Ghost in the City: Cyberpunk Gamer SI

Chapter 197

“Kanada Tsukimura.” I started off. Eventually payment had been decided and Hiromi looked pretty happy about everything, even if I had to nudge her and remind her about the friendship discount.

With that, Hayato had left having other things she had to do, and left the gig to us.

We were officially on the job.

Rebecca had arrived after a while looking pissed at first, but as soon as she found out what we were doing she had laughed and lost most of her irritated frown.

I guess flatlining a gonk brought a smile to her face too!

“What do we know about him?” Malcolm asked, getting to the real point.

“Not much. But we know where his house is, and I don’t think he has any girlfriends, or kids, considering he is trying to get with Hayato.”

“Wait… This guy is trying to… Holy shit.” Malcolm whispered and Hiromi looked confused about the whole thing before I just shrugged.

“It’s not relevant except that he’ll likely be alone, but that’s part of the problem. Client wants this to be noticeable. So I think I’ll check out his home now, if he is home, then we can track him somewhere. If not, then we just wait for him to come home and do the same thing. I figure we stake out the garage of his building, place a tracker on his car?” I said looking to Malcolm for that, and he nodded.

“Great idea.”

“Then we just follow him to somewhere busy. Goal is to make his death very poignant. Rebecca, I’m not sure how much shooting we will do, but I’ll probably rely on you as part of my escape plan okay?”

“Heh! Sure I’ll cover you Strings.” She said with a smile that I quickly returned.

“Ichi and Hiromi will be our exits, with Malcolm as cover as well. But I don’t want to overplan yet. So let’s go find this gonks house and sneak around!”

“Hell yeah!” Rebecca cheered.


*Well well, Kanada is a wealthy guy.* I spoke over the line that everyone was connected too, not that they didn’t already see that.

*No kidding. That’s a hell of a building.* Ichi added.

I was looking straight up the very ritzy skyscraper, from the rear loading dock.

It was funny how often I infiltrated apartment buildings from the rear, but it really was useful. I could easily move a camera into not looking at me, and electronic locks were meant to keep out drunk, or high gangoons, or street kids.

The security simply wasn’t capable of stopping a real netrunner.

I left the others in the alleyway, I would code them into the garage area, but first I needed to infiltrate in.

As soon as I was inside the small back door I shuffled out of sight, there was a hallway leading straight from the front entrance beside the teller desk to the back door.

It was also thankfully where the elevators were, but that wasn’t what I was looking for.

I slipped across the hall and into the door that had an Employee Only sign. It was thankfully empty, first leading to a small storage room, which I noticed was full of supplies the front desk would need, including extra security shards for new renters, but I wanted all access. I slipped into another small security door, finding the small security room running along.

I flopped into the seat, and started Breaching.

*Okay, you’ll all have Garage access, get down there.* I heard some returning confirmation as I worked the system. They would find someplace close to the entrance and keep an eye out for our target.

My goal was…

*Uploading a picture of the target.* I added, and then went on to search the camera records to see if I could find if he was here…

No, I shook that desire off, and placed an access shard into the system in a slot, and then hurried back out of the security room.

While my netrunning instincts told me to stick to the security center, Ninjutsu reminded me that keeping control wasn’t the goal. I had access to what I needed, now I needed to get out before someone noticed.

Slipping back out the way I came, I continued to work through my Agent, before just walking to the already opening Elevator and walking inside.

The door shut instantly, and started taking me up.

From there I accessed the camera system again as I waited and found my target.

*Kanada left his apartment this morning. He’s driving a yellow Shion. Sending a picture.* I uploaded it to our network and then smirked as the elevator opened to his floor.

I didn’t whistle, but I was tempted, as I walked down the hall. Mostly to keep anyone from wanting to check out who was whistling. He wasn’t a Penthouse gonk, but his apartment was definitely the more expensive units. The entire place reminded me of Jun and I’s apartment. It was clean and had a certain level of expense in the flooring and walls.

His door slipped open without hesitation as I approached and I walked in and ducked to the side, in his little nook he had set up to drop off shoes.

I started scanning. Had to make sure whatever security he had himself wouldn't catch me.



“Damn she’s fast.” Rebecca muttered as they headed into the garage.

“Hmm?” Malcolm asked as he looked up from checking his gun. The two of them were stuck in the back of Ichi’s truck, the two HMG’s ready for their use if they needed.

“Sasha, the runner that Maine uses? She’s good, and likely would have gotten access just as fast… But only with prep beforehand. I’ve never seen her actually sneak into a place without prepping the place first.”

Malcolm was quiet for a minute before he nodded. “Yeah, I guess it is kinda weird. Motoko is really good at sneaking around though. Has she popped up behind you yet?”


“Yeah she does that. You’ll be hanging out and all of a sudden you’ll have her hand on your shoulder or she’ll crack a joke right behind you.”

“What a bitch.” Rebecca said laughing and Malcolm smiled along with her. These kids were so weird. The lack of constant ego trips was pretty intense.

That she was the oldest out of all of them, even if she was the shortest also meant they treated her… Differently.

Sure Ichi and Malcolm both had done the teenaged boy thing and checked her out, but Rebecca was fine with that, and wasn’t really interested. Neither of them were really her type. Which was a shame, cause finding a cute merc boy was harder than you’d expect. Most of them were jerks.

Like Pilar.

Fucking Pilar.

She was still pissed at him, how dare he say that shit. That she was playing with kiddy shit, and she’d never make it onto Maines crew if she didn’t stop playing.

Agitated, she rolled her legs, as she grit her teeth. Swapping what leg she was holding herself up with as she flashed back to her brothers stupid fucking mocking voice.

Saying she would never amount to anything again. Well not in so many words, but she knew that’s what he meant. Just because she fucked up a few gigs by being late. Or that time she saved that stupid sad puppy eyed gonk, even though they were supposed to flatline him…

“Hey you nova?” Malcolm asked, and she almost lashed out at him, but there was a weird culture with Motoko’s crew. They didn’t do that shit. Teasing was always light, and often if Motoko, did go to far she’d apologize after which was fucking weird.

“I’m just dealing with shit.” She decided. “And so sitting here without anything to do is shit.”

“Ah, gotcha. Why don’t we step out then? There’s some food places out of the garage.”

“Aren’t we supposed to be keeping watch?”

Malcolm looked at the nearly closed truck rear door that he was sitting nearly flat enough to look out.

“Can’t see much from here, Ichi and Hiromi are still on duty, and we are just waiting for the guy to show up.”

She hesitated before shrugging.

“Sure I could use a bite.”

“Cool. I think there was a buck a slice down the block.”

“Gross, I’m not eating that slop. I think I saw a Kabayans.”

“Eh. I guess that’ll work. Hold up, let me ask if anyone wants anything.” He said before his eyes flashed yellow. *Hey chooms gonna go on a snack run, Kabayan’s looks like. You want anything.*

Rebecca relaxed when nothing disparaging came through. Just a few requests then to her surprise Motoko cut in too.

*Ramen if they have anything good? I’m in the mood for some noodles.*

*Sure sure. I’ll look.* Malcolm said with a roll of his eyes. “Motoko always wants noodles. She’ll offer other things, but don’t ever offer a Ramen place, or that’s what she’ll jump on.”

“Good to know.” Rebecca said, then she couldn’t help but laugh at the silliness of it all. They took this work seriously, but they weren’t…

Uptight? No it was more that with Maine everything had to be done like the big guy wanted. Everything was meant to make them look like edgerunners. Section 9, for all they dressed up in armor and high end equipment, were so much calmer about it.

Ah well. Fuck Pilar. She hopped out with her much smaller legs and put her hands behind the back of her head as she followed Malcolm out of the Garage and onto the street.

Just a bit more, and she’d have the eddies for her chrome.


The problem with stakeouts is that they were boring.

I was currently watching Kanada’s TV while slurping my Ramen bowl that Malcolm had delivered. I had sneaked a peek at the cameras and noticed my chooms had all set up a cute little picnic in the back of Ichi’s truck as well.

Once more changing the channel I sighed as there was nothing on.

Kanada’s apartment was now completely subverted. Not that he had much. Just a security system on a separate system from the main buildings.

Slurping up the last bit of broth I sighed.

Waiting around for people was so boring.

Since my meal was finished I went ahead and dumped it into a trash can that wouldn’t be noticed if he returned, turned the TV back to the channel it was on, and switched it back off.

With a soft leap, I climbed into the space I had found that was perfect to hide in. Pretty sure it wasn’t supposed to be there but the guy had definitely had an entrance way modified when he moved in to have a small area to take off shoes and things, but it had left an empty space above that entrance way.

So I climbed up there, and laid flat staring at a ceiling in boredom.

I idly switched between some programming that I was tinkering with and checking all the cameras as I waited.

A long time passed and I was definitely bored when finally I got a message.

*Yellow Shion just pulled in.* Ichi’s voice was excited and I checked the cameras.

Well hello there Kanada.

*Once he is clear, place the tracker.* I reminded them and got a few affirmatives from my chooms as Kanada came up to his apartment.

I watched through the cameras as he slumped in grumbling about something under his breath. He threw his jacket over a chair, grabbed some food from his fridge and threw it in his microwave.

It would be stupidly easy to kill him right now.

Unfortunately, client wishes come first.

Hayato wanted his death to be public. So I waited as he made himself a meal and settled on the couch for a while.

Finally something happened. He got a call. I quickly hacked in and listened.

*What is it?* Kanada demanded and I noticed the call ID registered the call coming from Hiko.

*Nothing big boss, but we had an issue with the Delivery. Some product is missing again.*

*Kuso! I told you to keep an eye on it!*

*I did! You have my word I did! I think the product is going missing upstream. I swear I’ve been with the package from when it was delivered until we opened it.*

*Fine. Keep an eye on it, and get the camera records ready. I want proof it wasn’t us. I’ll go talk to Moritaka-Sama.* I blinked at the very familiar name, and then felt myself smile.

Oh… Oh this was an opportunity!

Kanada got up and got ready grabbing his jacket and keys, slowly he put back on his shoes, and I grinned at what was happening.

*He’s coming down. Everyone get ready, we’re going to leave first and follow.* I called out. Already knowing exactly how to get ahead of him.

He left the apartment, and I slipped off the hidden area and waited at the door for the elevator to come, I had actually called up both elevators, and when he stepped inside once the door closed I was out and moving.

The second Elevator opened and I was inside, the doors closing and sending me down to the garage as Kanada’s elevator made a few extra stops.

Once out, I raced across and leapt into the back of Ichi’s van which closed just after me.


“Just got great news Malcolm. Kanada is about to go visit an old friend, one that I would very much like to make a point to.” I said with a grin as the truck started up and pulled out. The sound of a Shion engine starting up behind us, meant it was right behind us as we started out of the garage, and then he was gone, but easily tracked.

We tracked him just a few blocks away to some business that was definitely owned by the TC. Plenty of people going in and out meant it was impossible for me to just stride in through the entrance.

*Got it. It’s an upscale bar, second floor is VIP seating.* Hiromi added into the comm and I grinned. While it wasn’t anything I couldn’t have gathered from a bit of netrunning, Hiromi was much faster at getting basic information about a building or business.

Second floor huh?

I glanced up from a ways down the street and took in something interesting.

That was a mighty large window you had there. A quick scan told me it wasn’t bullet proof.

“Okay. I know how this is going to go.” I said aloud and looked to my chooms who were all sitting around the back of the van looking around just like I was, and with a smile I told them my plan.


I waltzed inside without any hint of fear. The bar was upscale all metals, and glass. The sort of place that I didn’t really enjoy, but no one stopped me.

Why would they? I walked in, and glanced up, the VIP area was a second floor ring that ran around the sides of the building, leaving a large space they could look down onto the people below.

I already knew where everyone was, and I knew where my target was standing.

A camera was pointing right at him, and with the Ping I had on him, I had his position.

I had a Katana on my hip, the same one that Musashi’s gangoons had tried to kill me with. I had pulled it out of the Quadra as I called my car for an update to my armory.

This was meant to be loud, but it was meant to be a statement. I still had my professional pride.

Quick and clean, and very poignant.

I stepped forward a few steps and loosened up my shoulders.

I lowered myself and leapt.

The second floor was well within my reach, as I leapt up and grabbed onto the guard rail and threw myself over.

I activated my Sandevistan, to make sure everything went smoothly, and as I landed I could already see people sitting around the boss Moritaka rising up in shock reaching for weapons.

None of which would fire, but my target was too slow.

My katana was unsheathed and before he could turn, before anyone could shout a warning I was there.

Kanada Tsukimura gasped, a weak sounding wheeze as my Katana slipped in, cutting through his heart, and with a gentle move I made sure to cut his spine quite badly, even as I let my momentum carry me on as I pushed him straight forward until I simply stopped letting my Katana slide out of his back as he slammed face first into the glass and out.

The crash shattered an entire pane and glass splattered all around me, but through the whole thing my eyes were locked onto Moritaka Kuwabara.

I held my dripping Katana even as my eyes remained locked onto the man.

Just to let him know I had seen him. I didn’t move. This wasn’t just a statement for Hayato, but one for me too.

Gangoons stood up and raised weapons that clicked or simply refused to fire.

I gave it long enough for the realization set in, and then I finished what I was here for. With a gentle sweep I completed a Chiburi. A blood shake. Moritaka flinched at the motion, and then I sheathed my blade.

“Hayato Nakagawa sends her regards.” I finished and I saw the flinch through the crowd as I simply turned.

The massive glass window was now open and clear and I stepped out. Ichi had pulled the truck up as the glass shattered and I stepped off, basically onto his truck, as he started driving off.

*Kanada Tsukimura is dead.* I sent the text to Hayato.

Gig complete.

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