Gifted Bride of the Sinned Prince

Chapter 650 Holds more power than me [Bonus chapter]

Chapter 650 Holds more power than me [Bonus chapter]

Miaoran bowed to see Lóng Wei and kept her head down. Jingfei asked her to take a seat and waited for her to sit down. Feng Lao sat next to Lóng Wei while Jingfei sat near Miaoran.

"Why did you run away from the house?" Lóng Wei didn't beat around the bush and directly jumped at the question.

Miaoran raised her head to look at him and then gazed at Feng Lao for a brief moment.

"If you want our help, then you need to tell us everything. If your family, particularly your husband finds out that you are here, it may bring trouble to my friend," Lóng Wei stated.

"Forgive me, Your Highness. I wanted to leave. I will leave soon." Miaoran was too scared that she was unable to speak her thoughts well.

"Where will you go? You are well aware of the power of the family where you are the daughter-in-law. Also, Feng Lao and I came from the capital's investigation office. There has been a search going on for you," Lóng Wei informed her.

Miaoran was shocked to learn about it. Her hands started to tremble which Feng Lao noticed.

"Answer my previous question. Why did you run away from the house? Is it because of your abusive husband and in-laws? If yes, then do you think it will be easy for you to get out of the capital? The Chen Family holds a good power," Lóng Wei explained to her and then waited for her reply.

"Miaoran, you should tell everything to Brother Lóng Wei. He will help you in a better way," Jingfei encouraged her to speak.

"I don't want to live in that house. I don't want to die, Your Highness," Miaoran said and tears appeared in her eyes. "I didn't want to bring trouble to anyone," she said in a low voice.

"Does your husband use violence?" Lóng Wei asked.

"Yes," Miaoran replied. Lóng Wei looked at the right side of her face and found a purplish bruise on it.

"Divorce your husband," Feng Lao finally spoke.

Miaoran looked at him and then lowered her gaze.

"My husband is not ready to divorce me. I tried many times. That's why I decided to run away," Miaoran said.

"What is his name?" Lóng Wei questioned her.

"Chen Xiao, Your Highness," Miaoran answered.

"Has he committed other immoral acts?" Lóng Wei queried her.

Miaoran hesitated to speak when Lóng Wei said, "I need to know everything in order to help you, Miaoran."

"He invited his mistress into the residence many times. Soon, she will be his wife. I have no problem with that. However, he is not ready to divorce me either, Your Highness," Miaoran said and tears poured down her cheeks. She quickly wiped them as she didn't want to fall weak.

"Can you walk?" Lóng Wei asked her. "I heard your leg is injured," he said.

"I can walk," Miaoran replied.

"Let's go to the Chen Residence," Lóng Wei stated and stood up.

"Pardon me, Your Highness?" Miaoran was astonished to hear that. Feng Lao and Jingfei were stunned too.

"Do we have to go now?" Feng Lao queried and rose to his feet. The other two also got up from their places.

"Yes. We should go to them and tell them Miaoran is with us before they find out it," Lóng Wei opined.

"Chen Xiao will tie me up if I go there. Your Highness, I do not wish to go there," Miaoran said and joined her hands to plead with him.

"Miaoran, I am saying it because you are a married woman. If they find out Feng Lao rescued you, they will take another meaning of it. I don't want the dignity of you two to be trampled by some strange rumors. Also, for your better future, we need to go there and demand a divorce from your husband for you," Lóng Wei stated.

"You don't need to be afraid of your husband anymore. He has no right to forcefully keep you in the house. Moreover, he deserves punishment too for making this condition of yours. Don't you want this?" Lóng Wei questioned her.

"I will be happy if His Highness punishes him," Miaoran said and again her eyes turned watery. All these years, nobody could punish her husband. Even her parents didn't stand up for her and she had to bear everything.

"Then, come with us. In my presence, no one can say anything wrong to you," Lóng Wei stated and looked at Feng Lao. "We may need a carriage to go to the Chen Residence," he said.

"I will arrange it," Feng Lao said and walked out.

"Can His Highness punish Chen Xiao? The Chen Family knows many ministers," Miaoran was still doubtful because she had never heard about Lóng Wei's might.

"No one can speak in front of Brother Lóng Wei," Jingfei stated. "They all fear him." She asked her not to be scared and told him a bit about Lóng Wei.

"Since when did you start praising me?" Lóng Wei asked Jingfei.

"You still talk rudely with me. I am elder than you," Jingfei complained.

"I don't see you as an elder," Lóng Wei stated.

"Why are you arguing with me? I am not the old Jingfei anymore," she got irked with him.

Miaoran was astonished to see the two arguing with each other as if they were siblings.

"If you were the old Jingfei, you would have taught a good lesson to Chen Xiao for doing this to a woman. Am I right?" Lóng Wei asked and looked at Miaoran.

"Ahh, yes. I can do that now too. I only need to ask Brother Xiaoming and he will punish Chen Xiao to death," Jingfei pronounced.

Lóng Wei smiled and gazed at Miaoran. "Jingfei holds more power than me. After all, her elder brother is the King," he affirmed with a smile.

"Yes, I can," Jingfei said and gazed at Miaoran. "Do you want me to go to my brother?" She inquired.

"I do not want to bother the King for this trivial matter," Miaoran said.

"It is not a trivial matter. A man should respect his woman," Lóng Wei stated. Before he could speak further, Feng Lao interrupted them and informed them the carriage was ready.

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