.

“I’m not really interested in just being on guard duty.” Rebecca added and I slumped as everyone went against me!

“Yeah we should have them come with.” Jun added and I was outvoted by everyone. Except Hiromi who was just watching.

“Guys, I-”

“No. Motoko… You’ve always been in front of us so far, but… Section 9 can’t help you if we don’t get some experience.” Malcolm added. “You set us up with armor and weapons. Let us use them.”

I slumped realizing I was defeated.

“Okay Ichi will need someone to watch his back while using the Minotaur. Hiromi?”

“Yep! I’ll be suited up of course.”

“Alright. In that case, we’ll use plan B. We attack loud. We’ll spit into two groups, and hit each side of the compound at the same time. We can set it up so the gates will be open beforehand. Jun Rebecca and I will take the North side, Hiromi, Ichi and Malcolm will take the other. We hit at the same time. I’ll overwatch with Netrunning and should be able to disable all the weapons at once. Then we move in. Ichi on Minotaur and Malcolm will join up with us as we clear the inside of the plant.”

“Hmm. Could work.” Rebecca said sounding interested, but not really impressed.

“It’ll be the four of us that head down into the basement.” I told her calmly. “I don’t have a complete map of the place, but we should have little problems mowing through what’s down there. Jun will be the frontman. Then Malcolm and I. Then Rebecca. Unless you have some armor already Becca?” I asked, looking at her current outfit which was the opposite of protective.

“Ah… Just my Skinweave.” She offered and I nodded.

“Then you are backline until we can get you some gear… If you want to keep coming out with us I mean.” I added not wanting to assume.

She just nodded, not agreeing and I moved on.

“In that case weapons… I was planning on going silent, but if we are going loud… Well that changes things.” I added. And Jun looked pleased. He wasn’t much of a stealth guy. “Well I guess… Go wild, bring whatever you want? Rebecca if you want to borrow something feel free.”I offered as well with a thumbs up. “Suit up!” I told my chooms who all sighed and nodded.

“Suit up?” Rebecca asked and I nodded.

“I made some custom adjustments to some armor for everyone! So everyone needs to go put it on and then we can go.” I said pointing to the bathroom and my room which Hiromi had disappeared into, while Malcolm and Ichi were taking turns.

Rebecca nodded before doing the one thing I didn’t want.

She turned her eyes on Jun.

“So Tats, helping out your little sister? That’s pretty nova.” She offered and Jun just smiled a little.

“I always worry about her, but Motoko has most things under control. I’m really just coming for fun. She doesn’t need my help.” He explained the last part looking at me proudly, making me flush.

Stupid Jun! Don’t say nice things about me while I’m right here!

Or do! But not around other people!

“That’s… Heh well Kitten, I look forward to seeing what kind of claws you’ve got.” Rebecca said, looking to me. I scoffed at the nickname, but then Jun chuckled at it, and I glared at both of them.

“That nickname isn’t a thing!” I denied firmly. I already had a cool nickname!

“Kitten.” Jun said then laughed and I glared, but he just turned to Rebecca. “You call her Kitten?”

“Heh, well I met her through a choom of mine Sasha who I call Whiskers, and Sasha was acting all proud about having a kohai, and there is Motoko. I mean.. Look at her. Total cat energy.”

“Heh.” Jun chuckled shoulders shaking as he kept looking at me his eye practically twinkling in amusement.

I was gonna kick him.

“Bringing you both along was a mistake.” I grumbled, and then Hiromi came walking out of my room suited up. Helmet under one arm.

“Room is clear Motoko.” She said even as she rested against the doorway.

“Whoa.” Rebecca called out as she took in Hiromi’s appearance. “That’s… What is that?”

“Formerly a set of Arasaka guard armor, but I made some modifications!” I said happily as I rushed over and grabbed Hiromi who yelped as I manhandled her closer.

“See! I added in an ECM system, and modified the armor to fit my chooms. Although they keep wanting to wear pants instead of a Netrunner suit.”

“I don’t wear skin tight outfits Motoko. Not all of us walk around with a six pack.” Hiromi grumbled and I scoffed.

“It’s just a little workout! Do you want to try to exercise more? I could be your personal trainer!” I offered and Hiromi made a keening noise as she shook her head. “Oh. Never mind then?” I guess Hiromi really was a couch potato. That’s alright, she was the desk jockey anyways!

“Jeeze choom you got it bad fo-Mrble!” Hiromi leaped away from me to press her gloved hand against Rebecca’s mouth.

“Shhhh!” She demanded and I just quirked an eyebrow at the weirdness.


“It’s nothing Motoko! Why don’t you get suited up and you can show Rebecca your armor!” Hiromi added even as Rebecca was glaring at her, but… Okay sure. I wasn’t going to interfere with whatever Hiromi was up to.

“Jun! You too!” I demanded and he looked up and blinked.

“Motoko I don’t have any-Hey! Don’t throw stuff!” He snapped, but I ignored him.

The original set of armor I had pulled off the Kang Tao way back was more than capable of stretching to fit Jun.

“Wear that!” I demanded and he looked at it like I just handed him something foul.

“Motoko this ruins my style.”

“You don’t have a style! Moron! Idiot! Gonk! Put on the armor or stay home!” I ordered as I turned around to get suited up myself.



“So don’t tell her that!” Hiromi? Pretty sure that was her name. Becca was tempted just to call her Crush and see how that worked out. The girl was a little high strung, but the way Kitten had her own little follower was cute.

Really though Becca wished the girl would chill so she could get back to eyeing up the candy machine that was sitting next to her.

He had a real cute smile despite being a Tyger gonk. But the fact he was good with his little sister, something she could attest told a lot about an older brother, meant he was probably safe enough to flirt with…

And she didn’t mind the way his fiery hair swept down over his eyes… Yummy. The fact he was easily twice her size wasn’t a bad little addition eith- “Are you even listening?” Hiromi interrupted Rebecca’s fuck me eyes at the ganger.

“Not really, but relax choom. I’m not gonna blow your crush into the open.” She offered. The girl reacted in an interesting way, because where before she was dealing with a frantic teenager, the next moment she was dealing with someone that had a rather cold look in her eye.

“Motoko vouched for you to come in. That’s good. I trust Motoko’s instincts… Most of the time. But if you cause us any trouble, it won’t be up to her. I’ll just have you disappeared. Don’t forget that.” Hiromi said with all the sinister casualness as any of the corpo’s Becca had met.

“Scary.” She mocked, but acknowledged the risk as well. Seems this entire group was at least semi more interesting than expected.

“Alright all done.” One of the boys called out, and Becca turned and… Hmm. If he was a little older she might consider it.

The whole armor set was sleek. Sleeker than anything she had seen the Corp’s use. But it turned the casual, almost rumpled teenager, into someone that looks dangerous.

Damn her attraction to dangerous cuties.

“Nice armor choom.” She offered, and he smiled bashfully.

“Thanks!” He offered and then walked over and opened a case that had been pushed into the corner and started loading up on a small armory.

Becca blinked as the boy grabbed a smart SMG that she knew were pricey for any merc to casually pull out, and then grenades as well. Loading up his armor with only a bit of hesitation.

Idly Becca noticed that Hiromi also had an expensive Smart pistol on her hip.

“Okay back!” Kitten herself re-apperaed, and Becca was a little taken aback.

That was a lot of guns.

“Got enough weapons there Motoko?” Jun called out and Motoko stuck her tongue out at him as she took a second to pose, helmet under her arm and showing off. “We aren’t going quiet this time! So I can finally go all out!” She said and HIromi wondered what she was going all out against, an entire Corp hit squad?

On each thigh was a Unity pistol, slotted into holsters tied into the armor. Along with a few reloads for each stuck in the webbing. On her left hip was a Katana, not something you usually see with groups wearing armor like that unless you were in Arasaka.

Then there was the right hip where a Burya was holstered.

Against her chest was a Copperhead despite the fact this was supposed to be a loud and proud gig it had a silencer on it.

Then on her back was a Carnage…

“You can never have enough guns!” She chirped happily practically bouncing on her toes, a habit Rebecca had noticed the girl tended to do a lot.

“Motoko. Put the shotgun away.” Jun tried to argue, but Motoko just ignored him with a roll of her eyes.

“Having a backup shotgun is very useful Jun!” Then her hands blurred, and she wasn’t holding the Copperhead which had just fallen to her chest, its straps keeping it close.

But in her hands was the carnage which had a moment before been over her shoulder. That had been fast.

“See?” She offered a chilling smile.

“That… Was fast. What chipset you got for that?” Rebecca asked and Motoko just sort of blinked guilelessly at her.

“I don’t use skill chips.” She answered in response, and Rebecca barely kept herself from scoffing. That sort of move wasn’t something a teenager just pulled off.

“Bullshit.” Rebecca decided to say instead seriously, she kinda wanted whatever Skill Chip had given her hands that fast. Motoko just continued to look at her without really saying anything. “Prove it! Let me see!” She demanded.

At Motoko’s shrug, Rebecca climbed over the back of the couch, and then made grabby hands at the girl.

Motoko relented surprisingly easily. She kneeled down letting Rebecca see her neck. Rebecca looked over the Neural Link, and the Chip Slots.

There were a few shards in there, and car keys but… Nothing. Definitely not a skill Chip. You couldn’t really confuse the two.

“How did you do that then!?” She asked half outraged and more just shocked.

“Practice! You have to train really hard to be a solo you know? I practiced quick drawing weapons a whole bunch until I got the hang of it.” Motoko said with a bright smile even making a little motion with her hands as if quick drawing a pistol.

Even that was kinda stupidly fast.

“Fuck.” Rebecca cursed and stomped a few steps away. She had agreed to this because she thought it would be just a bunch of kids fucking around, even if Motoko had been surprisingly skilled she hadn’t…

Rebecca hadn’t expected to be this outclassed. Her shoulders slumped. No wonder Maine always hesitated to bring her into an actual gun fight. If Motoko was what she should be… She felt her spine straighten.

No, if that was her real skill, then Motoko was scary good. Not the norm at all. Her chooms didn’t have her chops, even if they had better equipment than any teenage gangoon squad should have. “No wonder you got Rogues attention. You aren’t just some gangoon.” She called out to the girl who smiled happily at the compliment.

“Thanks!” She chirped out as happy seeming as always, although Rebecca noticed her chooms perked up at the mention of Rogue.

“Show me what you got then. I want to see this.” Rebecca offered staring at the taller girl seriously, the girl whose eyes widened at her words before smiling brightly and nodding.

“Well I’ll be right in front of you, so look all you like!” She replied, only for her choom to instantly react. Hiromi jumped off the couch where she had settled in looking outraged at her chooms words.

Heh, Crush was certainly crushing hard.

“But not too close! You have to shoot and stuff first! Yeah! Keep an eye on the gig and not on Motoko! Far away from Motoko!”

“Hiromi? I mean, she’s going to be watching my six though?” Motoko said guilessly, the kid was… Fuck the kid was a natural heartbreaker wasn’t she? That look on her face, of open honesty would be pretty attractive to any gonk that made friends with her.

Not too many people in Night City that were just completely open books.

But there was no way Rebecca would leave such an opening.

“Yeah Hiromi. Don’t worry. I’ll be watching her six alright.” Rebecca threw Hiromi a wink that made her choke and sputter.

Motoko just looked confused as her head went from one to the other.

“Anyway!” Malcolm called out seemingly heading off a disaster as Hiromi had been growing redder and redder. “Looks like Ichi is done. So let’s head out.” He interrupted and Rebecca turned to see Ichi also coming out of the bathroom wearing his suit and looking all fearsome.

Damn. These kids cleaned up nice.

“We can’t leave yet! Everyone huddle in!” Motoko called out earnestly and Rebecca just wondered what was going on, but her chooms seemed to know.

“Oh c’mon Motoko.” Ichi whinged, but she ignored him instead, waving for Jun to join too. Rebecca watched on, confused as Motoko helped arrange everyone into a circle, even grabbing her hand and pulling her in too so she was part of it.

The others besides Jun seemed to know what to do. Even if they all sighed and looked embarrassed about it, they did it anyway. Motoko stretched her hand into the middle, and then her chooms did the same.

Then the girl made eager little motions with her head, and Rebecca decided to hell with it, and threw her hand on top. Jun’s warm hand landing on top of her own caused Rebecca a moment's distraction.

“Section Nine!” Motoko cried out and threw her hand into the air. Her chooms joined in, and Rebecca was just left wondering what the hell she had gotten into.

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